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I Have A Couple Questions^^



Hello fellow Tennos!

I´m a new player who started a few days ago and still has excalibur and the starting gun with the throwing blades. I´m looking for an upgrade, im porpably gonna change frame to Valkyr, who needs the Rage mod. So my first questions is... how do I get it? I tried farming survifval missions on mercury for half an hour, a few times, but no Napalms appeared :/ better ideas?

And... the starting weapons suck in T2 and T3 Void Towers if I dont have my Warframe ability, so I´m looking for better ones. I´m currently crafting the Dread and I propably will craft the Twin Gremlins. What do you think about them? And how would you mod them? Then I need a new melee weapon... I´m thinking either about Dragon Nikana, Tipedo, Galatine and Scindo. Could you give me some advice? Thanks

Edited by Tuketh
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Dread is an amazing bow. Build it for Crit. It can crit on every shot with a 25% chance to "Red crit" (like a double crit). As for secondaries, not sure what's available to you yet that I'd use. Lot of stuff is locked behind Mastery Rank. Vasto is a decent weapon and would be somewhat faster firing to pair with Dread.


Dragon Nikana is really good, but you need to be MR 8 in order to use it(and have a Nikana from a dojo research to craft it). Galatine is a MR3 weapon that plenty of people would use. Don't know what mods you have though. A lot of weapons need the right mods otherwise they may not feel as powerful as they actually are.

Edited by Maicael
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Go Galatine

Dread has huge power with crit mods and twin gremlins is decent. The nikana and Galatine are good weapons, but I'd take prime scindo over the regular.

if i'm not mistaken Galatine is easiest of those 3 to get and being top tier melee he won't need to change it in terms of power unless he find other melee that suits his taste

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The dragon nikana requires mastery rank 8 to use. (Meaning you have to level up enough frame/ weapons to be able to take a mastery test to level up mastery rank) Galatine is a good weapon. If your looking for builds here's a good website: Warframe Builder If you're mastery rank 2 I recommend getting the Gammacor, it has served me well in the past when I was a lower level/ noob.

Edited by Viedra_Lavinova
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Valkyr doesn't need rage. If you are going for a Hysteria build you will be fine without it. She really only needs Rage for a Warcry build that relies on Life strike for sustain. So don't let that stop you from getting her.

As for napalms, they do not spawn on Mercury at all. Survival on Saturn is your best bet for farming them, around the 10 minute mark you start to get a lot of them.

As mentioned the Dragon Nikana requires MR8, however the regular Nikana is usable by you and is quite good, so if you are in a clan with it researched go ahead and build it. The Scindo is awesome, but so slow. So if you don't have a maxed fury and beserk mods then I wouldn't bother with it for now.

Really I suggest you just get more weapons, whichever you can access. You need to level a lot of weapons and frames to hit higher MRs and it's a great way to test out new weapons and see which ones you like.

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Excal is actually a pretty decent base as his best builds rely on regular mods, ONLY mods, rather then weapons, what puts hin in a similar position as valkyr the only difference beein the defense and range.

I wouldn't exactly recommend anything above t1 for now...at least as long as you refer to yourself as noob... rather get dragon keys and farm corrupted mods.

Fleeting expertise and transient fortitude should be your aim for now. Rage is good for him but not essencial.

As for weapons, stick to swords on excal. He has a passive that benefits from swords and doubleswords.

The dread is pretty decent, gremlins are not. My personal recommendation would be the furis. Add the (new loka?) Augument and you get a secondary that manages your health.

And pro tipp for excal: combine slash dash(+surging dash) with stealth (eather shade or huras dog)... slash dash leaves the stealth untouched while you reap the full stealth multiplier under EB, what results in awesome dps combined with full cloaking.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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You don't need rage for Valkyr. She's my main frame and my favourite and I don't need rage with her. But at the same time I built her to withstand without her abilities. To me they are just situational

Could you please tell me your warframe and weapon mods :)?

Edit: Corrrected some typos, sorry I´m typing frpm my phone^^

Edited by Tuketh
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As a beginner valkyr will carry you far with only Vitalit and Steel Fiber as base mods. Combine that with the allready suggested Furis + New Loka augment mod and she becomes pretty damn tough.

Put in some efiiciency and duration mods and use Hysteria/Furis to regain life and trigger Hysteria when things start heating up.

As your mod collection grows, you can expand on that build.

But since Vitality and Steel Fiber are rather easy to rank up and are very versatile i'd really recommend focusing on those first before going for a very spefic build for which you just won't have all the mods anyways as a beginner.

Once you gathered a few mods and ranked them, i suggest you look at some youtube channels for inspiration. H3dsh0t,Nooblshowtek and Dunking Machine (for Valkyr build) are the ones i'd recommend.

Be careful with warframe builder as especially the non forma builds there are often just focused on making abalities work at all costs but because of the lack of forma often end up being squishy casters whose abilities still do nothing. No health and shield novas with only 150% duration but 250% power strength and fun stuff like that...

Most importantly use what feels right for you and work with what you have. Endgame builds are just that, endgame. You are not there yet, so any recommended build will always be no more than inspiration until you aquire all the essential mods to copy them.

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Ok I got the rage mod, but unlike on youtube I dont get energy back when I´m in hysteria and get damage...also the shields get recharged even if I get shot. Any ideas why?

You should check the wiki on Warframes and their abilities. Valkyr doesn't take damage while in Hysteria, so your shields are being recharged because you're not taking damage. You're not getting energy back from Rage because you're not taking health damage.

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Ok got the Galatine^^
If I understand correctly your weapon doesnt affect hysteria right? Unless it does elemental damge then Hysteria also causes elemtal damage right?
Also I propably will get a faster weapon too, any suggestions? Topete seems really fast, what do you think?

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Ok got the Galatine^^

If I understand correctly your weapon doesnt affect hysteria right? Unless it does elemental damge then Hysteria also causes elemtal damage right?

Also I propably will get a faster weapon too, any suggestions? Topete seems really fast, what do you think?

I personally like using the orthos prime for speed and range. The regular orthos works fine too.


Also, it would help if you listed your overall Mastery rank so we know which weapons you can and can't use.


or scroll halfway down the page to the equipment table: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery

Edited by MrJxt
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I´m 3 atm^^

I dont think Glaive is bad but it just feels weird to be so slow after using Skana^^

Thanks, I´m gonna take a look at it

Should be locked at 4 or 6 if i'm not mistaken....point stands tho, it is a splendit melee weapon with any stance you use. The best beein cleaving whirlwind (spin to win, 3x damage multiplier on the spin combo combined with a pretty good defensive circle that keep enemys off your melee range) and tempo royale (event stance that seems to appear on baro from time to time. Offers unrivaled utility).

The best raw dps weapon imo is broken war w crimson dervish. Offers the same damage base with a way better usability and speed. Should be rewardet at the end of the second dream quest.

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Ok my Valkyr works fine now for everything I need (except nullifier bubbles. Sometimes when I´m in my Hysteria and it gets cancelled I dont switch back to my melee weapon but instead bug and can attack anymore... fix suggestions?). I recently hatched A Kubrow and I´m now wondering what´s the most usefull companion to me. My biggest problem is still Energy, and for this Vacuum on Carrier seems to be ideal. Any ideas for a good sentinel or dog?

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Against Nullifiers weapons with Reach, like Orthos, can slowly bring the bubble down and pop without even entering and getting switched off. Slash at the bubble with melee or hysteria melee and it'll begin to pop. As for energy I keep Rage equipped because with a high vitality you can take hits and "charge" up to get a hysteria in a pinch. I keep energy items handy for those dry waves.


as for the attack glitch, it happens, hopefully it'll get patched.

Edited by PyreFox
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If I get a range mod onto my galatine, does anything happen? I expected to hit enemies that are further away, but it doesnt seem to make a difference... is it broken or am I doing something wrong?

Heavy weapons like scindo or galantine aren't that good without the stance tempo royale because of the slow attacks unless you bring a volt or valkyr and tempo royale is quite expensive

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Oh, as far as energy, first up is Streamline, it goes on ALL my frames, and probably EVERYONE's frames.  Next is Fleeting Expertise (see my sections on farming and the void), which is a Corrupted Mod from Orokin Vaults.


With the addition of more corrupted mods being added to the Orokin Vaults, It's become annoyingly rare to farm (in my experience), so this will not be simply handed to you like a free cupcake at a baking festival.


With +15% Efficiency and -15% duration, it sounds like it cripples you, but with very few exceptions, the bonus efficiency helps you vastly more than that duration loss cripples you.


Until you get both of these mods up and running, you're going to have energy problems, unless a Trinity is in the match to help you out with Energy Vampire.

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