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Is Baro Ki'teer Gone?


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As I have stated before, I am 100% in favour of DE calling the community's bluff on stuff like this.



Twerps start yelling RIOT in the chat because their unrealistic, self-inflicted expectations have been abruptly deflated by reality? Then I guess you lot genuinely don't want to see whether he'd have Primed mods and cool armour sets next month. 


To be fair, boosters and a catalyst that costs more than the boosters when boosters cost more plat than a catalyst was kinda worthy of the community's reaction. Sure, it was an overreaction a lot of the other times, but that one was pretty justified in my opinion.

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I really hope DE doesn't remove him if I were them I would ignore what the Whiners say.

Everyone just needs to learn to be thankful for the stuff we do get..

If he is gone then Shame on you PC players thank you for destroying another great thing we had in warframe

Plz grow up & learn to be thankful for the stuff we get.

I urge DE to not end The Baro K Teer experience keep it going to hell with the toxic players there's always gonna be those ungrateful snobs who don't enjoy anything & just complain to complain

But plz continue on with the Baro K Teer stuff I enjoy the things he brings

If u discontinue it Alot of players may abandoned warframe & I'd hate to see that.

Plz don't make irrational decisions over a few bad apples who will likely nvr play warframe alot anyway let the legend of Baro live on thx u.

Seriously? Resorting to blaming the entire PC community just because some people were salty about baro kiteer a drops last week? Real low. Edited by BobTheWalrus
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Seriously? Resorting to blaming the entire PC community just because some people were salty about baro kiteer a drops last week? Real low.


Spoilered nastiness ahead:






This is, like, heavy metal salts. 


(The joke is that it's toxic and the community seriously needs to chill out before they overdose and saturate their tissues with stuff their kidneys can't filter. This is why we can't have nice things, etc.)

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Spoilered nastiness ahead:






This is, like, heavy metal salts. 


(The joke is that it's toxic and the community seriously needs to chill out before they overdose and saturate their tissues with stuff their kidneys can't filter. This is why we can't have nice things, etc.)

Oh trust me, the comments are more hilarious than imagined.

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It's not a question of percentages, the amount of hissy fits on pc were an of order magnitude greater than on console.

Now why it would be fun to point out the supposedly mature platform reacted far more childishly than its little brothers, it's not really just.

The reason outcry on consoles was less was because we knew it was coming. We were 5 rotations behind, following the exact same pattern. Our dissapointment was dulled by time, players who didn't want that weeks rotation just didn't turn up.


Alright, you have, in this theoretical situation I'm giving, five million players on one platform, and only two million on the other. If half of each complain about said trader, it's immediately obvious the platform with five mil will have more people complaining. So, yes, you're right. The amount of players complaining was larger for PC. However comma, The fact of the matter is that half of each platform were complaining. The community would still be fifty fifty on the matter, not 2.5mil/1mil. You're looking at one aspect instead of the whole picture.


I don't know where I said it would be fun, nor do I see why that matters. Maybe I misunderstand your statement here, but it's a bit choppy. Mind clarifying? And I don't believe any group of players is any more or less mature than any other group. We all have our goods and bads, and I'd even go so far as to say in the same proportions.


That may well be ONE of the reasons, yes, but not the sole reason. Hell, I find it hard to believe that consoles players, those who keep track of the PC build, didn't complain as soon as they got a hold of that info. Not that EVERY console player did, but it's nigh impossible that none of them did, either. But, yes, the fact that console players got the info ahead of time probably helped lower the salt content, so to speak.


All I'm really saying is that the problem was not of platform, but of how vocal the complainers were versus how vocal those who were satisfied were, and that to demonize a player based on platform is the same bullS#&$ as demonizing a person based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. It has nothing to do with their opinion on a matter shared by all. I am also saying that hopefully everybody learns from this incident, and we can all strive to do better next time something like that comes up, which would be as simple as reminding oneself that usefulness is not absolute, or as easy as voicing your appreciation, so that the Devs can see both sides of the argument, instead of just one.


Have a nice day, Tenno. That goes to everybody!

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I remember DE saying the same thing. They were tired of the toxic players whining about the drops he gave every other week. If he has been removed, DE is not to blame at all.

actually if DE remove him they are at fault. They are at fault for ridiculously overpriced boosters and potatoes.

The problem is not that he sells crap, it is that the crap he sells is overpriced. If they were more considerate in their pricing, then there would be no issue. I mean seriously 700 ducats for a potato! are you mad?! Bring back the old stance mods and let me sell that for 200pl (which cost only 385 Ducats) rather than paying double for something i can buy for 20pl. 

Offerings are not the problem, the pricing is.

Edited by Dispair1337
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