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Fix Saryn's Rework, Please?


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We can only hope she'll be tweaked with the release of her Primed version, if not I'll be very disappointed and won't see a point in playing the game any longer. I play Saryn exclusively and the current Saryn is a niche frame with no niche to fill.

Edited by Vardog
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We can only hope she'll be tweaked with the release of her Primed version, if not I'll be very disappointed and won't see a point in playing the game any longer. I play Saryn exclusively and the current Saryn is a niche frame with no niche to fill.

Calm down there buddy, Saryn can still make people green and deal 1.5k per tick Miasma.

(Use Embolist lol, super op when used to apply lots of Toxin)

Edited by YasaiTsume
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Just because her first 3 skills are good doesn't excuse her ULTIMATE for being terrible. If she really is a debuff/DoT frame, her ulti should have either been stackable, and cost less energy if the has toxin and/or viral procs, or been a super debuff.


Its an ultimate, it should be powerful in relation to the frame.

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Calm down there buddy, Saryn can still make people green and deal 1.5k per tick Miasma.

(Use Embolist lol, super op when used to apply lots of Toxin)


Sure, in low-mid level content Saryn is fine but she falls flat on her face in high tier stuff where her dots become completely ineffective due to armor scaling, current Saryn may have changed mechanicly but she still suffers from the same problems as before her rework. She doesn't scale well into late game, she lacks survivability and she offers almost no CC/Support for her team (no more than before her rework).


Spore is the only ability that's fine and doesn't need any more tweaks, the rest of her kit is very lackluster.

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Spore is the only ability that's fine and doesn't need any more tweaks, the rest of her kit is very lackluster.

Only Miasma and Toxic Lash tbh.

Toxic Lash should give more non-melee buffs and Miasma could work better as a Finisher to expunge enemies who are under effects of DoTs.

Gibe Miasma finisher damage based on max health in DoTs @^@

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Only Miasma and Toxic Lash tbh.

Toxic Lash should give more non-melee buffs and Miasma could work better as a Finisher to expunge enemies who are under effects of DoTs.

Gibe Miasma finisher damage based on max health in DoTs @^@

All I can think about is Ballas from the prime access trailer shouting "FINISH HIM" as the infested come running at saryn

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How is Molt fine? It has pathetic, flat Health/Shield values that don't scale into end game at all. High level enemies will destroy your Molt before you're even able to put a Spore on it. Because of that Molt loses all of it's defensive purpose that's supposed to keep Saryn alive. That's not good design.

Edited by Vardog
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shes not terrible...she far from it and before anyone says it im a saryn main with 40% usage on over 1100 hours of gameplay, that said she only needs minor tweaks.


Increase her armor to 225

Energy pool from maxed 225 to 250...altought the magic number definitly would be 300




1.-Spores its perfect as it is, nothing else said.


2.-Molt needs to have "regenerative molt" integrated on the basic skill, its a must on almost all builds and at this point it should be there already. Molt also needs 1,2, 3 seconds of invulnerability to become relevant on high level missions, it just dies way to fast past lvl 40+ enemys


3.- Toxic lash needs to have the damage reduction active at all times, not just on parry


4.- Miasma needs a tinny damage buff on the basic tics

(original its 250/275/300/350)

(new should be 275/300/325/375)


This way the basic miasma will be better but will pay off a lot more when using the spores/toxic combo, specially how many powers you need to take full advantage of it. Also miasma cost should be reduced at least from 100 to 75, those 25 energy will make a lot for the players, heck, when in proximity of a molt it should reduce the energy cost like spores do when cast on it.


Miasma alone 75.

Miasma near a molt 50.


With this the energy cost will become way more afordable for players, not only that but will invite them to user all her abilities a lot more.

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I would rather see Miasma gets better utility rather just more raw damage buff like many suggestions above because raw damage is pretty much useless in late game. How about something like 100% corrosive proc per tick? it suits her "debuff" theme right? 


If that is too good then how about enemy affected by both viral and toxin proc will get corrosive proc per tick if miasma is cast? synergy right?

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I would rather see Miasma gets better utility rather just more raw damage buff like many suggestions above because raw damage is pretty much useless in late game. How about something like 100% corrosive proc per tick? it suits her "debuff" theme right? 


If that is too good then how about enemy affected by both viral and toxin proc will get corrosive proc per tick if miasma is cast? synergy right?


Miasma procing Corrosive on targets effected by Viral and Toxin is actually a good idea. A much better one than most people who only want her damage to be higher. Making Miasma proc Corrosive would make her the debuff Queen she has always been intended to be. I am not sure if one proc per tick would be the correct way to implement it, but overall the idea is great.

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I would rather see Miasma gets better utility rather just more raw damage buff like many suggestions above because raw damage is pretty much useless in late game. How about something like 100% corrosive proc per tick? it suits her "debuff" theme right? 


If that is too good then how about enemy affected by both viral and toxin proc will get corrosive proc per tick if miasma is cast? synergy right?

I can get behind a suggestion like this. Miasma should be corrosive proccing on it's own, It's her weakest skill which relies on 2 other skills to be useful. The skill should pop spores like toxic lash with a small return of energy return per spore pop Because it pops spores in an AoE It allows saryn to regenerate alot more energy when.



Also for those complaining about the health and Armour reduction values. Saryn gained a massive amount of energy in compensation, DE is shifting her from a melee tank to a debuffer. Toxic lash does force her to melee rage however Molt allows her escape, atleast on lower levels.

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I personally don't mind if Miasma did like half of it's current damage, but over a longer time.

So 350 damage > 165 damage

But 4 seconds > 10 seconds.

Then it allows us to mod for Duration or Damage much easily. 


350 per tick for 4 seconds feels pretty tight. 


As an added effect, Miasma hard stuns for 1.75 seconds, then inflicts a crippling slow for the remainder of the Duration (45% slow? How bout it?)

Up to yu guys to tear my suggestion to shreads ^ 



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IMO Saryn should have some more armor and Miasma should proc on every tick.  Toxic Lash could stand to have its cap raised to 95%.  It also seems that Spores don't spread all the Toxin DoTs that they should; that warrants another look.  Molt should also actually pull your current aggro to it when spawned, and could use a higher threat level in general. It would also help if Spores properly spread Toxic Lash's big Toxin procs instead of having them die along with their carrier when you kill enemies in melee.  

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  Molt should also actually pull your current aggro to it when spawned, and could use a higher threat level in general.

Molt already has a higher threat level similar to Loki's Decoy.

Thing is unlike Decoy, Molt Spawns on caster location, and enemies can't shoot through the caster, so it SEEMS that they are still targeting yu briefly.

I still feel Molt should have more synergy with Spores, like for example, each Spore gives 1 instance of damage block for Molt, and only up to 9 ~12 Spores can be placed on Molt.

Then when the Molt gets attacked, it pops 1 Spore to block 1 instance of damage. 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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A lot of people are not liking the current survivability of molt, would one solution not be to have it work the same as Iron skin, a short invincibility period where damage it takes is added as current maximum health?

Makes like 0 sense to let it tank more damage, because for one, when I cast Miasma, Molt will blow up as well if it is near me.

Another point is, and I am pretty sure no one really uses this feature, but when Miasma triggers Molt which is going to die, the Miasma damage will be increased. 

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I am not sure if one proc per tick would be the correct way to implement it, but overall the idea is great.


If I remember correctly, Miasma at 100% duration ticks like 4 times, So if this is implemented, we would get 4 corrosive proc. This gives players the reason to cast Miasma in late game and the reason to bring her more often into the team.


Just look at frost really, his 4th isn't that great for damage but its utility like freezing enemy and 40% armor debuff gives players the reason to use it for late game survival though. Yes, even Frost can debuff enemy armor while Saryn, as a "debuff" theme frame, can't do that thing? 

Edited by Windy_Wind
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The only real problem is the toxicity of players on the forums. I run with Saryn A LOT, and I've never once seen someone complain about my frame of choice in-game, regardless of the mission type or difficulty.

The only answer to this entire issue is that nobody is wrong for using what they like to use. So please stop with the hate on people just because they like the new rework, or because they dislike it.

EDIT: you CAN mod for everything, it just takes a lot of forma.:P my build is:

4 forma

100% strength

235% range

123% duration

130% efficiency

Primed flow

Regen Molt

Could have more strength, but i like the regen.:D

Edited by ABipolrMandingo
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Then don't play her?

No one if forcing yu to buy her Prime Access when it comes out either.

There is always other frames to play, Frost is the closest thing to dealing nuke damage in AoE so why not go play him instead then.




I was enjoying Saryn... That was before the awful rework. I already stopped to play her after the patch.





And the actual Saryn is disappoiting.


Less HP without any justification (You can keep your pitiful armor boost for yourself DEVs).


Ultimate under conditions or no damage.


Still too slow.


And on a personnal subjective point, the Trash-Bag Skin dress is awful (The helmet is pretty on the other hand).

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All of your suggestions and more have already been mentioned in the official Saryn Feedback thread which was removed so all we can do now is hope they will listen to the community and do something about Saryn's mediocre kit that doesn't scale into high level content (except for Spore).


The feedback thread had over 120 pages of good, reasonable ideas that would make Saryn a frame she deserves to be, I'll hold my judgement until Saryn's Prime release but ignoring all that player input would feel like a slap in the face.

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Makes like 0 sense to let it tank more damage, because for one, when I cast Miasma, Molt will blow up as well if it is near me.

Another point is, and I am pretty sure no one really uses this feature, but when Miasma triggers Molt which is going to die, the Miasma damage will be increased. 


Actually, there are two reasons why this is a good idea, and would also add to the synergy of the ability.


1. Having a damage absorb phase would prevent it from getting instantly shredded by higher level enemies and allow it to be used to actually escape instead of them simply re-targetting after a second or so.


2. The detonation from Miasma causes damage from Molt based on how much health Molt has remaining, in other words, if it has full health it does the full amount of damage, if it's about to die, it has none. Having a damage absorb would allow that to be increased; the average absorb period from most high level runs would grant it easily 180-200% health and so double the damage of the explosion when it detonates.


I can't see how this improvement would be a bad thing.

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Actually, there are two reasons why this is a good idea, and would also add to the synergy of the ability.


1. Having a damage absorb phase would prevent it from getting instantly shredded by higher level enemies and allow it to be used to actually escape instead of them simply re-targetting after a second or so.


2. The detonation from Miasma causes damage from Molt based on how much health Molt has remaining, in other words, if it has full health it does the full amount of damage, if it's about to die, it has none. Having a damage absorb would allow that to be increased; the average absorb period from most high level runs would grant it easily 180-200% health and so double the damage of the explosion when it detonates.


I can't see how this improvement would be a bad thing.

Excuse me, it is the other way around.

Bonus damage is based on missing health not health remaining.

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