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Valkyr Is Ridiculously Op - Lvl 200+


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Why are you crying at me about CC? I say CC trivializes things as well. This IS a Valkyr thread but you're so pathetic that you can't come up with a better argument against nerfing Valkyr's invulnerability. Just like the rest of your like-minded posters, you bring another issue of the game into the topic to cover your lack of a valid argument.


I laugh every time one of you baboons says "she's been worked over by de" "don't like her, don't play her" because that is all you can say. You know deep down you can't argue for invulnerability to be valid. Trinity got looked over several times, Excalibur got looked over several times, so why does your special snowflake Valkyr get to be the exception?


You killed any sound logic just now when you listed Trinity, Loki, Wukong, and especially Limbo of all frames. You must be really desperate if you're saying Limbo is overpowered. You do realize Limbo is invulnerable and cut off from dealing damage unless he pulls something in the rift with him, right? You do realize that once an enemy is in the Rift with him, he is completely vulnerable to being killed. All of those Warframes are closer to being more balanced than Valkyr is.


Go ahead present me with another weak, sad, and pitiful argument to defend your last crutch.


If anything the fact that you decided to insult me and make baseless assumptions of me proves the kind of person you are.  and why no one should ever take you seriously.  I realize this is the internet and things like sarcasm don't properly translate over.  But I thought the sarcasm about my trinity point was pretty appearent.  I guess not.


It's weird that you accuse me of covering my own &#! about having weak arguments but you continue to use this thread as a shield for additional issues.  seems contradictory.  Anyway i've argued to death over why Valkyr is fair.  It's not my fault people like you don't agree with it.  But anyway lets get on to tackling your actual post.  Lest I get slammed for personal attacks or being off topic.


"Trinity got looked over several times, Excalibur got looked over several times, so why does your special snowflake Valkyr get to be the exception?"  You are assuming that I want any of those frames to be nerfed.  I don't.  And DE didn't over look valkyr.  she's been worked on several times.  It's not like she's been entirely ignored by the devs.  Her hysteria used to scale off of weapon stats.  now it only scales off of power strength and melee mods.  that is a nerf.  It's not like DE has done nothing but made her better.


"Trinity, Loki, Wukong, and especially Limbo of all frames. You must be really desperate if you're saying Limbo is overpowered. "  Correct me if i'm wrong.  But I don't remember saying any of those were over powered.  Merely pointed out that if we started nerfing things base upon how "easy" certain frames make the game these would also be targets of a nerf.  Trinity for her 98% damage reduction and the ability to have endless energy, Loki for being invisible basically till the end of time whilst forcing the enemy to melee only and attack eachother, wukong for being unkillable whilst still having access to all of his abilities and weapons and is able to increase his invulnerability period, and limbo for being able to make any frame invulnerable whilst still being able to hurt other people.  Wukong and limbo are the only broken frames.  Nothing is over powered.


The one issue that people like you keep coming back to is invulnerability.  You keep saying it needs to have a valid excuse to be in the game.  Or you're just not okay with invulnerability in the first place.  If the latter is the case then limbo and wukong need looking into.  And technically speaking trinity, rhino, and chroma can all out tank valkyr when she's not in hysteria.  So it's not like her high armor stat really means much.  You despise us pulling other frames into situations and claim we do this because we can't come up with an argument.  That is also blatently false.  there are reasons she is fine.  You and others like you just don't accept that.  We are simply forced to ask why is it okay for other frames to be as easy mode.  To which we've never gotten a valid answer.  So here again I will post why she is balanced.


~her damage base on single swipes drops off very harshly.  You don't have to go very high into end game content before you see that a single hit isn't enough to kill basic targets.  Every single counter argument to this shows someone either doing a slide attack or a finisher.  and some how that means her single swipe damage  is not dropping off.  A slide attack for any one does more damage.  in valkyr's case it also hit's multiple times.  And finisher damage is finisher damage.  not exclusive to hysteria.


~She is still very squishy outside hysteria.  Her armor value is high.  But you can't run steel fiber with her because that actually ruins her build.  As mentioned previously trinity, chroma, and rhino can all out tank her in terms of damage they can eat.


~corpus screw her big time.  Nullifiers and the other special unit are hard counters.  the special unit can rip her straight out of hysteria.  and nullifiers are nullifiers.  It's true that you can throw reach on.  or melee outside the bubble.  but it still denies her an area.  if the nullifier chooses to push up and envelop her she's got an entire horde to melt her.  This in combination with an eximus unit that slows her hits drastically lowers her capabilities.  In high end corpus missions you have eximus nullfiers everywhere with hordes of enemies and the special units.


~she is still very vulnerable to an ancient disrupters ability.  while she is immune to the standard drain of leech units she is not immune to this.  she  could lose all of her energy be forced out of hysteria and then melted.


~she has a hidden mechanic where all the absorbed damage she takes can backfire and instant kill her if she leaves hysteria.  this happens if you take a ton of damage by surrounding enemies and then not kill them before leaving hysteria.  It's happened to me before.  especially during corpus runs.


~she is restricted to melee only.  Which prevents her from attacking certain bosses.


~She has poor CC and doesn't bring much to her team.


If she was so brokenly overpowered then you'd see her everywhere.  But the cost of making her that strong is pretty absurd.  not to mention some of the drops for her to be effective are hard to get.  like rage for instance.  The only time I ever see a valkyr besides myself is when i'm playing a sortie.  I've never seen one outside sorties.  and even in sorties I still see frames like nova prime and vaubon more.  At the end of all this it clearly shows that your only problem and everyone elses problem with her is just the invulnerability.  You don't care how it's balanced.  You don't want it in.  And even though you may not like the answer.  Us saying "the dev's made her this way and they think it's fair" is a perfectly valid point.  No one enjoys being told to shut up and deal with it because I say so.  that's why kids dislike parents.  But that's reality.  DE doesn't have to please you.  They don't need to bend to your will.  DE has already done everything they probably will ever do to Valkyr.  on top of frames like excalibur and trinity as well.  All 3 frames have received both buffs and nerfs.

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If anything the fact that you decided to insult me and make baseless assumptions of me proves the kind of person you are.  and why no one should ever take you seriously.


Right back at you.



 I realize this is the internet and things like sarcasm don't properly translate over.  But I thought the sarcasm about my trinity point was pretty appearent.  I guess not.


Stop trying to make yourself look like a victim by claiming your insults and snide comments were sarcasm. No one is buying it.

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I want to see a video of this xD

such lies. oh and (It would probably be the same result on a lvl 200 isn't credible at all either xD)

Actually, what the other person is correct.

With the re-introduction Valkyr's hysteria has a charged attack mechanic, she does a leg slam which staggers the enemy (which is also part of her charged attack sequence, note: it is a 2 part sequence). Then gets on top of the enemy automatically and claws them in one shot to death, it's a guaranteed one shot, almost as if you had used her 3 (Paralysis) to stun finish the enemy, or Excal's radial blind, Valkyr's charged attack in hysteria works under the same principals, her charged attack is ultimately a one shot finisher. Tested on level 100 corrupted heavy bombards. Anyone can freely test this by holding down the E button in hysteria to proc the charge attacks. No matter the scale of level of the enemy, it will always be a one shot regardless.

Edited by --Sensei--
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Right back at you.




Stop trying to make yourself look like a victim by claiming your insults and snide comments were sarcasm. No one is buying it.



I never insulted you in the post I quoted.  I called your argument pitiful.  I did not attack you.  Nor did I make any assumptions about you.  So "right back at you" doesn't really work.


I fail to see how pointing out the obvious sarcasm in my post is doing anything close to making me look like the victim.  I really don't see how you saw "OH LORD.  MUCH TACTIC.  SUCH SKILL" as a serious comment.  And I did take the effort to post a "legit argument" as you would say.

But you chose to only quote me on the beginning part and continue to make personal jabs.


In your own words "this is a valkyr thread" so stay on topic Tenno.  In any case this is probably as good reply from you as any to show that I should probably stop conversing with you.  it's not productive.  So good day.

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I never insulted you in the post I quoted.  I called your argument pitiful.  I did not attack you.  Nor did I make any assumptions about you.  So "right back at you" doesn't really work.


I fail to see how pointing out the obvious sarcasm in my post is doing anything close to making me look like the victim.  I really don't see how you saw "OH LORD.  MUCH TACTIC.  SUCH SKILL" as a serious comment.  And I did take the effort to post a "legit argument" as you would say.

But you chose to only quote me on the beginning part and continue to make personal jabs.


Yeah because calling people "plebs" and saying they have "personal issues" as to why they want Valkyr rebalanced isn't an insult or personal jabs. Then you take it off topic to make a snide remark about how i said to someone else "I didn't forget Mirage. This is a Valkyr thread, so she is the main focus in here" So yeah, you're trying to make yourself look innocent after your childishness. If you would like to have a debate that isn't childish, then refrain from snide comments and sarcasm, then present me with a valid reason as to why Valkyr needs Godmode.



In your own words "this is a valkyr thread" so stay on topic Tenno.  In any case this is probably as good reply from you as any to show that I should probably stop conversing with you.  it's not productive.  So good day.



You should have used that logic before you replied to me to begin with. Bye, you won't be missed.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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She can easily one-hit kill 20 lv105+ Corrupt Bombard Eximus with her charge attack. It would probably be the same results on a lv200 version.

And Excal, Valkyr, Ash, and Banshee can one shot anything on demand with a dagger and covert lethality.


It's a different thing when we're talking about finishers.

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This is actually the only sane point I saw in all Valkyr threads yet. I cannot argue agains it.

No matter how easy the game is, there always will be people, who are ultra casuals or just bad at video games. And since there is no difficulty option in the game, those players are given tools to overcome such chalanges. (To be fair, those are design decisions and they are made intentionally). Valkyr with her invulnerability, CC imunity, easy modding and great damage is practically carrying a sign with "You have trouble in Warframe? Pick me ;)"


Nevertheless, this doesn't mean she is not overpowerd; and this card cannot be played too often.


If both sides can agree on this, the thread can be locked.

You.. I like you, and yes Threads like these need to be locked or removed, its just a pool of argumental noobs and pros and people who think they know dmg and people who do know dmg.. its endless

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This is actually the only sane point I saw in all Valkyr threads yet. I cannot argue agains it.

No matter how easy the game is, there always will be people, who are ultra casuals or just bad at video games. And since there is no difficulty option in the game, those players are given tools to overcome such chalanges. (To be fair, those are design decisions and they are made intentionally). Valkyr with her invulnerability, CC imunity, easy modding and great damage is practically carrying a sign with "You have trouble in Warframe? Pick me ;)"


Nevertheless, this doesn't mean she is not overpowerd; and this card cannot be played too often.


If both sides can agree on this, the thread can be locked.

Honestly there should be frames that have the ability to ease in players, but not so substantially to the point where it can trivialize content on the outskirts of the star map or voids. If Valkyr is one of those frames then fine, but it shouldn't be a dramatic difference to other frames.

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And Excal, Valkyr, Ash, and Banshee can one shot anything on demand with a dagger and covert lethality.


It's a different thing when we're talking about finishers.


You're not looking at the whole picture here. Out of all the Warframes, Valkyr is the only one that can dish out that kind of damage AND be completely safe from all harm, procs, and virtually every CC.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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She is the definition of OP.....I'm serious look in a dictionary.


Pretty much. She gets even more ridiculous if you have Naramon's Shadow Step active too. Invulnerability + invisibility that activates from melee crits on a weapon with 50% base crit chance. That invisibility can't be dispelled either.

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She is the definition of OP.....I'm serious look in a dictionary.

Overpowered (often abbreviated to OP) is a common term referring to a perceived lack of game balance. It is often used when describing a specific class in an RPG, a specific faction in strategic games, or a specific tactic, ability, weapon or unit in various games. For something to be deemed overpowered, it is either the best choice in a disproportionate number of situations (marginalising other choices) and/or excessively hard to counter by the opponent compared to the effort required to use it.


Marginalizing doesn't quite fit as we don't see Valkyr dominating choices. So it would have to be excessively hard to counter part. So if only opponent capable of countering her is nullifer she could be considered OP same as Mirage spamming Prism (even more OP as it can disable entire map) and other powerful CC powers. So if we get more enemies capable of dispelling powers this OP-ness would go away. Am I missing anything?

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Theres no way to defeat her....how can people defend this?


Because that is a deluded and narrowed view on her. Because she isn´t a problem to the game. The meta defeats her every time a defence oriented map comes into play, even before the fight has started because she isn´t invited into the group. She has a niché role and full fills it. If we would start to talk about balance of the game as a whole and dismiss this narrowed view of one sided situation she wouldn´t even be in the top places of frames that would need a treatment in a "negative" way for the "sake of balance". And even than i doubt it´s the frame failure but more the enemy design, map layout and map objectives/goals that would need a treatment.

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Because that is a deluded and narrowed view on her. Because she isn´t a problem to the game. The meta defeats her every time a defence oriented map comes into play, even before the fight has started because she isn´t invited into the group. She has a niché role and full fills it. If we would start to talk about balance of the game as a whole and dismiss this narrowed view of one sided situation she wouldn´t even be in the top places of frames that would need a treatment in a "negative" way for the "sake of balance". And even than i doubt it´s the frame failure but more the enemy design, map layout and map objectives/goals that would need a treatment.

If she has all these meta related problems great than we can agree she needs a REWOK which will help her out starting with getting rid of invincibility.
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Look at her ult, it's balanced and I'll explain it. Her ult gives her the following.

A) invulnerablity

B) lifesteal

C) togable

Now the downside

A) melee only

B) can be shutdown

C) damage is based on mods

D) high damage can only be obtained with hit combos.

Sounds like she is pretty balanced already.

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Look at her ult, it's balanced and I'll explain it. Her ult gives her the following.

A) invulnerablity

B) lifesteal

C) togable

Now the downside

A) melee only

B) can be shutdown

C) damage is based on mods

D) high damage can only be obtained with hit combos.

Sounds like she is pretty balanced already.

Upside A is pretty huge, and it makes upside B pointless if you are planning on using Hysteria in place of armor.

Upside C makes downside A pointless.

Downside B applies to everything, not just Hysteria.

Downside C is actually an upside, unless you don't equip a melee.

Downside D is incorrect, because slide attacks, finishers, charge attacks.

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