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Why Do You Farm At All ?


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Warframe is not sandbox.


Look at 1 of few sandbox games on the market. Eve online.

Sandbox aspect in there is nullsec, empty lawless space which allows players to do whatever they want with it.


Eve is an entirely different being that has nothing to do with warframe. From a veteran's perspective, warframe is about killing enemies in the most stylish way possible and cosmetic choices. Working towards whatever idea comes to our mind is the addicting part about the thing. Warframe allows it to happen as a sandbox game would do and would have never been such a popular game if those mechanics were not as expansive as they are. If i understood the imminent starchart rework correctly, we will have much more customization even about the mission themselves.


Warframe on the other hand is typical open ended mmo with path laid by devs.


Many arguable things in there.

mmo? eh maybe i guess

Path laid by devs? Probably marginally so in the first 8 mastery ranks as a new player is still unlocking starmap and doing quests, afterwards the reason that makes you stick to the game switches drastically.


However content development is poor and devs never created anything for players to do



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Farming is written all over WARFRAME. I heard it was a typo when they released the game on the internet, they wanted to actually call it WARFARM. (jk)



with the direction its going (I've been playing for nearly 2 years now and STILL havent gotten Life Strike from a DS) that may still happen :P

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Many arguable things in there.

mmo? eh maybe i guess

Path laid by devs? Probably marginally so in the first 8 mastery ranks as a new player is still unlocking starmap and doing quests, afterwards the reason that makes you stick to the game switches drastically.




Eve is sandbox, thats all there needs to be said.


It is a mmo. 

Path is laid by devs, you have specific set progression through starchart, then you have specific farming spot for keys to join controlled farm on void, then you have very specific raids and finally devs even choose which mission you will play on sorties.

I havent even mentioned quest which de facto set narrative for the game.

Devs choose how missions will look like, give you objectives within those and allow you to play only within them.


In sandbox you arent limited by anything and fighting enemies isnt your only activity.

Warframe is closer to typical mmo formula wow than it is to sandbox eve.


You may argue about content but even our latest addition, sorties arent anything new, exterminates, defenses, mobile defenses and deceptions are here since u7, rescue stayed same since it was reworked, same with spy, interception stayed same since addition, even newest addition excavation was here for a long time now.


Also im yet to see sandbox game without open world.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Eve is sandbox, thats all there needs to be said.


It is a mmo. 

Path is laid by devs, you have specific set progression through starchart, then you have specific farming spot for keys to join controlled farm on void, then you have very specific raids and finally devs even choose which mission you will play on sorties.

I havent even mentioned quest which de facto set narrative for the game.

Devs choose how missions will look like, give you objectives within those and allow you to play only within them.


In sandbox you arent limited by anything and fighting enemies isnt your only activity.

Warframe is closer to typical mmo formula wow than it is to sandbox eve.


You may argue about content but even our latest addition, sorties arent anything new, exterminates, defenses, mobile defenses and deceptions are here since u7, rescue stayed same since it was reworked, same with spy, interception stayed same since addition, even newest addition excavation was here for a long time now.


Also im yet to see sandbox game without open world.


First off, you have a very strict definition of a "sandbox game".

Also Besiege and Minecraft are sandbox games, even tho radically different than Eve.

A sandbox game is in general any game that gives the player an unusually overwhelming amount of choice, driving their creativity.

Nothing in the definition of a sandbox game forces the need of a strictly open word environment, like "Besiege" being a sandbox without open-world.

An MMO instead is a definition that wants open-world more than sandbox does.

This makes warframe less of a mmo because the core gameplay focuses on small 4-8-players cells or even solo in a non-openworld environment.

"fighting enemies isnt your only activity" is a bad point, as by definition the underlying platform for creative expression in warframe IS killing enemies.

Also clan management, pet breeding and exploration/kuria hunting are side activities that only indirectly involve killing enemies and can be expanded in the future.

Warframe has, as of now, more abstract kinds of sandbox elements in which the creativity lies not in physically or globally modifying the gaming experience but rather in how you kill your enemies with so many loadout combinations (and cosmetics).

I say "as of now" because warframe is clearly taking the path of the physical sandbox game (at least partially). Here's some hints:

- TennoGen (user generated content)

- Dark sectors (potentially allows for alliances to take over nodes and do global modifications)

- Starchart rework (we don't know for sure, but players will be able to broadly define their experience in missions)

- The simulacrum (for the lulz and giggles)

Still, we have been arguing the technical definition of a sandbox game, but my point stands: HOW you kill your enemies is what keeps most people addicted and are willing to farm to great levels towards that.

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First off, you have a very strict definition of a "sandbox game".

Also Besiege and Minecraft are sandbox games, even tho radically different than Eve.

A sandbox game is in general any game that gives the player an unusually overwhelming amount of choice, driving their creativity.

Nothing in the definition of a sandbox game forces the need of a strictly open word environment, like "Besiege" being a sandbox without open-world.

An MMO instead is a definition that wants open-world more than sandbox does.

This makes warframe less of a mmo because the core gameplay focuses on small 4-8-players cells or even solo in a non-openworld environment.

"fighting enemies isnt your only activity" is a bad point, as by definition the underlying platform for creative expression in warframe IS killing enemies.

Also clan management, pet breeding and exploration/kuria hunting are side activities that only indirectly involve killing enemies and can be expanded in the future.

Warframe has, as of now, more abstract kinds of sandbox elements in which the creativity lies not in physically or globally modifying the gaming experience but rather in how you kill your enemies with so many loadout combinations (and cosmetics).

I say "as of now" because warframe is clearly taking the path of the physical sandbox game (at least partially). Here's some hints:

- TennoGen (user generated content)

- Dark sectors (potentially allows for alliances to take over nodes and do global modifications)

- Starchart rework (we don't know for sure, but players will be able to broadly define their experience in missions)

- The simulacrum (for the lulz and giggles)

Still, we have been arguing the technical definition of a sandbox game, but my point stands: HOW you kill your enemies is what keeps most people addicted and are willing to farm to great levels towards that.

Besiege?? no absolutely not, its a puzzle game. Puzzle game must have challenges created by devs, thus by definition it cant be sandbox. You can at best introduce lvl editor which wont make it sandbox.

Otherwise every game would be sandbox by mere grace of having possibility of mods.


Space engineers sure, minecraft sure. Both i would call mmos though.

Sandbox game is a game which would continue to provide fresh gameplay without any intervention from devs, the less content devs produce the more sandboxy it is.


Space engineers are nearly perfect in that matter, no rules, no quests, no content. Core game with some extra features. Do what you want and players did what they want, they found a way to create weapons before devs actually allowed usage of weapons of their design.

Mass driver, gravity engines(also gravity torpedoes), gravity shields were all things that devs never thought would happen but community created those.


"Heres bucket and spade go play while parents have a conversation.", if you can say that about your game then you have created a true sandbox.


"fighting enemies isnt your only activity" is an excellent point as it clearly shows how little interaction you have, thats the challenge devs created for you and its your only interaction with game world.

I cant reason with them, i cant avoid confrontation, i cant bribe them. I have no choice but to fight them.


These are features, just like pokemon pet battles in wow, book hunting in dalaran, loremaster/explorer achievements, guild management, garrison management. Doesnt change the fact that wow aint sandbox.

Every genre out there borrows from other genres thats why you have rpg elements in third person shooter. 


Warframe is not sandbox.

If cpp suddenly announced that they wont release more patches for eve then nullsec would live on.

If blizzard/de suddenly announced no more patches for wow/warframe then game would die as soon content would be exhausted.


As for ending argument, thats your assumption. But if someone comes out and admits that this is the reason he plays ill pat him in the back and say great for you.

Edited by Davoodoo
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the thing is, people rush through the missions as if the devil was after them.

that made me wonder

when will there be those missions they relish doing, using all these parts and frames they have done all the work for.


I can only speak for like minded players, but non-endless missions offer terrible rewards (save for spy, which I literally only play in sortie form because I hate them), so most vets prefer endless missions and raids. I like t4 survivals to mess around. I built chroma just to do a toxic centric build to make the wraith twin vipers end game viable. My vipers have 4 maxed primed mods on them, and i spent 14 combined forma just to do this silliness. Why? It's funny. That's what the game is about. Making builds, and crushing stuff with it, then making new builds.

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It's pretty clear that our definitions differ wildly. Which is fine, even tho i admit that the usage of the term was provocative even in my standards.


I am having a hard time nailing your stance on the matter. If you think that a sandbox game must not have a set long-term goal, well warframe doesn't have one, you kinda have to set your own in order to enjoy your stay past the quests. If I understood you correctly, you should consider this a sandbox-like feature.


"I cant reason with them, i cant avoid confrontation, i cant bribe them. I have no choice but to fight them."

But I can kill them in a huge number of ways. That's the main framework, at least for now. A shift in mindset is required. Well arguably i can technically help them via invasions or syndicates and other events but i consider them too barebones for now to have any player-driven relevance. Prolly in the future sure.


I feel like besiege is a puzzle game in the same way as minecraft is an adventure game, including the level editor/creative mode separation. As long as you build stuff to some degree of freedom as a core part to achieve whatever goal screams sandbox to me.


I only tried wow a very long time ago and can't tell about its current state, but has it ever implemented any sort of user generated content or player-driven-anything mechanism in the same way warframe is doing slowly but surely?


If DE decides to drop warframe tomorrow, it won't last simply because warframe is nowhere near looking like a stable enough of a product. But if DE decides to capitalize on UGC and other player-driven mechanics like invasions or those bloody dark sectors it can very well acquire the potential to last in similar ways other games like eve do, even tho with the added bonus of the "suit to kill" part of the deal. It's fine that you dont define warframe as a sandbox per-se, but you have to at least admit that there are some hints aiming in that direction worth developping upon.

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It's pretty clear that our definitions differ wildly. Which is fine, even tho i admit that the usage of the term was provocative even in my standards.


I am having a hard time nailing your stance on the matter. If you think that a sandbox game must not have a set long-term goal, well warframe doesn't have one, you kinda have to set your own in order to enjoy your stay past the quests. If I understood you correctly, you should consider this a sandbox-like feature.


"I cant reason with them, i cant avoid confrontation, i cant bribe them. I have no choice but to fight them."

But I can kill them in a huge number of ways. That's the main framework, at least for now. A shift in mindset is required. Well arguably i can technically help them via invasions or syndicates and other events but i consider them too barebones for now to have any player-driven relevance. Prolly in the future sure.


I feel like besiege is a puzzle game in the same way as minecraft is an adventure game, including the level editor/creative mode separation. As long as you build stuff to some degree of freedom as a core part to achieve whatever goal screams sandbox to me.


I only tried wow a very long time ago and can't tell about its current state, but has it ever implemented any sort of user generated content or player-driven-anything mechanism in the same way warframe is doing slowly but surely?


If DE decides to drop warframe tomorrow, it won't last simply because warframe is nowhere near looking like a stable enough of a product. But if DE decides to capitalize on UGC and other player-driven mechanics like invasions or those bloody dark sectors it can very well acquire the potential to last in similar ways other games like eve do, even tho with the added bonus of the "suit to kill" part of the deal. It's fine that you dont define warframe as a sandbox per-se, but you have to at least admit that there are some hints aiming in that direction worth developping upon.

Sandbox must have only 1 thing, freedom of interaction for players and should lack 1 thing, goal.

It should be players choice, where to go, what to do and by what means. 


Eve has no goal, minecraft has no goal, space engineers has no goal. Besiege have a goal, complete puzzle, warframe have a goal, complete a mission, wow have a goal, complete dungeon/raid.


I can throw fireball, riddle them with arrows, put a knife in their back or just decapitate them with axe. Doesnt mean that every fantasy rpg is a sandbox does it??


Warframe got no user generated content, warframe got player made skins and you know whats the 1 trait that all cosmetics share?? they offer no gameplay.


Then its not sandbox is it?? if at core of the game there isnt a sandbox then adding features and content upon it wont make it a sandbox.

Minecraft was built as a sandbox, so was eve, from early days they were functional product.


If dev creates things for me to do then its not sandbox, someone else decided on what i will find fun and i can either agree or disagree with their vision.

If dev creates a world for me in which i can do whatever i want, then im free to dig a hole in the sand, im free to make a sand caslte, im free to beat other kids(or there might be an adult preventing me from this). Only at this point i can call it a sandbox.


But why do i even bother, wikipedia did job for me.



A game wherein the player has been freed from the traditional structure and direction typically found in video games, and is instead given the ability to choose what, when, and how they want to approach the available choices in content. The term is in reference to a child's sandbox in which no rules are present and play is derived from open-ended choice. While some sandbox games may have building and creation aspects to their gameplay, those activities are not required. Sandbox games usually take place in an open-world setting as to facilitate the freedom of choice a player is given.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Depends. Some farm for high tier content - cores, forma, raids or the likes. Others farm for greed - mods, void trader etc stuff with a view to selling on. Most though just farm for what they need... most running a “farm“ all day wont get mod or part theyre farming for in the first place because RNG.

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"Minecraft has no goal, Besiege have a goal, complete puzzle, warframe have a goal, complete a mission"

Minecraft has no goal? What about beating the ender dragon? You would say "well that's irrilevant", of course it is, exactly like beating any mission in warframe or a puzzle in besiege.

Because all 3 of those are parts of the framework, parts of the sandbox, and as the wiki article you linked said, its really in the way you approach content.

More content in a sandbox game simply means more permutations you can possibly do. There is little drawback in going all-in with that.

Warframe has undeniably shown great and unusual interest in shoving as much toys and tools as possible, more than most "fantasy rpg"s as you mention.

"If dev creates things for me to do then its not sandbox, someone else decided on what i will find fun and i can either agree or disagree with their vision."

Eve doesn't agree. There is not much creation happening in eve, only modifications in specified places and in specified ways (raiding? theft? even bullying? all things that the devs have predicted and balanced). The devs know exactly why and how people have fun from the very beginning: feeling powerful against other players.

If you don't like that vision, eve is not for you. Still a cool sandbox tho.

You know a game in which devs are constantly battling against exploits and creative ways to use the content? Warframe.

It happens more often than in most other more strict games that don't allow such immersive customization like eve for example.

All the nerfs and reworks are symptoms of the playerbase knowing what they want from such a game.

See also dojos, and how people managed to find ways to position objects in extremely convoluted ways. It won't get nerfed, because it's awesome. Wasn't an intended feature either.

Lets say, warframe has had "semi-accidental" sandbox elements, in which devs knew adding content was good but prolly didn't know exactly why at the time. Due to the extreme amount of content making it difficult to predict what players are going to do with it, only now devs are realizing this is why and start to add stuff in that direction.

"Then its not sandbox is it?? if at core of the game there isnt a sandbox then adding features and content upon it wont make it a sandbox.

Minecraft was built as a sandbox, so was eve, from early days they were functional product."

What makes you think that an open-ended and unfinished game like warframe cannot transition slightly to include official sandbox features too, as many hints point at, instead of only implied?

Why they must always be defined and marketed from the very beginning nor cannot coexist with other aspects?

How can you dismiss cosmetics like that? cosmetics are crucial in the gaming experience for most of warframe's playerbase. People like them and are willing to take in-game actions to seek them.

Tennogen can be expanded in the future to include even more stuff that adds to the longevity.

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I get on the point where I have everything I want( except cosmetics), and after I realised there is no point on farm for some stuff I will never use, the game became more fun to play.

Of course I still do raids every day because arcanes are really long goal on this game, but even that raids are nice to do with a group that are good and let you use Ivara and Zephyr.

Another point is avoid a little overpower weapons, I have fun with Mitter, Mutalist Quanta, Sobek and my so loved Sybaris.

Do some things like only melee runs, abuse of aim glide and latch try to beat your maximum combo mult( mine is 130, deal with it) use Braton and Skana, test weird builds.

But even after all this 1.8k hours I have things to do like focus system or get dat Hate blueprint because reasons.

Just don't burn youself on Draco and stop give a schit to MR.

And dont forget to play with broberon and hydroid sometimes.

Edit 1 terrible mistakes. Bad sorry for engrish

Edited by srlhama
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MR 19 and I haven't farmed a thing for months, mostly cause Baro has yet to bring much worth the ducats. Not much else since focus is usually farmed during the sortie (not that I need it anymore, least it stacks unlike syndicate rep.) and that's mostly if the sortie doesn't have a "reviving simulator" with enhanced damage/a protect obj. Granted the proper way for those is actually "Globe and EV spam tutorial". Otherwise I guess I just farm the login rewards now xD

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