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High Level Tenno Nukers, Why Are You Playing In Public?


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I did not used to do some missions solo just because I am not a solo player typically but for the past year or so, I have taken a habit to solo sometimes simply because it is sometimes easier that way and also because I know I can easily get trough of them.

Indeed I think that it would be nice if there was some system to gap at least in the 2-3 beginner planets so that veterans don't match up with beginners. Not that I mind carrying, but it becomes a less of a service and more of disservice when new players want to experience the game as it is (not as the gods us veterans are) and learn all of this new stuff.

There used to be a time once where the gap between a new player and a veteran was only a tiny fraction of what it is today so it did not matter much back in the day but these days with all the tools and power and time people have had to level their gear? Yeah I can imagine how annoying it must be and how boring it makes the new player feels when a 21 MR player like myself comes in and just nukes everything anyway.

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Like others, I used to take an hour per mission when I first started. Then I saw all of these wonderfully fast players. I thought, "Wow, they must be pros!" And they are.

And that really encouraged me to step up my game, and that is what I did. These fast players did not make things boring for me. They encouraged me to master the movement mechanics of the game. They gavr me insight into new ways of playing through a mission. In essence, I give gratitude to these players for making me who I am today.

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Like others, I used to take an hour per mission when I first started. Then I saw all of these wonderfully fast players. I thought, "Wow, they must be pros!" And they are.

And that really encouraged me to step up my game, and that is what I did. These fast players did not make things boring for me. They encouraged me to master the movement mechanics of the game. They gavr me insight into new ways of playing through a mission. In essence, I give gratitude to these players for making me who I am today.

for sound  concept and understanding and developing yourself accordingly 


while not falling into hate or anger, but then turning it into a learning experience 


and furthering your own gaming skill and style



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I'm not that high level yet, but i enjoy low level alerts and the like, and sometimes go back to low level missions of mods I'm missing, i always thought I was helping newer players out with a little bit of rushing.


on top of that, one of the things i really like in games with RPG elements is feeling overpowered, and the best way to get that rush is simply doing something at a lower level.

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I hated playing pub when I was low level and still do on any extermination or spy, joined a ghost clan that was just my friend and his cousin, still didn't like playing with them. They could run through maps killing everything in 1 shot, never worried about dying. I couldn't leave cover without worrying about dying, I didn't know the tiles at all. Many tiles all i could do was bunker down until they returned, or just die so they'd return to revive me. It wasn't fun, free xp was irrelevant and like most games, the respawn screen doesn't help teach mechanics at all. I took a second long break until I returned and played mostly solo. I can hold my own now with the clan, and I pub low levels to level up new gear, but I avoid nuking and just shooting everything. I can help new players and level gear by covering 1 to 3 interception points without nukes and leaving plenty for everyone to do, supporting and reviving, but most of the time i still solo.

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Just like the rare player or two did for me when I first started, yes high levels have every right to join public, yes low levels have every right to not have to deal with jerks.  Everyone is right, there is no wrong here, only the mentalities of people who think things should be done their way only.  Nice people will turn off their exalted blade or maim or world on fire and let the newbies learn how to play.  Some do, some don't, thats honestly the risk you take when joining a pug.


On the flip side, I've seen threads where high levels whine and moan about how utterly slow and leechy low ranked players are and how they have to kill everything or be in the mission for an hour.


Funny story, I actually did spend an hour or two per mission on earth for my first few levels. Learning the game.


Just wanted to add, it's not just a high-MR vs. low-MR issue.



(And now not in response to your post:) It's a matter of mentality and playstyle, and there's probably not much DE can do to alleviate the issue. The end result then is the implementation of tedious things like Nullifiers.


Even as a high MR player, when I go into an Exterminate mission with a gun and there's for example an Ember, I've already lost. It's why I play solo most of the time these days outside of endless missions, especially when ranking up new things. Yes I do that already, but seeing people on the forums telling even the new guys they shouldn't bother playing in teams is neither considerate nor helpful.

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They want to get the mission done as fast as possible and any mission is faster with more people hypothetically.

And some low level areas have resources that high level people need which leads to high levels being grouped with low levels.

Lastly one day you will find yourself doing the exactly same thing.

Nailed it.

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Glad you just showed up to help me make my point.

your point was that you understand and its all about balance and bah bah bah..............

this is a co op game if a nuker shows up in a game you either thank god you just got a fre ride or you whin in the forums he has better stuff than me. It boils down to the fact that complaining about other players is pointless and a waste of time you have in game choices like form a low rank clan so your ego doesn't get to brused in missions, set the game to solo or return to cod..........

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I've gone to Mars alerts and occasionally found that my teammates were MR1-5. On one particular occasion I was in a squad with two others. One person suddenly aborted, and then I saw that the other guy was a default color Excal with a Mk-1 Paris. I was an efficiency/strength Rhino Prime designed for the sole purpose of stomping the entire map. For the rest of this mission, I hung back and continually spammed Roar, despite having -30% duration. If he looked like he was in trouble, I charged enemies targeting him. He had gone down once when I was stomping, but after that his shields didn't dip below 150, and he was three-shotting most enemies.


A lot of people couldn't care less how they affect their allies' experience, if they notice their squadmates at all. But there are times when they're rushed and need to get that alert done so they can logout. I've seen quite a few do exactly as I did on that occasion. My most active clan members all have a similar story. One new player who joined my clan actually quit the game because I ferried him to a potato alert where he couldn't damage enemies, and had no inkling of anything like a meta. He was already a bit overwhelmed by the game, and that mission ruined it for him.


So I know precisely how you feel, OP. I do wish more people gave a damn. I find myself being much more attentive to my new recruits these days, making sure they understand what they are doing and why, and what their longterm objectives should be.


Nailed it.

Not really. You're adding a full minute to the mission. Solo is faster than public on anything low-level other than defense or survival. The problems with nukers don't come into play on survival since you can just go to another room, so ideally these issues would be infrequent. But a lot of people bring nukers into public exterminate missions on Mars, particularly on alerts. That's... not necessary. :/ Do new players a favor, let them learn to play the game.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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your point was that you understand and its all about balance and bah bah bah..............

this is a co op game if a nuker shows up in a game you either thank god you just got a fre ride or you whin in the forums he has better stuff than me. It boils down to the fact that complaining about other players is pointless and a waste of time you have in game choices like form a low rank clan so your ego doesn't get to brused in missions, set the game to solo or return to cod..........


You obviously didn't read or understand a single sentence of what I wrote. Please don't even bother replying to this until you do.

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Because yknow, Warframe is like Left 4 Dead, with the only difference that teamwork is completely absent and not needed, because many times one Frame can run the entire mission alone without any effort, and we're not only talking about exterminate missions this time.

Also with the last introduction of greedy Focus playing supportive roles won't give you any benefits, so hallway heroes and nukers are even more common these days.

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Came here to vent. Apologies.


I have been playing for quite a while now but I still get irritated every time I am in a low-level public mission then someone decides to pop in with their shiny [insert what you think is an OP Warframe here]. Fully pimped, going in one room to the next melting, squishing, and maiming everything (EVERYTHING!) on their path.


Bro! Why are you even in public? With your load out, you already decided that you want to kill all of them by yourself anyway...


Edit: I know the purpose of damage dealers in high level public. In fact I love you guys when you are there. I just wanted to point out that my frustrations are based on high-level player nukers who join low-level missions when they can solo it. Mental note: make title clearer next time.

Be more grateful, I personally am damn near 21MR(will never reach at this point because of Latron wraith) but PUB matches to help other people, Especially on Phorid + Invasions, because I personally remember how hard it was killing the phorid at 4MR with no so great gear(and usually the high levels would get ME thru it, so I repay the favor) Other times (you might laugh) but I opt into solo'ing only when I don't feel like waiting the extra extraction time due to having to wait on the other players. 

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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He's in public because he can...?

I mean you could go into solo just as easily as he can so...

this is the type of answer you will get in this community. people don't care about others, if they want to do something, they will do it !

They don't think about the fact that while the veteran choose public only to "speed up" the work (which most of the times don't speed it up at all), new users need to use public for 2 reasons: because they can't afford to complete missions alone (but still they want to play not just watch) and to get some friends , probably with the same level of experience to grow together. 

To say: "go play solo " to a new user is the WORST ATTITUDE POSSIBLE for a veteran player.

Then you must think about the place in which you are: if for example ... you are on an event node or some "special node" also you must comprehend that there are many more other nodes you can choose to get some "Fresh experience".

Edited by LordCloud00
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Because yknow, Warframe is like Left 4 Dead, with the only difference that teamwork is completely absent and not needed, because many times one Frame can run the entire mission alone without any effort, and we're not only talking about exterminate missions this time.

Also with the last introduction of greedy Focus playing supportive roles won't give you any benefits, so hallway heroes and nukers are even more common these days.


So many Synoid Simulor-toting Mirage players...

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That happens because of the matchmaking system, which should not allow low and high levels to mingle apart from pre-set groups, so people can carry/ get carried when they want to. But I feel ya OP, since I hated getting carried myself. Then I got better gear, started playing solo, no more problems for me. Not an ideal solution, but it's not like that forever, so hang in there. 


On a side note, I'm gonna use this thread as a counter-argument whenever someone starts bashing on PvP and how it brings toxicity to the community. The level of consideration and understanding for the fellow player here is overwhelming, not to mention the ever-helpful "git-gud" comments.  

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I'm pretty sure they do that to troll the heck outta your Affinity gains. As in, giving you nothing.

Especially Ember + Volt duos, both with Armored Agility, Rush, OHKO World on Fire and Shocking Speed. Rush ahead of everyone far away from the spilled EXP distance's limit because you're a "weaksauce casual" and <insert generic "1x1 fite me" stockphrase here> for not doing the same.

Edited by Sangiros
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