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The Synoid Simulor Appears To Really Need A Rebalance


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Balance, viability and challenge is part of fun. This game is fun, but it could do better if it was more challenging and balanced.

Then you've got to rework the WHOLE game. Because the game is about getting new and better stuff, farming all day and collecting everything. There actually is a challenge in the game, it's called RNG. Seriously, there are far too many things that make this game "easy". That's when i said you got to rework the whole game.


And synoid simulor is nothing special. It's a MR12 weapon which is currently the highest MR requirement in the game so it obviously has to be better than most of the MR2 - 6 things. And still there are weapons that excel in situations, where the synoid simulor lacks. It surely has a speedy AoE clear, but it will fall off soon when enemies start to not get one or two hit'd to death. Or when fighting the juggernaut just for as an example. Running around as equinox with max range maim on mercury is OP too since it instantly kills everything through bleed proc. Once enemies are going high level, you ain't gonna jump around like a monkey shooting the simulor orbs around you, cuz it won't deal enough damage anymore and you'll get yourself killed unnecessarily.


Also a good meant advise is, don't limit yourself only to 1 weapon and 1 or 2 frames. Playing loki only in spys gets repetitive and boring too. Try using other builds and play with other frames or weapons. You literally just limit your own fun experience by using mirage or frost and synoid simulor only.

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Then you've got to rework the WHOLE game. Because the game is about getting new and better stuff, farming all day and collecting everything. There actually is a challenge in the game, it's called RNG. Seriously, there are far too many things that make this game "easy". That's when i said you got to rework the whole game.


And synoid simulor is nothing special. It's a MR12 weapon which is currently the highest MR requirement in the game so it obviously has to be better than most of the MR2 - 6 things. And still there are weapons that excel in situations, where the synoid simulor lacks. It surely has a speedy AoE clear, but it will fall off soon when enemies start to not get one or two hit'd to death. Or when fighting the juggernaut just for as an example. Running around as equinox with max range maim on mercury is OP too since it instantly kills everything through bleed proc. Once enemies are going high level, you ain't gonna jump around like a monkey shooting the simulor orbs around you, cuz it won't deal enough damage anymore and you'll get yourself killed unnecessarily.


Also a good meant advise is, don't limit yourself only to 1 weapon and 1 or 2 frames. Playing loki only in spys gets repetitive and boring too. Try using other builds and play with other frames or weapons. You literally just limit your own fun experience by using mirage or frost and synoid simulor only.

Again you are comparing warframes to primary weapons. Stop it. If an MR 12 weapon is better than every wepaon, it means its OP. You were denying it earlier in the thread, now you aren't. Which side are you on? Sonicor has an MR requirement of 2 and it is one of the best weapons in the game. 


Looting is fun, and the synoid is the best weapon to get loot, so the synoid is fun. The synoid is overpowered, it makes me loot faster, so there is more fun to be had. All the other weapons are garbage, why wshould I slow down my progress intentionally just to have artificial fun? Just because my two videos have frost and mirage doesnt mean that's all I play. They were the best frames for those modes, so I played them. Also this thread isnt about fun factor, its about balance/feedback.

Edited by dmirtygorachyov
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Again you are comparing warframes to primary weapons. Stop it. If an MR 12 weapon is better than every wepaon, it means its OP. You were denying it earlier in the thread, now you aren't. Which side are you on? Sonicor has an MR requirement of 2 and it is one of the best weapons in the game. 


Looting is fun, and the synoid is the best weapon to get loot, so the synoid is fun. The synoid is overpowered, it makes me loot faster, so there is more fun to be had. All the other weapons are garbage, why wshould I slow down my progress intentionally just to have artificial fun? Just because my two videos have frost and mirage doesnt mean that's all I play. They were the best frames for those modes, so I played them. Also this thread isnt about fun factor, its about balance/feedback.

I might want to remind you that they are going to tweak the MR enhancements. They said so at least. So Sonicor will probably get higher soon. And i didn't say synoid simulor is the best, i just said as a MR12 weapon, it SHOULD be better than many other low MR weapons. But there are still weapons that can COMPETE. Why can they compete? Cuz Synoid Simulor also got it's flaws. Just calling a weapon op because you are cleaning lots of trash mobs with it on a fast way, isn't sufficient enough. Ever used the atomos? Now i won't consider atomos for end game easily because it's damage won't be able to keep up. But it also got that effective AoE killing.


And what did you mean with slow down your progress? You can't kill lephantis with synoid simulor. You can't kill sargas ruk with it too. Just 2 examples. And when doing high missions while sitting in a globe, you preferably take a tonkor with you for more damage. Also not everyone is familiar with the unique mechanics that the synoid simulor is offering.


Also did i mention that synoid simulor is extremely ineffective against high level grineer? While my hek is going to one or 2 shot heavies, you're sitting there stacking orbs. Did i also mention that ninkondi can be used in order to strip down the armor to zero? It helps alot when not using corrosive aura. And when you use sonicor or atomos, you don't wanna take synoid simulor with you. Why take 2 AoE weapons it doesn't make sense. You'd probably take a shotgun with you or a soma prime. Also there are specific synergies with warframes. Now don't jump at me saying dont talk about frames. I'm just saying that there are lots of other things better in many situations than only using synoid simulor. I know how i speedrun def's or exterminates. And i don't do them with synoid simulor, trust me.


I get your point of wanting to balance the game, i greatly appreciate it, really. And i'm just trying to make you understand that the synoid simulor is in an acceptable state. Look at me, how comes i'm still playing warframe when it is so broken? I like that style and have fun with it. Now not because 1 weapon is op cuz it isn't. The synoid gammacor back then, that was really OP and i agreed. Having literally zero ammo drain, highest dps for secondary, and just hold it and use it as a light saber to kill enemies. It was the only considerable secondary. But then again, they unfortunately nerfed it too hard, it now is just crap.


You got your hands on it early and didn't consider using anything else or making other experiences which is kinda sad. Also, this is the first thread ever to call the s. simulor OP. Many people even wrote topics about tonkor before when it came out. Why did noone write about s. simulor? Cause it is not OP. Trust me man, i'm not new here and i definitely don't want to let the game get crap. I got no reasons for doing this. I'd like to enjoy another few years. And right now, aside from the massive RNG *cough* nezha *cough*, me and my alliance are pretty happy. Can't tell for all people though.

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Wow, that is definitely something new. Back in my days those things did NOT work against ruk and lephantis. And i'm definitely not testing this after every update. Good to know...


And yeah thanks to ignore all of my other points. Discussing with you has the same effect like talking to a wall. Move on and keep thinking the synoid simulor is "overpowered". I'll be sitting here waiting for a nerf which won't happen cause it's not needed but you seem to not understand anyway.

Lol "back in my day" buddy, I find it funny that you keep trying to prove it isn't OP by saying things like YOU don't need it, YOU don't use it, YOU don't need it to pass sorties, Bro, are you really trying to disprove that it's OP like that? Lol.. Well guess what? It's an abused gun by quite a lot of people.. And you guys keep saying "it's an MR12 WEP" MAN, there are people that grind draco n get MR 12 in less than a month, and buy plat. and the gun is CHEAPLY distributed to those type of players at a price of 30P(then maybe that points out that maybe syndicate weapons are sold too cheaply, for the amount of power they have). Then you have most people bringing it straight to endgame because it carries better than most warframes do, and I don't blame or bash them at all, if anything it's DE's fault. Listen, I'm just trying to bring the gun to attention NOW, rather than let it just keep reigning supreme. Like it was said by a previous poster, true endgame players KNOW the gun is OP. Whether they nerf it or not, idrc, because it seems like most of this community embraces unbalance anyway, so I'm about ready to close this topic...

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Lol "back in my day" buddy, I find it funny that you keep trying to prove it isn't OP by saying things like YOU don't need it, YOU don't use it, YOU don't need it to pass sorties, Bro, are you really trying to disprove that it's OP like that? Lol.. Well guess what? It's an abused gun by quite a lot of people.. And you guys keep saying "it's an MR12 WEP" MAN, there are people that grind draco n get MR 12 in less than a month, and buy plat. and the gun is CHEAPLY distributed to those type of players at a price of 30P(then maybe that points out that maybe syndicate weapons are sold too cheaply, for the amount of power they have). Then you have most people bringing it straight to endgame because it carries better than most warframes do, and I don't blame or bash them at all, if anything it's DE's fault. Listen, I'm just trying to bring the gun to attention NOW, rather than let it just keep reigning supreme. Like it was said by a previous poster, true endgame players KNOW the gun is OP. Whether they nerf it or not, idrc, because it seems like most of this community embraces unbalance anyway, so I'm about ready to close this topic...

Just because many people play the gun doesn't mean it is OP (omg i hate this overused word). Look at soma prime or boltor prime. Overused as crap and not OP. Strong =/= OP. Keep that in mind. And i know it's potential. And i really like this gun, it is unique and not like many other weapons. Still i find myself not always using this weapon (cuz it is strong but not op). And i'm definitely not sitting here watching how some players got their hands on it and be like: "oh wow, so stronk, i better only use this gun now" and wanting to nerf it back to useless again (e.g. Simulor) instead of learning what OP really means. Thanks but no thanks.

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Just because many people play the gun doesn't mean it is OP (omg i hate this overused word). Look at soma prime or boltor prime. Overused as crap and not OP. Strong =/= OP. Keep that in mind. And i know it's potential. And i really like this gun, it is unique and not like many other weapons. Still i find myself not always using this weapon (cuz it is strong but not op). And i'm definitely not sitting here watching how some players got their hands on it and be like: "oh wow, so stronk, i better only use this gun now" and wanting to nerf it back to useless again (e.g. Simulor) instead of learning what OP really means. Thanks but no thanks.

Awhile ago Boltor Prime kinda had the similar issue as S. Simulor does at the moment. It was the easiest to use gun, while still having one of the top DPS. Sure we also had Paris P./Dread, Phage, Penta/Ogris, and some other weapons that are quite powerful, and maybe even capable of similar damage output. But Boltor Prime was MUCH easier to use than those other weapons and literally didn't have any significant downsides, unlike other weapons.


S Simulor's main problem for me is literally the lack of effort this gun takes. You just shoot in a VERY broad direction of enemies and you get constant CC, high damage in a pretty huge range (for a weapon). I don't even mind those things, if it was harder to use. You know the balance is not only the gun's raw power, but it's also how easy it is to use. Shooting orbs everywhere to kill things in a 12 meter radius is not hard to use at all. Which is why I think it should be either harder to use (for example lower the range the orbs are able to stack with each other, so you at least have to aim pretty close to your other orbs) or have some other downsides to it. And also, weapons shouldn't be able to kill enemies through walls, unless you have punch through installed, this applies to all AoE weapons, but Simulor just stands out due to its insane range and the easyness to stack your orbs against a wall to kill everyone behind it.

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Thread heavily cleaned of rude, off topic, and non-constructive posts. 

Please keep in mind that posts like "just don't use it", "just don't play pubs", "stop ruining people's fun" are not constructive points when discussing game balance. If you feel there is a reason a weapon should not be changed, explain why it shouldn't be.

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Sorry mods, I'll be kinder from now on, I'm actually a sweetheart irl and i will reflect that in future posts.


I might want to remind you that they are going to tweak the MR enhancements. They said so at least. So Sonicor will probably get higher soon. And i didn't say synoid simulor is the best, i just said as a MR12 weapon, it SHOULD be better than many other low MR weapons. But there are still weapons that can COMPETE. Why can they compete? Cuz Synoid Simulor also got it's flaws. Just calling a weapon op because you are cleaning lots of trash mobs with it on a fast way, isn't sufficient enough. Ever used the atomos? Now i won't consider atomos for end game easily because it's damage won't be able to keep up. But it also got that effective AoE killing.


And what did you mean with slow down your progress? You can't kill lephantis with synoid simulor. You can't kill sargas ruk with it too. Just 2 examples. And when doing high missions while sitting in a globe, you preferably take a tonkor with you for more damage. Also not everyone is familiar with the unique mechanics that the synoid simulor is offering.


Also did i mention that synoid simulor is extremely ineffective against high level grineer? While my hek is going to one or 2 shot heavies, you're sitting there stacking orbs. Did i also mention that ninkondi can be used in order to strip down the armor to zero? It helps alot when not using corrosive aura. And when you use sonicor or atomos, you don't wanna take synoid simulor with you. Why take 2 AoE weapons it doesn't make sense. You'd probably take a shotgun with you or a soma prime. Also there are specific synergies with warframes. Now don't jump at me saying dont talk about frames. I'm just saying that there are lots of other things better in many situations than only using synoid simulor. I know how i speedrun def's or exterminates. And i don't do them with synoid simulor, trust me.


I get your point of wanting to balance the game, i greatly appreciate it, really. And i'm just trying to make you understand that the synoid simulor is in an acceptable state. Look at me, how comes i'm still playing warframe when it is so broken? I like that style and have fun with it. Now not because 1 weapon is op cuz it isn't. The synoid gammacor back then, that was really OP and i agreed. Having literally zero ammo drain, highest dps for secondary, and just hold it and use it as a light saber to kill enemies. It was the only considerable secondary. But then again, they unfortunately nerfed it too hard, it now is just crap.


You got your hands on it early and didn't consider using anything else or making other experiences which is kinda sad. Also, this is the first thread ever to call the s. simulor OP. Many people even wrote topics about tonkor before when it came out. Why did noone write about s. simulor? Cause it is not OP. Trust me man, i'm not new here and i definitely don't want to let the game get crap. I got no reasons for doing this. I'd like to enjoy another few years. And right now, aside from the massive RNG *cough* nezha *cough*, me and my alliance are pretty happy. Can't tell for all people though.


Ok, i'll try this again.


Lephantis cant be killed by synoid = Untrue




Sargas ruk cant be killed by synoid = untrue




Synoid only good against low level enemies= Untrue



Bad against grineer = Untrue



I have a solo grineer sortie which is still uploading, to attend to your "its bad against grineer" needs, but im going to ease up in typing sine it doesnt' really have much impact.


Again, soma prime and boltor has nothing on this weapon. It has nothing on most aoe weapons, and it definitely isnt even close to the Synoid.


I have unlocked every "meta" weapon that people seem to think are the best. I browsed tier lists before I even started playing, and I went through every "tigris is the best", "Soma and boltor and tonkor is absurd" "amphrex is really good""torid is SOOO STRONG AT area of denial""the hek is a monster", eventually I got the synoid after noticing how much damage some randoms were doing in survival missions with it (60 percent vs my 30 percent with a tonkor). If it doesnt get rebalanced, it doesnt really matter since I'm one of the few who are abusing it. It is for my benefit if it doesnt get nerfed, but Im just trying to be helpful. I know for a fact that it is the best weapon in the game, it's only a matter of time until everyone else does.


The worst part is that someone actually agreed with your post, even though so many things you said are just straight out wrong. The only merit your arguments carry is that you are MR21.

Edited by dmirtygorachyov
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This is coming from someone who has NEVER brought up a nerf discussion in my entire gaming career, I don't even know how to go about it. The synoid simulor, this gun is seriously OP (and that's not a word I use lightly on a forum), This gun is capable of just...Man. With NOTHING but a catalyst or trash mods this gun clears whole rooms instantly, in trouble? Detonate for garunteed stun proc, place vortex's that have an actually really decent range for the weapon archetype... I've personally went through endless missions where the enemies level didnt even really matter by the end.. The stack damage is so insane paired with a great mag size that it just becomes OP, 100x more when it's max modded. Overall, this gun's stack damage needs a nerf, I don't even know if that'd fix it... I've literally put down every weapon for this, until it's nerfed, I dont think i'll ever use ANY weapon that isnt fodder, again. JS. No point. #SynoidGammacorIssuesRiseAgain ... The thing is like a weaponized saryn, you should fix.

Look when the synoid came out everyone thought of it as more than just garbage it was beyond trash, yet the synoid simulor with the few people who like the mechanic for the gun and you are complaining about it being op? Sure you can run a fire chroma or bastille vauban and clean up with the synoid but let's be honest here if you really want to use it you can't use Ivara or Banshee heck you really have limited options because it has odd mechanics.

I have to agree with other people in this forum though, the synoid simulor is by far not the most op weapon in game, look at the tonkor or the infamous Soma prime, dare I have said it, they are both capable of wiping entire rooms clean, heck with my soma prime I can walk through sortie's without a care in the world.

Now I am a bow person so my Rakta Cernos is my main weapon and yet when my good friend who I play with all the time runs his hall of malevolence mirage with the synoid I can always pull out with more damage. Bow vs AOE weapon, bow almost always wins. Now does that make the Rakta Cernos op who knows but it does make the synoid seem a lot less so doesn't it. So stop complaining when all you can do is know how to use one weapon, if you want to find something that is op look to bows, you have inate punch through and insane crit possibilities.

Edited by Kilometer98
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I remember when I first hit MR8 and built the Supra, then was disappointed that the gun was complete trash. I'm glad the S.Simulor is worth the wait. But let's look at the full requirements for it.

+MR 12 (A fuckton of weapons and frames built, then leveled to max)

+Fully Ranked alignment to Cephalon Suda's Syndicate (940,000 Credits, 500 circuts, 2 Control Modules, A Forma, An Orokin Catalyst, A Lex Prime Receiver, A Nova Prime Helmet. Also an additional 100,000 credits, Forma, and Orokin Catalyst if you were enemies with them before that.)

+125,000 standing in that syndicate


+An Orokin Catalyst to unlock the rest of the weapon's modding points

+A set of good mods to get the weapon going (and cores for those mods)


Seems pretty fair. And while you say "but they can just trade for it." you can trade for nearly anything worth having. So unless you plan on nerfing everything to the ground It's a moot point.

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I think the Synoid Simulor is pretty good, but I think it's fine where it's at in terms of balance.


Weapon like the Orgris, Angrstrum, Kulstar, and Penta might need a lot more attention in comparison to the Simulor and Tonkor to justify their ability to damage the user.


OH, and GLAIVES NEED TO BE FIXED. Please stop distracting the devs who need to get their game working before even thinking about changing a weapon that functions.

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When was the last time you ranked up to MR12?


It's not nearly as hard as all the kids who get the best weapons and then refuse to rank up anything else believe.

I never said it was hard, and at mr16 I can't really recall when I got to 12, honestly. But in order to get to that point it isn't exactly easy, especially when you start out and are hurting for resources and farming isn't quite as easy. That, along with the other stuff required to get a S.Simulor makes it fine. I mean Excalibur is "OP" too. Let's nerf Excalibur

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Being hard to get, doesen't justify being OP MKay people?

According to the logic of some people around here Mr21s should have access to a tactical nuke that can be spammed every second and wipes out the entire map in one hit.


-"It's a PvE game!'


-"If you don't like it don't use it!'


-"It's hard to get, so its ok!"

How aren't these legitimate comments? If it were purely pvp I could see the complaint, but I can get by just fine without a s.simulor. Heck I usually build gimmick builds instead. Too much salt is bad for your health.

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How aren't these legitimate comments? If it were purely pvp I could see the complaint, but I can get by just fine without a s.simulor. Heck I usually build gimmick builds instead. Too much salt is bad for your health.

Because getting by without it doesn't suddenly mean that the thing you're doing without isn't multiple times more useful than the crap you're using.


Personally I love my Braton Prime. I've put 6 forma into it and I use it all the time. That doesn't mean that I'm going to do nearly as well as someone using a maxed out Soma Prime, Synoid Simulor, Tonkor, Boltor Prime, Dread, etc, etc, etc.


You're not justifying the balance level of the Synoid Simulor. You're showing a lack of understanding about what balance, fundamentally, is.

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Because getting by without it doesn't suddenly mean that the thing you're doing without isn't multiple times more useful than the crap you're using.


Personally I love my Braton Prime. I've put 6 forma into it and I use it all the time. That doesn't mean that I'm going to do nearly as well as someone using a maxed out Soma Prime, Synoid Simulor, Tonkor, Boltor Prime, Dread, etc, etc, etc.


You're not justifying the balance level of the Synoid Simulor. You're showing a lack of understanding about what balance, fundamentally, is.

Yep, and if you run an oberon, you won't do nearly as well as an excalibur, a trinity, or nearly anything. By your logic, because it's better than other things, we should nerf excalibur until it's as weak as everything else and is a starting frame. Which is better for cutting: a butter knife or a sword?

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So uhh, the augmented armor grineer interception sortie today. Someone had a SSim and was killing enemies with no effort whatsoever even at the last wave.


We're looking at like level 120 grineer with augmented armor. My STigris was tickling non lancer units at that point.


Something needs to be taken a look at here.

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Now I am a bow person so my Rakta Cernos is my main weapon and yet when my good friend who I play with all the time runs his hall of malevolence mirage with the synoid I can always pull out with more damage. Bow vs AOE weapon, bow almost always wins. Now does that make the Rakta Cernos op who knows but it does make the synoid seem a lot less so doesn't it. So stop complaining when all you can do is know how to use one weapon, if you want to find something that is op look to bows, you have inate punch through and insane crit possibilities.


I'd actually love to see how a synoid mirage gets out damaged by a cernos. I don't think I will ever see it before I die.

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So uhh, the augmented armor grineer interception sortie today. Someone had a SSim and was killing enemies with no effort whatsoever even at the last wave.


We're looking at like level 120 grineer with augmented armor. My STigris was tickling non lancer units at that point.


Something needs to be taken a look at here.

This is stupid and unlogical. Dunno if that guy was playing chroma but from what you're saying that he kills without effort and you can't even scratch enemies with your STigris, this must be a lie or just overly exaggeration.

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Yep, and if you run an oberon, you won't do nearly as well as an excalibur, a trinity, or nearly anything. By your logic, because it's better than other things, we should nerf excalibur until it's as weak as everything else and is a starting frame. Which is better for cutting: a butter knife or a sword?

This topic is about the Synoid Simulor being far too powerful.

This topic is literally about cutting butter with a knife.

You took my example, threw words into my mouth, and then projected something onto me that you had no business doing.


I mean I'm glad you're one of the people who is so passionate about not nerfing anything that you're blind to what the word "balance" means, but seriously. Chill your butt.

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So uhh, the augmented armor grineer interception sortie today. Someone had a SSim and was killing enemies with no effort whatsoever even at the last wave.


We're looking at like level 120 grineer with augmented armor. My STigris was tickling non lancer units at that point.


Something needs to be taken a look at here.

I have a maxxed syndicate symulor and a maxxed syndicate sancti tigris

The symulor was doing nothing at todays interception sortie 

The fix?

Came back with my maxxed syndicate sancti tigris and got the kills

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Um, i have the simulor?? You musta TL;DR'd, I don't use anything BUT that lol and I refuse to. If only I could send some screenshots :] I've dumped my sancti tig, vayk hek, all of it. Not worth using. I'd never be mad about it?! I usually carry teams with it, I'm just saying. It needs a nerf. PS, if anyone is on PS4 and needs convincing, i'm happy to prove.

Whoopsie forgot to mention the maxxed blind rage r10 we all run on our smells like verything died nonstop  wof napalm build 

You carry teams with a syndicate symulor ?/

Not on my team i.E ember prime nonstop wof build strength 299 maxxed mods prime flow intensify stretch streamline transient fortitude power drift maxxed zenurik energy overflow and maxxed zenurik mastery

We run three embers with this setup and with quantas torrids pentas or tonkors

Join our ember prime squad and we may let you get a kill ._._.Maybe

Edited by (PS4)aiptekfanboy
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