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Anyone Else Not Like Using Ivara?


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She's an excellent frame but she requires a lot of micromanaging of powers and that's not everyone's cup of tea. She can solo Interception missions fairly easily so that's nice and she can do a lot of good to a team but if she's not your thing, don't force yourself.

see you right but i have this problem. like i have to get good with everything! i don't know why lol like when everyone said limbo is crap i used that frame until my eyes bled and i got him down good enough to make him useful for late game.

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I have 2 builds for her.

The first revolves around only high duration and high range mods, and utilizes sleep arrow mostly to put to sleep groups of enemies and then go I for the kill (orthos prime with primed reach is my go-to here). I use this build more for team play.

The second build revolves only around high efficiency/duration and high power mods to go into prowl mode or make use of Artemis bow. I use this build more for solo play.

Both builds have yielded solid results so far. She may be my new favourite frame.

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I have built mine for duration and range with a bit of efficiency and strength with a huge energy pool (~650) and energy restoring weapon (rakta cernos)


I like to use her for interception and survival mostly because that's where I can take things easy with Prowl (not a lot of running in those usually).


In interception, put some zip lines between the nodes since you can run on those while in Prowl.

If you see a node about to get taken by the enemy, Navigate a sleep arrow there and continue killing them.


I would also recommend a dagger (preferably Dark Dagger with the red veil mod for energy) with Covert Lethality. Sleep opens even the heaviest bombard to a one-hit kill with that.


Also a little secret:

Glaive + Navigator = Dead nullifiers.

While navigating the glaive you can pass through a null's bubble with ease so just fly it around a bit to build up the damage buff as needed (depends on enemy level) and fly it straight at him!


If you find yourself low on energy just use an invisibility arrow  and stand there for a bit while shooting and waiting for your energy to restore either from your weapons, energy restore gear, or zenurik focus passive.

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nezha is "interesting".

he combines several things we have seen before into one frame:

- #1 is a speed buff, an aoe explosion, and a dot trail depending on how you use it.

- #2 is a self heal, a glaive wannabe powerwaster attack, and a teleport

- #3 is iron skin, except you cant see ANYTHING AT ALL when it is running. 

- #4 is a decent AOE attack that also has a bit of crowd control.   I don't like it for crowd control, so I tend to fire it and turn it back off quickly or run with a low duration.


Because of #3 blindness, I won't be playing it much.  But its a GOOD mix of skills.  You can do just about anything except sneak with it.

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Ivara is pretty good for me and I usually bring her to a variety of missions.


My Ivara build pretty balanced among all stats :
Vitality, Redirection, Rage, Primed Flow, Transient Fortitude(rank 8), Constitution, Stretch, Streamline.


Even with just a rank 8 Transient Fortitude, my Artemis Bow is still able to dish out a considerable amount of damage in sorties as long as I bring a primary built for crit and shoot up close with the vertical pattern like a shotgun due to the arrow spread. The extra range from Stretch allows me to put bigger stealth bubbles and pacify a bigger area with her sleep arrows. The duration is brought back to around 100% with Constitution and with Streamline, it helps extend my time in Prowl, which is essential for how squishy she is. The Streamline also helps cuts the cost for firing Artemis to a reasonable amount.


You have to get a bit crafty with her abilities to really get the hang of her as she has that huge energy pool. And be sure to turn on Prowl everytime you're in a crossfire to avoid getting being one-shot by high levels.

Edited by Knightmare047
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Ivara is amazing at crowd control and getting the team out of a bind.

Im running 40% power strength on her right now because it's useless if you're trying to get the most use out of her. Range and duration all the way. You can balance her out with the appropriate arsenal.

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Her only drawback for me is that her invisibility ability Prowl limits your movment which isn't a bad thing if you are a semi decent sniper... Sleep arrows help.

You can keep her Invisibility up for about 50 Minutes straight... However her lack of movement while stealthed combined with her squishiness means you won't be getting as many kills as other Frames until end game... There are far too many "nuke frames" to make Ivara useful early game.

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As a huntress, Ivara is a mix of offense and stealth, the latter which doubles as defense. In this regard, she is amazing ; a sneaky girl who loves sniping yet can also do a good job as support, by cloaking her teammates - something only one other frame in the game is capable of and he requires a clunky augment for that. She is perfectly balanced, powerful without being brokenly OP.

As far as builds go, it can be utility (duration and range, either equal or with greater focus on one stat), pure strenght, or a mix, like mine : max range, good duration, and Intensify + Power drift to compensate a bit for the lack of strenght and deal more damage.

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Rakta cernos + viral proc + energy siphon + prowl:

Awesomesauce in survival.

Energy Siphon is wasted since Prowl turns it off and you're not likely going to sit around long enough for Energy Siphon to generate meaningful amounts of Energy.


Ivara is my go-to for Focus farming and solo Sorties (except Defence and Excavation). I haven't had much use of her Navigator and Artemis Bow yet. The former will likely require a specialised weapon without Multishot, since the Mod can sometimes cause you to start navigating a round that's flown off the map. I also agree that the Artemis Bow is best treated as a shotgun in higher levels, i.e. when damage starts falling off; maybe add Thunderbolt for the funnies....

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Ivara is simply the best solo focus farmer due to infinite stealth + sleep arrow. Since mobs love to stack in huge piles of 5+ and also love to bug out/never move when caught on various tile sets...ivara is far better to use than loki due problems like these. I use her to focus farm...only 1 forma and she does this better than my 5 forma loki prime. Great frame and probably the best stealther as well.

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