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Balancing Valkyr Without Taking Away Her Identity


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In this times seems that valkyr is the argument of discussion about balance.

I saw many posts both in general discussion and feedback section with many proposes to change her. Now while some of those propose were interesting , others were a bit "lazy". So I would like to explain my point of view and some ideas to see how the community feels abouth them.


Let's start from the main point:

what kind of gameplay Valkyr is supposed to give?

She should be the iconic character for a Berseker. So according to the definition, she should have great defense, a great attack speed and damage and an aggressive gameplay focused on frequent attacks and kills in a melee range.

So the first thing to keep in mind is to not lose this identity.

The skill set of Valkyr is well suited for her role. Her first give the ability to drag the enemy to a close distance, her second buffs her attack speed and debuff enemies, her third stuns and opens to finishers, and her 4th is pratically a god mode switch on/off.


Now the skill set is not bad, what (according to my modest opinion) we should do is to evidence those elements which do not suit perfectly her style or don't act as they should (always according to me, I don't want to give rules or to say that how I think is correct and how you thing is wrong).


1st skill:  Rip line was recently reworked, I like the tweaks that were made, but according to me this skill is too much "precise" an slow to fit a berseker playstyle.

What I mean is... in the fury of the battle, I will not stop my momentum to aim precisely to an enemy and pull him while I can more simply reach him with a jump and defeat him in few seconds,it is not worth to waste those seconds , and moreover ripline requires precision but is not precise, it should drag the enemy to your feet or in front of you but instead it just drag him backward .... (in few words it's really optional and not really usefull). For the mobility argument, even in parkour 2.0 when we can no more cover a whole room with a coptering , this skill has still the same problem ... does not bear comparison to bullet jump+glide , etc... so do you want to give a better mobility purpose to it? Do this: the harpoon does not give me simply a "momentum in that direction", it drags me to that exact point till I reach it or you can breake in any moment the "drag motion" replacing the actual path with another one created by a fresh ripline (something like Attak on Titan movement tool if you know the anime). This would create a feature  that we still have not in the game.  You could also add  that all enemies which valkyr meets in her "ripline path" are damaged and knocked down so this tool could be converted in a fast damage, movement and cc skill.


2nd and 3rd skill : I would leave the functions of this skills as they are , with just a bit tweak: they would buff their strengh/duration/range according to the 4th skill "stage" which I will exaplain in the following paragraph.


4th skill: Now we are at the core of Valkyr. I like this skill, but according to me it has a great flaw, someone could call me crazy or idiot or what they want, but this is what I think: paradoxically this skill which should give the "berseker" role to the frame is what takes away that role from her.

A berseker should not be always immortal, the berseker should be unstoppable and became stronger till he frenetically attacks and kill enemies. she should NEED to kill enemies to keep her strong and with a good defense. 

Instead what the actual skill does ? 

Oh I'm taking damage , 4 to prevent and I can do what I want.... so I could even watch birds fly, composing a poem for my mom, my frame is just invulnerable, but what I'm doing to achieve this immortality ? Nothing. What should I do to keep it? Nothing.

So we have valkyr ressers, Valkyr hackers (alarms), Valkyr afkers, etc.. (which are not bad except for afkers, but denaturalize her role)


What I propose ? To make Hysteria a berseker skill and not simply a god mode switch:

Hysteria will have different "stages" (for example 9). So it will go from stage 1 to stage 9.

Every stage gives a certain damage defense, (for example stage 2 gives 30 % bonus defense + status protection; stage 4 50 % bonus defense + status protection+ knock down protection+ etc...)

How you raise your stage? Collecting Hysteria Points which you gain by attacking and killing enemies, More strong is the enemy, more points you get.

Every 3 stage the "stance" of hysteria will change form a more aoe stance but with weaker damage (stage 1-3) to a medium (stage 4-6) to a more full strenght single target focus one (stage 7-9). This because if you don't reach quickly stage 4-9 means that you are facing against weak enemies who don't require a " full strenght single enemy focus stance" but instead attack which could cover medium area and kill more enemies, instead when you reach higher stages means that you are facing against stronger enemies so instead of having weaker damage but aoe, it will became stronger but focused on singular target.


And my bit new is that when u reach higher stages not only you would achieve the same or similar immortality we have now (actually deserving it) but you will achieve also other "bonus" ( for example at stage 7 , the 3rd skill will increase his range , etc...)



What do you think about it? 

Edited by LordCloud00
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The godmode hysteria is what makes valkyr unique. It might sound powerful but there are far worse offenders in this game. Taking away the invulnerability will just turn her into mastery fodder.

This stuff about changing hysteria has been talked about since valkyr came out and she still has her godmode just like always because she needs it. DE knows best in this situation.

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Why does valkyr need a rework?Nerf Hysteria?Why not take loki´s invis while we´re at it,hell,take away excal´s exhalted blade and give him the frog jump again.And i think iron skin is op too,not even gonna talk about ash´s barfstorm,we should give it like a 30 second cooldown.

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not this again.... if I had a platinum for every one of these threads, I'd be set for the next 10 prime access packs.


while I will give you credit for elaborating on your idea, and it is one of the better ones at least, none of this is going to happen. one of the main flaws I can see in the "stages" idea is that she will still be just as vulnerable as any other frame until she gets to the higher stages, and how are you supposed to reach those stages if you can't kill enemies because they keep killing you first? it would make her way too weak to take into endgame content.


why don't people understand that frames are SUPPOSED to be powerful, at the rate people keep wanting Valkyr nerfed, it sounds like you'd rather be just another dumb space marine with a gun rather than a badass space ninja. our powers are what make the frames unique, and taking them away is a seriously bad idea. if you want to only rely on guns, go play CoD.


if you think Valkyr is bad, wait until you see Volt and Mag's rework, which was confirmed in the last Devstream. I can already see the "mag/volt is OP now" threads...

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Why does valkyr need a rework?Nerf Hysteria?Why not take loki´s invis while we´re at it,hell,take away excal´s exhalted blade and give him the frog jump again.And i think iron skin is op too,not even gonna talk about ash´s barfstorm,we should give it like a 30 second cooldown.

If you truly feel this post has given you the inspiration to make your own nerd threads, then please make other threads explaining why y think so. Preferably in detail like this one, too.

not this again.... if I had a platinum for every one of these threads, I'd be set for the next 10 prime access packs.


while I will give you credit for elaborating on your idea, and it is one of the better ones at least, none of this is going to happen.

I didn't realise that players not allowed to share their thoughts and opinions on a matter that, although over covered, they would like to discuss in their own way.

You saw many posts already but still decided to create another topic instead of just contributing to one of the many?

Like he said at the beginning, he's seen a few threads and has taken info from the different theads to make his own opinion on the matter. I had no idea that people weren't supposed to be making their own judgements and share their thoughts (in detail) after collecting their own information from however many other threads.
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You saw many posts already but still decided to create another topic instead of just contributing to one of the many?

Yup, because they want to be a special flower like the others while still not having a leg to stand on.

You take away Valkyr 1 and 4 she is nothing more than a crappy CC frame.

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I actually love this idea. I don't mind the changes mentioned here and it seems pretty interesting. The change you mentioned for 1st and 4th would make her more unique. ( In a good way )

ty very much


The godmode hysteria is what makes valkyr unique. It might sound powerful but there are far worse offenders in this game. Taking away the invulnerability will just turn her into mastery fodder.

This stuff about changing hysteria has been talked about since valkyr came out and she still has her godmode just like always because she needs it. DE knows best in this situation.

I don't think so, according to me valkyr is more than just the "invulnerable frame". She has her style, even if the "high defense" is a core part of her, infact if you read my post , I don't want to take away her "invulnerability" I'm proposing to change the way in which we achieve this "invulnerability" eventually adding other bonuses for the others skills creating an interesting sinergy and giving a bit more of "uniqueness".



Why does valkyr need a rework?Nerf Hysteria?Why not take loki´s invis while we´re at it,hell,take away excal´s exhalted blade and give him the frog jump again.And i think iron skin is op too,not even gonna talk about ash´s barfstorm,we should give it like a 30 second cooldown.

Why does she not ? According to me , every frame could be improved. I'm not proposing a nerf, if you read well my post , at the end of the day this is a buff, a great buff.


not this again.... if I had a platinum for every one of these threads, I'd be set for the next 10 prime access packs.


while I will give you credit for elaborating on your idea, and it is one of the better ones at least, none of this is going to happen. one of the main flaws I can see in the "stages" idea is that she will still be just as vulnerable as any other frame until she gets to the higher stages, and how are you supposed to reach those stages if you can't kill enemies because they keep killing you first? it would make her way too weak to take into endgame content.


why don't people understand that frames are SUPPOSED to be powerful, at the rate people keep wanting Valkyr nerfed, it sounds like you'd rather be just another dumb space marine with a gun rather than a badass space ninja. our powers are what make the frames unique, and taking them away is a seriously bad idea. if you want to only rely on guns, go play CoD.


if you think Valkyr is bad, wait until you see Volt and Mag's rework, which was confirmed in the last Devstream. I can already see the "mag/volt is OP now" threads...

I can understand your doubts about my idea, I've tried to give as many data /info as possible, I can't give all the infos in one post cause it would become very tedious, so basically I just wrote down the idea. 

For the Hysteria mode:

1) You can manipulate your points , I was thinking about a "switch" as the gears of a car, you can cumulate points and it's up to you when "change the gear" and go up in stages. Those "switches" could be places every 3 stages.

2) Achieving the stage you want will no be much difficult, but the "health bar of the stage" will decay and the only way you have to stop this decayment is to collect points. So more than achieving the stage , the difficulty will be in keeping it and do not degrade, but if you will keep a good pace you could have no much problems. 

Of course this is just a concept, numeric data should be made by someone much more expert than me. But at the end of the day , this is not a nerf, the skill instead is buffed and buffs also others skill, it's just a mechanic change. 


You saw many posts already but still decided to create another topic instead of just contributing to one of the many?

Every post propose an idea, and the purpose of all the answers are to give a feedback on that idea, I think it is not correct to write my idea on another one post , taking away feedbacks from the original op.


If you truly feel this post has given you the inspiration to make your own nerd threads, then please make other threads explaining why y think so. Preferably in detail like this one, too.

I didn't realise that players not allowed to share their thoughts and opinions on a matter that, although over covered, they would like to discuss in their own way.

Like he said at the beginning, he's seen a few threads and has taken info from the different theads to make his own opinion on the matter. I had no idea that people weren't supposed to be making their own judgements and share their thoughts (in detail) after collecting their own information from however many other threads.

Ty very much, I appreciate that someone understood my thoughts.


Yup, because they want to be a special flower like the others while still not having a leg to stand on.

You take away Valkyr 1 and 4 she is nothing more than a crappy CC frame.

Trust me, if I would be "a special flower" (maybe you mean special snowflake?) I would no bother to collect datas, info and waste my time to make this post, neither I have this "shortage of attentions".

"still not having a leg to stand on" .... mmm quite elitist ?

"You take away Valkyr 1 and 4 ..." .... nope, you are not elitist , you have not read my post, you just read the title and brought here your toxicity and it is not welcomed. 

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Beside the fact I personally think that the only thing you guys actually want is to see Valkyr nerfed so you have the illusion that your beloved frames shine more.


The point when (and if) you'll make DE move to a Valkyr's nerf you will realize that ALL other frames have actually something "Broken" which will lead you to ask for further nerfs over and over for the next targets until you'll start again.


I usually get mad when I see these Anti-Valkyr topics because it happens like 2-3 times per week.


Nerfs, reworks, tweaks. All aimed to her fouth skill.


Now, let's take as good your suggestions I ask myself, what is going to happen if for some reason I fall in a pit, get into Nullifier field, run out of energy, face a Srcambus or just decide to end my Hysteria to purge the stacked damage.


I have to restart the Hysteria's stages from the beginning? What is going to happen is that I will starve for enemies which are actually mass slaughted  by the Ash/Excalibur/Equinox/Ember/RhinoSaryn or any other tenno-holding-a-simulor/tonkor. So I will not be able to regain these steps fast enough to survive.


I would like to remember to all Valkyr haters that:


- Nobody (including myself) wants a Valkyr in his Raid, Interception, Defense, Spy, Rescue, Sabotage, Sortie, Hive, Capture, Exterminate mission.

- Where is Valkyr actually making a difference? Survivals.

- Why is people getting mad at Valkyr lately? Because she can pass Sortie Survivals with ease even in Solo.

- Valkyr actually NEEDS to kill as many enemies as possible while Hysteria because she ONLY gains energy from Drops. Blue Energy Balls Only.

- She Melee. Ok, her damage is tremendous. But she has to get close to enemies. Flying ones, Nullifiers etc are actually a pain.

- Before complaining about her invulnerability I'd like to remember that exist a frame able to make the whole team invulnerable to damage: Trinity Bless. But also Equinox Night Form, for those who know how to correctly play Equinox.


Now I remember someone who said something complaining about hysteria being "the best melee weapons in the game".

What else should it be? She is THE melee frame.


To those who are asking to remove her invulnerability and switch it with a "damage reduction", do you guys realize that that would actually make Rage work while Hysteria is active and then make her EVEN MORE invulnerable?



I'm so sad nobody but me and few others actually like Valkyr because I clearly remember when, 1-2 years ago, Valkyr was actually the black sheep of Warframe and nobody wanted even to see one.

Now finally she has a function in the game and you ask for her to be changed.


No salt intended. I'm just a bit tired of these threads.

No offence to OP either, I see you actually put effort in suggesting good mechanics.

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This is probably the best idea I've seen so far, well done. Maybe not have so many stages though to make it less complicated for a new player, maybe 2-4. Just my opinion of course, feel free to argue otherwise.

Ty very much, sure this is a concept/idea, it could have some tweaks, logically done from some expert at DE.

This is a good post, I agreed with op. I dont really get why people are upset over the existance of a post like this. Valkyr is objectively overpowered in most situation, no matter how you look at it.

Ty very much.


I actually enjoy Valkyr as she is, does she need a rework? Not precisely no, but her 1st does need another rework. But everyone is freaking out over her 4th. Her 4th makes her a very very good frame. So no she doesn't, only her 1st power.

I fear that rework has taken a bad meaning in this community, as I said , I think any frame can be improved and this is how (always according to me ) it should be done.



Beside the fact I personally think that the only thing you guys actually want is to see Valkyr nerfed so you have the illusion that your beloved frames shine more.


The point when (and if) you'll make DE move to a Valkyr's nerf you will realize that ALL other frames have actually something "Broken" which will lead you to ask for further nerfs over and over for the next targets until you'll start again.


I usually get mad when I see these Anti-Valkyr topics because it happens like 2-3 times per week.


Nerfs, reworks, tweaks. All aimed to her fouth skill.


Now, let's take as good your suggestions I ask myself, what is going to happen if for some reason I fall in a pit, get into Nullifier field, run out of energy, face a Srcambus or just decide to end my Hysteria to purge the stacked damage.


I have to restart the Hysteria's stages from the beginning? What is going to happen is that I will starve for enemies which are actually mass slaughted  by the Ash/Excalibur/Equinox/Ember/RhinoSaryn or any other tenno-holding-a-simulor/tonkor. So I will not be able to regain these steps fast enough to survive.


I would like to remember to all Valkyr haters that:


- Nobody (including myself) wants a Valkyr in his Raid, Interception, Defense, Spy, Rescue, Sabotage, Sortie, Hive, Capture, Exterminate mission.

- Where is Valkyr actually making a difference? Survivals.

- Why is people getting mad at Valkyr lately? Because she can pass Sortie Survivals with ease even in Solo.

- Valkyr actually NEEDS to kill as many enemies as possible while Hysteria because she ONLY gains energy from Drops. Blue Energy Balls Only.

- She Melee. Ok, her damage is tremendous. But she has to get close to enemies. Flying ones, Nullifiers etc are actually a pain.

- Before complaining about her invulnerability I'd like to remember that exist a frame able to make the whole team invulnerable to damage: Trinity Bless. But also Equinox Night Form, for those who know how to correctly play Equinox.


Now I remember someone who said something complaining about hysteria being "the best melee weapons in the game".

What else should it be? She is THE melee frame.


To those who are asking to remove her invulnerability and switch it with a "damage reduction", do you guys realize that that would actually make Rage work while Hysteria is active and then make her EVEN MORE invulnerable?



I'm so sad nobody but me and few others actually like Valkyr because I clearly remember when, 1-2 years ago, Valkyr was actually the black sheep of Warframe and nobody wanted even to see one.

Now finally she has a function in the game and you ask for her to be changed.


No salt intended. I'm just a bit tired of these threads.

No offence to OP either, I see you actually put effort in suggesting good mechanics.

As I said before, I invite you to drop the belive that those who propose some change , do it because they want to shine and annihilate your frame. I really like Valkyr , if I propose some change for her, it's only to make her more fun (always according to me, cause you could have fun also in the actual way).

 For what concern the Hysteria Points, I understand your doubts cause as I said before , I gave not too much infos , so you could not answer to such questions.

I was thinking that every stage has a sort of "points bar" , when the bar is full you can upgrade your stage , when it becomes empty the stage degrade to the previous. The bar decay in time (even if slowly), so you need to keep attacking and killing to keep it high or upgrade the stage. When the 4th is nullified or you run out of energy, the skill is deactivated but the stages and the points achieved are preserved, the only consequence to the deactivation is that the decayment of the stage bar instead of being slow, would be a bit faster, but when you reactivate the skill you will start to cumulate points again. 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Not to bad of an idea, only thing I don't like is the "stages". I understand what ur saying bout how that would make her more of a berserker to follow here theme, but they won't attract many players to play as Valk cause they would deem her stages to "complex". Myself I do find it intriguing and think it would benefit her depending on how mods would affect the way the stages/stacks work.

Also have an idea of my own I would like to share if u don't mind OP

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Seems I got a real stalker lol, ty for your attention to my posts. But as I told in my previous post, what you call nerf, I call change. And if you spent just 2 min reading this post, you would understand that at the end of the day (as I'm saying this more times) the valkyr high defense is not taken away but this changes only the way in which it is acquired, giving also more choices of gameplay and in more it buffs other skills.

And here we go : if I propose a change for valkyr is not because I hate her and I want to nerf her so the valkyr users will be annihilated and I will shine. That is a a toxic, not logical and immature thought. My purpose is to convey my ideas, if you don't like them, it's ok , no one actually force you to see my posts, ignore them.

Your posts in the Excalibur thread made me laugh quite a bit as they were very stupid. Good memories tend to stick in the mind. I also predicted in that very same thread that you would target Valkyr next and here we are.

As I replied to your posts in the previous thread, what you call 'change', many called nerf because you got a lot of negative feedback on the Excal thread. Has it not crossed your mind that Valkyr is completely fine the way she is? She is not completely immortal and her current power set is fine as it is. She is mainly a solo frame and not common outside survival missions. Why do you feel the need to change her? Is she in need of an absolute, desperate we-will-all-die-now-if-it-doesn't-happen change? No.

I don't think I ever will grasp the reason as to why people demand so many nerfs in a PvE game. It simply baffles me.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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I like the idea you have for her 4th skill...it just sounds so fitting.


But as others metioned the stages should be simplified.

My Solution:

To enter Hysteria you pay the initial energy cost and the power consumes energy per second until deactivated. However, attacking and killing enemys will grant "Bloodfrenzy". Bloodfrenzy will half the costs per second (not set in stone) for 5 seconds. Each kill will reset the timer on Bloodfrenzy. (or: each kill after the first will add 2 more seconds to Bloodfrenzy. So killing 6 enemys over 3 seconds will grant (5s+2s*5)-3s=12s of reduced energy costs.)

Edited by -Blaze-
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Not to bad of an idea, only thing I don't like is the "stages". I understand what ur saying bout how that would make her more of a berserker to follow here theme, but they won't attract many players to play as Valk cause they would deem her stages to "complex". Myself I do find it intriguing and think it would benefit her depending on how mods would affect the way the stages/stacks work.

Also have an idea of my own I would like to share if u don't mind OP

As for all the changes , it would need a bit of practice at the start. Feel free to share your idea.




Edited by [DE]Danielle
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This is a good post, I agreed with op. I dont really get why people are upset over the existance of a post like this. Valkyr is objectively overpowered in most situation, no matter how you look at it.


I can tell you why.


People don't want their cheesy toy to be nerfed.


On an Excalibur thread I'm usually split. He does very high damage, but he has to be very careful to not get absolutely decimated once he moves into higher levels so I'm fine with him.


With Valkyr on the other hand... she can literally cheese through the entire game. There is nothing that Hysteria can't get rid of. Nullifiers can easily be killed by either utilizing (Primed) Reach and killing the bubble or in certain circumstances attacks can be fast enough to kill a Nullifier inside his bubble without him dispelling you.


Before the buff to Hysteria her damage was very bad, so while she had godmode she couldn't wipe floor anymore when enemies went to higher levels. But now her damage is also extremely high up to the point that people solo T4 towers for multiple hours just by staying in Hysteria and occassionally using an energy cake.



I'm just waiting for the obligatory "don't nerf her, buff others to her level" post now. If we did that we'd have to rebalance every single enemy unit to match the new levels of cheese.



As for the OP, interesting idea on Hysteria but I think it needs a few seconds of high damage reduction when you activate the skill. You'd only be able to effectively rise in stages if the enemies don't shred you when you're still in stage one. With a few seconds of high reduction you'd be able to rise in a few stages before you get the drop in defenses to the stage you're on at that moment.

Edited by Storchenbein
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The godmode hysteria is what makes valkyr unique. It might sound powerful but there are far worse offenders in this game. Taking away the invulnerability will just turn her into mastery fodder.

This stuff about changing hysteria has been talked about since valkyr came out and she still has her godmode just like always because she needs it. DE knows best in this situation.

1 shotting lv100 corrupted bombards definitely sounds like mastery fodder.



Why does valkyr need a rework?Nerf Hysteria?Why not take loki´s invis while we´re at it,hell,take away excal´s exhalted blade and give him the frog jump again.And i think iron skin is op too,not even gonna talk about ash´s barfstorm,we should give it like a 30 second cooldown.


Loki doesnt 1 shot lv100 corrupted bombards with 1 swipe.

Excal can get decimated after lv60+ if you get hit in the back.

Iron Skin is one of the most difficult skills to land since it requires good positioning and decision making, even then it burns fairly quickly against lv80+ enemies if youre not careful.


What does valkyr do? Press 4, congratulations you can go up to lv200.

Edited by Qynchou
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Alright so I've been reading through all the posts here and this is my idea for rework of Hysteria ( yes I understand one rework has already been done), but please hear me out.

Personally I'm neutral here on the " Nerf or Don't Nerf " groups and see both points of views.

Anywho, introduce a Health Gating mechanic to Hysteria that would have Valk take damage while in Hysteria, but she would still be nigh invincible.

For those of you who do not know what Health Gate is, I'll give a quick explanation. Say you take a bombard rocket straight to the mouth while in Hysteria, you could only lose a maximum X% of your maximum health in a given instance of damage, and can not take damage from any other sources for say 0.5 Seconds I say take this a little bit further and make a min amount taken to so Valks not still "GodMode" on lower lvl missions.

So there's a quick over view of Health Gate, so let's say we make Valks Health Gate while in Hysteria 10% of her Maximum Health in a given instance of Damage and can only receive that amount of Damage every 0.5 seconds, and if it's not a full 10% of her maximum health being taken it will just be the normal amount of dmg done until it hits that 10% mark within 1 sec from combined enemy Fire. That means that if you would come to a complete stop in a mob with one shotting capabilities she can face tank for 5.0 seconds total. Here's where the fun begins :) we change around the innate Life Steal Valk has. We change it to where she can only gain upto 3% of her maximum health per strike to where as long as she can be putting out insane amounts of Dps she can still be nigh invincible. So if she's not dishing out the Dps she can be cut down, risk Vs. reward here would make for more frantic gameplay seeing as she is the beserker frame.

Also include a Min amount of health lost for lower level missions so she is still fun to play, say 0.75% max health lost??

So now she can still be killed while in Hysteria, but in the right deserving hands can be almost invincible. Key word almost :)

Not sure if this has ever been mentioned before, but if it has please don't send me to the corner :(

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What is with the obsession about balancing Valkyr?

This is a coop pve game, so things only get out of balance if they are either so weak add to be irrelevant, so strong as to make everything else irrelevant, or if they hurt other player's ability to play the game.

How does Valkyr fit any of this?

Her strongest attribute is that she can be invincible endlessly, assuming you avoid nullifiers.

Okay, does she make other frames irrelevant? Well no, she doesn't really offer anything to a team. So every other frame, maybe besides Limbo, is better at team play.

Does she hurt other's ability to play the game? Well no, when she's invulnerable she's also limited to melee. So she can only reliably engage one enemy at a time and leaves plenty of opportunity for her teammates to participate in gameplay.

So what's the problem as far as balance is concerned?

If there is any problem with her, it's that her design is incoherent. Her abilities wildly overlap and make each other largely irrelevant, or are just irrelevant.

WarCry offers melee damage boost and damage reduction. Hysteria offers melee damage boost and invincibility.

She's a melee focused frame without a reliable gap closer. Just an ability that grabs one evemy and throws them a hundred yards behind you. It's like a sick joke.

Then is the 3 which is largely irrelevant, occasionally useful for setting up a finisher but that's really it.

So if anything Valkyr is in my estimation a very average frame with a poorly designed kit that's only saving grace is invincibility and the Eternal War augment.

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