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Hitsu San's Workshop - Octavia Youkai is finally here!


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I'm officially on the last detail pass of the sculpt for the new Nyx skin ;) Unfortunately you're going to see it in 2017 cause... well... you'll see why :P I still have to finish the helmet for it though but it's way faster once i've got the rest of the skin already sculpted. Painting it it's going to take one or two weeks as always no matter what, that part is relatively easy.

In the mean time you should get Frost Emperor, most likely this week. And i think on Jan you'll get Ash Bai Hu (of which i yet have to finish the new helmet cause i've got no feedback or confirmation still... i guess it's all going to be postponed on jan).

Oh and i've forgot but there's stuff for the console players coming soon too, DE hasn't said anything about it yet so i'd better shut up XD


Also, i want to ask you guys a thing since lots of people keep asking me about it. It has been suggested to me to start a Patreon, it's something that keeps coming up for a long time now but i didn't want to do it cause i've got nothing to offer in return (nor do i have the time to make additional content cause i already work all day on warframe stuff) ^^ and you guys are already paying for my content so it doesn't seem fair to me. But from january on (maybe a little later but still) i might be able to stream maybe once every week just for the patreon subscribers, to answer questions and chat while sculpting something for like an hour or two. I was wondering if you guys would be interested in something like that. It's the only thing i can come up with that's not exactly extra work for me to do (cause i really work way too much like this) but still interesting... and i get to practice my english lol which is not as fluent as i'd like it to be.

It's still a big maybe though, i'm not yet in a condition to stream anything right now so it's all hypothetical.

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3 hours ago, HitsuSan said:

But from january on (maybe a little later but still) i might be able to stream maybe once every week just for the patreon subscribers, to answer questions and chat while sculpting something for like an hour or two. I was wondering if you guys would be interested in something like that.

Speaking for myself, it's a.... maybe. I rarely watch streams of any kind because I have a short attention span, and I'm not an artist anyway. A lot of patreon artists release works-in-progress before they are released to the public, but I'm guessing you don't really want to do that. But I imagine that there are a lot of people who want to design tennogen stuff that would love to see how you go about your work. The only problem is you might be training your competition!

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2 hours ago, NovusNova said:

Frost skin today along with more tennogen today. RIP wallet.

Oh and DE said console should be getting 10 more tennogen items in the new year.

OOOhhhhh gimme gimme gimme, merry tennobomb to my wallet too, heh

It's starting to look a lot like Emperor Frostmas, everywhere I'll go.

Got an appearance slot all warmed up for this. ;-)

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3 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

OOOhhhhh gimme gimme gimme, merry tennobomb to my wallet too, heh

It's starting to look a lot like Emperor Frostmas, everywhere I'll go.

Got an appearance slot all warmed up for this. ;-)

I'm just assuming its today that its coming based on Drew's thread yesterday and that the Emperor Frost skin was part of the latest accepted round of tennogen.

"We're aiming for tomorrow (December 15th) to release a new set of Grineer-themed Reinforcements & Tennogen!"



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18 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Speaking for myself, it's a.... maybe. I rarely watch streams of any kind because I have a short attention span, and I'm not an artist anyway. A lot of patreon artists release works-in-progress before they are released to the public, but I'm guessing you don't really want to do that. But I imagine that there are a lot of people who want to design tennogen stuff that would love to see how you go about your work. The only problem is you might be training your competition!

You're right, i won't release any wip ^^ it would be something interesting that i can finish in one hour, not really teaching stuff. But i won't mind answering technical questions if i can. Anyway, it's just a remote idea :) we'll see

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Okay, I found this interesting dark smokey red in the fire pack, and sort of built mine around that. The syandana is pyra prime. I'm still torn about the color of the flames, though. I didn't use a chest plate because none of them seem to look right. Does anybody have any suggestions regarding colors or armor? I always really struggle with fashion frame.



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1 hour ago, Azrael said:

Okay, I found this interesting dark smokey red in the fire pack, and sort of built mine around that. The syandana is pyra prime. I'm still torn about the color of the flames, though. I didn't use a chest plate because none of them seem to look right. Does anybody have any suggestions regarding colors or armor? I always really struggle with fashion frame.




Well it seems to me you're finding your Groove with the Emperor then! ;-)

Do you have particular colors that you generally like?

Here's another one I made on an Alt Frost Prime... (yes I have 2 Frost Primes, plus Frost not-primed. I kinda like Frost, haha =p)


115843BB1E7FFA88D59EF23CEBA52970E4CEC328 (1680×1050)

 As you can see this one is super basic. And I'm not 100% sold on the chest piece either.

One reason Alt Frost P is pretty basic is because I see "Frost P 1.0" as my Emperor Frost or Frost Prime Prime (yes it probably sounds dumb) now and "Frost P 2.0" is more like the Emperor's Champion and if/when DE puts out the Deluxe Skin that'll go on 2.0, heh

Also, believe it or not sometimes the Randomize button can come up with some pretty nice colors, or at the least provide the inspirational start of one that might just need a little tweaking... ;-)

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6 hours ago, Azrael said:

Okay, I found this interesting dark smokey red in the fire pack, and sort of built mine around that. The syandana is pyra prime. I'm still torn about the color of the flames, though. I didn't use a chest plate because none of them seem to look right. Does anybody have any suggestions regarding colors or armor? I always really struggle with fashion frame.



Haha i think you did a pretty freaking cool job here XD but anything dark red gets my approval anyway...

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4 hours ago, Rolunde said:


Well it seems to me you're finding your Groove with the Emperor then! ;-)

Do you have particular colors that you generally like?

Here's another one I made on an Alt Frost Prime... (yes I have 2 Frost Primes, plus Frost not-primed. I kinda like Frost, haha =p)

  Reveal hidden contents

115843BB1E7FFA88D59EF23CEBA52970E4CEC328 (1680×1050)

 As you can see this one is super basic. And I'm not 100% sold on the chest piece either.

One reason Alt Frost P is pretty basic is because I see "Frost P 1.0" as my Emperor Frost or Frost Prime Prime (yes it probably sounds dumb) now and "Frost P 2.0" is more like the Emperor's Champion and if/when DE puts out the Deluxe Skin that'll go on 2.0, heh

Also, believe it or not sometimes the Randomize button can come up with some pretty nice colors, or at the least provide the inspirational start of one that might just need a little tweaking... ;-)

I always say you need more than one refrigerator too anyway...

XD that dark Emperor is in theme with ff15 btw...

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