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Limbo, The Other Side Of The Coin.


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A quick power house damage team is limbo with a Cataclysm bubble with a Volt using volts shield inside your bubble shoot through the shield you can hit non-rifted targets outside of your bubble. Have Riftsurge on and you still get the damage multiplier for enemies outside of your Cataclysm bubble. This works very well on defense missions and survival missions and mobile defense.

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While this is known to be a great combination, having a warframe that requires a specific setup to perform well is inacceptable.

I wont say Limbo is unplayable, but he certainly has underwhelming abilities that may even hinder your team and even with careful gameplay it might be pointless. (E.g.: Banishing an Excalibur who just used his ult and as soon as he is banished he turns his ult off...)


Limbo has to be able to perform well on his own. And his support support is far to passive. I do not think that much has to be changed, or that they should change his set of abilities by a lot, but he needs a change desperatly.

Edited by ScribbleClash
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I like, when max duration Limbo banishing me, while im *woosh/ *woosh* around with my Exalted Blade :D In this case i can dont care about my survivability and *woosh*/ *woosh* around much more, just ignoring all scorchers/nullies/bombards, bcause before i tried to change position to not be aimed, bcause excal is kinda weak from survivability state, not so squishy, as some others, but still not tanky. Also, Limbo's sphere can neglect Bombards or Napalms AOEs ;)

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I like, when max duration Limbo banishing me, while im *woosh/ *woosh* around with my Exalted Blade :D In this case i can dont care about my survivability and *woosh*/ *woosh* around much more, just ignoring all scorchers/nullies/bombards, bcause before i tried to change position to not be aimed, bcause excal is kinda weak from survivability state, not so squishy, as some others, but still not tanky. Also, Limbo's sphere can neglect Bombards or Napalms AOEs ;)

You could just as well cast a RB and get a 4x multiplier while supporting your group with CC but meh...what do i know...

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Glad you guys kept it super civil.


Also, I forgot to mention, as far as damage goes, using rift+rift surge and mirage's total eclipse. + mag to pull enemies into your cataclysm and equinox to boost the power strength...You can pretty much one shot anything, especially if limbo is using the opticore  with heavy caliber. (No accuracy reduction).


I tried this one on Ceres, with a hyrdoid, a trin and a mag to keep enemies in the cataclysm, it makes an effect I call the battery. The more hydroid can trap (which earlier in this thread was seen as a negative thing) the stronger limbo becomes. With that you can just use fast weapons and do crazy DPS. (If you can all survive on you own using the cataclysm itself you an drop the trin for power strength boost equinox but its unlikely)


So, yeah, using two frames that are considered a little broke, you can make something (that at least I consider) a little OP. Works good on bosses too. :)




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that quickthinking with no flow PLUS the fact that you'd be dropping so much energy with that level of power efficiency looks painful AF.....


and Mirage damage boost is mostly from eclipse....






Well Limbo can regen energy pretty quickly while in the rift but yah that Quick Thinking should probably be replaced by a Redirection

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Well Limbo can regen energy pretty quickly while in the rift but yah that Quick Thinking should probably be replaced by a Redirection

Good advice!


Rift Surge: Surge the void energy through the rift plane, increasing the damage inflicted on enemies that have been banished there.


And it only affects Limbo.....facepalm.

Yeah....sucks but its how I get the damage.



Edited by MokutoBunshi
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I've been playing with him again for a bit recently, because I though maybe he could be useful against the Sentients.

​But after playing with him for a while I'm reminded of all of his shortcomings again, and maybe DE just doesn't want us to play with him in his current form *puts on tinfoil hat*.

  • He's squishy because he's potentially invincible.
  • Except when he's not, because a Nullifier bubble touched you. Or you got into range of the wrong Comba/Scrambus, then it can be instant goodbye.
  • Also, bugs (Raptor can kill him no matter what) and other stuff that can damage him you wouldn't expect. Example: The sentry defending one of the new utility mods on the Moon. Learned that the hard way as well.
  • ​As stated above, I thought his 3rd could be nice against the Sentients. Except when you try to Banish them more than once, the duration is cut down so much, it isn't worth the trouble. Better bring a Nova or other CC and slow/stun them, much easier.
  • ​Banishing cannon fodder just kills them outright. In a non-endless mission you can't even use the playstyle of banish-then-duel. It's just pressing 1 on everyone, or tap 4 twice. Or stay out of the Rift at all... why did I bring him again?
  • At some point Arbiters got angry at me and sent a hit squad. Finally some enemies that can take a bit of damage and are more dangerous in a pack. Divide and conquer, that's what Limbo's made for, right? Except he can't Banish hit squad units (well at least I was unable, someone please confirm that), they're completely immune to that for some reason?
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I've been playing with him again for a bit recently, because I though maybe he could be useful against the Sentients.

​But after playing with him for a while I'm reminded of all of his shortcomings again, and maybe DE just doesn't want us to play with him in his current form *puts on tinfoil hat*.

  • He's squishy because he's potentially invincible.

  • Except when he's not, because a Nullifier bubble touched you. Or you got into range of the wrong Comba/Scrambus, then it can be instant goodbye.


  • Also, bugs (Raptor can kill him no matter what) and other stuff that can damage him you wouldn't expect. Example: The sentry defending one of the new utility mods on the Moon. Learned that the hard way as well.


  • ​As stated above, I thought his 3rd could be nice against the Sentients. Except when you try to Banish them more than once, the duration is cut down so much, it isn't worth the trouble. Better bring a Nova or other CC and slow/stun them, much easier.


  • ​Banishing cannon fodder just kills them outright. In a non-endless mission you can't even use the playstyle of banish-then-duel. It's just pressing 1 on everyone, or tap 4 twice. Or stay out of the Rift at all... why did I bring him again?


  • At some point Arbiters got angry at me and sent a hit squad. Finally some enemies that can take a bit of damage and are more dangerous in a pack. Divide and conquer, that's what Limbo's made for, right? Except he can't Banish hit squad units (well at least I was unable, someone please confirm that), they're completely immune to that for some reason?


I never tried to banish them, but cataclysm works well. When ever Parin Sequence sends the Moas I can kill them with 2 cataclysms anyways so I don't need to do it for them. For the stalker it work a little bit and for zanuka...rekts.


Works well against new loka using my corrosive opticore though, and redveil, the bonus damage and lowered (unless you have 2 energy siphons in which case, the stopped) energy drain against red viel is also much appreciated.



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people say that limbo is bad cus he fits nowhere. excalibur is great for survival with lifestrike, frost is great on any defensive mission, trinity is basicly good everywhere, much like nova, much like ash. saryn is good at infestation (anything). everyone has a use except for limbo. ash is a way more potent killer than limbo , frost is way more potent at defending, rhino is way better at surviving , trinity way better at supporting. he has nothing exceptinal and notable that people like. and here is the thing. your build, makes him an absolute king in his cataclysm, but he is TOO squishy to be able to go in there alone and take everyone out at high levels, and still, that is very situational and it only works on very closely gathered enemies. if you just banish-kill them, it takes too long

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people say that limbo is bad cus he fits nowhere. excalibur is great for survival with lifestrike, frost is great on any defensive mission, trinity is basicly good everywhere, much like nova, much like ash. saryn is good at infestation (anything). everyone has a use except for limbo. ash is a way more potent killer than limbo , frost is way more potent at defending, rhino is way better at surviving , trinity way better at supporting. he has nothing exceptinal and notable that people like. and here is the thing. your build, makes him an absolute king in his cataclysm, but he is TOO squishy to be able to go in there alone and take everyone out at high levels, and still, that is very situational and it only works on very closely gathered enemies. if you just banish-kill them, it takes too long

It works well in hallways because the AI can only approach and yes you are right, if its too big, its hard to get all the enemies, that's why I keep it small.



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i think the main problem people have with limbo is that he is a tactical frame, where you have to think before you do, unlike the rest of the frames which are mostly auto-pilot frames.


So such a small minority of warframe players are capable of thinking one step ahead that a tactical frame is one of the least used ones. Which one is more likely, a frame just does not fit well in the game or the playerbase are such idiots that tactics fly straight over their heads?


I honestly find this "Limbo requires thought and people do not like that" argument to be so ridiculous. We're gamers, the people who throw ourselves into fictional worlds to problem solve and people who love to win. Do you honestly want to make the claim that millions of said people over 3 platforms are just so anti-thought that any frame that requires planning is left in the dust? Or is it just more likely that the one frame whose abilities are dependent on each other just doesn't fit?

Edited by Nox-Lamina
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i think the main problem people have with limbo is that he is a tactical frame, where you have to think before you do, unlike the rest of the frames which are mostly auto-pilot frames.


The main problem is that Limbo controls an entire plane of existence, and gameplay. Mechanics bar interaction between the planes which is great for defense and poor for offense. Couple this with unfriendly targeting mechanics of Banish and the facepalm of Rift Surge's exclusivity, and you get a frame that is, on the surface, both wonky to use, is very greedy. His abilities treat both enemies and allies similarly (yes, there are differences), and would be more fit for a third party arbiter, than a definite ally. That is problem. His allies are never really sure whose side he is on, this distrust is hampered by his large learning curve and easy to abuse nature.


Nobody has an issue with him because he requires an active thinking process, some may not use him because of it, but few would blast him over it.


Another issue is that cataclysm is basically like a portal gun that can only shoot one polarity.


Rework/relook/fix some of his kit to be more team-friendly and others will both trust him and use him more.



* Make Cataclysm double action (similarish to ivara's 1st). Hold 4 to cast the current Cataclysm bubble. Tap 4 to cast a Cataclysm bubble that is centered on Limbo.

** A Cataclysm bubble produced by holding 4 is a seperate instance from those produced by tapping 4. (i.e: you get 2 bubbles in one easy to use package)

* Rift Surge partially banishes/unbanishes enemies within X meters of the targeted location (range is larger than that of Cataclysm), along with any enemies within the Rift, allowing them to be shot at from either plane. Partial banishment causes enemies to receive more damage temporarily.

* Lower the FX blur from Cataclysm

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