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Who Isn't Going To Buy Or Farm For Nezha Out Of Principle?


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nezha should be in 3 spots:


tenno lab like wukong (non-traeable)

sortie for people who dont have tenno lab (tradeable)

marketplace for ones that want to buy him with plat


having him sortie only even with tradeable (which ideally makes little sense as booben and oberon have been non tradeable for years and people have been begging for that change) is just making the grind wall even worse (yeah that thing DE says they dont wanna do...). dont get me wrong DE does some great things like U18 but then they do something like this which makes me double think on why i want to give them money at times.

Trouble is, DE would have to make multiple items of the same thing. Otherwise people could just make the BPs in the Clan Dojo and trade them. Plus its rare people don't have a Clan / Tenno Lab. in reality if it was both Lab and Sortie The Sortie drops would just be trash and annoy people.


DE would be better off to have resources that only drop in Sortie missions (not rewards) that are used on certain items / frames.

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I'm a little upset.


As someone who likes to earn my warframes, I do not like the idea of having a regular warframe timewalled to the point that it is made tradeable.


I believe that regular warframes should be free/earned as a result of enjoying the game, spending time, grinding if must. These warframes should be a gateway to a new experience in warframe which any player can try to get, given the limited amount of time they can afford to play in their busy daily lives. The option of buying it in the market is but of course acceptable since it is for people that wish to bypass the grind. Prime variants are different from regular warframes since it's for people that enjoy that specific warframe and want to take it one step further.


Being an economist, someone that bought plat for the purposes of slots, palettes, cosmetics, and potentially the possibility of getting war(ughhh); ways to extend my enjoyment of playing a warframe. if I ever get the urge to use plat to purchase a regular warframe, I would rather cut myself off and maybe consider an alternative source of amusement. Given my opportunity cost to try something new would increase by a factor of days where each day I am forced to gamble roughly an hours worth of effort for a 1/3 blueprint requirement on a 1/10+ odds lottery, my interest in completing sortes will diminish at an exponential rate especially under situations like double defence days.  


Nitain, yes there is a timewall to it, however it is a resource, thus the value of it does not diminish since there will be future uses to it. Nezha blueprints on the other hand, why not just make Nezha BPs an uncommon enemy drop. Why put so much effort in putting it into sorte, putting it into the reward pool, stating to the public that it will be permanent, and letting the community rage at you based on the fact that it will not be a future proof option since it becomes a deadweight reward later on. 


Unless Nezha is never getting a primed variant, I do not see why there is such a need to make it timewalled to the point of being tradeable. 

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nope i only get frames i am interested in. This frame i might trade for with clanmates later on for pure mastery fodder reasons then i will sell the frame. 


I have played and still play plenty of games where drop rates are below 1 promille, So the grind in warframe is basically nonexistent for me. 

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I think it's perfectly fine.

Grind is a part of this game, and I'd rather have different methods of grind instead of slaying bosses all the time.

The parts are tradable as well, so that opens up the trade market too.

This isn't another case of Booben.

We have a spoiled community that want instant gratification.

Its not about instant gratification, grind is ok but this is a grindwall trapped inside a timewall trapped inside a limited number of tries. Trading doesn't justify it, people WILL jack up the price, and nobody wants to actually trade one part for another.


Is it ok to put up a grindwall for something? Yes. Is it good to put a timewall for something? Yes. Is it ok to limit the tries to get something? To some degree, yes. Is it good to put all 3 into all 3 parts of a frame diluted by other rewards as well? A BIG EFFING NO!


Before you even touch your keyboard and ask why, its a mobile/facebook game mechanic. Timewall + grindwall so people would buy whatever their selling. Yes its a f2p game and they have to be paid somehow but if they made it bloody tedious one would rather not bother with it. Most successful f2p games gained money out of respect from the players, the players FEEL like rewarding devs not forced.


So tell me again, are we spoiled?

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I'm personally fine with farming him off of sorties but a good number of players I've talked to in-game and clearly on the forums are extremely upset with how DE has put another grindwall in an attempt to make more people play sorties (the same way they "forced" people to play Archwing) and to tempt those who can't stand the grind to buy him with plat.


How do you feel about it? Just curious.


I think that people wanted more endgame. Sorties are nothing if not endgame. DE put rewards ingame for sorties, and everyone was fine with this. Now a frame is a reward and people lose their minds? Seems kinda stupid to me.

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I'm not going after or buying frames anymore hidden behind quest walls laced with grind walls.

1. I don't have the time to invest forma and leveling over and over on them.

2. It's going to be weak sauce, and if it isn't...these forums will make sure it is within a few months.

Not worth bothering with until the re-work.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I'm personally fine with farming him off of sorties but a good number of players I've talked to in-game and clearly on the forums are extremely upset with how DE has put another grindwall in an attempt to make more people play sorties (the same way they "forced" people to play Archwing) and to tempt those who can't stand the grind to buy him with plat.


How do you feel about it? Just curious.

I will be getting it.


However, lets be clear about this.

Nezha is not really behind a Grind Wall.

Nezha is most definately behind a time wall, and a pretty obnoxious one at that.


Yes, you have to do the Sortie for a roll of the dice to get it.

But that's once per day. That's not grind, not really.

Grind is repeatedly slamming a thing till you get it. Constnat repetition till you achieve your goal.


This is a time lock, effectively like WuKong forcing you to slow your pace, making sure it takes a minimum of 1-2+ weeks to get this frame if you don't buy it.

Which in some ways is OK, and others not. This particualr method of it is annoying though.


Honestly, the obnoxious thing is making it Sortie based.

Locking it behind the 'endgame' content they've put forth, meaning new players will have a very hard time of acquiring this frame.

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I will be getting it.

However, lets be clear about this.

Nezha is not really behind a Grind Wall.

Nezha is most definately behind a time wall, and a pretty obnoxious one at that.

Yes, you have to do the Sortie for a roll of the dice to get it.

But that's once per day. That's not grind, not really.

Grind is repeatedly slamming a thing till you get it. Constnat repetition till you achieve your goal.

This is a time lock, effectively like WuKong forcing you to slow your pace, making sure it takes a minimum of 1-2+ weeks to get this frame if you don't buy it.

Which in some ways is OK, and others not. This particualr method of it is annoying though.

Honestly, the obnoxious thing is making it Sortie based.

Locking it behind the 'endgame' content they've put forth, meaning new players will have a very hard time of acquiring this frame.

New players having a hard time getting the most recent Frame of a 3 year old game?

Imagine that.....

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Its not about instant gratification, grind is ok but this is a grindwall trapped inside a timewall trapped inside a limited number of tries. Trading doesn't justify it, people WILL jack up the price, and nobody wants to actually trade one part for another.

Is it ok to put up a grindwall for something? Yes. Is it good to put a timewall for something? Yes. Is it ok to limit the tries to get something? To some degree, yes. Is it good to put all 3 into all 3 parts of a frame diluted by other rewards as well? A BIG EFFING NO!

Before you even touch your keyboard and ask why, its a mobile/facebook game mechanic. Timewall + grindwall so people would buy whatever their selling. Yes its a f2p game and they have to be paid somehow but if they made it bloody tedious one would rather not bother with it. Most successful f2p games gained money out of respect from the players, the players FEEL like rewarding devs not forced.

So tell me again, are we spoiled?


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Won't even bother farming him as i'm already burned of farming Ivara's blueprint. 


And also, i find him and Wukong a bit out of place in this game. It just feels wrong to have 2 "lore less" frame just like that.


Same for me, nevertheless I am doing the Sorties because they are fun to me and I want more lenses.

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I love playing sortie, but i don't need rewards for them. credits are enough.


now I may want nezha. how do I get this warframe?





No,no,no,no,no,no and NO. I won't play EVERY DAY just for having a CHANCE to have this warframe.



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I think it's perfectly fine.

Grind is a part of this game, and I'd rather have different methods of grind instead of slaying bosses all the time.

The parts are tradable as well, so that opens up the trade market too.

This isn't another case of Booben.

We have a spoiled community that want instant gratification.

LOL here we go with the "stop whining!" comments again.


I find it funny you compare it to Vauben, cause he ISN'T trade-able.

Nezha is the first normal frame you can actually trade.

So somewhere DE knew it was harsh to but it in Sorties but did it anyway.


Instant gratification doesn't come in to play for me, as i am fine with the Prime grind,

fine with the Ivara grind, fine with the core grind for Primed mods and W/E.

I don't care for having the warframe on day 1, thats what the buy with plat option is for.

But i'm not fine with time gating and drop table pollution.


The drop table is worse than any prime item we've ever had. There is not a single drop table containing frame parts thats 17 items big!

The highest you get in the void is 8 items in a single drop table (T3 SAB, T4 SAB, T3 Survival C) and those missions arent restricted by a 1 time a day chance. This effectively makes Nezha the hardest frame to farm, even though he only has 3 parts to collect and is a non-prime frame.


Honestly the hint that he's tradable should already be bad enough. It's not a plus, it's a negative.

Trade should not be a mandatory activity for getting a frame, but an option, but with these odds i'll be surprised if i get Nezha by the end of Februari.


But why am i even trying? It's only a matter of time before a white knight will defend DE for this.

DE are good people, but even good people make mistakes, and even good people will be tempted by money.

I'm not saying this because i wan't Nezha so badly, i'm saying this cause i wan't this game to stay fun and avoid the pitfalls of F2P games.

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