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Desecrate For Noobs


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One of the problems with the game is just how vast the information is in the game for new players to process.


For instance, yesterday I joined a recruitment mission to farm for parts.


The poster specifically asked for a Nekros to desecrate.


Started the mission, along with a Hydroid doing his pilfering swarm thing.


I pulled out my Akjagara and started to devastate the infested and desecrating their remains.


Next thing a message pops up on chat saying in a most unfriendly way ' stop shooting things, you are only here to desecrate '.


Now I know the Akjagara is not a well known weapon, but it has a special use re its use via Desecrate and farming as the Wiki states here ;




Anyone else had any issues with new players being 


1) Rude

2) Overbearing

4) Wrong


and how would you suggest dealing it ?


I tried to send an ingame message via chat explaining how the Akjagara wroks re Desecrate but each time the mobs almost overwhelmed the cryopod and I had to go back in game and stop doing the message.




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If you were taken in to desecrate, you should probably just desecrate as the rest of your team should be more than enough to kill the mobs, and if you actually need to shoot things, then the team sucks and you should just leave.

did you read the link he posted. i didnt know this and from now on will use kohm when i play nekros.. Nekros does not have to be a vegetable, mine fights as hard as the other frames on my team and still desecrates most bodys. knowing you can double desicrate is super nice, i wonder if it works on wandering bosses. also try to inform the other player of their misunderstand or ignore them.

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Well I think its just another case of "you are here only to spam X"

I'll never get what these guys have in their brains if they have any, but this one is just as ridicoulous as "frost does not need to fire at anything in defence cause its only there for snowglobe", and other similar cases of other warframes with some really suefull abilities....



Well, don't take them seriously.

Second: they were right, as the swarm kills boost the droppable with the swarm mod on. Only thing is, they didn't spicify to you what was really the intention of you being there.

Which was only to desecrate.


I though they fixed that few updates ago and now it works on anything dying in area of pilfering swarm?


on PC it surely does dunno how on consoles....

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Yes, I've had issues with new players being rude, wrong, and annoying. I've also had this problem with intermediate players, advanced players, PS4 players, Xbox players, and PC players.


Almost seems like rudeness and being wrong is an issue everyone has to deal with

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If you were taken in to desecrate, you should probably just desecrate as the rest of your team should be more than enough to kill the mobs, and if you actually need to shoot things, then the team sucks and you should just leave.

You're right but still they didn't have to be rude or anything. (Not you, the players on question)

Personally I believe desecrate needs to be a timed AOE ability because when you are a nekros, you are sometimes bound to using desecrate, which can really hurt your survivability (even a SOTD build will want to desecrate sometimes )

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That´s why I never join games with specific recommendations, even if I want to play those missions.

I am playing for fun and the way I want.



I believe you can't slash infested corpses, more than that, their corpses are disapper in a few seconds. So...


So what? You can cut almost every enemy into pieces and they will grant you then up to 3x more loot if you desecrate them, and corpses stay on the ground for 5 seconds, if you haven´t killed them with M Prime/explosion/channeling. Then you have 3 sec to desecrate them.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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Well I think its just another case of "you are here only to spam X"

I'll never get what these guys have in their brains if they have any, but this one is just as ridicoulous as "frost does not need to fire at anything in defence cause its only there for snowglobe", and other similar cases of other warframes with some really suefull abilities....




I though they fixed that few updates ago and now it works on anything dying in area of pilfering swarm?


on PC it surely does dunno how on consoles....

  • The drop rates from the Pilfering Swarm Augment Mod will no longer be affected by Power Strength.
  • The Pilfering Swarm Augment Mod will now generate drops for enemies that are slain being held by tentacles, not just dying from the tentacle’s appearing. In short, enemies don't need to be killed by the tentacles to have an added drop chance.



so if they didn't revert the changes in a later patch your totally right.

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So re Hydroid and Pilfering Swarm, a Nekros using an Akjagara is best shooting the mobs being held by the tentacles, as that way ;


1) The enemy held in the tentacle can drop a resource

2) The enemy shot by the Nekros that is being held by the tentacle can drop a resource




3) If the enemy shot by the Nekros using an Akjagara is torn into multiple pieces then each piece can drop a resource when Descrated


Which is nice to know.


Noobs take note.

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ignore and do what you want. That is what i do. If people whine, beech and moan about what i am doing and how they want me to do it, i IMMEDIATELY ignore them. I have a pretty firm grasp on efficiency in warframe. Anything that cuts a mob in pieces is more efficient then w/e that turd will  tell you to do.

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You really don't have to take them seriously. Just ignore them. Each one can play however they want. And you know what? Next time someone tells you that, just smile at them, and quit the mission. It'll be fun for them without a Nekros.

i think that mentality ends up starting a cycle then fix things to be honest. i would think explaining to them how it works first and if they are still trying to act like a hard &#! and reject info just because its from a stranger then you leave. may as well try to educate them before ditching.

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So what? You can cut almost every enemy into pieces and they will grant you then up to 3x more loot if you desecrate them, and corpses stay on the ground for 5 seconds, if you haven´t killed them with M Prime/explosion/channeling. Then you have 3 sec to desecrate them.

Again, you can't cut infested into pieces, also infested corpses disappear way faster than others, it's far from 5 seconds. 

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Again, you can't cut infested into pieces, also infested corpses disappear way faster than others, it's far from 5 seconds. 

Took down my tent outside Baros spot in the relay to test this and confirm .

You can cut infested into pieces (confirmed)

they remain for 5 seconds (confirmed)

You're wrong, Kuestenjung is correct.

That being said and done, I agree with OP.  Too many people are oblivious to everything outside of their steam guides or don't bother to read other frame abilities/ weapons.  You can easily tell OP might have been a higher mastery than them yet they ignored him, all this arrogance and tunnel visioning is what you can expect from the newer players.

Pro tip: Give them your knowledge, if they ignore and make up false facts become mentally traumatized and refuse to farm with players under Mastery 6-9 from then on.

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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Again, you can't cut infested into pieces, also infested corpses disappear way faster than others, it's far from 5 seconds. 


Again, like xFrostKnightx said, you are wrong.

Only newer enemies can´t be cut into pieces, like Broodmothers and infested Moas, but DE said they are working on it.

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It depends on mission:

-generally you dont want to hydro enemies that ARENT oneshot with ult

-if thats the case and hydro takes a time to kill the tanky units, its time to extract

-if hydro oneshot everything you wount have time to shoot the enemies in the tentacles cuz u will be busy spammin 3


But that just my opinion

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Honestly I just laugh whenever I encounter this kinda thing - plenty of times I've kept up Desecrate duties and come out on top of the total kills rank.

The idea that any frame - in any mission - is expected to do just one thing repeatedly is ridiculous. Every one of them is fully capable of multi-tasking and not messing up their primary task. If that was the sort of gameplay I signed up for Id still be playing Dynasty Warriors.

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One of the problems with the game is just how vast the information is in the game for new players to process.


For instance, yesterday I joined a recruitment mission to farm for parts.


The poster specifically asked for a Nekros to desecrate.


Started the mission, along with a Hydroid doing his pilfering swarm thing.


I pulled out my Akjagara and started to devastate the infested and desecrating their remains.


Next thing a message pops up on chat saying in a most unfriendly way ' stop shooting things, you are only here to desecrate '.


Now I know the Akjagara is not a well known weapon, but it has a special use re its use via Desecrate and farming as the Wiki states here ;




Anyone else had any issues with new players being 


1) Rude

2) Overbearing

4) Wrong


and how would you suggest dealing it ?


I tried to send an ingame message via chat explaining how the Akjagara wroks re Desecrate but each time the mobs almost overwhelmed the cryopod and I had to go back in game and stop doing the message.

Use kohm and kohmak, they are way better at cutting groups of enemies

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