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Removing Arrows From Quiver


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I've been playing Ivara quite a lot, she's my new favorite frame. I love Quiver and the utility it brings. But on some missions, I just won't use certain arrows and would like to remove them for the mission so I can switch between the useful ones faster. For example, in endless missions I don't need Noise Arrow, it doesn't work on alerted enemies. I don't use dash wire all that much either. I want to be able to unequip those arrows for the duration of the mission so I can switch between sleep and invisibility faster.

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Really dont want her different arrows removed or changed.


Some other thread mentioned giving each arrow a unique sound as your changing arrows and I think that'd make it a lot easier to know what your changing to on the fly.

Edited by rawr1254
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ivara is master peace of warframe she is perfectlly faine now really

I really don't see how. To me she is 80% done and needs more time in the oven because:

1.) Prowl is penalized by higher power duration, as is her second ability (the name of which escapes me) for literally no reason whatsoever.

2.) Artemis Bow would be better if it charged from horizontal (for groups) to pin point (for single target) rather than from vertical (a half-assed attempt at single target) to horizontal.

3.) Noise arrow serves no purpose unless you are invisible (which requires using another ability) or undetected (which never happens in 95% of group-play).

4.) Her second ability is bugged so bad that you have to activate it after shooting a projectile in order to ensure that you can properly speed up and slow down said projectile. It is useless for the majority of weapons, and is virtually useless for all non-explosive and non-arrow projectiles. Also, arrows that have embedded themselves into a wall will often trick the ability, rendering it useless... again. The only things it is good for are S#&$s and giggles, for making tonkor cruise missles, and stealthly taking out enemies from a distance without a sniper or a bow.

5.) Artemis Bow is based on rifle mods, meaning you need to equip a rifle (preferably a bow-type) meaning you can't use shotguns.

6.) You can't melee while using Artemis Bow. To be fair, some say this is balancing, much like how Valkyr can't use guns while using her ult, and how Excal can't damage enemies at a distance while using Exalted Blade... oh wait...


The point is that she needs an decent makeover before she can even be called modern art, much less a masterpiece. 

Edited by Insizer
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I've been playing Ivara quite a lot, she's my new favorite frame. I love Quiver and the utility it brings. But on some missions, I just won't use certain arrows and would like to remove them for the mission so I can switch between the useful ones faster. For example, in endless missions I don't need Noise Arrow, it doesn't work on alerted enemies. I don't use dash wire all that much either. I want to be able to unequip those arrows for the duration of the mission so I can switch between sleep and invisibility faster.

I never use noise arrow .... All the others are very usefull, but not this one. It's too "strategic" for this game.

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1.) Prowl is penalized by higher power duration, as is her second ability (the name of which escapes me) for literally no reason whatsoever.

2.) Artemis Bow would be better if it charged from horizontal (for groups) to pin point (for single target) rather than from vertical (a half-assed attempt at single target) to horizontal.

3.) Noise arrow serves no purpose unless you are invisible (which requires using another ability) or undetected (which never happens in 95% of group-play).

4.) Her second ability is bugged so bad that you have to activate it after shooting a projectile in order to ensure that you can properly speed up and slow down said projectile. It is useless for the majority of weapons, and is virtually useless for all non-explosive and non-arrow projectiles. Also, arrows that have embedded themselves into a wall will often trick the ability, rendering it useless... again. The only things it is good for are S#&$s and giggles, for making tonkor cruise missles, and stealthly taking out enemies from a distance without a sniper or a bow.

5.) Artemis Bow is based on rifle mods, meaning you need to equip a rifle (preferably a bow-type) meaning you can't use shotguns.

6.) You can't melee while using Artemis Bow. To be fair, some say this is balancing, much like how Valkyr can't use guns while using her ult, and how Excal can't damage enemies at a distance while using Exalted Blade... oh wait...

1) how are they penalized by duration? I thought greater duration = slower energy drain? So more duration means more efficiency for these abilities.

2) agreed.

3) some abilities aren't meant for some game modes. It's a stealth skill.

4) No comment (haven't used it yet)

5) Yes, it's a bit annoying since I love me some shotgun goodness

6) I don't have an issue with this as it is. If you want to melee, deactivate the power. Seems reasonable to me.

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1) how are they penalized by duration? I thought greater duration = slower energy drain? So more duration means more efficiency for these abilities.

2) agreed.

3) some abilities aren't meant for some game modes. It's a stealth skill.

4) No comment (haven't used it yet)

5) Yes, it's a bit annoying since I love me some shotgun goodness

6) I don't have an issue with this as it is. If you want to melee, deactivate the power. Seems reasonable to me.

1.) Longer power duration increases the time required for Prowl to steal items and decreases the rate at which Navigator builds up bonus damage. Edit: I haven't used Ivara recently, and after looking at wikia for confirmation, it seems that they fixed this for Prowl at least.


3.) A stealth skill in a non-stealth game, in a game where 95% of time you or your allies are opening fire and causing so much racket that you are the reason that every boss wakes up from the dead.


4.) You really ought to try a tonkor/penta/ogris cruise missile. it is quite fun. Word of advice though, activate Navigator after firing the projectile. It guarantees that you'll be able to speed up and slow down the projectile as intended, otherwise you have a high probability you won't be able to slow down and/or speed up the projectile and will effectively waste a round and energy.


5.) Ditto


6.) It isn't major but annoys me nonetheless. If multiple enemies are right in my face, i'd rather melee them then charge up and hope that my arrow spread kills them.

Edited by Insizer
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I really don't see how. To me she is 80% done and needs more time in the oven because:

1.) Prowl is penalized by higher power duration, as is her second ability (the name of which escapes me) for literally no reason whatsoever.

2.) Artemis Bow would be better if it charged from horizontal (for groups) to pin point (for single target) rather than from vertical (a half-assed attempt at single target) to horizontal.

3.) Noise arrow serves no purpose unless you are invisible (which requires using another ability) or undetected (which never happens in 95% of group-play).

4.) Her second ability is bugged so bad that you have to activate it after shooting a projectile in order to ensure that you can properly speed up and slow down said projectile. It is useless for the majority of weapons, and is virtually useless for all non-explosive and non-arrow projectiles. Also, arrows that have embedded themselves into a wall will often trick the ability, rendering it useless... again. The only things it is good for are S#&$s and giggles, for making tonkor cruise missles, and stealthly taking out enemies from a distance without a sniper or a bow.

5.) Artemis Bow is based on rifle mods, meaning you need to equip a rifle (preferably a bow-type) meaning you can't use shotguns.

6.) You can't melee while using Artemis Bow. To be fair, some say this is balancing, much like how Valkyr can't use guns while using her ult, and how Excal can't damage enemies at a distance while using Exalted Blade... oh wait...


The point is that she needs an decent makeover before she can even be called modern art, much less a masterpiece. 

I'd rather say she is 90% perfect. Some QoL fixes would be nice.


1) No, it's the opposite. Although you are partially right on Navigator : long duration is detrimental for the charge up time of its damage multiplier, but being a toggle it will still lower its energy consumption, which is more useful than that overkill damage amp.

2) My idea exactly.

3) True, I really wonder why the devs put it here. It's the first ability ever to have no impact on alerted enemies.

4) It works. Requires practice to guide the arrow, but then you can start piercing through rows of enemies using the skill's increased damage and punchthrough (provided the weapon fired has some). More usage out of the mouse buttons would be good, right now as you said the speed isn't properly affected by this control.

5) I don't see how this can be an issue. She is an archer, a huntress to be more precise. Her kit working best with a bow as primary just fits her theme. Do Hawkeye (in the movies) or Katniss Everdeen ever use shotguns ?

6) Who needs melee with a weapon capable of one-shotting level 100 enemies ? Yeah sure, you may have to spend energy to break crates.

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I'd rather say she is 90% perfect. Some QoL fixes would be nice.


1) No, it's the opposite. Although you are partially right on Navigator : long duration is detrimental for the charge up time of its damage multiplier, but being a toggle it will still lower its energy consumption, which is more useful than that overkill damage amp.

2) My idea exactly.

3) True, I really wonder why the devs put it here. It's the first ability ever to have no impact on alerted enemies.

4) It works. Requires practice to guide the arrow, but then you can start piercing through rows of enemies using the skill's increased damage and punchthrough (provided the weapon fired has some). More usage out of the mouse buttons would be good, right now as you said the speed isn't properly affected by this control.

5) I don't see how this can be an issue. She is an archer, a huntress to be more precise. Her kit working best with a bow as primary just fits her theme. Do Hawkeye (in the movies) or Katniss Everdeen ever use shotguns ?

6) Who needs melee with a weapon capable of one-shotting level 100 enemies ? Yeah sure, you may have to spend energy to break crates.


1.) Yes, I know about Prowl, I just forgot to update my post you quoted. That said, having Navigator's bonus buildup penalized by higher duration is arbitrary and makes no sense.


3.) In my opinion it should be a honeypot arrow that uses aggro or something.


4.) Yes, it works, but it still has substantial bugs (plural) in it. It is also useless for most weapons and ineffective for most projectile weapons and for most circumstances. However give me the manual homing capability of Nyx's Psychic Bolts (zoom in on an enemy will make all the bolts converge on it) or something like the targeting lock-on system of that one RPG from Frontlines: Fuel of War and we are golden, or the ability change between the current system and Nyx's system.


5.) I don't see your point... Warframes do use shotguns and all but banning their use because of a "theme" is stupid. Themes are nice and all, but mechanics are more important.


6.) Firstly, I'd love to know both your rifle/bow build and your frame build which grants you that capability. Shooting vertically still wastes 1/3 of the arrows unless you are close enough to kiss them. Secondly, It is just annoying; it makes little sense why a master archer hasn't learned to punch/wack targets with her shortbow.

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I think Ivara needs bug fixes more than QoL or Balance tweaks.  Most of the stuff listed as complaints about her tend to be pretty trivial, unless you run into one of the horrible horrible bugs she suffers from such as when quiver breaks, or Artemis bow doesnt summon correctly and breaks.


also a Artemis bow build is really easy and wins life if you do str and effeciency and use a random rifle with 6 or so formas.


I feel that being able to punch or kick stuff would be pretty useless given that it's likely if you are punching and kicking:

You're only going to hit one target because of your abysmal range.  Look at the MASSIVE AE POWER of the current selection of fist and sparring weapons, and ask yourself is that what you really want?  Since you're probably only going to be kicking one or two things at a time at most, you're better off just tapping them with the bow fire and obliterating them and everything in a line behind them.

Edited by Clowee
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