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Chasing Ember


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Not quite. It's more goofy in the sense of: If you don't enjoy doing the missions/content and only play to get them over with, then why are you even playing?

But I'm sure it's also because my man hours are vastly inferior to your man hours. Your dad could probably beat up my dad too.

It's because we've done the same mission hundreds of times. It's fun to play for the rewards. It's fun to play slowly through a new environment for the first time, but after many runs, you don't crawl through a mission looking at the scenery.

You want the reward to get stronger, and that is fun.

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Not quite. It's more goofy in the sense of: If you don't enjoy doing the missions/content and only play to get them over with, then why are you even playing?


But I'm sure it's also because my man hours are vastly inferior to your man hours. Your dad could probably beat up my dad too.

Nah, my dad is old and frail and practices yoga over Tai Chee.



But anyways, your question is wrong. If people aren't interested in the stop and gawk, then how do you fix it?

Hence the new sabotage coming out to start working on that.



Only if you play a game as if it was your job.

And then when you try and do the take time, you feel upset as the goal is still way over there and not reached in the time you have, it soils your day, and makes you hate the game.


A good thing to ask and look at is, before the excavation changes, why were people so powerfarming with Banshee, nekros, trinity, and mag?

What was the point? Oh right, mass resources to build stuff to play with.

Same reason people kept playing Shadow Debt mission 3 for neurodes.

Edited by D20
Careful : some jokes can lead to derails.
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I can kinda agree with OP. A lot of Embers will run with Maxed range Ignis, and leave behind a bunch of not actually dead enemies, leaving everyone to clean up the 'scraps'. The mentality of these missions, the core part of our gameplay, is something keeping them from the reward kinda ruins the fun of the mission. However, you kinda loose the right to *@##$ when you join pugs. 

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Why does everyone assume that if it's not a speedrun it's a 30 minute "stop and gawk" where you hunt down and bust open every crate? There is an in between. Going at a solid pace without leaving anyone behind and completing the mission in 5-10 minutes (depending on the mission) is how I normally play. I enjoy the game and the missions so I tend to not rush through it at high speeds, and instead opt for a steady but quick pace.

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Why does everyone assume that if it's not a speedrun it's a 30 minute "stop and gawk" where you hunt down and bust open every crate? There is an in between. Going at a solid pace without leaving anyone behind and completing the mission in 5-10 minutes (depending on the mission) is how I normally play. I enjoy the game and the missions so I tend to not rush through it at high speeds, and instead opt for a steady but quick pace.

Because we're basically at the point of why?

The gradient isn't very smooth with a rather sharp jump between, literal time from start to finish, and stepping off that.

That in 5 minutes, you could run an exterminate, or two captures.

Basically, the issue comes down to more of, what is it you are defining as a slow and measured pace?

For us, the map is clear in the time you are speaking of with an Ember, just walking around.

So functionally, if you are taking longer than a walk across the map with an ember, you are dilly dallying, specifically making yourself slow and then being upset over it when other stand there wondering why you are slow.


Obvious retort: There are sprint speed boost mods, but nothing to slow your speed.

Therefore, DE wants you to move fast, especially with the exilus slot.

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Because they're rushing ahead of the rest of the team, absorbing all the affinity for themselves. Do you read what you type?

If you're using Exterminates and Captures to get Affinity then there is a far greater problem at work here.


Not to mention how Ember is nowhere near the fastest Frame in the game. If you literally cannot catch up then I'd say that's a problem with player skill.

Edited by EmpyreanArchon
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If you're using Exterminates to get Affinity then there is a far greater problem at work here.


Not to mention how Ember is nowhere near the fastest Frame in the game. If you literally cannot catch up then I'd say that's a problem with player skill.

That's completely irrelevant. 


Certain mods increase speed, if you kill them fast enough you don't need to stop, if you're using a slow frame, all you're going to be doing is trying to catch up.

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That's completely irrelevant. 


Certain mods increase speed, if you kill them fast enough you don't need to stop, if you're using a slow frame, all you're going to be doing is trying to catch up.

It's relevant as far as you trying to say they're taking all the Affinity when there's no Affinity to be taken in the first place.


There are no mods that make it completely impossible to reach speed parity with someone - even a Rhino, if they're decent, can go at genuinely absurd speeds.

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Those Exterminate missions where all you do is chase after an Ember who is blitzing through the map as fast as possible. Not just fast but full on speedrunning 'keep up if you can' style. Yeah...


Matchmaking -> Solo


If you want to go fast that's fine, but outrunning every single one of your teammates and costing them any potential affinity is a bit much. We get it, you can go fast and Ember can kill things fast, that's great. Now how about remembering that this is a co-op game and not Forza.




Edit: Keep in mind this is just a vent thread. There is nothing to fix on DE's end and it's not an issue with Exterminate. It's an issue with player mentality and some people believing that the game is a race to see who can kill the most things and who can go the fastest. It's neither of those things, it's co-op not competitive. I just wish more people would realize that and try to play as a team rather than playing against the team.

But you dont understand.


I get my gratification from knowing that im killing fast enough that all those affinity are out of your reach.

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But what about other side? When you are more or less going for objective, but teammates do their own things, like killing every mob in sabotage, or opening every container, or just sightseeing the map.


If i cant catch up with frontline is generall because: play slow frame, dont have rush mod on, got lost... generally something on my side.

If the runs are fast enought it comes down to variancy. Sometimes i get less afinity or not get to extraction fast enought, but in the end i got better since did more runs.

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It's relevant as far as you trying to say they're taking all the Affinity when there's no Affinity to be taken in the first place.

You heard it here, folks! Exterminations do not give affinity! Glad we got that mess sorted out once and for all, what's the point in playing a gamemode if you get NO affinity from it?!

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Can't outrun them -> people mad.

Outrun them, has to wait -> people mad.

It's hard to please people.


Or op can try outkill an ember, eZ. Just need your packour skill. When I'm not using ember, it's fun to challenge myself with other ember.s Sometimes I failed, sometimes I win. A little joy for the day eh?

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And then when you try and do the take time, you feel upset as the goal is still way over there and not reached in the time you have, it soils your day, and makes you hate the game.


That's not my experience.


Let's say (hypothetically) you enjoyed playing this game earlier, i.e. the core part of running & gunning with space magic, and now you've just replaced that enjoyment and your goal is only to get new stuff as soon as possible. But if you don't enjoy the game, why bother going after the rewards, even if it's done as efficiently as possible? If you've reached a state where you don't enjoy playing the game anymore, then maybe it's time to take a break.

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Not sure if Ember annoys me more than Ash, although Mag would be on the list if she came out of Drako more :P


Oh.. and I for the record.. I play online in the hopes of being part of a squad/team. I -could- play solo but I might as well go play Fallout4.

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I hate to admit but I did this yesterday. 


Had max energy, had rush equipped, was against infested, so I just used World on Fire and ran through burning everyone to cinders. I did feel bad, it was still active at the end of the mission, I won't do it again, but we got the 3 completions we needed for the Mutogen sample in double quick time.

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I've been on both sides of this. Using an Ember to run through a mission as fast as possible, and not using Ember and trying to keep up with one. I hate to be trite, but PUGs be PUGs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


The best one, for me, was a low level invasion a few weeks back. I joined a random squad as Ember Prime with 3 other Ember Primes. We made it a race to the end for all 3 missions. It was rather fun, until you clipped a door or something lol

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Running through watching the world burn was satisfying, and I was with some experienced players (high MR, loki prime and one had the prisma weapons that were sold at the weekend). Felt good leading the way as a newbie....im sure they were laughing at me, too. Usually I'm the one that gets halfway when I see a "players waiting at extraction" message pop up, realising they have finished the mission already. 

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I play Volt in pubs exterminate, I boost everyone. If someone is 5 room back, it's just because he can't handle the speed x)


So the Sanic Ember is sometime lost in a room. But btw I dont' mind, pubs exterminate missions are kinda a mario kart race for me, it's kinda fun to rush with random people and random gameplay. If I want to do a serious exterminate I go with friends, or solo (like almost all missions)

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