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Valkyr Is Ridiculously Op - Lvl 200+


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You can't be serious. 

They are serious I know because I built my valkyr not for hysteria (I use hysteria only for: Healing/Reviving/using life support and other objectives/when enemies anger me (example shockwave moa spam)/When I feel like going berserk) other than that I use w/e melee weapon I have equipped at the time with eternal war augment allowing me to keep my armor/attack speed up.  And I don't see why people think melee only is a limitation (unless assassination mission) because I do that all the time on my valkyr.


I look forward to it. It'll be a baby step toward better gameplay and less cheesiness.

Don't forget the mirage blind cheesiness, but that is a discussion for another thread.


Is she OP? In the right situations or if built properly yes but that's any frame.

Is she perfectly balanced? No but nothing is or will ever be and that is because perfection doesn't exist because we as humans are inherently flawed.  How ever for a melee orientated berserker frame she is in a great position to fill that role.

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So what exactly is wrong with invincibility ? 


Trinity is almost as invincible and no one seems to have any issues with that ?


So what what are you trying to archive here ?  Balance Really? do you think anyone really bevies that argument ?


Here is what it's about : Frame X can out kill me and I am jealous so I will go the forums and get it nerfed.


Mesa and Sayrn were throw under the bus for this very reason. where are these frames now ? No one plays them any more.


All nerfs like this do is drive people away from the game.

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Don't forget the mirage blind cheesiness, but that is a discussion for another thread.


Is she OP? In the right situations or if built properly yes but that's any frame.

Is she perfectly balanced? No but nothing is or will ever be and that is because perfection doesn't exist because we as humans are inherently flawed.  How ever for a melee orientated berserker frame she is in a great position to fill that role.



I didn't forget Mirage. This is a Valkyr thread, so she is the main focus in here.


She is OP in essentially all situations especially in the hands of an experience player. I can take out 20 lv105 Nullifiers before running out of Hysteria and without it being dispelled. Her Hysteria needs a review, Paralysis could use a faster casting time, and it could get a range buff.

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So what exactly is wrong with invincibility ? 


Trinity is almost as invincible and no one seems to have any issues with that ?


So what what are you trying to archive here ?  Balance Really? do you think anyone really bevies that argument ?


Here is what it's about : Frame X can out kill me and I am jealous so I will go the forums and get it nerfed.


Mesa and Sayrn were throw under the bus for this very reason. where are these frames now ? No one plays them any more.


All nerfs like this do is drive people away from the game.

Many has issue with Trinity being invunerable. There are a lot of nerf calling for Trinity actually, so where did you get information from?

Saryn is the second best DPS frame I have and the only DPS frame I don't have is Equinox. My Saryn is not potatoed even. No one plays her because the majority of this player base suck and can't handle a frame that requires to press 2 buttons instead of 1, so they rather stick with Ash or Ember, which are inferior but easier to play DPS frame.

While yes I agree nerfs do drive people aways from games.

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So what exactly is wrong with invincibility ? 


Trinity is almost as invincible and no one seems to have any issues with that ?


It is cheap and trivializes enemy threat entirely. Trinity has to use some tactic to achieve her massive damage reduction for a few seconds. Valkyr just has to press 4 to be invincible and immune for several minutes or an indefinite amount of time.

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They are serious I know because I built my valkyr not for hysteria (I use hysteria only for: Healing/Reviving/using life support and other objectives/when enemies anger me (example shockwave moa spam)/When I feel like going berserk) other than that I use w/e melee weapon I have equipped at the time with eternal war augment allowing me to keep my armor/attack speed up.  And I don't see why people think melee only is a limitation (unless assassination mission) because I do that all the time on my valkyr.


Don't forget the mirage blind cheesiness, but that is a discussion for another thread.


Is she OP? In the right situations or if built properly yes but that's any frame.

Is she perfectly balanced? No but nothing is or will ever be and that is because perfection doesn't exist because we as humans are inherently flawed.  How ever for a melee orientated berserker frame she is in a great position to fill that role.


Mirage is hand out the most broken frame in this entire game. If you think other wise then you're just terrible really.

Mirage's strength:

+ Highest gun DPS in the game. Is uttery broken with Synoid Simulor.

+ Excellent CC even with duration build

+ Very mana efficient, especally with. again, Sinoid Simulor

+ Is extremely tanky if the player knows how to play, combining mobility with Eclipse's buff

+ Can quadruple the damage output of her teammates, or give them damage immunity

Mirage's weakness

- Is harder to play than other 1 button click frames. Still easier than half of the frame pool tho.

- Is not good in Spy/rescue missions.

- Is not good at keeping objective alive, but just like 90% of the entire frame pool

This is not a Mirage thread, so I'll keep it short. But yeah, Valkyr is ridiculously OP. She is literally invunerable while can kill anything she touches.

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almost went a day without a Valkyr Thread. I swear she's as infamous now as Mesa was pre-rework.


once AGAIN, here are the many downsides to "OP" Valkyr:


- she cannot perform ranged attacks while in Hysteria, she is COMPLETELY restricted to melee.


- she has no CC or support abilities.


- Nullifiers counter Valkyr on Corpus missions, and she's just as vulnerable to those GENUINELY OP Sapping Ospreys, despite her high armour.


- Ancient healers still greatly reduce her damage with their buff. chances are you'll run out of energy and get one-hit before you can claw your way through all the infested.


- she ends up just being a clutch revive frame towards the end of the third Sortie, if it's a Survival or Defense.


seriously, let it go people. she had her rework, she isn't getting touched again. if you don't like her, then don't use her! it really is as simple as that, and I have no idea why people can't comprehend this. if you want to use a frame that can survive, but isn't god-mode, take Wukong. capable of defying death without feeling cheap.

She has a cc and in histeria its even easier to regen shileds.,,,

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So what what are you trying to archive here ? Balance Really? do you think anyone really bevies that argument ?

Here is what it's about : Frame X can out kill me and I am jealous so I will go the forums and get it nerfed.

Mesa and Sayrn were throw under the bus for this very reason. where are these frames now ? No one plays them any more.

All nerfs like this do is drive people away from the game.

Wowee you are an aggressive person... in any regard, Mesa was not nerfed, she was changed and not because of balance but because she was a farming machine that contributed to Draco.

If anything she's stronger now that her multiplier increases, you just have to be mildly active with her.

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Wowee you are an aggressive person... in any regard, Mesa was not nerfed, she was changed and not because of balance but because she was a farming machine that contributed to Draco.

If anything she's stronger now that her multiplier increases, you just have to be mildly active with her.


So what if people used Mesa for farming ? That WAS the only thing the frame was good for because Peacemaker was useless vs High Lvl Mobs.


Did the the re-work address this ? Nope useless for farming and still useless for end game now. 100% nerf just so they would stop posting thread after thread about it.



Exact same thing is happening, so Hysteria makes the frame invulnerable ? it's a fun frame to play leave it be.

Edited by DxAdder
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So what exactly is wrong with invincibility ? 


Trinity is almost as invincible and no one seems to have any issues with that ?


So what what are you trying to archive here ?  Balance Really? do you think anyone really bevies that argument ?


Here is what it's about : Frame X can out kill me and I am jealous so I will go the forums and get it nerfed.


Mesa and Sayrn were throw under the bus for this very reason. where are these frames now ? No one plays them any more.


All nerfs like this do is drive people away from the game.

saryn: "oh no i need to press more than one button, she's horrible now erhmagerd"


mesa: "oh no i need to actually aim and play the game instead of putting a rock on my mouse and running a triathalon, she's horribly nerfed, erhmagerd"



So what if people used Mesa for farming ? That WAS the only thing the frame was good for because Peacemaker was useless vs High Lvl Mobs.


Did the the re-work address this ? Nope useless for farming and still useless for end game now. 100% nerf just so they would stop posting thread after thread about it.



Exact same thing is happening, so Hysteria makes the frame invulnerable ? it's a fun frame to play leave it be.

THERE IS NO ENDGAME! going hours in an endless mission isn't endgame. currently there is no endgame. you're literally pulling things out of uranus guy. 

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Valkyr isn't invincible in hysteria she just takes no damage from procs like poison, bleed ext which is what really kills at higher tiers and if you take too much fire ya it hurts but it's why everyone builds for max armor to negate that as much as possible.

Hell up to lvl 60s I won't even touch hysteria I just Wade my way through the hoards hacking them to pieces with my sword or whip.(depends on my mood and if it's a long run)

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If she´s dominating the game, you would only see valks running around, every Map meta would get a valk in group, then she would be a problem TO THE GAME


Guess what? That isn´t the case.




So i would wish people would let her alone in the niche she´s in right now and let Team DE focusing their time and money to things that are more important to the game than this non-issue.

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They are serious I know because I built my valkyr not for hysteria (I use hysteria only for: Healing/Reviving/using life support and other objectives/when enemies anger me (example shockwave moa spam)/When I feel like going berserk) other than that I use w/e melee weapon I have equipped at the time with eternal war augment allowing me to keep my armor/attack speed up.  And I don't see why people think melee only is a limitation (unless assassination mission) because I do that all the time on my valkyr.

So you are essentially gimping yourself, to less survivabilty, less damage and less overall use to your party. Gotcha. 

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exca don't have god mode.

Nope, he has frontal parry and infinite punch through.


The point of reach is that it lets you melee the bubble to shrink it away.

I use Hysteria in corpus missions beyond 50 minutes (especially on the moon), don't have Reach installed on my Tekko, still shrink nullifier bubbles just fine.


So what's this "reach" business all about? It isn't needed.

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Nope, he has frontal parry and infinite punch through.


I use Hysteria in corpus missions beyond 50 minutes (especially on the moon), don't have Reach installed on my Tekko, still shrink nullifier bubbles just fine.


So what's this "reach" business all about? It isn't needed.

The effect of reach on hysteria is so minor it's not really a factor.
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The effect of reach on hysteria is so minor it's not really a factor.

I've borrowed a primed reach from a clan mate before and saw no difference on it.


Worked on Wukong's Staff, but barely saw any difference on Valkyr's claws.


I just question sanity every time its brought up because I would love to see how the bandwagon feels when that "5% o more damage reduction" falls on its face at a bad time.


Especially when there are people who don't go for straight duration and Hysteria for the entirety of the mission, but use it as a survival tool (low health, giant mob of problem targets, etc.) because of the damage stored.


5% of a one shot still hurts like piss people.

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If she´s dominating the game, you would only see valks running around, every Map meta would get a valk in group, then she would be a problem TO THE GAME


Guess what? That isn´t the case.

So, you mean all the Valkyres I see in Sorties are not there, with MR4-21?


I don't play with her much, because she is boring. And I think this is the reason why you don't see much requests for her in groups, this is the last glimmer of hope I see in the comunity.

Edited by ShortCat
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almost went a day without a Valkyr Thread. I swear she's as infamous now as Mesa was pre-rework.


once AGAIN, here are the many downsides to "OP" Valkyr:


- she cannot perform ranged attacks while in Hysteria, she is COMPLETELY restricted to melee.


- she has no CC or support abilities.


- Nullifiers counter Valkyr on Corpus missions, and she's just as vulnerable to those GENUINELY OP Sapping Ospreys, despite her high armour.


- Ancient healers still greatly reduce her damage with their buff. chances are you'll run out of energy and get one-hit before you can claw your way through all the infested.


- she ends up just being a clutch revive frame towards the end of the third Sortie, if it's a Survival or Defense.


seriously, let it go people. she had her rework, she isn't getting touched again. if you don't like her, then don't use her! it really is as simple as that, and I have no idea why people can't comprehend this. if you want to use a frame that can survive, but isn't god-mode, take Wukong. capable of defying death without feeling cheap.

Just wanted to mention that don't like, don't use is a complete falacy of an argument. Don't try to use it or else everything you say will not be taken seriously. You had me convinced until you said that.

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So, you mean all the Valkyres I see in Sorties are not there, with MR4-21?

I don't play with her much, because she is boring. And I think this is the reason why you don't see much requests for her in groups, this is the last glimmer of hope I see in the comunity.

Seeing one Danny pity valky every now and then in a sortie is exactly what i meant .. not.

When you have groups only with valkys, every time, then she dominates the meta and again this isn't the case thus there's no problem atm.

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Not likely. It will simply die away, only to be replaced by another nearly identical thread within a few days.


People have been complaining about Hysteria's invulnerability since before I started playing the game. That's two years. She used to have next to no damage capability to go with it, which they gave some of back, but nerfed her comparative mobility at the same time. Which made her unplayable at any reasonably high level. Other frames simply did melee far better.


So they fixed her, and we have what she is today. Which is no more OP than many other frames who aren't limited to melee.


Yet people keep crying and spilling their salt that shes OP, and crying out nerfs?



No Pun Interned 

Edited by LegionCynex
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It is cheap and trivializes enemy threat entirely. Trinity has to use some tactic to achieve her massive damage reduction for a few seconds. Valkyr just has to press 4 to be invincible and immune for several minutes or an indefinite amount of time.

PFT. CC "trivializes" enemy threats entirely. and unlike damage it scales indefinitly.  Valkyr is just the punching bag for you plebs because you have personal issues with her.  And I almost spit out my water when you spoke of trinity's "tactic."  You literally self damage and then press 4.




Nothing needs to be done to valkyr.  She's been worked over by DE.  she's working as intended.  Don't like how easy she is?  Don't play as her.  Or play solo if you can't stand the sight of valkyr.  If we're going to start nerfing things because of how "easy" they make the game then we've got quite a list of offenders.  Valkyr wouldn't be the only victim.


Limbo, trinity, wukong, loki are also all prime targets.  But go ahead and reply with a "this is a valkyr thread" like you did with another reply.  A pitiful excuse for a pitiful argument.

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Another Valkyr Thread......


No matter how many threads you want to make nothing is going to change you should really move on to nerfing something else, It's been more than a week about nerfing Exalted Blade give that a shot.

Exalted blade is broken, but Valkyr is just a god mode. 

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