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For Those Who Own Or Owned Every Frame Which Are Your Top Five Favorites


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I've blasted through all of them and so far I have the following lists:


Favorite Frames


Trinity Prime


Frost Prime

Ash Prime




Best Tanks


Trinity (Prime)

Frost (Prime)



Rhino (Prime)



Best Frames to fill a "one spot left" team with









Most Fun To Play (if you take the time to get good)








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In no particular order

- Valkyr : Ridiculously strong with the right build. Done over 100 mins T4 solo before ran out of O2 

- Loki Prime : My man. I use him for pretty much everything solo. Syndicate runs, focus farming, weapon levelling (stealth multiplier methods) 

- Nyx Prime : Versatile frame for any faction. The Queen of chaos and CC

- Trinity : Can't believe how much she is wanted

- Mirage : For when I just need to wreck s**** up. With the Quanta Vandal and Atmos, she is overkill 

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Based upon my experiences, the three frames (sorry, can't name five!) that I currently enjoy playing are, in order...


1, Ivara - she may not perform as well as some other frames, but her combination of tricks along with her exalted weapon make her fun even when she isn't effective.


2, Mesa - a go to for moderate to high level missions where I believe I'll need to potentially pick friends up.


3, Mag - while not as useful against non-shielded entities, she has a few tricks that can make short work of some otherwise troublesome enemies.

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Gah, I struggle naming favourites because I like all of my frames (they all have their place). But...


Valkyr, Nyx, Ivara, Nezha, Chroma.



Valkyr was my first built frame so she has a special place. Great self-sustaining kit too.


I love CC, mind controlling effects and basically causing the whole battlefield to go nuts. Nyx ftw.


Ivara has a really fun kit. I love doing ghost sniping runs with her. Plus I made her look like a poison arrow frog.


Nezha's got a pretty self-sustaining kit and its great fun to slide around like you rubbed all kinds of lube butter on your feet.


I don't play Chroma as much as I used to after they added the massive energy drain to Effigy, but he's still cool. I wish his Spectral Scream wasn't so meh though. I wanna be a dragon stomping around burning stuff D:

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Frost Prime - just my favorite, area denial and a hard and soft cc (icewave aug)

Loki Prime - Go to spy/capture frame. High range disarm build is also nice for those high level sortie defense/interception missions 

Mirage - Flipping out with hall of mirrors and Synoid Simulor murdering everything that exists.

Nova Prime - Some nice wide area CC and debuffing utility

Trinity Prime (although I dont use her much) - for all your energy and not dying needs

Edited by Vanroe
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in order?

1. frost, I do a lot of solo missions and frost makes it a bit easier

2. ivara, a godsend for bow users and totally worht the grind

3. nyx, my "power of friendship" frame

4. vauban, useful, but I wish he could take a hit

5. volt, again, useful, but he can't take a hit

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Saryn > Great Survivability, and general usefulness around the Starchart, no matter what people say, she will always stay the queen of the plague.


Ash > I like his approach on stealth , more aggressive playstyle, less bullshyt creeping around, silence the enemy asap before they even scream.


Booben > Seeing enemies spin around Vortex is.....thereputic.


Nyx > Awesome design, awesome room freezing ability, now that her Chaos is recastable.

Atlas > Punch shyt, things die, be badass, says "suck it" to knockdowns.

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This is my top 5:


1. Loki

 - He was my first frame and he have a special place for me, and i have over 1000 hours on him alone. I love all about him. I even love his lack of defensive stats so i need to look out for stray bullets and auras.


2. Vauban

 - I love CC and having that to be what keeps me and my team alive and with the energy regen from zenurik i don't need to use a ton of energy restores or ask for a trinity to make him viable. (him of all needed more energy regen).


3. Wukong

 - Just because somethimes i like not giving a damn about anything. I love the feeling of growing stronger with the enemis in survivability. (And i cannot deny that i love spanking stuff with such a nice stick)


4. Frost

 - Love him for teamplay and just chilling, he is my lazy-time frame. (And playing softball with the enemis is quite fun xD)


5. Mag

 - The only damage frame i enjoy playing.

Edited by FloraGreen
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My fave is Volt P. He looks gorgeous with Edo Prime and a cape. Also due to his stats/loadout he can play in a way I like. I built for both tanking via Quick Thinking and Speed, while also being able to use his shield when I need it. Which is a godsend when my favorite weapon is  CE Hikou P. Zenurik just makes my build even more broken.

Ember Prime has always been my favorite visually and with her WoF change I really REALLY enjoy playing her no, as I can worry about the high priority targets with my HIkou, and she'll auto-kill the cannon fodder and the enemies that try to rush and melee.

Loki. Stealth. That's it really.

Nova P. I really like Molecular prime's dual applications (triple if you count neutral nova) as I can CC if needed (great in sortie intercept) and speed up if needed for situations like infested defense.

Valkyr, thanks to her new skin and hysteria mechanics, is my next favorite. I run Eternal War so I don't really rely  on hysteria, But I love that I can pop it to heal and ACTUALLY kill stuff now. And her new skin fixes everything I hated about her design, that being all the robotics and wires sticking out of her.

Honorable mention: Nyx Prime. I love her loadout in theory and love her looks, but just can't seem to enjoy her gameplay unless I'm with friends, as I don't enjoy how you have to build her when solo.

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I don't have a Top 5 favorite because it's always changing. But I can tell you Ash Prime is my favorite frame. Simply because I love the way he looks (minus his helmet. It's okay, but not a huge fan). I also love Ash's abilities and his augment mod for his ultimate. And he gives me the most "ninja" feel of the game.


My most used frame is actually Nekros. After the SOS augment mod came out for Nekros, I played him a ton. Loved creating an army of minions that also absorbed damage for me.

I currently play Wukong a lot. Mostly because I find his Rage/Defy build to be super tanky and I just like the feel to it. Also it's pretty cheap to cast over and over again. I'm not really a fan of any of his other abilities but this one ability makes him very playable (at least to me).

Back in the day I played Mesa and Banshee a ton too. So even though I haven't played those two in a long time They will always have a place in my heart.

And finally I got to give Excalibur some love because he was my starting frame and he served me very well. Can't hate there.

And of course I'm digging the looks of our latest addition (at least to Xbox One). Ivara looks cool, but she's only like level 7 for me so I still have to finish ranking her up and figuring out the best way to play her and if she suits my playstyle. But her design looks awesome.

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Top 5... Okay this is hard.





The absolute 2 that I must have.

I can play them in any scenarios consistently and expect to do well.







All of them fight for the 3rd place.
I used them nearly all equally and have them all well fitted and forma to handle anything that comes my way.


4th place. Mag prime.

5th place. No idea.


And yeah, I love Support and CC frames. 


Don't rag on me. 1 to 2 DPS frame is enough for most players !

We need more support frames and debuffers.

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I've played all frames except Wukong (so much goddamn alertium), and Nezha (screw sortie rewards), so my top five are as follows. 


1. Nyx: The beautiful queen of CC, my hands down favorite frame in game. What better weapon is there than to turn your enemies against themselves? 


2. Loki: My starter frame and 2nd most played frame to this day. Incredible stealth alongside enemy manipulation that's second only to Nyx, need I say more? 


3. Nekros: I've got a soft spot for dark casters/necromancers and with his augments Nekros is so much more than a loot generator. Don't underestimate his capabilities, he's ungodly powerful if built right. 


4. Banshee: She panders to both my love of CC powers and precision weapons. She's a bit of an underrated frame imo but great fun.


5. Ivara: It's like DE found my wishlist for a frame with her: Stealth oriented frame with thief bent/looting powers, archer theme with trickshot capabilities, and comes in female frame to balance out Loki & Ash dominating the invisibility market for so long. Given some time she's likely to move up on this list but I only got her a few days ago.

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