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What Kinds Of Weapon Are Good For Ceres / Eris?



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Yeah market weapons are good but sometimes you need to change your play style or forma some weapons.


For Eris i use galatine with no forma on a rhino and believe me i enjoy it prety much.


For ceres. I use loki and the new broken war just destroy everything.


What frame and weapons are you playing ?

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Well, market weapons have some hilariously powerful stuff thrown in, namely Tonkor, Hek, Tigris, Twin Grakatas, Galatine just to name a few.

It rather depends on why you're dying though. Getting a bigger boomstick is not guaranteed to directly increase your survivability, you need to also look at how you're using your frames and how you move around in combat.

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I find a range-built Banshee (for maximum Sonic Boom effectiveness) and a Torid built for blast/corrosive pretty effective for Infested missions. Those two damage types do extra damage against Ancients, and if you have good status chance the blast damage will knock everything on its feet.


As the Infested strategy is to generally swarm and surround their foe, having a weapon and/or 'frame with the ability to disrupt the mobs is pretty important.

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I would say market shotguns are still OP AF, as for warframes LokiMasterRace or Limbo.

How is LokiMasterRace related to regular Loki?

Show us your modding setup on an example weapon that you think should be strong but isn't performing as well as you'd like.

Do I embed the screenshot or provide a link to external hosting site? Sorry, never done it before.

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Well, market weapons have some hilariously powerful stuff thrown in, namely Tonkor, Hek, Tigris, Twin Grakatas, Galatine just to name a few.

It rather depends on why you're dying though. Getting a bigger boomstick is not guaranteed to directly increase your survivability, you need to also look at how you're using your frames and how you move around in combat.

I also use galatine, but it is so slow that I take quite a lot of damage between two strikes. I started out as a melee guy, now I find it difficult to use primary/secondary as my major weapon. I constantly lose track of the reticle.

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Super hard hitting primary (PP, Dread, Sancti Tigris, a launcher, etc), 6 forma Atomos, whatever melee grabs my eye, usually Dragon Nikana, Bo Prime, Anku, or Ninkondi, or if I'm on Loki, CL/Gleaming Blight Dark Dagger.


I also use galatine, but it is so slow that I take quite a lot of damage between two strikes. I started out as a melee guy, now I find it difficult to use primary/secondary as my major weapon. I constantly lose track of the reticle.

Get a bow, go back down a few planets, take some time to practice, you'll be right as rain.

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Ceres is in the level range where the damage-tanking potential of most frames is not enough, and survival depends on damage mitigation from abilities more than having decent health/shields. Try building your frames to maximize the potential of CC and damage mitigation abilities, and use them liberally to stay alive.


For weaponry, you probably want to start looking for something more powerful than most market weapons, and including a catalyst in to fit more mods. There's tons of effective weapons to choose from.

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Get a bow, go back down a few planets, take some time to practice, you'll be right as rain.


I can highly reccomend a MK1-Paris (has 0.5 second draw while everything else is at least 1s) with fast hands, speed trigger, shred + serration, on Lith-Earth, where enemies will be coming from all directions (it's also a great map to practice bullet-jump/aim-glide/crouch-slide movement in 3D space, and not too shabby for levelling gear if you're doing it to 15 rounds).




Against Infested I use a 5 forma Kohm, or Soma Prime.  Both are the very definition of bullet hoses. Kohm has inate punchthrough, and my Soma always has a Shred mod on it, to help with crowd clearing.  Nova is great at slowing down everything rushing towards you, and taking it down faster, rather than straight CCing it.


For use against Grineer I'm working on levelling up an Amprex with Sinister Reach (for range), Ammo Mutation, and then mods for radiation status chance and status duration.  Not even a Serration.  The idea being to fire it into a crowd of enemies, run away, and let the confusion from the radiation proc have them kill each other (and this scales to any level of enemies).  You're basically doing what Nyx's number 3 does with ammo rather than power, but available on any frame.  Combined with my Nova this lets me do the devastating 2 frame combo of Molecular Prime (make enemies take increased damage and explode on death) > Chaos (make enemies attack random nearby targets) on just the Nova.

Edited by polarity
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Also the modding.  It's more important than the weapon.


A pimped out Braton with good modding can beat a Boltor Prime with bad modding.


So much this ^^


Get as much elemental as you can, and where possible try and get the physical damage types right too (but never use physical damage type mods, as they aren't boosted by things like serration, while elemental is).  At higher levels use elements that damage elite mobs best, rather than trash:



All but mechanicals have cloned flesh. Trash generally has ferrite armor, while elites and bosses have alloy.

  • Puncture - +50% damage to ferrite armor and + 25% damage to alloy armor.
  • Heat - +25% damage to cloned flesh.
  • Cold - +25% damage to alloy armor.
  • Radiation (electric + heat) - +75% damage to alloy armor.
  • Viral (toxin + cold) - +75% damage to cloned flesh, and status proc reduces health by 50%.

Optimum combo. Radiation + Viral.

If slots are limited, Radiation.



Crewmen are flesh while robots are mechanical, however both have shields.

  • Impact - +50% damage to shields and +25% damage to proto-shields.
  • Cold - +50% damage to shields.
  • Magnetic (electric + cold) - +75% damage to shields and proto-shields.
  • Toxin - +50% damage to flesh.

Optimum combo. Magnetic + Toxin.

If slots are limited, Magnetic.



Trash is infested flesh, while elites are fossilized.

  • Slash - +25% damage to infested, +50% to infested flesh and +15% to fossilized.
  • Heat - +25% damage to infested, +50% to infested flesh.
  • Corrosive - +75% damage to fossilized.

Optimum combo. Corrosive + Heat.

If slots are limited, Corrosive.


Bosses such as Phorid are Sinew, which takes maximum damage with puncture, cold and radiation.



With the range of mob types found in the void pretty much every element or combo will give a bonus against something, but it is generally agreed that the best choice is Corrosive, as status procs from this reduce the armor on all enemy types, and it is also the best element to use against the corrupted ancients that boost the health of all enemies nearby. Blast is a good second choice, as it also does high damage to ancients, and its status procs can be useful for knocking down other high priority/high damage dealing targets, or disrupting swarms.




I use my Config A/B/C on each weapon to cover the optimum combos, or at least the best double element combo.  You could also use your loadout slots instead, allowing you to pick weapons that have matching impact/Puncture/Slash too, meaning you only need to swap the warframe over when setting up for a mission.

Edited by polarity
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Just a small correction polarity, you forgot to list Corrosive for Grineers. While most elite units have Alloy armour (Bombards, Seekers, Eviscerators) there are some tough units with Ferrite armour too (mainly Heavy Gunners and Troopers). So Corrosive too is a decent type against Grineers.


For maximum effectiveness you can try to run a primary with Corrosive and Fire damage, and a secondary with Radiation plus either Viral, Cold or Toxin damage, so as to have a good weapon to take out both of the Grineer's heavy units.


Running with just Radiation makes whittling down Gunners a real pain when you're up to Ceres level.



Other than that it's all really nice information.

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You dying has more to do with your frame and weapon mods than the actual weapon. For eris (the handspring mod goes a long way) an amprex is nice because enemies bum rush you as are many of the shotguns. A scindo prime berserker primed reach set up will make easy work of any infested.


As for Ceres, or any grineer, status is your best friend. Confusing enemies with radiation procs while viral halves their health is almost brokenly op. 

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I'd NEVER use corrosive against grineer, because radiation is just so good against a faction that can be confused into shooting up each other.


Heavy gunners just do not necessitate fast takedowns anywhere near as much as bombards and napalms, because they don't do AoE damage that passes through cover.  If ever a bombard or napalm shows up I want both my primary and secondary equipped to handle them, because the time it might take to swap or to reload either of them could give them enough time to wipe out several members of the team.  Meanwhile the sound and spool-up of a heavy gunner's weapon gives you plenty of time to pinpoint them and get into cover.  Also their ferrite armor will make them take more damage from puncture than the other heavy unit's alloy.


Again, radiation procs mean you and your team aren't the only ones shooting at enemies.


Besides, at high levels you shouldn't be using weapon elements against armor types.  That's what a Corrosive Projection mod is for.

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atomos is a market weapon iirc, I always use it on ceres draco to rank my newly forma'd frames. so that.


If u want to know, I am using radiation + viral on it.. and a corrosive projection.. if my frame's aura slot matches.. so yeah.. basically what that guy above me said.


Also move around behind covers, and roll till the world's end and avoid getting hit.. I managed to survive draco with only 75 hp and 75 shield on loki p... so could u.. what's most important is U NEED to be able to kill enemies. My atomos basically 1 shot everyone below lv45

Edited by tennoninjahunter
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