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These Grind Events Aren't The Right Direction


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First Shadow Debt and now Divine Will. They both have low drop rates for the things we want, which means we have to run them many times over and over. This is the definition of grind.


I gave DE the benefit of the doubt on Shadow Debt. I thought they were adding the new mods into the game permanently, and that's why they were RNG drops. But unfortunately they've been pulled for now.


Now Divine Will is the same thing. The puncture mods aren't guaranteed, so it's like they want us to run the event over and over.


In the past we only had to do events once or maybe a set number of times. It was a good system. Why move away from that? If you want us playing the content 100 times, make it fun after the 100th time. If you can't, then be satisfied with us playing it however many times it remains interesting.

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I give you that: grind isn't great.
But let me ask you this: Why do you want the puncture mods? They aren't worth it.
And then there is the chance the razorback will find its way into the regular game. The Acolytes will for sure. So these events are just a kind of earlier access if you want to use the mods...

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I give you that: grind isn't great.

But let me ask you this: Why do you want the puncture mods? They aren't worth it.

And then there is the chance the razorback will find its way into the regular game. The Acolytes will for sure. So these events are just a kind of earlier access if you want to use the mods...


I don't want these particular mods.


I wanted Argon Scope. Got insanely lucky and it dropped on my second go at Torment before they buffed the drop rate.


But those facts are beside the point. One day they might do an event where I really want the drop and it may not drop for me. There are a lot of frustrated players due to how these events are designed to make you repeat them long past being bored of them. That is my point.


edit: I do hope you're right and they'll find their way into the game permanently.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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Well this is Warframe. What ya expect? If you want something. You have to grind for it. It wouldn't be worth anything if DE handed them out every time you defeated the boss. Yeah the Puncture mods are nice but they aren't really Must Haves. Besides, if DE decided to add them in Season 5 or 6 sortie reward. You honestly might have a better chance at them. Noticed I said "might". You might never know.

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Well this is Warframe. What ya expect? If you want something. You have to grind for it. It wouldn't be worth anything if DE handed them out every time you defeated the boss. Yeah the Puncture mods are nice but they aren't really Must Haves. Besides, if DE decided to add them in Season 5 or 6 sortie reward. You honestly might have a better chance at them. Noticed I said "might". You might never know.


I am fine with RNG drops if they stay in the game. I'm patient. I can wait until the RNG gods decide to favor me


What I believe is the wrong direction is having an event that only offers the RNG drop for a limited time.

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I agree with the OP.  I'd say the missions in this tactical alert and the Razorback fight aren't bad.  Maybe even fun.  However, supplying rare rewards at the end of missions (often with brutal RNG) in tactical alerts and operations can really diminish the fun for players trying to obtain them.  Given that this alert comes on the heels of a grind-intensive operation, I'm glad I can sit this one out.  Mind you, the reason I can sit this one out because the puncture mod set was given out to everyone that participated in a the Mutalist Incursions operation.  No grind required... unless you wanted the Tethra's Doom mods which were RNG drops... *sigh*.  I guess the lesson is: don't miss an event that rewards you with stuff, otherwise you may regret it later.


Edit: Fixed some typos.

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Back then: complete event and you get a mod set for free! No grinding required!


Now: complete event. Get Potato BLUEPRINTS. Grind for more rewards! Woohoo I love this!

I have no idea why you are complaining.


Can you play the game without those Mod? Yes. So why do you need to "grind" the mission if you don't enjoy it? Do it once, and stop.


Do tell how to play this game without grinding then. Teach us your ways, Tenno Meister :D

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Well this is Warframe. What ya expect? If you want something. You have to grind for it. It wouldn't be worth anything if DE handed them out every time you defeated the boss. Yeah the Puncture mods are nice but they aren't really Must Haves. Besides, if DE decided to add them in Season 5 or 6 sortie reward. You honestly might have a better chance at them. Noticed I said "might". You might never know.

They were given out at event, so they could be given as 1st or 2nd reward.


And yes, i predicted limited time grind time ago.

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Back then: complete event and you get a mod set for free! No grinding required!

Now: complete event. Get Potato BLUEPRINTS. Grind for more rewards! Woohoo I love this!

Do tell how to play this game without grinding then. Teach us your ways, Tenno Meister :D

basically this, now DE is turning into another Japanese MMO style game

there were true grinding, but now just adding RNG and they claim they wanted to reduce it

Edited by akira_him
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Complaining about grind on a Grind Fest Game, heh, that's new for me.

You know what i would find strange??

Ppl complaining about grind in grindless game...


Ppl complaining about grind in grindfest is pretty normal

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basically this, now DE is turning into another Japanese MMO style game

there were true grinding, but now just adding RNG and they claim they wanted to reduce it


From what I heard from a friend of mine who joined when this game was still in alpha, the grind has gotten so serious to the point it's just literally impossible to get that one legendary-class rare mod. (or...something)

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From what I heard from a friend of mine who joined when this game was still in alpha, the grind has gotten so serious to the point it's just literally impossible to get that one legendary-class rare mod. (or...something)

that ranking sniper event?

that was 1 event for primed chamber and never happened again

well we had pure grind of The Gradivus Dilemma, which has no RNG

now 2 events fight hard against RNGesus and claims they want to reduce RNG

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Stacking it with baro and the last rino week is plain ridiculous.



If it would be at least fun, a opportunity for newer players to get the mods and would have a guaranteed puncture mod drop at the end. However it is not, it is mostly:


- a horrible experience for a newer player in pugs, because people wipe before they are even able to make it to the boss

- more or less unplayable for newer players, when I did the run for a new player in our clan I did all the brusas and boss shooting + plus keeping bullet attractor on him, without that he would have been stuck at the boss

- it is bugged, what means I have to abort more then I can finish because of the brusas stop spawning, even while running it solo and ignore all the mechanics

- it got a horrible loot table on top of it where getting a puncture mod is highly unlikely after all of that


Back in the days I always considered events\alerts as DEs way to test new stuff and gives people rewards for participation. However now is just grind(yeah 200+ solo missions for the shadow dept mods, 50+ archwing missions for the imperator vandal with a newer player and now this), nothing looks play tested before the release at all(far to high boss damage or 90% stagger chance with no way to avoiding getting one hit at melee range should have not fallen through QA like that). Currently it is just grind with a lot of bugs(like brusas stop to respawn in the boss fight) and broken mechanics(just solo the boss without cheesing it, it is absolute frustrating to just get shot by everything during the hacks).


Overall the direction is not good for the game, it burns older players even more out with pointless grind(have not played much this week since I am still burned from the last grind event) and is just a punishing experience for newer players.

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Overall the direction is not good for the game, it burns older players even more out with pointless grind(have not played much this week since I am still burned from the last grind event) and is just a punishing experience for newer players.


New or old, it's pretty much the same now.

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Complaining about grind on a Grind Fest Game, heh, that's new for me.


Warframe isn't nearly as grindy as people would have you believe.


Mods that are always available allow you to take the game at your own pace. You'll find them eventually since they never leave the drop tables or reward tables. To me that's not a grindy experience unless you make it grindy (you decide you absolutely must find that specific mod TODAY because reasons)


But when you have to run the same mission 100 times within the week to have a decent chance at a mod because you are actually on a time limit, that's grind. The game doesn't give you a chance to take it at your own pace. It doesn't matter if you get sick of that mission, the clock's ticking! To me that's a bad experience and we see a lot of players express frustration because of it.

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But when you have to run the same mission 100 times within the week to have a decent chance at a mod because you are actually on a time limit, that's grind. The game doesn't give you a chance to take it at your own pace. It doesn't matter if you get sick of that mission, the clock's ticking! To me that's a bad experience and we see a lot of players express frustration because of it.


Timed or not it's still a grind fest. Although I would say that the drop rates for the Puncture event mods were relatively high enough that I can say 'Yup Shadow Debt drop rates were f_cked up'

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Warframe isn't nearly as grindy as people would have you believe.


I agree with what you write after that. But Saying warframe isn't a grinding game, you are just delusional.

Everything about this game is about constant farm. Even Formas are meant to keep you playing over and over again, with out purpose, because of it's reset.

There is no "late game" content, or veteran content. There is just farm, aquire more items, more mods.

Totally agree with a change of course. This is no longer the way.

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Better get used to it.   It's their "new" model and although I feel the pain it is what it is.


If there had been no comparison, ie. older events, etc.  You and me, wouldn't complain, other than it's just grindy.


My biggest beef is that the game is getting "boring" and tedious.  


Personally, I love the new alert and think it's great that otherwise unattainable mods are available.   The mechanics of the mission itself is "again" poorly executed.     Bursa's that don't fall from their ledges?   Come on.   Bursa's that don't drop other mods like astral twighlight or Tempo? 


Incentives for a completionist like a lot of us require that we get all the mods.  No, we don't NEED them to play obviously, but it's part of our nature and making it a challenge is fine.  But making it boring and tedious isn't.     At some point veterans are gonna pull out.   Talked to quite a few and feel the same.  


I don't have the exact answer that would persuade good change, but this isn't it.    At what point do I say enough is enough, it's not worth trading my time?   


Even this mission isn't exactly challenging once you figure it out.  Loki, QT, Vaykor hek, lots of ciphers... 10-15m per run.   (if bursa's behave) = boring & tedious. 


How about tiered rewards..???   like you did with last event.   Except a weapon skin isn't exactly a high motivator?    That's what most are saying they want.   A guarantee for the grind.

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Tiered rewards in addition to the mod drops would actually help make it more tolerable, though I see no reason why the mods need to be RNG rewards... The format of "everyone gets one" was really good. You had to decide if you really wanted it or if you wanted to cash it in for plat. To me this made the rewards feel like they had real value.

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Tiered rewards in addition to the mod drops would actually help make it more tolerable, though I see no reason why the mods need to be RNG rewards... The format of "everyone gets one" was really good. You had to decide if you really wanted it or if you wanted to cash it in for plat. To me this made the rewards feel like they had real value.


OP you need to quote this! :/

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