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Discussion About The New Mods. Too Op Need Nerf? They're Fine As Of Now? Reason Why They Are Released?


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As someone who prefers to use ADS when I need to shoot, the Aim mods seem promising, and I am going to want to see how Argon Scope plays with my Grinlok, Sybaris and Latron (Saying nothing of the Snipers...). Here's hoping I'll get a chance to actually acquire it, of course.


For now it's a bit soon to call it, and I have yet to get much past the common/uncommon drops for each currently, but if these mods are indicative of a new design approach that rewards you for skill, or encourages you to build to favour your playstyle...I'm going to be keeping my eyes open for what might come.


All we can do is wait and see what happens.

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So, OP claims "OP" without telling us -exactly- which mods will be taken off his builds to make room for the new ones. ONLY once that is done can a fair comparison be made, and any theorycrafting or even complaining is way premature and typical WF groundless nerf hollering until then.


I don't see many of the mods that are worth -taking something off to make room for-, not gonna be a 90% elemental or dual stat, can tell you that much, my weapon builds are already way tight, so maybe OP can tell me what I am missing here?


Moreover, body count, for example, is a bandaid over bad design. The combo counter should last longer innately, 10 sec or so, without any mods. I dare someone to argue that the current duration is reasonable, and that they don't currently ignore the melee counter for the most part because of the puny duration. The "aimed headshot" mods seem like bandaids also, should be innate bonuses to certain weapons, innate in all sniper rifles for example, as the sniper rework was underwhelming.

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I have no idea why they would encourage a stationary playstyle, aiming down sight, in a game with such mobility potential.

ADS isn't even relevant, except for snipers.

I guess they work while aim-gliding, but aim gliding is time-limited.


Turret gaming ftw.


Conditions like "while in the air", like a few mods already have, or while sliding, wall-running, gliding, etc, would have been great and highlighting the great but underated mobility features of the game that makes combat more than just a point & click.

But then again, no one would use them unless they are way stronger than the streamline version.


But no: it's like they felt the obligation to add conditions to the mods, while in practice we all know it's an illusion. 

on reload, really? on kill? Those aren't even close to being situalional, it flows into a normal gameplay.

On headshot is okay tho, I must admit, at least it promotes a bit of aiming skill.


Just a disguised Power Creep in the end.


Shameful design.

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They seem pretty underwhelming so far. Most address playstyles I don't particularly indulge in, but I've only seen about a half dozen so far.


Frankly, they look like a clue where Weapons 2.0 might be going. They look like customization options that could be useful if you didn't have to worry about base damage mods. Otherwise, I doubt anyone would bother much.


I'll collect them because completionsit, but doubt I'll be using any of them soon. Still, better to have and not need, and need and not have.

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Not using new mods for guns, because can be slightly op, but melee mods are totally awesome! That is thing, that was needed for weapons. And to anybody, who wanna say, that they are OP - for body count im sacrificing another mod, same with Blood Rush. Im in situation with destreza, when im actually has room for 1 elemental :D So, yes, melee can finally be powerfull, not as guns, but atleast at 50% of them. Also, imo, they should fix this mods from work with certain abilities. Not nerf the mods itselfe, but nerf, how it work with abilities, because Ash with bodycount is kinda OP, tested in Sortie.

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seems I am the only one,

but I don't like situational things very much.

I want to have reliable and constant damage output and abilities.

Even if 9 seconds seem to be like "always" ;-)

Also: I don't like the already existing older mods that start with:

Chance that.....

btw: "aiming" means that you always have to actually scope-in (right mouse button) for them to work?

Agree with you, you have to hit the shot while scoped in yes, but the time doesnt deactivate when u scope out, they just dont apply the bonus when not scoped

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I think this is what "mods" should be. A way to change a weapons gameplay by active triggers and such.

Mods like serration that just statically boost damage isn't really "modifying" the weapon. Those are just innate features.

But since the old static mods exist, it will be hard to find room to swap them out for triggering or temporary boost mods.

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Some are interesting like 145% increased crit chance on headshot or 165% increased crit chance stacking with combo multiplier or 90% rof on reload.


I headshots and reloads are situational but i can find use for them.

But blood rush makes true steel outright obsolete.


Also we have only 12 out 20 mods so far.


So most of currently released are complete horseS#&$ and few are just new limited time powercreep.

Will it help new players?? only if they are playing now, after event ends they will be even more #*($%%@ than they were before.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Is it just me or are these mods making the game kind of unbalanced?

What is DE's intention here?

-Are they trying to close the power gap between players so newer players with lower power weapons can also get the same kill rate as the older player with better weapons, in order for better matchmaking in high level missions (Sorties)?

-Are they trying to make the older weapons more "playable"? (Bolter Prime can crit just as good as Soma Prime?)

I might be wrong about them being OP but I really like to know what you guys think.

Thank you.

These mods add more variety for loadouts rather than sticking to the very common build of multishot and corrosive builds

Edited by (PS4)Q-T-R-1-0
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Reload mods can be abused. Can't say if it's intentional or not.

While having huge magazine weapons you can: shot 1 ammo, press R, quickattack melee E to interrupt the long reload time, proc the effect, enjoy the free RoF boost.
Before the buff ends, you can repeat it.

This way you can sustain it till you don't end up all your magazine.

[set on your brain before saying they're useless or too much circumstancial]

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Reload mods can be abused. Can't say if it's intentional or not.

While having huge magazine weapons you can: shot 1 ammo, press R, quickattack melee E to interrupt the long reload time, proc the effect, enjoy the free RoF boost.

Before the buff ends, you can repeat it.

This way you can sustain it till you don't end up all your magazine.

[set on your brain before saying they're useless or too much circumstancial]

are you actually serious?

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And what about you?

(1) Its not an abuse

(2) its totally ineffective regarding the time you have to do it for the proc

(3) fire rate bonuses doesnt help too much, ammo economy u know

(4) you need to actually sacrifice a mod slot for this borderline useless thing

Do you really think someone will be spamming reload and quick melee for that?

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Ideally, we'll have access to enough powerful mods that we'll actually have mod choice again.  Though DE will have to implement some hard stat mods as well as percentile mods.  They might have to get tricky if with, say, a +15 crit chance mod NOT getting any benefit from a +150% chance mod so that weapons like the Boltor Prime don't suddenly become crit happy, or the Soma way over into red crit chance territory.


I still want the utility mods to be vastly improved though.  Things like +30% magazine capacity is kind of a joke.

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