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Coming Soon: Devstream #67!


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What is the stance on making vacuum the default loot system for everyone? Even if carrier became useless - I'd rather have one useless companion than a dozen as it currently is. I have so much kubrow armor and never get to use it! We are waiting for a fix on this for years now...


State of Starchart 3.0?


Planned changes to the New Player Experience?


Any chances on allowing us to remove the Christmas Decoration without having to sell it?

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Pardon my grammer and spelling i am trying my best.


With the recent changes to the redeemer it got me thinking of different gun-blade concepts. Do you have plans of Releasing another gun-blade soon? I like the idea of a fist weapon that shoots a ball of flame. Some of my other concepts are, a heavy sword that fires rockets, a hammer that fires a chain of bullets(Gatling hammer), duel bladed pistol, and a sword and gun combo for our Cervantes fans.


The the new Nunchaku weapon type brought back good memories of playing Maxi in Soul Calibur. I particularly Remember some of maxi's signature moves like, various knockdowns, a reel back slam, fluid spins, and a quick drum attack. I am not asking for Warframe Soul Calibur edition but it would be great to see some stances inspired by this character. perhaps a heavy hitting knock down based stance. It would also be good to see a fluid acrobatic stance with lots of spin attacks. All that said i wanted to know what are the plans for the Nunchaku and future stances?


It would be helpful to be able name the configurations A, B, and C on weapons, and Warfrmes. Any chance of seeing a feature like this added in the future?


Questions and a discussion on Mastery.

What are your plans for the mastery system? I would like to see more rewards or perks to achieving higher mastery. Are there any plans of revamping or re-working it? As it is now I like the way it is based on weapons, Warframes, ect. Seeing how there will be 30 ranks the current system could be problematic.


In the current system we have about 581 sources of mastery giving us 1,160,796xp putting you just over the MR 21 based on the wiki. It also say on the wiki that we need 2,250,000xp for MR 30. I know it is just speculation and things are subject to change. That being said if this is true that is almost double the content we currently have. The good is that we have a lot of future content to look forward too. The bad is the potential for content dilution, and overwhelming players. From a development stand point that is quite the undertaking.


If the mastery system were to get a revamp reaching MR 30 should feel challenging and rewarding being the elite among tenno. Also having perks and rewards beyond the trade limit, loadout slots, reputation cap, extractor cap, and equipment unlocks. Attaining mastery rank should feel difficult, but not impossible, or arbitrarily easy. Anyway I am looking forward to what is ahead for Warframe.

Edited by TrashnBash
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1.Can we get a teaser of the new Archwing? Maybe even Saryn prime?


2.Also, what ARE your plans for world expansion? I know that a lot of people have recommended an "open world" for warframe, but I don't know how that would work.


3. Ok DE, we get it. Umbra excalibur looks like the Stalker and vice versa. Please spill the saucy beans.


4.Sharkwing? SHARKWING!


5.It looks like you accidentally leaked some new enemies and mods into the codex. Does this mean that Kela and Nef are gonna become reworked into fightable bosses?


6.Any ideas on the reworks of Volt, Saryn, and such?


7. Starchart 3.0?


8. You guys are planning something, because if this keeps going, Trinity prime will be the longest a prime access has ever been out. So, watcha y'all doing?


9. If you guys keep releasing new mods for weapons, are you going to increase the mod slots on these?


10. Other than Saryn prime, you guys said that Typhus is in the Queue, and Wukong and Nezha are done.

So, any news on this "Queue"?

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1) When are you going to buff syndicate specters and death squads? Those things are awful, so I'll just rate them here.

#1: Cephalon Suda's shield osprey. It regenerates shields, and it buffs other specters, and it has good survivability. Enough said.

#2: Arbiters of Hexis' corrupted lancer leech eximus. It shoots, it regens and it has a nice amount of armor, though the AI needs a bit of work.

#3: New Loka's ancient healer sanguine eximus. It's the tankiest of all specters, and can survive 3 waves of sortie 3 defences at least. Attack rate and accuracy needs improvement if it wants to "regen".

#4: Red Veil's charger parasitic eximus and Perrin Sequence's moa blitz eximus. Both specters have no regen abilities, slightly tankier than the normal variant, slightly higher damage output but still goes down at the blink of an eye. These need to be buffed asap.

#5: Steel Meridian's roller specters. Let's face it. It's useless even though it's a "leech eximus", does not deal enough damage for the lifesteal to work, and has a really bad AI. Need a significant rework RIGHT NOW.

And for death squads:

#1: New Loka squad. These guys are tanky, have good toxin and fire proc and parasitic combo, and cannot go down easily.

#2: Cephalon Suda squad. The ospreys can take hits, are airborne and can regen shields.

#3: Perrin Sequence squad. Though it might be one of the worst death squads, I'm rating it 3rd because these guys can be a real threat due to blitz eximus knockdowns. Still can be mowed down easily.

#4: Arbiter of Hexis squad. Although they're quite strong and can regen, they are incredibly susceptible to staggers and stuns. An Excalibur with Radial Blind can take out the entire squad within 30 seconds with melee finishers.

#5: Red Veil squad. These guys can prove to be a real threat to players who do not have good weapons, and can remove a chunk of energy FAST. However, with players that have well-modded weapons, they're basically one shot.

#6: Steel Meridian squad. <sigh>


2) When do you plan to rework kubrow and ally AI? I'm tired of the operative running into a flurry of gunfire action and just lie down, waiting for us to revive him/her. And the kubrow too.


3) Can we revamp the Corpus map on Venus? Seems hardly logical to me that one of the planets that are closer to the sun has room for any snow to be on it.

Edited by Guest
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I think rifles, bows and sniper rifles should be separate weapon classes. It sucks that I can't use a bow because my sentinel is using a sniper rifle and the mods clash. Also I cringe every time I put split chamber or serration on a sniper rifle. I think making them separate weapon classes each with their own unique mods (like shotguns and rifles) would add some more diversity to the game.

Edited by Ghost_1302
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Why did you guys nerf excavation so hard?  It feels completely unjustified, you have told us you wanted to reduce grind, and yet you do things like this.  Please consider reversing the changes you made with 18.4 as now it takes twice the time to accomplish the same task.  Excavation is now just slow and boring, when it used to be fast and fun. 


Can we get 6 degrees of freedom (i think that is the name) for archwing.  Right now it doesn't feel like we are in space, especially with the upper and lower limit to camera/aim and we can't go "upsidedown" or anything like that.  It would go a long way to making archwing better. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Previously in this thread, I mentioned that Trinity Prime's art assets could use a look over. With the arrival of 18.4, we got a pretty new premium skin! It's rather nice in my opinion, but I hope Trinity Prime is brought up to the same sort of quality soon. The bo staff skin is nice as well, but the kubrow armor doesn't like to play nice with the backs of kubrows.

Speaking of 18.4, some... questionable stuff happened, I'd say. The redeemer's combos are broken, excavation is weird, and not all the void Windows can be jumped through: http://i.giphy.com/13aAU5WwKDOeQg.gif

Hopefully this sort of stuff is given a look sooner than later. <:u

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Any chance you guys can talk about Dojo 3.0? Possibly new rooms, decor, features, etc. More specifically on the Treasury as I was under the impression that you could place materials in there but according to the wiki the ability to do so is there but the functionality is not. Which doesn't make a lot of sense. Thanks.

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So are flames of the Ignis and the 2 flame warframes next?


Also the current melee system is way to complex for the intense battles in warframe, anyway to simplify it with an option to use a more simple system such as utilizing 3 face buttons to switch between combos perhaps chaining them together mid combo to form one lengthy combo?







Ever gonna be able to switch Warframes(with a long Cooldown) during battle and perhaps loadouts as well? Switching loadouts can always make the weapon take on the Warframe colors with an option.


Operators seem to be invulnerable. Are they ever gonna create aggro even if it adds to w/e effect they have?


Any assassinations for Sortie?


Sorties ever gonna get more interesting and harder?


Are the xmas decorations gonna vanish soon if not sold?


The Chinese Warframes ever gonna get Synergy updates or any update at all?


How long does it take to rework a Warframe and who's next and what power is next on the chopping block?


When are alerts getting revamped? When are resources alerts gonna be worth it especially endless ones?


Is Simaris ever gonna be contacted from Liset? Enter Simulacrum via Liset?




You know people want the option for this especially NVidia users, whens it coming back?

Edited by Sorise
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