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Now, What If Skins Had Different Animations For Each Warframe Ability?


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What would the differences be though? They don't follow any divergent theme compared to skins in other games. Regardless of skin, the base ability still fits. Gersemi Valkyr is still Valkyr, so there's no way to make her kit feel Pre-Corpus-butchered to suit the skin.

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Yeah. At least SOME abilites on SOME skins should see that treatment. Not all abilites, that would be cumbersome and just barely noticed. But mostly I'd say one signature ability per frame. Iron skin for rhino, Exalted Blade and Hyteria for Excal and Valkyr respectively. That sort of stuff. 

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I would see no change for Visual effects, but for animation effects, as long as it doesn't affect gameplay, should be fine.


If there were to be a visual effect change, it wouldn't affect most frames because the energy particle effects for almost every frame are the same pollen like effect.

Edited by YasaiTsume
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