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The Boss I Didn't Want To Kill.


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Tyl Regor. 


  • Tyl Regor is the lead researcher in Grineer gene repair. He was targeted for assassination to stop his research from undoing the Grineer's genetic deterioration.

From the wiki and in-game references to his work.


Now I understand the Tenno stealing back Orokin Tech, but this didn't sit well with me. 


Look at the men and women who serve the Grineer empire, they're a wreck. They've done irreversible damage to themselves. The Ballistas don't even have legs, it's all augmentation. They're humans who are becoming extinct, after a few generations Grineer will not be able create a stable population. 


(I'm sure there's somebody here in this community who knows more about the science of cloning so I'll put that here if someone explains it more)


He wasn't trying to make a doomsday weapon to attack The tenno, the Lotus or even Corpus, this guy was trying to save his people from extinction. Who made the Tenno the right ones to be able to make that decision ?


"But they're evil ?"


But now thanks to us, they're an evil without enough time for redemption, not too mention we took away one of their last hopes. Cloning and War is all they know, but with regeneration of what they were, they'll reproduce through standard means and as such comes love and other emotions, inspiration of art and literature as has been the inspiration for us to thrive since our beginning.


I feel bad for taking that from the Grineer.

But it's all because Lotus said it needed to be done and all I've ever wanted to know is, who is Lotus to use us to decide that fate.


I'd be siding with the Stalker, as he seems to know more than we do. 

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This reminds me of the Krogan and the points that were made in ME3 about the consequences of curing the Genophage. They'll reproduce and grow to a large number.

The same can be said for the Grineer. If they cure the condition that they are in, it can lead to disaster. More efficient soldiers and whatnot.

I guess in the end... no one in Warframe is truly good or bad.


Except the Rollers.

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This reminds me of the Krogan and the points that were made in ME3 about the consequences of curing the Genophage. They'll reproduce and grow to a large number.

The same can be said for the Grineer. If they cure the condition that they are in, it can lead to disaster. More efficient soldiers and whatnot.

I guess in the end... no one in Warframe is truly good or bad.


Except the Rollers.


Rollers without a doubt are the worst anything.


So we know that the bodies are degrading with cloning, but what about the mind ? 

As for more efficient soldiers, the current ones are only so dangerous because of their Metal Armour and cybernetic enhancement. 


I think the most dangerous thing would be that if they are smaller without that armour keeping them alive, they may be able to effectively use cover !

But with no other aspects of life to look at other than war and mining, what reason do they have to put a rifle down ?

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Except the Rollers.

And Scorpions.


The risk of disaster would be too big, if the Grineer were allowed to cure themselves. Of course, Grineer being humans the closest to human race in the game, it will tickle one's moral senses to kill one who could cure them.

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Rollers without a doubt are the worst anything.


So we know that the bodies are degrading with cloning, but what about the mind ? 

As for more efficient soldiers, the current ones are only so dangerous because of their Metal Armour and cybernetic enhancement. 


I think the most dangerous thing would be that if they are smaller without that armour keeping them alive, they may be able to effectively use cover !

But with no other aspects of life to look at other than war and mining, what reason do they have to put a rifle down ?

None. Do we have any reason to put our weapons down?

The moment they fired upon us, we have to fire upon them.

Their minds aren't probably degrading if Tyl was finding the cure for their decay.

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None. Do we have any reason to put our weapons down?

The moment they fired upon us, we have to fire upon them.

Their minds aren't probably degrading if Tyl was finding the cure for their decay.


Last point is fair now that you mention it. 


I'm not saying we need to end the war, I just feel that killing the scientist was unnecessary.


The others I have no remorse for.

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This reminds me of the Krogan and the points that were made in ME3 about the consequences of curing the Genophage. They'll reproduce and grow to a large number.

The same can be said for the Grineer. If they cure the condition that they are in, it can lead to disaster. More efficient soldiers and whatnot.

I guess in the end... no one in Warframe is truly good or bad.


Except the Rollers.

There is no black and white. Only grey, blue and orange. 

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This is why DE doesn't want story quests. Because posts like this are far more interesting and invoke a lot more thought than "They did that so we do this"

The fan base questions everything that we do in the game. If there was a story or restricted lore to killing Tyl, we wouldn't care.

It's the Dark Souls effect. The story is for us to decide, with hints of what is actually happening.

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 I didn't see it as evil.


 At this point there is no reason to believe there is even so much as a sliver of the Grineer people who are 'Good' people.


 They sweep through space and conquer whatever they can get their hands on. In fact it is even implied by The Lotus that Lech Kril was in a position to directly endanger an Allied Colony (Which would imply a surviving civilian population the Tenno protect.)


 If Tyl Regor cures his people the logical outcome would be for them to dive right back into their conquering ways with even GREATER force. Their cloned soldiers will be more powerful then ever before and in all likeliness they'll be able to make MORE clones then previously as deaths related to decay go way down and the process becomes cleaner.


 For all we know the only thing keeping the Grineer from Zerg rushing hard enough to even wipe out the Infestation is the fact that they are all 'born' sick due to degenerating DNA from mass cloning.

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This reminds me of the Krogan and the points that were made in ME3 about the consequences of curing the Genophage. They'll reproduce and grow to a large number.

The same can be said for the Grineer. If they cure the condition that they are in, it can lead to disaster. More efficient soldiers and whatnot.

I guess in the end... no one in Warframe is truly good or bad.


Except the Rollers.

Grineer=Krogans on Virmire,

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They are trying to take over like...the universe aren't they? If anything, that technology would just make them stronger to carry out what they're already doing. Assuming they even could even be possibly convinced, it's still too risky. You got no guarantees that maybe, they'd change their ways. The way I see it, it's unlikely they would ever stop what they are doing anyway.


Kill 'em all and grin while doing it.

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The fan base questions everything that we do in the game. If there was a story or restricted lore to killing Tyl, we wouldn't care.

It's the Dark Souls effect. The story is for us to decide, with hints of what is actually happening.


On that note, as much as I don't like lotus, I guess she's just another Frampt/Kaathe. 



 They sweep through space and conquer whatever they can get their hands on. In fact it is even implied by The Lotus that Lech Kril was in a position to directly endanger an Allied Colony (Which would imply a surviving civilian population the Tenno protect.)




But before we were awakened, everything dubbed as "not Important" by Lotus.


So what if we struck first ? Lotus doesn't say anything, we just follow blindly ?


I won't dismiss that they're dark and oppressive, we can see that in their environment.


Then again, it's only the desire to breed and multiply that we propagate as a species and take land.

I think the Grineer empire would get darker before getting lighter, you're making me think now and my cynicism is coming back. 


Either way, I've said it everywhere, I don't trust lotus, I think she's hiding something. 

Edited by Karetchi
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You only question killing him?


How about:

We get woken up from cryostasis by some woman/AI/organisation called Lotus, who nobody knows who/what they are or what their agenda is.

So we pick up some weapons, learn some abilities to kill faster because we were told that's what our purpose is.

Then, in the name of Lotus, we commit genocide across the galaxy, wiping out every race/faction we encounter... Because Lotus says so....


And you're questioning killing 1 person?


I say, morals shmorals... Genocide it is.

Edited by sGs.salp
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You only question killing him?


How about:

We get woken up from cryostasis by some woman/AI/organisation called Lotus, who nobody knows who/what they are or what their agenda is.

So we pick up some weapons, learn some abilities to kill faster because we were told that's what our purpose is.

Then, in the name of Lotus, we commit genocide across the galaxy, wiping out every race/faction we encounter... Because Lotus says so....


And you're questioning killing 1 person?


I say, morals shmorals... Genocide it is.



"But it's all because Lotus said it needed to be done and all I've ever wanted to know is, who is Lotus to use us to decide that fate."


I question Lotus constantly, but there's nobody else who knows anything other than Stalker, and he's kind of a $&*^ too. 

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But before we were awakened, everything dubbed as "not Important" by Lotus.


So what if we struck first ? Lotus doesn't say anything, we just follow blindly ?


I won't dismiss that they're dark and oppressive, we can see that in their environment.


Then again, it's only the desire to breed and multiply that we propagate as a species and take land.

I think the Grineer empire would get darker before getting lighter, you're making me think now and my cynicism is coming back. 


Either way, I've said it everywhere, I don't trust lotus, I think she's hiding something. 


 You mean everything Lotus didn't consider 'Part of her charge'.


 I'm one of the guys who is convinced that the Lotus we are talking to is a small part of a large AI network that was built by the people who came before (I still hesitate to call their whole culture 'The Tenno' since it seems to be the name of their Warrior caste, not their people.) in order to watch over the sleeping Tenno protectors.


 Something big and bad happened at some point in the past that left the people who came before desperate enough to hide their Warriors. The Lotus is likely the AI meant to wake them when it was safe/time.


 I think they were woken up earlier then intended. Much earlier. The Lotus catching wind of the fact that both the Grineer and the Corpus have started to unravel the Orokin tech is a likely cause. We find soldiers from BOTH sides in the void, taken over by the Neural Parasite Defense system. Both of the enemy factions have figured out how to get right to the gates of the Orokin secrets. 

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Tyl Regor. 


  • Tyl Regor is the lead researcher in Grineer gene repair. He was targeted for assassination to stop his research from undoing the Grineer's genetic deterioration.

From the wiki and in-game references to his work.


Now I understand the Tenno stealing back Orokin Tech, but this didn't sit well with me. 


Look at the men and women who serve the Grineer empire, they're a wreck. They've done irreversible damage to themselves. The Ballistas don't even have legs, it's all augmentation. They're humans who are becoming extinct, after a few generations Grineer will not be able create a stable population. 


(I'm sure there's somebody here in this community who knows more about the science of cloning so I'll put that here if someone explains it more)


He wasn't trying to make a doomsday weapon to attack The tenno, the Lotus or even Corpus, this guy was trying to save his people from extinction. Who made the Tenno the right ones to be able to make that decision ?


"But they're evil ?"


But now thanks to us, they're an evil without enough time for redemption, not too mention we took away one of their last hopes. Cloning and War is all they know, but with regeneration of what they were, they'll reproduce through standard means and as such comes love and other emotions, inspiration of art and literature as has been the inspiration for us to thrive since our beginning.


I feel bad for taking that from the Grineer.

But it's all because Lotus said it needed to be done and all I've ever wanted to know is, who is Lotus to use us to decide that fate.


I'd be siding with the Stalker, as he seems to know more than we do. 


For what its worth, I'd have to agree with you. If nothing else, killing him is at least Neutral Evil.

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cloning is wrong, if your race is ment to die then whats its going to be, trying to delay it or prevent it is only going to end up badly, grineers are the future us that are panicking and cloning themself rather then accept thier fate, got what they deserve, and they basicly have to clone themself to keep surviving.

dont feel bad to kill them as everyone have to die eventually, might as well die fighting.

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