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Why Do You Farm At All ?


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I mean:   to do ... WHAT exactly with the things ?


let's say you are MR 15.


What do you do when you play ?

You do Void Runs for Prime Parts, you do Sorties, Derelict, ... etc.


But what do you do it for, are there special "missions" you plan to use the things in when you have them?



Or do you just farm to become better at ......  farming?




I am MR7 and please don't get me wrong, I am having really much fun with Warframe !!!

and this is no post to complain or something.


Besides, I have just done the 2nd Dream Quest and I liked it.



But what comes now?  I realize that the people I play with (and who are higher in MR) 

do "farming" the whole day,  and that is why I started wondering what special Event they are farming for.


I hope that my post doesn't sound too sarcastic -

probably there are reasonable answers to my question,  and if it only is
"a nice feeling" playing or trying out THIS or THAT frame and mod, etc. 
meeting friends, the Clan, relaxing after work, getting new stuff to customize the look of the frames. whatever.

Edited by Vicious_Vipa
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I do it because I enjoy it. It provides a short term goal for my play sessions, even if there's no long term one behind it. That said, I don't hardcore farm because that feels like a recipe for fast burnout and non-enjoyment. My farming consists more of "play this or that mission which drops something I need and when I get what I wanted, I get what I wanted. If I don't get it by the time I'm bored I'll come back later."

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People usually farm to get much more powerful, fusion core, ranking up mod, ect. Once they get everything they need, they go on the forum and whine to DE that the game is too easy, so they nerf the game, making it much more harder for newcomer, discouraging them as the community is getting more and more fill with elitist that only follow some meta build.


or to make sure they will have enough resources to grab those news weapon and have that completion feeling ;3


p.s. Don't hang me please.

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Farming is written all over WARFRAME. I heard it was a typo when they released the game on the internet, they wanted to actually call it WARFARM. (jk)


When you're new, you probably want to explore the game and play everything new that you haven't played before, (example: archwing). But once you've done that, you just want to farm everything, get all primeds, get the best mods, enhance your gear and so on. Not everyone does that, but the most people, including me. You will soon know what i mean ;)

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Warframe is about farming stuff :)


As MR 21 i keep farming, i don't even know why, it became like a normal thing in that game.


No wonder why a chinese company bough 100% of it ;D

Edited by clemza
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༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ because this is how this game works, you want that -> grind, you want that too -> grind some more, I stopped having fun with grinding a long time ago ,  now it's just a means to an end, so it get's boring by the minute, the sortie are fun ( not rewording, but still fun when you die because air likes to kill you). 

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the thing is, people rush through the missions as if the devil was after them.

that made me wonder

when will there be those missions they relish doing, using all these parts and frames they have done all the work for.

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MR almost-8 here, I'm also wondering what I'm grinding for. It seems like all the late-game content is grinding just to grind.

I guess now that I've got X super-cool Prime frame I can stop playing with a goal for a bit and beat up whichever baddies I want wherever I want? Survivals are probably my favorite mission type, so I guess I could just farm miscellaneous Prime parts for fun and profit.

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There is no next.

If you're farming, you farm to farm better (or sell for plat).


Do yourself a favor - Farm only until you have decent gear that you enjoy using.

Once you can 'go anywhere' and not instadie, don't worry about it.

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I stopped.


But most of the time when I did, it was for more gear, and to have ducats for Baro, and to have enough resources to craft any cool new weapon that might come with the next update.


And because as everyone knows, the higher your mastery rank, the higher your value as a human being ;)

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Because theres nothing else to do but farm.

If you are not farming then what are you doing?? playing mission without reward?? might aswell play mission with reward and thus farm.


Quests doesnt last long, pvp aint for everyone(and its farm too), archwing is farming, even lore hunting requires you to grind, theres cockflexing with endless modes but that aint for everyone either(certainly im not willing to sit at pc for 6 hours) and then after you do it its done.


You either farm or youre not playing.

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Farming is merely the path towards a goal.


Because Warframe is an undercover sandbox-centered game, in which creativity comes in the form of cosmetic choices and playstyle, the reason people like playing and are willing to farm for stuff is that players involuntarily set themselves small goals/ideas they will work towards.

Want that cosmetic item that guy is wearing? or want to try out a particular frame/gun combination that youtuber was using? your dojo must be the dankest around? you rather be passing new year's eve with your dear tin suit? Only you can know.


Endgame is all about setting goals to yourself and having kewl ideas with the means and items warframe provides.

Also, community contests and tournaments. like them. they cool.


You can even farm just in case in the future you might get new ideas.

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Because Warframe is an undercover sandbox-centered game, in which creativity comes in the form of cosmetic choices and playstyle, the reason people like playing and are willing to farm for stuff is that players involuntarily set themselves small goals/ideas they will work towards.

Warframe is not sandbox.


Look at 1 of few sandbox games on the market. Eve online.

Sandbox aspect in there is nullsec, empty lawless space which allows players to do whatever they want with it.


Warframe on the other hand is typical open ended mmo with path laid by devs. However content development is poor and devs never created anything for players to do because they are busy designing new grind in hope of bigger profits.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Senchura for credits for transmutations and leveling frames that have received a new forma. I play it solo, and rather enjoy my time messing around or talking to friends.

Then the void for captures and ducat farming.

Then it's off to Oceaum to level weapons playing Spy solo. Over and over ...I've received like six Ivara BPs for my efforts. Now if only I could sell them on the trade block.

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People farm because they think playing without earning something for their time isn't fun.  They'll argue otherwise, but there's a reason they rush through non-endless missions in a game whose genre is supposed to be about shooting bad guys.  They're mistaking "fun" for the dopamine hit of getting something to turn into ducats, or to use themselves.  Okay, to be fair, I get a dopamine hit whenever I blow a Grineer or Corpus to bits, but I don't need to farm to have fun is the difference.  Most players break down challenges and game mechanics to the point where the enemy can't really fight and then go on hour long sessions standing around a single point on a map waiting for more bad dudes to show up so they can shut them down and practice their aim in a relatively non-stress situation.  Basically, the carrot-on-a-stick illness is strong here, and ability mechanics strongly favor laughably mindless play.


This isn't to say farming for a gun or frame you want isn't okay.  Asking for other activities to be more rewarding is also okay.  Though generally, the players play the game to be rewarded for everything they do, and the game keeps catering to that purpose.  Everywhere I look, however, they apparently hate that the game keeps giving them things to farm for, which is just more evidence that they're not really having fun.

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Well my idea is that because warframe is ever-changing releases new updates, there will always be a new mod, prime, new trial etc to learn. So it kinda follows the concept of an endless road with a house at the end which you want to reach, and as you can never really reach the house you can “never” really stop farming in warframe, reach your final goal.


But if we go back to the road, you really want to reach that house(trinity prime, arcane grace, catbrow etc), so you think “hmm, if I start jogging(meta-builds) I might reach it quicker”. So you start to jog, but after a time you notice you didn't really get any farther down the road, you get furious and start to yell” what's the point of having a road if I can never reach the house”. After you had calmed down, you started to think that it might not be so irritating to walk if you had someone to talk to, magically a friend appeared next to you and after talking for a while the road didn't seem that dull anymore. But after a few days, there weren't really anything more to talk about, so you asked for some time alone and your friend disappeared as he appeared. The road again seemed to become more annoying yet again, so you thought if I can't talk to my friend what can I do, so in an act of desperation you took up your phone and started listening to the top hits on spotify, your thoughts began to drown with the soft voices of cheerful songs. After some time, you couldn't really identify yourself with these songs, but this time you made your own play list with songs and “voila” you had made something of your own(Your own build, color customization, learning combos etc). As the days past yet again, you felt you could invite your friend back, and the road, what road you didn't really think about the road anymore.

My idea is that, even though your goal is to get that new prime part, that amount of ducats etc, mini houses(mini goals as someone said), you want really like it because you're thinking as walking the road, “as to farm”. But if you're having fun farming, it's not really farming its playing the game :)

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