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First Person Camera Option While Aiming.


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There was a lot of threads about First Person camera, and it was NO NO and NO.
Because swinging 360* melee could bring disseas xD

So I'm thinking about adding First Person camera option (ON-OFF in gameplay options) only while AIMING with Secodary and primary weapons. It would be preety cool to feel like in Unreal Tournament game.

Some cool screenshots:




















Edited by IfritKajiTora
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I think it would be interresting. although your warframe skins would not matter anymore if you choose to play like this because you yourself can't see it. xd


still cool concept!

You would. I writing here about First person mode only while aiming with primary and secondary weapon. All other stuff just like now, so coloring etc will have still a reason : P

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I'd definitely like to have a general option to go first or third person view, or combined in the way that zoom changes the perspective. Even better would be if we could just switch between the perspectives mid game. I have never really needed anything in this game, never wanted something from day one. Except for this. The ability to switch perspective would greatly increase the amount of players aswell. I think this is one of the few things we need in this game. Lets try to keep this post active, maybe some one at DE's office will notice and discuss about it.

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When you said that about 360, i was thinking, if your wf does a 360 with melee, the camera will stay in front of him, lol

Yeah i was writing it too, in some first threads about first person mode, but people just could not understand what I'm talking about.

Just like here: 

Or the better is TES Oblivion. In first person mode you have camre in front of you no matter what you do, in third person mode you can see that soem attacks are maded with 360* turning.

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It could happen but DE still tell us that is a Third Person Shooter and we will never get this option. But do it only when aiming? Maybe better will be do a mod that incrase zoom when aiming. But we already have it then its dont needed.


Now wait for a exilus slot for secondary and primary.

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Really, all DE would absolutely need to do is stick the camera inside the Tenno's head and, from our end anyway, hide our Warframe's head to minimize clipping.  No, it's not a very high quality first-person perspective, but you know what?  I'm not asking for much here, just first person without seeing bits of my helmet.


No game, and I mean no game except Mirror's Edge has had the camera follow the facing of the character during 360 maneuvers, so that's not a concern.  Mirror's Edge was more like a free running simulator with a story and some light martial arts action mixed in, not a real FPS,

Edited by Littleman88
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Really, all DE would absolutely need to do is stick the camera inside the Tenno's head and, from our end anyway, hide our Warframe's head to minimize clipping.  No, it's not a very high quality first-person perspective, but you know what?  I'm not asking for much here, just first person without seeing bits of my helmet.

You know how they do first person?

All players see your face or helmet etc, but for you its flagged as invisible to not get mistakes like pieces of helmet or eyes could jump on your camera. Thats all

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