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Forma Bps Became A Rarity?


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What happens when i run out of keys? I go Pug. I almost exclusively run Pugs for those missions since keys are scarce.

I'm also a heavy forma user btw. and i can't complain about any lack of BPs.

T3c / t4c rarly show up in recruiting channel. When someone is hosting, you better be very fast.

Forma blueprints can be found on T2 survival, rotation A. There are also few competing items in this particular mission rotation. Do a 30 minute run and you have 4 chances to find a blueprint.

I've had 2 blueprints drop from a single 30 minute run a couple times. It's my go-to mission for forma bps.

Now if only they built faster (hey I can dream).

T2S is a waste of time. I run those missions and get orikin cells or 2 core packs. I've got piles of these things. So many I ran 1 hours worth of 10 minute runs desperately looking for forma bp. Got zero. Bunch of junk. At least with t3sab, t3/4c, I can get ducats. O-cells are garbage for me, I've got hundreds. packs of cores ok, but I can get packs elsewhere. Forma drops on T2S no better and littered with junk.

Face it, forma bp drops need to be improved and available outside void, especially trash tier void like T2S where you look at the and their heads fall off.

Edited by Educated_Beast
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T3c / t4c rarly show up in recruiting channel. When someone is hosting, you better be very fast.

T2S is a waste of time. I run those missions and get orikin cells or 2 core packs. I've got piles of these things. So many I ran 1 hours worth of 10 minute runs desperately looking for forma bp. Got zero. Bunch of junk. At least with t3sab, t3/4c, I can get ducats. O-cells are garbage for me, I've got hundreds. packs of cores ok, but I can get packs elsewhere. Forma drops on T2S no better and littered with junk.

Exactly. T2S seems like a good place for forma farming, but it isn't. Chances to get it from there are extremely low. Best place for forma is probably a T3Sab for now, but T3Sab keys are kinda rare.
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R21 100% 3000hr+ Player.


I like to put 4-6 Forma's in EVERYTHING to min max all weapons. Whilst i got some forma, i never had enough, so when people were crying for nerfs on Forma drop chance, not only did it harm completionists, but it greatly harmed new players HARD. I was baffled the changes actually went through.


Now i pay platinum for Forma's, because it takes way too long to get them naturally.


Unfortunately the people who complained about Forma drop chances, who got their way, were people who only Forma their favorite weapons and Frames and then just stop.


So in my very experienced conclusion, it was very unfair to nerf Forma drop chance for all of the community just because of a minority but loud crowd of people complaining about having too much of a resource in their inventory, of which these people have NOT BOTHERED to spend the Formas on the ample choice of weapons, frames, kubrow and sentinals they can upgrade, but are deciding NOT TO and then go onto the forums and nerf drop rates for the tens of thousands of players who are panhandling and begging for a Forma BP today, all because of them.


I still need more Forma's for crying out loud...if i do, then they must too, DESPERATELY.


Please undo the unfair Forma drop chance nerfs -.- so everybody can play equally as the people who were able to get theirs easily.


Hit that green arrow for the sake of the entire community>

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Well, T3sab is probably the best place if you desperately need forma. Unfortunately, it's just one key and not the most common one, seemingly.


Also, it's best done on your own, since you're there for a very specific purpose and you can't risk the M^3 members of the community screwing it up for you.


Of course, the good news (such as it is) is that the Saryn PA will soon be with us and untrammeled farming of the void should begin. This is always the best time to farm forma, since you aren't really farming it and aren't shorting yourself void keys you'll need for the next PA. Sorta. Kinda. It's a mindset thing.

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I seem to get a lot...got one today at 40 minutes of Derelict Survival. Sidenote, got 4 T1 Keys as rewards during the Survival. You gotta fix that DE. Should be T2 minimum,

Same here, it's really infuriating/disheartening. I've done a few to 40m this weekend and got a t1 key on every A rotation, a bluecore trio for B rot, and t2 keys for C rotation... goddamnn annoying

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