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How Do I Know I Am Equipped To Do Sortie Missions



I have done my fair share of void missions and a few ODD missions. And I was wondering when should I start to go into sorties. I don't want to drag my team down and want to be well prepared.


Is there any advice you can give on weapons or frames one should have?

Edited by k0Sh_wf
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If you are asking you this you are on the right path ^.^ 


For exterminate i always use Equinox.


Sabotage , spy : Loki perma invis


Rescue , survival : Limbo


Defense , mobile defense : Frost , vauban


Hijack : WHAT JUST RUN MAN!!!!!!! kidding never done an hijack on sortie


interception : Banshee ^.^ or limbo( with a friendly banshee).


for weapons go with what suits your tastes

Edited by trunks013
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If you want something easy.


Mirage + Synoid Simulor built for Corrosive will get you through pretty much anything.


If you want to test things go to a relay and enter the simulacrum after buying the key for it from Simaris.

You can test your builds there. The higher your MR the higher enemies you can test against.


If your build can take down a lvl 80 heavy gunner in 1-2 shots or 1/4th of a clip you're good enough.

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Sorties are mainly about controlling the battlefield rather than trying to kill everything in sight and while being able to kill quickly is necessary quite often, there are many weapons that can do that and alone that won't be enough. If you're comfortable controlling lvl 80-100 enemies without allowing them to attack you or the objective, then you're ready for Sorties. Sorties are trivial with a smart team that crowd controls, so really all that's necessary is an understanding of how your frame can contribute to the team. As for the killing part there are many weapons that will get the job done though most of the time, team buffs are going to be far more valuable than any max weapon damage.

Edited by Zilchy
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The really cool thing about sorties is they really stress the importance of a loadout for that particular mission, not just your standard whatever.  Just take a look at the mission and condition.  For example, let's say there's a third round mobile defense on Eris with Augmented Armor.  Bringing a Repelling Vauban would be a great idea, because fighting a level 100 juggie with augmented armor is just not a good time.  Mobile Defense you don't actually have to kill a single mob, so why bother?


The other side of the extreme, let's say there's a round 3 Grineer Survival with Eximus Stronghold.  Tough, and tons of damage (personally this is a Chroma thing for me, but cats, skinning, you know) is a pretty simple way around that.


It's really more about adapting to the conditions - if you can look at the conditions and missions, and see a viable way to get it done, instead of just trying to bullrush everything, you should be good.


Finally, if you're pubbing, make sure you bring whatever the key frame should be - otherwise there's a very good chance no one will.  If this ends up with 4 Mirages in a Grineer Interception, easy day.


PS  No Ciphers, so if you haven't been doing spy missions without ciphers, you might want to practice a bit first - farming for Ivara was kind of a necessity for me.

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As said above, crowd control is your best bet in Sorties.


Grineer? Max range disarm loki + blind Mirage + Banshee + Slow Nova = you can go around poking your blind, deaf, disarmed, slowed and weakened enemies at will.  Oh, and slap those 4x Corrosive Projection auras. You do not, I repeat, do NOT want to chip away at a level 120 Heavy Gunner Guardian Eximus with full armor. 


Corpus? All of the above works, just make sure you have weapons that can quickly tear down Nullifier bubbles. And watch out for/blow up ASAP those Sapping Osprey bombs. They WILL tear your team to shreds if left alone. Unless you replaced someone with Mag, bring 4x Shield Disruptor auras. 


Infested? Loki loses some of his utility (yes, you can still disarm Moas to prevent puddles of goo and bug swarms, but Firequake Ember works better), but Blind and Molecular Prime still work wonders. 


Replace Banshee with EV Trinity if you don't want to worry about energy. Or with max range Vauban to Bastille the hell out of them. 




As for weapons - unless Corpus Nullifiers are a threat, just bring any "cheesy" popular ones with tons of damage. Tonkor, Torid, Sancti Tigris, Synoid Simulor,  Soma/Soma Prime, Vaykor Hek... Well, potato is pretty much a must.


It's always better if your frame is minmaxed for your current build - and that usually means proper Corrupted and Drift mods equipped. Overextended, Fleeting Expertise, Transient Fortitude, Power Drift, Cunning Drift are the most commonly used ones. Primed mods are completely optional, "normal" conterparts work just as well in most cases. Well, maybe except Primed Reach for Melee-Only sorties. That one is a big plus.


P.S.: If you're running Frost on those long Defense missions, set your energy color to the darkest one you have. Black works best if you purchased Smoke Colors palette, but most dark hues work. It will eliminate the "snow" effect inside the snow globe - which means clearer sight (easier targeting) and less on-screen clutter. 

Edited by Reifnir
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