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Ominous Loading Screen Message?[Megathread]


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Not sure if this was a bug or has anything to do with the ominous screen messages so forgive me if i put this in the wrong place but it was an odd sight that i cant quite explain so i"ll share here in the hope of some answers (or to add to the mystery of upcoming events) 

Happened in Draco i glanced by the elevators and saw a ghost like figure just standing there, Watching!!







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Not sure if this was a bug or has anything to do with the ominous screen messages so forgive me if i put this in the wrong place but it was an odd sight that i cant quite explain so i"ll share here in the hope of some answers (or to add to the mystery of upcoming events) 

Happened in Draco i glanced by the elevators and saw a ghost like figure just standing there, Watching!!








Do you recall if there was a Valkyr in that group? Because that looks like Valkyr's channeling aura, might be a visual bug.

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Do you recall if there was a Valkyr in that group? Because that looks like Valkyr's channeling aura, might be a visual bug.

Thanks , you could be right there. I just looked up some images of Valkyr and there"s similar marking on the head as well as feet. Ah well... so much for spooky goings on ;)

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As for the moon discussion: "Selenic Lensing" could refer to lenses containing or consisting of Selenium.



Checked the thread beforehand and just want to add that this interpretation is more likely than the "something to do with the moon" one, considering the line "Selenic lensing locked" appears right before "Somatic control established.", suggesting that vision and tactile controls are being restored. Also, selenium is chemically very similar to tellurium, lending the selenium connection additional credence.


As far as the Margulis implant, basing my opinion on Lynn Margulis' research Endosymbiosis and when in the progression of the text it appears, I think it's basically the Ascaris of the Tenno/Orkin, a piece of tech allowing them to occupy the mind of a body/frame temporarily. Whether that relationship would be considered symbiotic by the "host" is a question that needs answering, tho.

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Checked the thread beforehand and just want to add that this interpretation is more likely than the "something to do with the moon" one, considering the line "Selenic lensing locked" appears right before "Somatic control established.", suggesting that vision and tactile controls are being restored. Also, selenium is chemically very similar to tellurium, lending the selenium connection additional credence.


As far as the Margulis implant, basing my opinion on Lynn Margulis' research Endosymbiosis and when in the progression of the text it appears, I think it's basically the Ascaris of the Tenno/Orkin, a piece of tech allowing them to occupy the mind of a body/frame temporarily. Whether that relationship would be considered symbiotic by the "host" is a question that needs answering, tho.


Given that gravitational lensing is a thing very relevant to large-scale signal theory I think it's simply:


* There is a being who is mediating the Orokin technology that accesses the Void (Solar Rails etc) The Sentients are interfering with their control signal attempting to block the Origin system from accessing/hiding from them in the Void. (We know that DE are removing the key-based access to the void)

During our return/travel to a mission the void-corridor the solar rail makes glitches out and this mediator steps in to re-establish control.

Circa U18 we'll they'll lose control completely and we'll lose access to the Void via the usual means.

The moon has been moved (as we've been told) as it's the hub that houses the mediation of all Void-access.

We will head to the moon and learn about the early days of the discovery of the Void and thus ourselves in "The Second Dream".

"Somatic control" is the mediator taking control of the connection

"EVM" is Error Vector Magnitude

"Bio" is a mistranslation or referring to the mediator.

* "Goodnight sweet prince" is the lament of an engineered being who has been alone for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years and sees events unfolding that may end their life.


To me, this is nothing to do with Warframes or assumptions of "remote Tenno".

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Given that gravitational lensing is a thing very relevant to large-scale signal theory I think it's simply:


To me, this is nothing to do with Warframes or assumptions of "remote Tenno".



You need extremely massive objects to have any kind of light bending effect. A moon's mass isn't enough to bend light to any meaningful degree.


Also, that entire text is nothing but hints about the control over your warframe being lost and restored. Not that game didn't shove that fact in our faces before through Vor quotes.

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You need extremely massive objects to have any kind of light bending effect. A moon's mass isn't enough to bend light to any meaningful degree.


Also, that entire text is nothing but hints about the control over your warframe being lost and restored. Not that game didn't shove that fact in our faces before through Vor quotes.


I believe you are mistaken, for reasons I just posted.


Gravitation lensing requires large masses to accurately view distant galactic events but could easily be used for exotic Void-related activities in-system. My point it that "remote tenno" is far from the only explanation of this piece and IMHO the least likely.


Vor has never suggested "remote Tenno" in fact, to me, the physical ascaris burrowing into your spine much more strongly suggests real-physical Tenno present in the Warframe.


I don't believe there is a single thing in this game that suggests remote Tenno that doesn't have a much more simple, and convincing, alternate explanation. To me, leaping on that bandwagon due to one rather ropey interpretation of a teaser that has a much more likely explanation in foreshadowing the "blowing up of the void" that we _know_ is happening in U18 is a mistake.

Edited by SilentMobius
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I had a good lawl with this.. I panicked at first thinking my brand new graphics was already eating itself.. I now feel bad the rest my friends on the skype call had to hear me Shreik out in terror until the tenno text popped up.. been trying to get it to comeback ever since.

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I got more of this text today and it disappeared after only showing 3 lines so it might have been something different. I was mashing the screenshot button but none of them show it since it's part of the UI and I have it disabled for screenshots. Changed that but I haven't seen any more of it. Also Ordis suddenly talked to me during a mission but I didn't notice it until later as I was fighting a horde of infested. I should just keep my recording on so everything that pops up is captured.

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I had a good lawl with this.. I panicked at first thinking my brand new graphics was already eating itself.. I now feel bad the rest my friends on the skype call had to hear me Shreik out in terror until the tenno text popped up.. been trying to get it to comeback ever since.


I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the people who saw this thought their computer was melting at first.

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Void Link Severed

Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspect tracking signal.

Reinitiating dipolar connection on naval carrier.

Bow in standby for sync check and sync.

Motion compensation complete.

Selenic lensing locked.

Somatic control established.

(Margoolihs) implantation intact.

EVM (Could be reference to Eye, Vocal, Movement) status nominal.

War platform awaiting sync.

Initilizing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet angel.


uh guys... think... warframe is a something we control(from void?)


this thing make more sense as Warning Error Message from our Warframe System that his/her link to us suddenly severed from us (operator?) and immidiately reboot-ting as failsafe


imagine facing it as Computer User Interface 


and yeah, i just got it too right before i post this .

Edited by Courina
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uh guys... think... warframe is a something we control(from void?)


this thing make more sense as Warning Error Message from our Warframe System that his/her link to us suddenly severed from us (operator?) and immidiately reboot-ting as failsafe


imagine facing it as Computer User Interface 


and yeah, i just got it too right before i post this .

they are armors, we control each one (from inside or as u say with an user interface like "surrogates film"), but i think is like someone is controling us, and in that instant lose the control or something like that, u remember Vor control us in the begin of the game, maybe he still have a conection with ur frame.

idk, and devs dont explane nothing xD

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Hmmm just had this again. The frequency in which is occurs seems really random.

I couldn't get a screenshot off again because i was alt tab and only just say it as it was fading.

Whats interesting is it effects the entire screen first then a small windows appear. Its almost like our vision as a player is the same vision as our warframe.

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