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Ps4: The Second Dream (U18) (+Hotfixes)


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As I mentioned before, there was a recent hotfix on PC to fix mission slowdown when in said mission for a longer time, and when certain particle effects are active. Because this hotfix is part of the current game update on PC, I'm not holding my breath for us getting it before we get the next update, which is at the end of the month at the earliest, which sucks majorly. There are a lot of bugs we have to deal with right now, and we have no word on them.

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I didn't see anything that alluded to either today or console at all. What am I missing?

Glen's point 4 mentions consoles.


4) If you're seeing this on PS4 or XboxOne you'll just have to wait longer -- the fixes were just made this week and need to go through certification.

Edited by (PS4)Loki1211
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