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[Spoilers] Toward An Fuller Warframe: Open Worlds, Npcs And Campaigns


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Be warned, there are SPOILERS below:



Update 18’s Second Dream Quest changed the player’s perspective on Warframe, revealing the nature of the Tenno and unlocking a new powers system. While the new sortie mode has added high-end difficult content, DE has an opportunity to introduce truly fresh content, in the form of new open world gameplay and limited campaigns.

Warframe’s star chart and tileset system is woefully restrictive; although suitable to current gameplay, the tilesets -- including relays – could be so much more. While keeping in mind DE’s realistic constraints, I propose that DE create new open world gameplay that is both engaging and immersive.


By open world gameplay, I mean detailed, large-scale and populated environments that are tailored for continuous gameplay, rather than finite missions. Examples of open world settings include busy markets, populated towns, and sparsely inhabited wastelands. Open-world environments allow for a broader range of repeatable activities and greater immersion than is possible in typical single or multiplayer environments. Open world environments will give Warframe a necessary foundation for creating enriching and engaging new content.


Open world environments would play a big role within three new gameplay features: 1) open-air markets, 2) badlands and 3) Syndicate campaigns.


BE WARNED: MASSIVE TEXT WALLS! Sorry about this, but there are a lot of ideas here that couldn't be shorthanded.


As you read, keep in mind that what I am suggesting would admittedly be a big change to Warframe, and would require a lot of focus from DE. I’m not suggesting that DE drop needed reworks, big fixes, and quality of life improvements on existing features. But what I have laid out is simply a broad and comprehensive idea for expanding the game beyond its current confines, so that it can be more engaging, more immersive and, hopefully, more entertaining.


So if you don’t like my specific suggestions, at least consider the three core additions – interactive, planet-based "relays"; open-world environments; and limited campaigns – and whether or not you think they could benefit Warframe.





I. Open-Air Markets





When DE first introduced the Dojo, it revolutionized Warframe by providing server space for dozens of players to interact. By introducing the Relay, DE took that concept a step further. Now, populated, planet-based and open-air markets would perfect this concept by allowing players to interact with each other as well as various NPC sellers. These markets would function primarily as the current in-game “market” and trade mechanics do, but within immersive environments that suggest a bigger system than the one we’ve seen.


Markets, situated within larger colonies (the rest of which is inaccessible). would host a variety of minor factions and non-aligned individuals, all of whom would have some sort of contract for the Tenno. This would allow for one-off, in-person alerts, either within the markets or in other, limited-access areas of the colonies. Such factions could include Cantis’ Red Veil Resistance, the once-mentioned Oracles of Saturn, Maroo, Darvo and even Baro Ki’Teer. These factions would enrich Warframe’s lore and gameplay, while also increasing the opportunities for player involvement.


Markets would also open the door for a better managed new weapon system. Rather than the usual Grineer, Corpus or Tenno weapons introduced into an abstract out-of-universe store, new weapons would be introduced to specific colony markets, allowing for greater diversity of weapon designs. For example, weapons introduced on a Martian colony would look noticeably different from those introduced on a Jupiter colony. The same could be applied to cosmetics.


More importantly, these markets (and other sites) would serve as the foundation for new, holistic mission types. For example, a restrictive defense mission could become more challenging and yet more rewarding, if players had to defend the inhabitants of an open-air bazaar from Grineer attack. Or, a capture mission could require greater skill and teamwork if players had to manually extract the target through a populated town amidst heavy opposition, while minimizing civilian casualties. Such mission types would require innovations in gameplay mechanics, but would most certainly provide endgame content that prioritizes skill and teamwork.


II. Badlands





DE initially presented the concept of “dark sectors” as badlands, and my initial expectation was a series of tilesets populated by new, unaligned, and “wild” factions. What came out of that were the same tilesets with the same enemies, but with slightly more challenging stats and more lucrative rewards. It was very underwhelming, to say the least.


The Badlands I am proposing would be large-scale open-world environments tailored to extended exploration and unpredictable combat. An Earth jungle, Martian desert, Orokin ruins…these badlands would be entirely open world, without the mission parameters that constrain engagement in Grineer and Corpus environments. Regular missions could still take place in these environments, but players would not have to be in a mission to explore them. Players would be able to explore these environments indefinitely, locating completely new, unique and rare items, including cosmetics and powerful weapons that accrue high affinity within the badlands. Instead of the dreaded RNGsus, ALL of the new content – including some Warframes? – would have to be located and found (or won) in the Badlands. The logic is that new players have more than enough content through all of the existing channels to satisfy them for years. It is not the main game that needs new content. So throw it here, and spend time on it to make it worthwhile.




Some of these environments would possess restricted access sites that require a high level of skill to bypass, either through challenging “puzzles” (taken loosely), enemies, or trials (think Mastery Rank tests/Orokin trials). These sites would yield the rarest of items. As they traverse the badlands, players would be randomly beset by sudden ambushes and assaults, as NPC raiders attempt to steal their gained loot. The greater the rarity of the items found, the greater chance for ambush, while players will also be able to ambush raiding parties for their acquired rare items.


The badlands would also feature escort missions in which players have to protect VIP cargo transports from raider attacks. Escort missions would be among the contracts that third-party factions/individuals in the colonies provide to players, and they would come with special rewards, including consumable air and ground support items. The Badlands would be high risk, high reward, with a high level of replayability due to the unpredictability of enemies, combat, sites and loot, something truly endgame.



III. Campaigns [spoilerS]





Second Dream provided Warframe with its first cinematic quest, which marks a turning point in the Warframe story: The Tenno are NOT the Warframes, and have been freed from slumber to interact with the real world. With these changes also came yet another endgame mission type (sorties) and functionality (Focus), but are these truly endgame?


I propose that, building off the new cinematic quest and attempts at endgame features, DE create six Syndicate campaigns that each feature new character, locations, and mission types. These campaigns would be cinematic; not all would have drawn out cutscenes, but all would have fully animated and developed NPC characters providing narration, guidance and context. Missions would take place across the existing star chart, but would especially feature both the open world colonies and the badlands. Chronologically occurring after The Second Dream, these campaigns would feature entirely new units, tilesets, maps and mini-bosses. Missions would range in difficulty, with some restricted to only one player and others requiring more than four players. All missions would be entirely narrative driven.


Syndicate campaigns would greatly expand the gameplay experience for players, particularly by guiding player interactions in the colonies and badlands. Each of the six Syndicate campaigns would be divided into chapters corresponding to different regions or planets. As players progress through the campaign, they will have to perform certain feats that emphasize the use of certain skills. As players complete each chapter and master the corresponding skill, the faction will reward them with exclusive mods, weapons, stances and cosmetics. Completing a Syndicate campaign would reward the player with two faction-themed premium skins (male and female) applicable to all Warframes, while also granting them powerful weapons with new, unique elemental types. Syndicate campaigns would require the player to hold the maximum reputation rank in that particular Syndicate, forcing the player to think hard about which Syndicates to support.


Each Syndicate would have its own base of operations, from which players would receive new missions and to which players would need to return to progress to the next campaign rank. Syndicate maps would have several areas restricted by Syndicate rank, and as players increase in rank, they would gain access to new Syndicate “services”, such as dueling rooms, Simulacrum terminals, or training rooms. Every Syndicate would have a central room restricted to the highest campaign rank. These rooms would contain unique, functional and Syndicate-themed premium skins for two Warframes (male and female) favored by the Syndicate (Steel Meridian – Rhino and Mesa; Arbiters – Excalibur and Nyx; Suda – Limbo and Nova; Perrin Sequence – Vauban and Mag; Red Veil – Ash and Saryn; New Loka – Oberon and Zephyr).


Below are my suggestions for what these campaigns could entail:




A. Steel Meridian





Led by a battle-hardened Grineer deserter, the Steel Meridian have long fought a guerilla war against the oppressive Grineer, who seek to dominate the few remaining human colonies. With stolen Grineer technology, the Steel Meridian have held the Grineer Empire at bay. However, the Twin Queens have directed the full force of the Grineer war machine to wiping out the colonies. Outmanned and outgunned, the Steel Meridian have turned to the Tenno for desperate assistance. The Steel Meridian will reward the Tenno who enlist with powerful weapons and gear, enabling them to better defend the colonies and turn the tide in this long war.


1. Missions


i. Ground Raid – Tenno assault Grineer outposts, eliminating all enemies and retrieving weapons caches.

Players would insert via Steel Meridian gunship into the outskirts of Grineer camps, outposts or fortresses (light, medium and heavy security). Players would then move through the site, stealthily eliminating enemies, physically breaking into lightly secured vaults, and extracting through hard Grineer defenses while carrying medium to heavy caches. Ground Raids function as Spy-lite missions: players must eliminate all targets without alerting them. If Grineer fire back or sound alarms, existing units will stack up at cache locations, while reinforcements will make extraction significantly harder. 


ii. Air Raid – Tenno assault Grineer shipyards and weapons depots, using Archwings to destroy select targets in fast-paced trench runs and dogfights.

Instead of piloting Archwings in an upright position, players would fly in prone position with guns facing forward, a la hang glider. Players would insert some distance away and fly relatively low to the ground, attacking Grineer ships, weapons batteries, generators and buildings. Players would also have to fight off Grineer anti-aircraft batteries, gunships, Archwing pilots and Helions. Grineer locations would differ in terms of scale, density, and difficulty. 


iii. Rescue 3.0 – Tenno infiltrate Grineer gulags, rescuing and exfiltrating Steel Meridian spies, Grineer defectors or rebel allies.

Tenno would insert via Archwing onto the top of a massive Grineer Gulag. From there, players would have to locate the gulag’s security center by hacking into a secure data terminal. Once players enter the security center, they will have to sift through archival sensor data to determine the lower wing in which their target is being held. Then, players will have three options: 1) locate and hack the wing’s security hub in order to initiate a prison break; 2) track down and steal the prison access key from the warden; or 3) physically break open the target’s cell. Security systems will become progressively more difficult as players descend through the gulag: the data terminal reflects the current Grineer hacking system, while the center and wing systems consist of digital gears that must be aligned properly. In order to obtain the cell access key, players will need to track down and stealth assassinate the wing’s warden without alerting other units. In order to physically break open the cell, one player will need to melt the door using an Atomos (provided at insertion), while the other players stealthily eliminate any passing patrols. If guards become alerted at any point, the gulag goes into complete lockdown, requiring players to use the Atomos to break through every door, in order to reach the target’s cell within the time limit. Once players have freed the target, they must exfiltrate the target back through the gulag until they reach the extraction point. There, players have to defend the target against waves of enemies until Steel Meridian transports arrive. 


iv. Evacuation – Tenno escort civilian colonists to rescue transports outside of besieged settlements.

Tenno insert into the middle of a settlement under Grineer fire, and must rescue multiple groups of civilians trapped by Grineer assailants. Groups will be trapped in different areas across the map, and will differ in terms of the method of entrapment. Some groups will be hiding in bunkers, while others may be barricaded behind doors under Grineer assault, or captured by Grineer forces. Depending on the scenario, groups will display different countdowns, reflecting target priority. Players will need to split up in order to rescue all groups in time. Upon rescuing all groups, players must escort this larger group by foot to the designated extraction area (outside the settlement) while fending off against infantry, air and mobile units. Players will be given designated “safe” paths to follow through the settlement, but upon leaving the area, they will need to chart their own path to the extraction point. Players will have to be wary of straying too close to large Grineer forces or heavy tanks, and will need to fend off against attacks by smaller groupings of units. If more than 20% of the group is killed at any point, players fail the mission. 


v. Siege – Tenno defend colonies from Grineer onslaught.

Tenno insert into open-world colonies where numerous Steel Meridian and rebel forces have set up defenses. Starting in a random location, players must eliminate lone Grineer saboteurs and repair anti-aircraft batteries scattered around the city before Grineer forces arrive. Then, players must man the batteries to eliminate increasingly numerous waves of Grineer gunship attacks. After this Defense round, players will need to eliminate a dozen Grineer tanks (repurposed mining vehicles) before sections of the city wall are destroyed. Then, players will need to defend against waves of standard Grineer units in different areas of the city. The number of city wall sections destroyed in the previous round will determine the number of city areas that must be defended. Players will be given a lengthy time limit for this Mobile Defense round, but it will only provide space to defend three different areas.


If three or fewer sections of the wall were destroyed, then, following the Mobile Defense round, players will have to infiltrate the Grineer encampments (via underground tunnels), sabotaging Grineer tanks and eliminating all remaining forces to complete the mission. When fewer than 20 units remain, players will have to defeat a Lech Kril-like miniboss, before finishing off the remaining forces.


If more than three sections of the wall were destroyed, then players will have to evacuate civilians to a central safe zone in the city, where they will have to hold out against ten waves of enemies while protecting civilian lives. Following this Defense round, players will have to sabotage Grineer tanks and eliminate all remaining Grineer forces in the city to complete the mission. When fewer than 20 units remain, players will have to defeat a Lech Kril-like miniboss, before finishing off the remaining forces. 


vi. Invasion 2.0 – Tenno assault the Grineer, emptying Grineer-held cities.

Tenno would insert into space via Lisets, and would engage numerous Grineer fighters to clear a path to the insertion point on the Grineer Galleon. Players will need to eliminate a certain number of fighters while also destroying external Galleon systems, including shields and weapons. After fulfilling necessary requirements, players would be able to approach the Galleon, where they would insert in familiar places. Once in the ship, players would descend into the lower levels to sabotage Grineer engines, and then ascend to upper levels to sabotage shields and power core.


Players would not necessarily have to use stealth, but if Grineer activate alarms, that section of the ship would go into complete lockdown, forcing players to find alternate paths, such as elevator shafts or floor/ceiling ventilation shafts. Once players have sabotaged the ship, they will make their way to the bridge, where they will send the ship on a crash course to the planet or moon’s surface. Once the system is hacked, players will have a limited time to reach the extraction point, from which they will exit via Archwing into the lower atmosphere.


Players will then have to take out Grineer gunships, other aircraft, weapons batteries and airfields, allowing Steel Meridian transports to land. Players would then insert into the staging area, and head toward the Grineer-held city via Steel Meridian tanks. Outside the city, players will have to defeat a line of Grineer Jackals (similar to DS) using the Steel Meridian tanks. Once the path is clear, players and allies will disembark the tanks (via cutscene) and enter the city, where they will have to systematically clear three sections of the city by infiltrating and destroying power plants; exterminating Grineer barracks; and sabotaging Grineer factories. While moving through the city sections, individual players will be randomly targeted by Grineer melee minibosses, who will engage the player in a duel. If the player loses health, they instantly die, requiring the expenditure of a revive, while the miniboss disappears.


Once all three sections have been liberated, players will assist allies in assaulting the central fortress, bunker or palace. Players will have to exterminate all enemies before facing a new, Gustrag Three-like Grineer boss in the central area of the base. Once this boss is defeated, the mission is completed.


2. Ranking, Affinity and Rewards

The Steel Meridian would focus on enhancing gunplay and related tactics, including shooting from cover, flanking enemies, close quarters combat and sniper use. As players master each skill, they will gain access to new classes of weapons and gear (heavy guns, jetpacks, grenades and mines), unique primary and secondary stance mods and functional heavy armor cosmetics. When players reach the end of the campaign, they will be rewarded with a new heavy shield & blast-proc heavy gun weapon combo that can be wielded like the Shield Lancer and greatly boosts armor and damage.




B. Arbiters of Hexis





Example Narrative:

The Arbiters of Hexis undergo discipline and trial to maximize and realize their potential. But none are so powerful as the Tenno, who have been constrained by the lie that they are mere warriors of gun and blade. The Arbiters invite the Tenno to discover the truth about their abilities, by searching out the source of that power, the Void itself. As the Tenno push the boundaries of their potential, the Arbiters will teach them to focus and harness their power. In doing so, the Tenno will become far greater than their masters ever could.


1. Activities


i. Orokin Crypt Exploration – Tenno explore buried Orokin Crypts, overcoming puzzles, tests and obstacles to obtain Janus Keys.

Tenno enter the barren badlands of Mercury, where they must quickly locate the hidden entrance to the expansive, subterranean Orokin Crypt. Upon entering the Crypt, players must make their way through a darkened, maze-like structure. Players will encounter several forks as they travel, and must uncover clues around the immediate area to determine which path to take. Some clues consist of riddles that must be solved, others indicate certain elemental procs that can illuminate the path, and still others expose invisible paths. Players will gradually descend into the Crypt, where they will be repeatedly ambushed by increasingly larger hordes of non-aligned, crazed Grineer miners. 


Eventually, players must enter the Orokin Labyrinth, where they will have to solve complex Orokin puzzles. Each time players incorrectly arrange the puzzle pieces, Corrupted Orokin Guardsmen appear and attack. Once the puzzle is successfully completed, players enter the inner Sanctum, where they must deduce and enter the family name of the buried Orokin within a select time limit. If players enter the correct name, a Janus Key  -- necessary for accessing Orokin Temple Vaults -- will emerge. If the timer runs out, the Sanctum’s powerful lasers activate, forcing players to leave without the Key. Once players leave the Sanctum, they will need to make their way to the Crypt’s exit while fighting off Grineer Expedition Forces and non-aligned Raiders. Alternatively, players could continue to explore different paths within the Crypt, rare cosmetics, gear, weapons and data providing new pieces of lore.


ii. Zariman Derelict Exploration – Tenno explore lost Zariman ships, defeating Twisted enemies to obtain Void Crystals.

Tenno insert via Liset into hull-breached Zariman ships. Appearing as a mix between Grineer and Corpus designs, the Zariman ships are vast, dark, cold and empty. Players must first make their way to a dead data terminal, and use any Warframe ability to repeatedly power the terminal, so as to download ship schematics. Using powers and activating the terminal will alert hidden enemies, lifeless crewman who have been twisted and possessed by the Void’s energies. The Twisted hover close to the ground, discharging various harmful Void powers that affect the Warframes in different ways. Some abilities inflict damage, while other freeze Tenno in place, cause temporary blindness, remove all gravity or shift player orientation (from floor to ceiling or horizontal to vertical). Small groups of Twisted will ambush players as they make their way through the ship. When defeated, Twisted enemies will drop Void shards, which can be crafted into Void Crystals -- necessary components for crafting Void lenses (see

Ranking below).


After acquiring the ship layout, players must make their way to various locations in the vessel, including the power core, bridge, science deck and server room, defending each location from Twisted attack. Along the way, players must also locate scattered black boxes, which provide interesting info and give off static as players get close to them. After acquiring all the necessary data, players must make their way to the ship’s gardens, where a Twisted miniboss – a Zariman child – awaits. The Twisted child disrupts Warframe powers, forcing players to use Focus abilities and melee weapons. Upon defeat, the Twisted child will drop a Void Crystal. From there, players can make their way to extraction, or continue to explore the ship, locating additional data, hidden items, and more enemies.


iii. Standoff – Tenno fight waves of Twisted enemies using only melee weapons and acquired Void powers.

Standoff missions occur randomly whenever Tenno explore Zariman Derelicts. A Standoff is triggered when a loud scream pierces the deafening silence. Players will have to sprint toward a marked, expansive hall with a suspended central platform connected to equidistant access points. The central platform is randomly level, elevated or lower than the access points. Players’ Warframe powers, Focus abilities and guns are rendered useless, forcing players to rely on bladed secondary and melee weapons as well as new Void energies. Players will be assaulted by successive waves of Twisted Zariman crewman as well as Twisted Grineer, Corpus and non-aligned units. Once players have survived all waves, the loud scream will cease, allowing players to return to their previous activities. 


iv. Trial – Lone Tenno make their way through planet-based Orokin Temples, using their new Void energies to overcome various defenses and opponents.

 The Tenno inserts at the entrance of the Temple, using Void energies to open, displace or destroy the Orokin gate. From there, the player must make their way through the Temple, following an illuminated path until they reach a smaller gate. The player will need to have acquired a Janus Key from the Orokin Crypt in order to access the gate. The gate would lead downwards into a subterranean section of the Temple, where the player would need to pass a number of challenges: navigating a winding labyrinth; crossing a vast chasm; solving a series of Orokin puzzles; and passing Orokin combat tests. In most cases, the player will need to use their acquired Void energies to succeed. Upon passing through the challenges, the player will have to use their Void energies to access the Temple Vault, where the player will have to defeat an Orokin specter in advanced melee combat. Upon defeating the specter, the player will acquire rare Orokin loot, including weapons and cosmetics. 


v. Duel – Lone Tenno duel Grineer and Corpus proto-frames in the Orokin Temples.

Duels occur randomly before or after the Tenno enters the Temple Vaults. The player will be alerted to the presence of Grineer or Corpus by clearly heard echoes of Grineer or Corpus chatter. The player must make his or her way through the destroyed defenses until they reach Grineer Expeditionary Forces or Corpus Crusader Legions. The player must then fight their way through enemies until they reach the Temple Sanctuaries, where they will find a Grineer or Corpus proto-frame waiting. There, the room is sealed off, and the player must defeat the proto-frame using only melee weapons, Warframe powers, Focus abilities or Void energies. Once the player defeats the miniboss, they must eliminate the remaining forces before continuing on with previous activities.


2. Ranking, Affinity and Rewards

The Arbiters would focus on enhancing new Void abilities and their tactical use. The new Void abilities -- Void Lift (anti-gravity), Void Freeze (time stop), Void Rupture (black hole implosion) – function as 100% procs that are attached to Warframes and melee weapons through Void lenses (a la Focus lenses), crafted using Void Crystals. If attached to melee weapons, Void abilities replace melee channel, without the energy costs. If attached to Warframes, Void abilities function similarly to Focus abilities. Each Arbiter chapter will end with a mastery-like test, in which players must demonstrate mastery of their Void abilities. As players increase pass each test, they will gain exclusive access to new aura mods, Void elemental mods, functional cosmetics and unique sword stances. When players reach the end of the campaign, they will be rewarded with a Void-infused Arbiters sword that augments and recharges Void energies with each kill.




C. Cephalon Suda





Example Narrative:

A vast consciousness watching with a curious eye, Cephalon Suda thirsts for knowledge. With such powerful technology rooted in the past, those who possess the greatest knowledge will wield the greatest power. The Tenno Awakening has triggered a hunt for the secrets of the Orokin. The Corpus, descendants of the Orokin, have sent their Crusaders to scour the Orokin repositories for destructive relics. At the same time, the Sentients have returned, threatening to destroy all that survived the Old War. Cephalon Suda calls Tenno to fulfill her thirst by hunting for the knowledge of Orokin and Sentient. In exchange, Suda will share her knowledge with the Tenno, allowing them to craft the tools necessary to maintain balance in the system.


1. Activities


i. Orokin Tower Exploration – Tenno explore new areas of the familiar Orokin Towers, overcoming various puzzles, riddles and mazes to gain access to vaults and treasure rooms.

Tenno insert into the ordinary Void Tower tilesets, where they must make their way through Corrupted enemies to a dormant elevator. Players must hack the console, which will cause the elevator to revolve, revealing a secret pathway to a more expansive, multilevel structure. Players must make their way up each level of the tower until they reach the top. On each level, players will encounter different challenges, such as complex Orokin puzzles, riddles connected to Orokin lore and ancient philosophies, refracting mirrors that must be arranged properly, and passwords that must be deduced correctly, while also fighting off Corrupted enemies. Once players reach the top level, they will have to navigate through a complex maze in order to reach the other side, where they will have to defeat a Sentient-like Orokin specter. Once the specter is vanquished, players will gain access to an Orokin Didact -- a codex containing upgrade lenses and mod schematics (see

Ranking below) -- and a pathway leading to extraction. 


ii. Sentient Ruin Exploration – Tenno explore buried Orokin battlefields and dormant Sentient Lairs, defeating and synthesizing Sentient drones.

Tenno insert into the frozen, barren badlands of Pluto, quickly entering the subterranean, glittering caverns. Players must make their way through the caverns, which are littered with Sentient remains and weapons, and Orokin Era Grineer tools and bodies. While in the caverns, players will need to use a Synoid Synthesis scanner to scan both Sentient remains and Grineer tools. Once they have scanned enough items, players will make their way deeper, until they reach a Void Bridge, a Sentient-constructed pathway to the Tau System. Crossing over, players will emerge within a Sentient Lair, where they will need to locate a power core in order to reactivate the Lair. Players will then have to reach and extract data from a Sentient access point, while defending each other from Sentient attack. Players must scan, defeat and synthesize a set number of Oculysts, Battalysts and Conculysts, before facing a blackened, metallic Sentient miniboss in vague Warframe shape. Once the miniboss is also scanned and defeated, players will have to sabotage the Lair and escape back through the Bridge. When players arrive back into the caverns, they will need to defeat any remaining Sentient units before extracting. 


iii. Void Temple Infiltration – Tenno steal Janus Keys from Orokin Void Temples while evading Corpus forces.

Tenno would insert into the Void Temple via Liset, and make their way stealthily through the Temple, avoiding Corpus Crusaders – special Corpus units with Orokin-based weapons – so as to reach the Temple Vault within the time limit. If players make the time limit, they will have to overcome the Vault’s obstacles, including the puzzles, riddles, mazes and combat tests. Upon passing all obstacles, players will be granted access to the Inner Sanctuary, where they will need to use any of the directed energy weapons in the game to reflect laser light through various mirrors so as to concentrate it on a central object. Focusing the energy will reveal the Janus Key. Having acquired the Janus Key, players will need to fight their way through Corpus Crusaders, including a Prova Prime wielding miniboss, before heading to extraction.


If players don’t reach the Vault in time, they will have to cross the Vault’s mazes to reach the Sanctuary within the new time limit. If the Sanctuary isn’t reached in time, players fail the mission. Upon reaching the Sanctuary, players will have to face a host of Corrupted units and Corpus Crusaders, before dueling a Janus Key-equipped Crusader prodman. The Crusader boss will not only have Corrupted Vor’s abilities, but will also utilize advanced melee mechanics, forcing players to work together to overcome him. Upon defeating the boss, players will acquire the Janus Key, and will have to fight their way through remaining Corpus Crusaders to get to extraction. 


iv. Library Raid – Tenno collect codices from forgotten Orokin Archives while fighting waves of Corrupted.

Tenno would insert into Earth-based badlands, where they will have to make their way, through Grineer Expeditionary Forces, to the entrance to buried Orokin ruins. Upon entering the underground ruins, players must locate the entrance to the Orokin Archives. Inside, players will travel through the different wings of the massive library, activating each wing and extracting data from each “shelf” before moving on to the next wing. While players are extracting data, they will have to face off against Orokin Dax specters and Sentient-like, Cephalon “Archivysts”. As players move from wing to wing, the number of enemies will increase dramatically, forcing players to use additional tactics in order to protect themselves and the data. Players will have to prevent enemies from destroying the shelves. If too many shelves are destroyed, players will have to exit the Orokin ruins and locate another site and another Archive. Once players have extracted all of the data, they will head toward the badlands extraction point, fighting through additional Grineer units. 


v. Test – Tenno test their skills against synthesized enemies in simulated environments.

Within Cephalon Suda’s Library, players will make their way to the Library’s lower level, where they will find a Simulacrum room. Squads will be able to vote on tilesets, enemies and mission types, essentially crafting their own missions. Players can choose up to 100 enemies of any faction, including enemy bosses and minibosses. These missions function as tests for Cephalon Suda’s training, while also providing data on enemy weaknesses. For example, Cephalon Suda may request that players use specific weapons against specific types of enemies. At the end of the mission, players will receive specified information on the types of weapons that deal the best damage against new units, allowing players to better tailor their crafted weapons to specific, difficult enemy types (see

Ranking below).


2. Ranking, Affinity and Rewards

Cephalon Suda would focus on crafting new technologies through the acquisition of old technologies. Players would utilize a special Synoid scanner to acquire digital blueprints from Grineer, Corpus and NPC weapons. Once players obtain the necessary number of scans, full weapon schematics will be available in Suda’s Library, from which players will be able to upgrade and modify scanned weapons. Players will install upgrades via Didact lenses and mod schematics. Upgrades increase all weapon stats by 50%, while modifications give weapons added Synoid features such as energy-based ammunition, Cephalon skins and Syndicate procs. Players will also be able to upgrade or convert existing weapons. Each Suda chapter will end with a solo Simulacrum mastery test, in which players will have to defeat a difficult boss using crafted weapons and prior knowledge of weak points. As players progress through the campaign, they will gain exclusive access to Sentient-harming Cephalon weapons, Cephalon-designed sentinels, and functional cosmetics. When players reach the end of the campaign, they will be rewarded with a Cephalon Prime Sentinel with Sentient-like offensive capabilities.




D. Perrin Sequence




Example Narrative:

The Perrin Sequence are a collective of brilliant and powerful merchants, splintered from the Corpus. Turning away from the Corpus ideology that conflict must be capitalized upon, their goal is to restore order by bringing prosperity and direction to the violent system, maximizing profit for all through an equitable trade system. However, the Corpus retain powerful influence through their vast wealth, influence that must be broken through aggressive competition. The Perrin Sequence offer Tenno a chance to undermine Corpus greed and restore tranquility and progress to the system. In exchange, the Perrin Sequence will provide Tenno with the tools and skills needed to maintain a competitive advantage.


1. Missions


i. Air Raid – Tenno assault Corpus Gas Cities, using Archwings to destroy select targets in fast-paced trench runs and dogfights.

Instead of piloting Archwings in an upright position, players would fly in prone position with guns facing forward, a la hang glider. Players would insert some distance away from the Gas City and immediately have to fight their way through numerous Corpus fighter, Goxes, Attack Drones and Rangers. Upon approaching the Gas City, players must take out the City’s protective shields by destroying external shield generators, while avoiding Corpus anti-aircraft batteries. Once shields are lowered, players will have to take out the batteries, before heading into the City structure in order to take out the gas refineries. Within the city structure, players will have to move between narrow spaces while avoiding fire from pursuing Attack Drones, while also splitting up in order to take out the four primary refineries. After destroying the refineries, players would clean up the rest of the Corpus units so that Perrin Sequence ships can land. Missions would differ in terms of the number of refineries, enemies and shield generators. 


ii. Space Raid – Tenno ambush Corpus cargo ships, executive transports and delegate space convoys, using Archwings to chase and disable Corpus transports and destroy supporting units in fast-paced dogfights.

Players would insert in the middle of the Mars-Jupiter Asteroid Belt and will have to set up the ambush by placing mines around asteroids and “docking” on asteroids within the time limit. Once time expires, players will trigger mines and attack Corpus vessels, using disabling EMP weapons. While incapacitating Corpus ships, players will have to fend off numerous Corpus fighter, Goxes, Attack Drones and Rangers. Once players have disabled all Corpus vessels, an additional Corpus shuttle will appear and begin fleeing from players. Players will have to chase the ship through an increasingly dense and fast-moving asteroid field, avoiding too many collisions and disabling the ship before it can escape. Missions would differ in terms of the number of Corpus units, total vessels and fleeing shuttles. 


iii. Espionage – Tenno break into a Corpus facility and steal a select number of Corpus files.

Tenno would insert just outside of the Corpus facility, where they could enter through a number of different access points: waste disposal, exhaust vents, cargo bay, or hangar. Players would have to use conventional stealth mechanics to reach Corpus offices while avoiding security. From there, players would have to obtain the files within a set time limit by: 1) bypassing several firewalls by navigating increasingly complex digital mazes; 2) solving a select number of riddles; and 3) deducing Corpus passwords by searching for clues within the office. If players alert Corpus security guard units, the mission will turn into a Spy 2.0 mission (with a thicker firewall maze). If players fail to obtain all files within the time limit on the first attempt, they will have to relocate to another office while avoiding tighter security; if the third attempt doesn’t succeed, the mission turns into a Spy 2.0 mission (with thicker firewall maze). If players trigger Spy 2.0 alarms, the data will be deleted and players will have to flee the Corpus facility within a set time limit and beset by lots of Corpus security guards and systems. If all players are downed at any point during the mission, they lose the files and fail the mission. 


iv. Capture 2.0 – Tenno stealthily abduct and exfiltrate high-ranking Corpus merchants from secured Corpus offices.

Tenno would insert just outside of the Corpus facility, where they could enter through a number of different access points: waste disposal, exhaust vents, cargo bay, or hangar. From there, players would have to locate the facility’s security center. Once players enter the security center, they will have to sift through camera footage to determine the level and office in which the target resides. Then, players will have three options: 1) hack the level’s security in order to lock down and storm the floor; 2) split up to physically block exit points and storm the floor; or 3) disable floor cameras and stealthily enter the office.


1) In order to perform the first option, players will need to locate the highly secured Security Hub located in the facility’s basement. To do that, players must locate and eliminate the facility’s head of security without alerting other security, in order to gain the Security Hub access key. Then, players must travel to the basement level and stealthily make it to the Security Hub while avoiding the heavy security presence. Once inside the Security Hub, players must successfully hack the building’s firewall maze and then the specific floor’s firewall. Finally, players must reach the target’s office.


2) In order to perform the second option, players must split up to manually disable the floor’s two elevators and cover two of the tree stairwells.


3) In order to perform the third option, players must hack the security center’s camera system, bypassing the system’s firewall maze. Then, players must stealthily reach the target’s office by locating and finding floor or ceiling passageways, being careful to avoid security probes.


Once players have apprehended the target, they must make their way out of the facility. Players can either make their way to the facility roof or hangar to hijack a Corpus transport, or they can attempt to reach the cargo hold to commandeer a Corpus ATV. Each of the three methods used to apprehend the target will determine the level of security that players encounter.


Using the first two methods will result in the facility going on alert; in addition to shutting down entirely, the building will be filled with heavily armed security. To escape, players will need to manually reactivate the elevators and head either up or down. The elevator will stop on each floor, requiring players to exit the elevator and make their way across the level to the other elevator, while either taking on or avoiding enemies.


Using the third method will force players to either attempt to stealthily exfiltrate the target or to trigger a lockdown. If players attempt to use stealth, they will have to take the target through the floor passageways; they can either head for the level’s stairwells or follow the passageway to the basement cargo hold. If players trigger a lockdown, they will follow the method outlined above.


Once players reach the facility exits, they will have to use the Corpus vehicles to escape, defeating pursuing enemies on the way to extraction. Going to the roof or hangar will result in players being pursued by Attack Drones and Rangers, while going to the cargo hold will cause players to be pursued by Corpus ATVs and Jackal-like robots. 


v. Heist – Tenno hijack a mobile Corpus transport.

Tenno would insert onto a snowy mountainside. From there, players would make their way to a cliff overlooking a railway. As a Corpus cargo train approaches, players would have to zip line across the gorge and land on the train. Players would then have to hijack the train by opening a hatch, dropping into the interior, and moving to the front. Players will have to dispatch a minimum of guards before hacking the train’s systems. Upon hacking the system, the train will switch over to a different track, and alarms will begin to sound. Players must first defend the train’s control system from Corpus enemies, while also traveling down the length of the train to prevent Corpus units from severing any cars.


After reaching a certain point, players will need to return to the top of the train to defend it as waves of Corpus enemies leap onto the accelerating train from the surrounding mountainside. While players engage enemy units, they will have to be wary, as irregular shakes and enemy attacks could knock players off the train. Enemies will attempt to destroy segments of the train, so players must continue to travel the length of the train in order to defend it. Players must also look out for mountainside snipers and emplaced turrets. Finally, players will have to fight off aerial units as Perrin Sequence ships retrieve individual cars from the train. Once all of the important cars have been retrieved, players must evacuate the train before it crashes into the Corpus outpost. 


vi. Escort – Tenno protect Perrin Sequence merchant vessels, freighters and executive shuttles from Grineer attack as they travel through the Mars-Jupiter Asteroid Belt.

Tenno insert via Archwing alongside a train of Perrin Sequence ships, just outside of the Asteroid Belt. As the train slowly travels into the asteroid fields, players must clear a path by breaking up larger asteroids that are in the flight path. Initially, players will have to defend the train against Grineer Interceptor Pods, small, fast-moving objects that latch onto friendly vessels. Players must keep track of both the physical integrity of the train and the crew count; each Interceptor Pod does minimal hull damage, but significantly more damage to the crew count. Starting at 200, if the crew count goes below 100, players fail the mission. As the train travels deeper into the Asteroid Belt, players will have to defend it against Ogma, Dreg, Dargyn and Sikula attacks. Along the way, players must continue to clear the asteroids from the train’s flight path; as the Belt become denser, the train will adjust its path repeatedly, requiring players to stick closely while eliminating enemies.


When the train approaches the other side of the Asteroid Belt, players will need to journey ahead to destroy a Grineer Galleon. Players will need to eliminate a certain number of fighters while also destroying external Galleon systems, including shields and weapons. Once that occurs, players can move in more closely to take out the bridge and other weak spots. Finally, players must return to the train and escort it to the solar rail, where they will need to clear out Corpus Rangers and Goxes – and the occasional Corpus ship. 


2. Ranking, Affinity, and Rewards

The Perrin Sequence would focus on breaking into physical vaults; hacking digital systems (including locks and robots); and controlling robotic proxies. As players master each skill, they will gain exclusive access to EMP abilities, Eximus nullifiers and mods, Corpus-like proxies, and physical and digital hacking tools that allow ordinarily locked rooms to be unlocked. When players reach the end of the campaign, they will be rewarded with functional cosmetics, including a collar syandana that allows players to control magnetic-proc Grineer and Corpus proxies.




E. Red Veil




Example Narrative:

The Red Veil see corruption all around them. From the Grineer barracks to the gas cities of the Corpus, the system is plagued by a recurring sickness, and requires a sudden, violent and necessary force to return to a state of balance. The Tenno were once such a force, cleansing the Orokin Empire with fire and blood.  Inspired by the ancient order of Tenno assassins, the Red Veil are honor-bound to heal the system, through a great and violent purge. The Red Veil invite the Tenno to once again become the instruments of change, by relearning the ways of the assassin and wielding the purging fire of the Infestation. Only by striking down the corrupt can the system begin anew.


1. Missions


i. Assassination (2pl.) – Tenno track down and assassinate corrupt targets.

Tenno would insert into a colony and meet up with a Red Veil contact marked on the minimap. The contact would provide players with the names of several targets connected to corruption in the colony. Players would be tasked with locating and assassinating, capturing or interrogating each target, in order to uncover and draw out the high-value target. Players would begin by tracking interrogation targets using a new toggled binocular feature similar to the existing scanners. Players would mark targets who would glow brightly with a red aura, allowing players to track their movements. Players would have to maintain absolute stealth when tracking targets; if spotted, targets will flee, forcing players to chase them down. When approaching a target, players must isolate and down the target, before using a Red Veil toxin on them. The toxin forces the target to give up partial information on the high-value target, such as his name, rank (determines security levels) or possible location. In order to retrieve the rest of the information, players will need to interrogate or abduct other targets. To abduct targets, players track and tail targets, before physically capturing them. Then, players must return the target to the Red Veil contact, who will obtain needed information.


Once players have obtained all of the necessary information, they will need to draw out the target by assassinating several of his key underlings. Players will be given the locations of the new targets and can take them out as they see fit; however, targets will vary in how many enemies surround them. When all targets are dead, players will be given the location of the high-value target, who will be holed up within a heavily secured building. Players will need to enter through an access point, stealthily make their way to the target’s location, and assassinate the target. Once the target is dead, players will need to escape the building and return to the Red Veil contact. 


ii. Public Execution (4-8pl.) – Tenno carry out high-profile assassinations against corrupt leadership in secured but public settings.

Tenno would insert into a colony and meet up with a Red Veil contact marked on the minimap. The contact would give players intelligence on the assassination targets, their location, and the security level. Players would have a limited time to reach the location, eliminate auxiliary security personnel, and get into place to assassinate the targets. Approaching the stadium-like structure, players will need to eliminate the exterior snipers before stealthily making their way through the building to the upper level. Barring their way will be several layers of security, which must be taken down with stealth. Once players have reached the upper level, they must take out several sniper positions before heading to the stadium’s lower levels. Once below, players will need to stealthily make their way to the center, directly underneath the targets. When the time limit expires, players will be prompted to jump up into the stadium, where they will have to throw down smoke bombs before assassinating all targets. Then, players will have to flee the stadium within the time limit, before returning to the Red Veil contact. 


iii. Orokin Derelict Exploration – Tenno explore hidden laboratories in the Orokin Derelicts, gathering Infestation specimens and defeating prototype Infested enemies.

Tenno would insert into the familiar Orokin Derelicts, where they must make their way through Infested enemies to the large derelict hall. There, players will find a hidden access panel that will lead them to the lower levels, into the Orokin labs. There, players must retrieve data on Orokin experiments from five Orokin labs, extract blue crystals from 15 Infested trees, and collect 300 Technocyte samples from prototype Infested creatures. The crystals form basic components for Infested-proc weapons, while Technocyte samples serve as components for Infested-spawning gear (see

Ranking below).The laboratory will interfere with the Warframe’s powers, including Transference, causing temporary loss of control, slowed movement, and energy loss. In order to extract data, players must infiltrate sealed Orokin labs by locating hidden passageways and using advanced parkour mechanics to get into the lab. Once players are inside the lab, they must hack an Orokin terminal to retrieve the data. While retrieving data, players will be attacked by prototype Infested creatures – entirely metal, humanoid versions of Runners and Chargers – with Warframe and Focus-disrupting abilities. These proto-Infested are stronger than regular Infested, with more powerful slash damage attacks, requiring players to maintain some distance. For every proto-Infested killed, players receive three Technocyte samples.


Once players complete all objectives, they will have to break into a sealed vault and defeat a prototype Warframe, a Technocyte creature with all of Rhino and Ash’s abilities. Players will have to work together to defeat the creature, which will be able to temporarily incapacitate or control players by releasing Technocyte spores. When players eliminate the creature, they will gain 50 Potent Technocyte samples. Players must then exit and seal the labs and head to extraction. 


iv. Purge – Tenno would unleash Infestation outbreaks within colonies, Corpus Gas Cities and Grineer settlements.

Tenno receive instructions for Purges at the Red Veil’s Lair, with missions differing by target:


a. Colony

Tenno will insert into the colony port and make their way to the Red Veil den, where the contact will give players gas canisters and bombs laced with a new, fast-acting and short-lasting strain of Infestation developed by the Red Veil. Players will need to infiltrate various official sites, including militia barracks, economic center, scientific complex and finally the Governing Council. In each location, players will physically seal off the building and strategically place the canisters in designated locations without alerting guards. In the economic center, players will hack the accounting system to redistribute credits to the populace, while in the scientific complex, players will destroy viral labs and data to ensure that a vaccine cannot be created. Once players have completed preliminary objectives, they will have to infiltrate the Governing Council building. Players will once again place canisters in designated locations while avoiding security. Then, players must make their way to the council chambers, stealthily eliminating guards. Players will then enter the council chambers, triggering the canisters, throwing down the Infested gas and killing the council members. Players must then escape from the building and return to the Red Veil den.


b. Corpus Gas City

Tenno will insert into the City port and make their way to a Red Veil contact, who will give players the Infested gas canisters and bombs. Players will need to infiltrate various city locations, including security quarters, data hub, lower laboratories and finally the top-level boardroom. In each location, players will strategically place the canisters in designated locations without alerting guards. In the data hub, players will sabotage the city’s credit data, while in the lower labs, players will destroy viral labs and data to ensure that a vaccine cannot be created. Once players have completed preliminary objectives, they will have to infiltrate the boardroom by climbing the elevator shaft ten floors.


Players will have to exit the shaft each time the elevator travels up and down, and will have to lie close to the wall periodically to avoid security probes. Once players are on the top floor, they will have to scale the outside of the building, in order to bypass heavy security, by climbing up to the roof and roping down to the boardroom. Once all players get into position above the boardroom, they will be prompted to assassinate, bursting through the outer glass. From there, players will throw down the Infested gas and kill the board members. Finally, players must reach extraction by fighting through heavy Corpus security, using the gas to temporarily turn enemies into Infested.


c. Grineer Settlement

Tenno will insert at the outskirts of a heavily fortified Grineer settlement, where a Red Veil contact will give players the Infested bombs. Players must move through the settlement, using the bombs as aides in exterminating the Grineer. As players sweep the map, they will come across highly secured towers and bunkers requiring players to break in. Towers and bunkers will feature the hardest Grineer units, while bunkers will also contain special units, including manics and civilian targets, and several minibosses. As bunkers and towers separate sections of the settlement from each other, players will need to clear them out before moving on, and will be forced to break through numerous levels to reach minibosses. Once players exterminate all enemies, they will have to destroy the settlement’s shipyard before heading to extraction. 


2. Ranking, Affinity and Rewards

The Red Veil would focus on stealth and assassination tactics. As players complete each chapter, they will obtain exclusive new viral-proc throwing knives, Infested gear that spawns random creatures, functional cosmetics, and exotic, throwable daggers and chain-kunai whips with a built-in viral Infestation elemental proc that temporarily turns Grineer and Corpus enemies into allied Infested units. When players reach the end of the campaign, they will be rewarded with an Infestation-proc Rakta Cerata.




F. New Loka




Example Narrative:

The scattered human colonies have for too long been oppressed by the genetic abominations that are the Grineer. But rejecting the false safety of the Corpus Gas Cities, the New Loka know that it is only through restoration of the pure human form and the repopulation of Earth that humanity can be saved. New Loka fights for the repopulation of a world once abandoned. However, the Earth is overrun by the Grineer, who would seek to corrupt it with their technological meddling. The New Loka call on the Tenno to aid them in expelling the Grineer, so that humanity can be restored to its former glory. In exchange, the New Loka will show the Tenno how to navigate the dense terrain of the overgrown planet and safeguard it using the weapons of the Orokin.


1. Missions


i. Escort – Tenno protect passenger transports from Grineer attack as they travel through the Mars-Jupiter Asteroid Belt.

Tenno insert via Archwing alongside a train of settler transports, just outside of the Asteroid Belt. As the train slowly travels into the asteroid fields, players must clear a path by breaking up larger asteroids that are in the flight path. Initially, players will have to defend the train against Grineer Interceptor Pods, small, fast-moving objects that latch onto friendly vessels. Players must keep track of both the physical integrity of the train and the crew count; each Interceptor Pod does minimal hull damage, but significantly more damage to the crew count. Starting at 200, if the crew count goes below 100, players fail the mission. As the train travels deeper into the Asteroid Belt, players will have to defend it against Ogma, Dreg, Dargyn and Sikula attacks. Along the way, players must continue to clear the asteroids from the train’s flight path; as the Belt become denser, the train will adjust its path repeatedly, requiring players to stick closely while eliminating enemies.


When the train approaches the other side of the Asteroid Belt, players will need to journey ahead to destroy a Grineer Galleon. Players will need to eliminate a certain number of fighters while also destroying external Galleon systems, including shields and weapons. Once that occurs, players can move in more closely to take out the bridge and other weak spots. 


ii. Sabotage 2.0 – Tenno destroy Grineer hydropower dams.

Tenno insert via New Loka ground transport to a location adjacent from the dam. From there, players zipline to an opening in the dam, and stealthily make their way through the complex. Players must sabotage key components of the dam, including manual pressure valves, advanced power regulation systems, and the reactor coolant system. Players must first sabotage the pressure valves by manually rigging each of the three sets of valves spread throughout the dam itself. Players will have to avoid Grineer engineers and guards, or they will call in heavy reinforcements. After players sabotage the dam, they will need to descend to the bottom of the wall and shut down the failsafe power regulators. In order to hack the system, players will need to align all of the digital gears. They will also need to reach either end of the wall to disable the redundant failsafes, repeating the process.


Once players disable the failsafes, alarms will sound, and players will need to make their way to the center pit, in order to reach the platform leading down into the reactor. Players will be tailed by heavy Grineer reinforcements, but they will also face heavy Grineer forces blocking their way. Once players get through the Grineer, they will take the elevator down to the bottom level, where they will have to eliminate all forces in the reactor control room. Overloading the reactor will take time, so players will have to defend the system from Grineer attack. Once the overload is triggered, players will only have a limited time to escape the area. To escape, players will need to make their way back up to the surface and utilize docked Grineer speed boats. Players will drive down the river leading away from the dam. When the countdown ends, the entire complex will explode, completing the mission. 


iii. Rescue 3.0 – Tenno infiltrate Grineer gulags, rescuing and exfiltrating New Loka guardians and settlers.

Tenno would insert via Archwing onto the top of a massive Grineer Gulag. From there, players would have to locate the gulag’s security center by hacking into a secure data terminal. Once players enter the security center, they will have to sift through archival sensor data to determine the lower wing in which their target is being held. Then, players will have three options: 1) locate and hack the wing’s security hub in order to initiate a prison break; 2) track down and steal the prison access key from the warden; or 3) physically break open the target’s cell. Security systems will become progressively more difficult as players descend through the gulag: the data terminal reflects the current Grineer hacking system, while the center and wing systems consist of digital gears that must be aligned properly.


In order to obtain the cell access key, players will need to track down and stealth assassinate the wing’s warden without alerting other units. In order to physically break open the cell, one player will need to melt the door using an Atomos (provided at insertion), while the other players stealthily eliminate any passing patrols. If guards become alerted at any point, the gulag goes into complete lockdown, requiring players to use the Atomos to break through every door, in order to reach the target’s cell within the time limit. Once players have freed the target, they must exfiltrate the target back through the gulag until they reach the extraction point. There, players have to defend the target against waves of enemies until New Loka transports arrive. 


iv. Temple Defense – Tenno defend New Loka temples from Grineer retaliation.

Tenno would insert via Liset just outside the temple. A New Loka scout will lead players inside, where they will be given New Loka traps to use against the Grineer. Players will need to set the traps outside of the temples, by placing them in designated locations around the perimeter. Then players will need to activate and set up defenses within the temple structure, including Orokin-based death traps and toxic bombs. Once players have set up all defenses, they will need to travel outside the perimeter, looking for and eliminating Grineer scouts. Players will use trees and other overgrown passageways to navigate the terrain, while New Loka scanners will allow players to identify and stealthily kill the scouts.


Once players have eliminated the scouts, they will have to return to the perimeter to help defend it against several waves of Grineer assault. Next, players will have to take up sniping positions to take out waves of Grineer Helions and snipers able to navigate high branches. Players will then need to travel outside the perimeter again to sneak up on and destroy Grineer tanks attempting to cross the dense forest. Then, players will return again to the perimeter, fighting off waves of Grineer while also protecting against charging manics with bomb-laden backpacks. The first manic to get through will force players to retreat back to the temple, and seamless waves of Grineer will charge into the temple soon after. Players will need to hold off against increasingly harder Grineer units until New Loka guardians can unleash toxin gas fatal to Grineer.


Once the Grineer are defeated, players will need to chase down a Grineer messenger through the forest, by using special New Loka speeders, before he returns to the Grineer outpost. Once the messenger is dead, players will need to eliminate all Grineer in the outpost and return to the temple to complete the mission. 


v. Orokin Ruin Exploration – Tenno explore Orokin ruins, restoring power and clearing out Grineer enemies.

Tenno would insert into Earth-based badlands, where they will have to make their way, through Grineer Expeditionary Forces, to the entrance to buried Orokin ruins. Upon entering the underground ruins, players must locate the power plants. Inside, players will have to systematically restore power to the plant by repairing and reactivating different power cores. While players repair and reactivate cores, they will have to face off against Orokin Dax specters and Grineer Excavation Forces. As players move from power plant to power plant, the number of enemies will increase dramatically, forcing players to use additional tactics in order to protect themselves and the power cores. Once players have restored power, they will have to defend the site from waves of Grineer attack until New Loka reinforcements arrive. 


2. Ranking, Affinity, and Rewards

New Loka would focus on advanced parkour movement – allowing traversal of various environments – and the use of defensive traps. Players would craft increasingly complex traps with a variety of specialized toxins (e.g., sleep, berserk, fear). Each new chapter of the New Loka campaign would feature a different Earth continent or ocean, and players would progress by liberating each. As players progress through the campaign, they will gain exclusive access to various Orokin drones, functional camouflage skins, and unique gear allowing players to lay complex traps for the Grineer. When players reach the end of the campaign, they will be rewarded with an Orokin-made New Loka energy crossbow, whose alternate fire allows players to “corrupt” Grineer and Corpus units.




So those are my ideas. I don't think any of them have to require anything beyond retooling existing mission types and game mechanics, and introducing some new types of units. Don't think too much of the pictures; they are just to break up the walls of text, and for basic illustrative purposes. Again, the idea is to introduce some freshness to Warframe's gameplay, while capitalizing on the factions and features that DE has already developed so far.


I'd love to hear your feedback, but please, read all of it first. I know it's a lot of words, but I'd appreciate not have to reiterate things that are already laid out. If it's not clear, or if you think it's too ambitious, let me know! 

Edited by Arktourus
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Wow, this is good stuff. A big part of why Warframe lacks a comprehensive campaign/free roam at the moment is limitations in game-play, but I would rather have expansions like this than new weapons every week or so. The syndicate campaigns would add an IMMENSE amount of story, satisfying game play, and a way to alleviate grind. I go through hell and back for cool cutscenes, and syndicate style ones are even better.


Although the Tenno are a hyper-mobile strike force, these more involved missions/roaming would definitely add a new flavor to the game. If Lotus got us into Badlands, told us "explore til you find x" (we would go to rough areas on the map, hunt down a small zone, extract an object, repeat) in huge, repeat HUGE maps, I would happily do that all day. I'm imagining Derelict style, outdoor Corpus tileset x5 size maps. Granted it would be difficult to render, but the payoff would be insane for player experience. 


Personally I'll give relays more time before judging a "final" version, but hopefully they become like your vision. Great ideas you got, I Really hope DE notices!

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Really sorry for replying without reading this to the end. That's a huge load of text and obviously you did put some though in all this.

However, there is one simple reason most of it will never happen in current Warframe: most of what you speak and what your ideas are based of, would require a completely different game engine. One, that would also destroy the high pace we are able to play this game at. That or the graphics.


However, yes, there are still some ideas that are quite possible and would be welcome, e.g. cinematic syndicate quests

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Really sorry for replying without reading this to the end. That's a huge load of text and obviously you did put some though in all this.

However, there is one simple reason most of it will never happen in current Warframe: most of what you speak and what your ideas are based of, would require a completely different game engine. One, that would also destroy the high pace we are able to play this game at. That or the graphics.


However, yes, there are still some ideas that are quite possible and would be welcome, e.g. cinematic syndicate quests


No problem. It is a lot. It could be done as small scale as need be. For example, the colony/marketplaces need not be packed with hundreds of characters, not even scores of them. And they wouldn't need to be any bigger than the relays. They would differ primarily in location and in the number of different factions represented.


That's the case for most of them. I'm not imagining Destiny-size environments. Just taking the existing size of most Warframe tilesets, turning them into something that feels a lot more immersive and lived-in.

It's a long shot but imagine if we really did get something like this... wouldn't it be amazing?


Didn't like some of the rewards tho.


Those are merely my suggestions, but the real idea is that there would be a lot of exclusive rewards that make sense for each faction, rather than the few cookie-cutter rewards that Syndicates currently offer.

Edited by Arktourus
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Wow, this is good stuff. A big part of why Warframe lacks a comprehensive campaign/free roam at the moment is limitations in game-play, but I would rather have expansions like this than new weapons every week or so. The syndicate campaigns would add an IMMENSE amount of story, satisfying game play, and a way to alleviate grind. I go through hell and back for cool cutscenes, and syndicate style ones are even better.


Although the Tenno are a hyper-mobile strike force, these more involved missions/roaming would definitely add a new flavor to the game. If Lotus got us into Badlands, told us "explore til you find x" (we would go to rough areas on the map, hunt down a small zone, extract an object, repeat) in huge, repeat HUGE maps, I would happily do that all day. I'm imagining Derelict style, outdoor Corpus tileset x5 size maps. Granted it would be difficult to render, but the payoff would be insane for player experience. 


Personally I'll give relays more time before judging a "final" version, but hopefully they become like your vision. Great ideas you got, I Really hope DE notices!


Thanks a lot!


Yeah, the idea for the badlands is a bit two-fold. One, it would help to alleviate grind, or at least it would make it more interesting and worthwhile. Two, I'd love to have a mode where I could just explore the planets and see what I find, and since at least two of the Syndicates seem to care a lot about finding things, it'd make sense for them.


Additionally, the game already allows us to roam around tilesets, and randomly spawns enemies. Just rework those two things into a free roam system, and it could work. Obviously the necessity of forming squads to enter a map would remain, but the other idea is that you could go to these maps and leave whenever you want, like you can with the relays.

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this is an extensive OP, so ill probably update this post with my feedback in stages.

One, i feel like larger relays, some not affiliated with the lotus, and filled with more voice acted, interact-able Npcs would in my mind be preferable to planet-side settlements, as such areas, if they became frequented by the tenno, would likely get an asteroid dropped on them by the grineer.


I do also enjoy the idea of more quests, which is probably a better description of your campaigns, seeing as we already have a few quests with non-standard missions in them.


The introduction  of syndicate specific equipment and skills is an interesting choice. I worry that any small divergence from actual or even perceived utility will create a huge imbalance between player participation in any specific syndicate, but i suppose that happens already.


I presume that these quests would only be available to max rank players, max syndicate tank that is. Or would a slow progression system where the first mission is available at the first tier, and so on, be more likely to draw players in to the syndicates story.

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this is an extensive OP, so ill probably update this post with my feedback in stages.

One, i feel like larger relays, some not affiliated with the lotus, and filled with more voice acted, interact-able Npcs would in my mind be preferable to planet-side settlements, as such areas, if they became frequented by the tenno, would likely get an asteroid dropped on them by the grineer.


I do also enjoy the idea of more quests, which is probably a better description of your campaigns, seeing as we already have a few quests with non-standard missions in them.


The introduction  of syndicate specific equipment and skills is an interesting choice. I worry that any small divergence from actual or even perceived utility will create a huge imbalance between player participation in any specific syndicate, but i suppose that happens already.


I presume that these quests would only be available to max rank players, max syndicate tank that is. Or would a slow progression system where the first mission is available at the first tier, and so on, be more likely to draw players in to the syndicates story.


The Ask a Cephalon blog posts seemed to indicate that although many of the colonies were under Grineer control, there were a few that were not controlled by either Grineer or Corpus. Furthermore, Steel Meridian's description pertaining to defense of the colonies suggests that there are some not under Grineer control. They wouldn't have to be colonies per se, but the idea was that they would be planet-side, even if they were cloaked or heavily defended. We have enough space ships and stations in the game.


The Syndicate specific stuff was meant to convey the idea that syndicates give things that make sense to each faction, and things more than simply reskinned weapons. Balancing the different rewards will always be an issue, but I do prefer the idea that players would have to choose carefully which Syndicates they joined.


Yes, it would be available only to max syndicate rank players. The idea is that it's an expansion to the current system, rather than a rework.


Edit: The reason I didn't call them quests is because they would be somewhat more intensive than the current quest system. That is, they wouldn't simply be a set of three to five missions that maybe require you to craft certain items, and at the end of which you get a Warframe. Instead, they would be somewhere on the order of ten to twelve missions (at least), all of which convey a sense of progression through the star chart, and all of which would tie into the expanded ranking system. That's why I called them campaigns, because they're a bit more intensive than the quests.

Edited by Arktourus
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I would absolutely love to see this happen. It would be so amazing being able to wander through out a bad land, hunting for that elusive weapon that seems just out of reach. I am curious as to how would other tenno in a badland would interact, and by that i mean would two tenno who go into a badland both be able to see each other if they weren't in a group, or would you need to group up for there to be other tenno in a badland? 

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I would absolutely love to see this happen. It would be so amazing being able to wander through out a bad land, hunting for that elusive weapon that seems just out of reach. I am curious as to how would other tenno in a badland would interact, and by that i mean would two tenno who go into a badland both be able to see each other if they weren't in a group, or would you need to group up for there to be other tenno in a badland? 


I'm not sure how it would work exactly, within the game's current limitations, but something similar to the way the relays work now was my assumption. I know the relay server system isn't exactly perfect, but something to that effect. Same with the colony/marketplace.

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I personally agree 100% with the author of this post, if this would be added to Warframe, specially the open-world section of it... since I love to snipe, and seeing this post it seems that your idea of open-world is actually open-world, such as a barren desert in Phobos, able to pick off a grineer patrol in the desert from 500 meters away, it would be awesome, as well as to roam freely in the jungles of Earth ,or some badlands in any planet, scavenging for that attachment or weapon that you want(like the wrecked Corpus ship on Europa) or just walk around a market in a settlement for some guns n' stuff or on a mission, it would be awesome, DE, please, at least try to put some of this into the game.

Edited by ST4LKBR
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Well, based on Steve's attitude when Rebecca mentioned syndicates in the devstream, I'm not expecting syndicate stuff for a while. Obviously kavats are more important than the entire syndicate system, which of course is older...


Yeah, I was somewhat disappointed by the general comments toward Syndicate stuff. It definitely sounds like they are taking a big break from all things Syndicate. It's a bummer, because Syndicates could be a perfect vehicle for events, quests, and worldbuilding.

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Yes, simply yes, Warframe would flourish with this system, my only problem is the Red Veil campaign final mission, I seriously doubt the Tenno would risk now even think of releasing the infestation intentionally. The rest of it is outstanding though! ;) +1'd


Thanks for the kind words.


Yeah, I hesitated on that, but the Red Veil seem to have an Infested fetish going on (the captured creatures and Infested Derelict tree already put the relays at risk, plus the helmet look, the affinity toward Infested weapons and the Infested background music). Each of the Syndicates seem to be based on a particular faction in game: Grineer, Tenno (see Arbiters' description and relay music), Cephalon, Corpus, Orokin.


Red Veil stands in for the Infested. It didn't seem right to excise that part from them since it's so prominent. And since the Red Veil already embody what is the worst of the Tenno (the Orokin massacre part), it didn't seem like an unreasonable leap to see them using the Infestation as an instrument for their goals. They do seem to have a biolab back there. So I tried to weave that into the faction but in a way that overtly mitigates the risk of spreading the Infestation. 

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