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Whats The Best Way To Mod The Synoid Simulor ?

(XBOX)Captured Skulls


Ive seen so many back and fourth topics on how to mod the synoid simulor such as crit build or not or using split chamber and all that but at the end of the day i wanna know whats the best way to build the synoid simulor, i already formaed it once for heavy cal and have plenty more forma so that wont be an issue

Currently im running, serration,heavy cal,shred,point strike,vital sense and 2 90% elementals to fit the specfic faction

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Never use Multi-shot mods. It reduces the travel distance as well as effectiveness of each explosion. The build I run is min/maxed crit damage.


Point Strike / Vital Sense / Serration / Malignant Force

Storm Bringer / Infected Clip / Hammer Shot / Vile Acceleration


This tears Grineer and Infested Ancients apart, and just swap the elements based off of what you need. 


EDIT: You'll also need to Forma this thing twice and put a potato on it. But it's a top tier weapon for sure after that.

Edited by Ranbanein
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Never use Multi-shot mods. It reduces the travel distance as well as effectiveness of each explosion. The build I run is min/maxed crit damage.

Hmm, what effectiveness that got reduced? Distance, sure...but the attack radius of the S. Simulor is already wide enough for close to middle range combat (you're not trying to say that you're using S. Simulor for long-range, right?).


Multi-shot helps reduce the number of bullets used to make a full blackhole from 5 to 3, and I say that makes it more effective.


And with only 10% chance of Critical, wasn't it more beneficial to put more damage instead?

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This is 2 forma crit build, my version




viral+magnetic +bit of heat cause i couldn't get corrosive without removing D polarization and spending more forma but tbh I find it unnecessary, gun takes down 100+ leveled targets easily.


wildfire because having 18 ammo clip is totally ok


vile accel, I usually prefer speed trigger but in this case vile accel seems like good compromise.


that's it, aim in height of head and spam fire


Beautiful little weapon but more for defensive situations, not fit for all missions types

Limited range is his biggest flaw, explosion has nice range, I believe range of tonkor's maybe

but balls fly like 10m away from you. Bring vayrlock with this as backup.

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Hmm, what effectiveness that got reduced? Distance, sure...but the attack radius of the S. Simulor is already wide enough for close to middle range combat (you're not trying to say that you're using S. Simulor for long-range, right?).


Multi-shot helps reduce the number of bullets used to make a full blackhole from 5 to 3, and I say that makes it more effective.


And with only 10% chance of Critical, wasn't it more beneficial to put more damage instead?

Multishot on the simulor (and synoid) is different. The effect the arsenal shows (increase in damage) when equipping split chamber on it is not accurate at all, since the mechanism is not like that of standard bullets. Simulor does damage during the merge, as the enemy passes through the orb, and when the orb exploding by manual press or expiration, your main source of damage will be from the merge. Split chamber just causes another orb to be put out, that's it, it doesnt increase the damage of the orb itself or the damage per stack, only how fast you reach max. Sure, you will get max stack faster, but each merge will be considerable less damage. Specially if you replace a 90% elemental for split chamber. Adding a 90% elemental can increase the damage by like ~900 at max stack (serration+hcal). Max stack damage with split chamber, taking out a 90% elemental, is the same as the first stack merge with a 90% elemental and no split chamber. Replacing a 60/60 mod will take out ~600 damage at max, first shot will be just slightly better with split chamber replacing the 60/60, but the 60/60 will provide a higher mid and max stack damage.


The s.simulor is pretty powerful, but replacing split chamber with an elemental makes it more effective, you deal more damage over time. And if you are replacing a 90% elemental just to use split chamber, you have no arguments for split chamber at all since its max stack damage is similar to the first stack of a 90% instead of multishot if you are heading for a damage build.


TL;DR Split chamber needs to replace a mod, and that mod will more likely be a damage mod, and damage mods fare out better with the stack mergers.

Edited by nms64
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Well... I think testing in simulcrum says otherwise... I'm really getting very little difference with or without split chamber.    And don't forget there is a status difference of a huge amount, like double, and stack damage is reduced by a significant margin.       This was tested on lvl 100 eximus ancients and eximus corrupted bombards.   With split chamber, Heavy, and Serration adding speed trigger and four elemental mods.      Trading Split for Crit chance/damage and removing one elemental... it realistically ends up working about the same.   And it's kinda random to begin with because of all the tests I've run you can not predict when crits will occur.      I'll tell you one thing,   It takes over a full magazine to destroy either unless you're lucky with the crits and maybe that's really where the crit build shines.    But just saying take out split chamber makes it better is flat out wrong.   There's no math to do to prove it.    This weapon is unique in so many ways and I've killed over 140k enemies with simulor... that's a lot of real experience.


So bottom line is... build it with or without...Either way you'll love it because it's an amazing weapon for just sucking in the enemies and honestly, easy sloppy kills.      Can easily camp out in infested for 40ms and never run out of life support because it will suck that in as well.   Or fly around the map with Mirage and just shoot balls everywhere using Hall of Malevolence.     You'll love it!!!!

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Well... I think testing in simulcrum says otherwise... I'm really getting very little difference with or without split chamber.    And don't forget there is a status difference of a huge amount, like double, and stack damage is reduced by a significant margin.       This was tested on lvl 100 eximus ancients and eximus corrupted bombards.   With split chamber, Heavy, and Serration adding speed trigger and four elemental mods.      Trading Split for Crit chance/damage and removing one elemental... it realistically ends up working about the same.   And it's kinda random to begin with because of all the tests I've run you can not predict when crits will occur.      I'll tell you one thing,   It takes over a full magazine to destroy either unless you're lucky with the crits and maybe that's really where the crit build shines.    But just saying take out split chamber makes it better is flat out wrong.   There's no math to do to prove it.    This weapon is unique in so many ways and I've killed over 140k enemies with simulor... that's a lot of real experience.


So bottom line is... build it with or without...Either way you'll love it because it's an amazing weapon for just sucking in the enemies and honestly, easy sloppy kills.      Can easily camp out in infested for 40ms and never run out of life support because it will suck that in as well.   Or fly around the map with Mirage and just shoot balls everywhere using Hall of Malevolence.     You'll love it!!!!


In my experience, and in some testing in the Simulator the crit build does kill faster vs anything that can be headshot.  Crit builds scale nicely because they get an additional double damage on crit headshots.


The crits on the pure dmg build are ~48k while the ones for the crit build are 63k.  And at lvl 100 it still only takes 2 crits and some change to kill.  The crit build is more swingy, but at 25% crit chance its very unlikely for you to not get atleast 1-2 crits per reload.  And all it takes is one to kill most trash and two to take out an Eximus ancient.  In a 4x CP squad it only takes 2 crits in either build to end those high armor units.


I personally prefer the Critical Build myself because I only run 3x 90% elementals for Corrosive + Heat with innate Magnetic which is great for Void or Infested.  Where as Corrosive + Blast is only really great vs Ancients.  Radiation + Toxin works only slight worse than Radiation + Viral vs grineer. I also run Radiation + Toxin vs Corpus though due to the innate magnetic dmg, because robotic units tend to be my only problem due to all the syndicate procs wrecking shields.  I also run Shred for my RoF mod though so I can be lazy when shooting into crowds.  Eximus Ancients go down quite fast due to lack of armor though, only takes a few crits to kill.


Anything that doesn't die fast to either builds just gets flinch-locked by the stagger.  Love the weapon.

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Vile Acceleration is the replacement mod of choice for Split Chamber. Instead of requiring less stacks to reach black hole, you fire faster, giving similar creating times but more merges along the way with the increased RoF. 


Etc with SC you fire 3 times to make a black hole, get merge damagex3, meanwhile with VA you fire all 5 times but get 5x merge damage in a similar period of time.



Crit mods are... powerful against enemies that can be headshot, but are somewhat inconsistent. The explosions almost always headshot so crits receive an additional 2x damage. Meaning that adding PS + VS combined is actually a damage increase of 2.27x damage (25% chance to deal 8.8x damage, divided by the 10% chance to deal 4x damage).


In comparison, adding a third 90% element and an additional 60% would result in a damage increase of only 1.54x damage (430% damage over 280%) which is considerably less than the crit mods offer.


Basically, using PS+VS in place of elements is a 47% damage improvement, with a loss in damage consistency and status chance. Whether you choose to build that way is up to you.


My ususal Synoid Simulor build is http://goo.gl/Qs0VSZ

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Serration, Heavy Caliber, Vile Acceleration, Primed Fast Hands, 4x elements.


Can replace Vile Accel with Speed Trigger or Shred if preferred.



Adding more than 4 elemental mods is wasteful. Adding crit is inconsistent. Since the Simulor doesn't really have any ammo problems, adding speed is the best way to use the two remaining mod slots.

Edited by OniGanon
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