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Fashionframe: A Fan Hosted, Fan Supported Event


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Everyone knows the real end-game is all about how awesome you look.


Well, now we will separate the casuals from the true Tenno.  Welcome to FashionFrame!



The Breakdown

Every two weeks, there will be an event.  The date will be announced, and posted here, at the end of the last event.  Each event will have a theme; it could be a frame, a color palette, certain color choices, costumes, steampunk, etc..  The winner will be chosen by judges based on color choices and stance animations, and the winners will be awarded whatever prizes are allotted for that week's event.  Mastery Rank is considered in judge decisions to avoid any unfair advantage to players with potentially more resources and equipment.  Do you have what it takes?



1) Be respectful of your fellow Tenno, whether they be competitors, judges, or members of the audience.

2) No glitched frames allowed.  This will disqualify you.

3) Meet the themes of the biweekly event.  Not doing so disqualifies you.

4) If you leave before the judges lock in their decisions, you are disqualified.

5) Don't beg or attempt to manipulate judge decisions.


Future Events

Monday, February 1st, 2016 -- 11:00pm EST @ Larunda Relay, NA East

Theme: Winter!!!

**Future events will occur at different times & in different regions**




Interested in helping plan a FashionFrame?

Become a donor!  If you are willing to donate a prize to the winning pool, you may join our cast of judges for that week!  Private message me on the forums or in-game and take an active role in FashionFrame!


Active Judge Roster







*waiting on confirmation from a couple others*


What if I am not on PC?

We are looking to eventually expand into Xbox and PS4, but to do that, we'll need to find the right judges who can kick things off on those platforms


Do you want to participate?

If you want to strut your stuff, just show up at the allotted time and place, and we'll see what you got!  See you on the runway, Tenno.

Edited by Ithloniel
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I love this but..



I don't understand this :c


Lower MR players (such as those 0 to 11) may not have the same resources or equipment as those of higher MR.  While MR is not a great measure of Warframe skill, it does open up access to certain things, and it shows how much affinity-tied content you've completed, which is generally associated with greater access to resources.  Due to this, we are more likely to reward a well designed MR 8 than we are to reward a well designed MR 21, assuming the MR 8 and MR 21 are of a similar fashion caliber.  This does not disqualify the MR 21 from winning, but simply allows us to make note of the differences between what each player is, in theory, capable of bringing to the table.


Good idea. How about screen shots within this thread?

Easier to judge and accommodate all the different time zones.


You genius, you... :p


EDIT:  I completely misunderstood your suggestion.  It was late for me, and I was rather tired at the time.  We really want to make this an interactive experience.  For that reason, we'll be holding the competition in-game.  We will be posting pictures of the event on this thread to commemorate each event as they happen, which is what I drew from your suggestion, and misunderstood it as.

Edited by Ithloniel
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Oh boy. My real endgame finally has a legit Thing to Do.


Too bad my plat total hasn't supported getting a single animation set opened - I spent it all on colors and a decent spread of armors. Someday, I'll have it all. Even the bloody expensive Harkonar/Iliac packs.


I'll probably be skipping Winter this time around, but Soon, I'll come back around and prove that I'm the prettiest prince/ss in the Origin System.


I'm just waiting for the theme to be "Void"... heh. Heh.


Oh, and hey, any chance there could be Cosplayframe mini-events? Because most of my outfits on limited slot space are actually cosplay.

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Oh boy. My real endgame finally has a legit Thing to Do.


Too bad my plat total hasn't supported getting a single animation set opened - I spent it all on colors and a decent spread of armors. Someday, I'll have it all. Even the bloody expensive Harkonar/Iliac packs.


I'll probably be skipping Winter this time around, but Soon, I'll come back around and prove that I'm the prettiest prince/ss in the Origin System.


I'm just waiting for the theme to be "Void"... heh. Heh.


Oh, and hey, any chance there could be Cosplayframe mini-events? Because most of my outfits on limited slot space are actually cosplay.


Costumes and cosplay will definitely be a thing in the future!  Also, void, infested, grineer, corpus, and syndicate themes will pop up.  :)


aren't relay's instanced, and therefore no guarantee all participants can actually attend if hosted in one?


You only get instanced if we reach the cap on the first instance, or if there is a slow connection, from what I'm aware of.  Reconnecting will often put you in the correct instance.  If we get too big for our britches, we will send judges to both instances to run separately tiered competitions, and then reunite the finalists in one final competition.

Edited by Ithloniel
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i can be an xbox judge , im active and on the forums regularly  


 also looking forward to checking out any vids or pictures that arise ....

I'm glad to see people on other platforms have interest! Expanding this to other consoles means a wider range of people would be able to join in, and it'd encourage a little bit of friendly competition between players of Warframe everywhere. It'd also be great if we tried getting some players who can speak other languages (i.e. not just English) to go do this sort of thing using the other language clients to reach even wider of a range of players.

Maybe we could, at some stage, have a big cross-platform competition where the best entries of each region are sent via screenshot (with all the relevant information) to the entire judging panel for the ultimate winner to be chosen?


Looking forward to judging all your awesome fashionframe talents, my dear Tenno! Sadly, I cannot access the public instances of the Relays currently due to my ISP, but I will be judging from afar via screenshots and/or streaming! Can't wait to see the creativity you all put into your entries! One day, I'll be able to jump back in and judge right there with you all, but currently, this'll have to do. I also have an account on PS4, and will likely also have one on XB1 once I have the ability to do so, though that won't be for a while yet (I am but a poor man!) in which I may end up judging not only for PC (if Ith allows it, of course).


Also, if people don't know what Ithloniel means by

2) No glitched frames allowed.  This will disqualify you.

He means this:



And, yes, Ith, I still have this screenshot of you as your Proto Nemesis Excal Prime =P

Edited by NavyBluePanda
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