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Bursas In Normal Corpus Missions.


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Thats really, really weird. Cause I'm doing that all day, every day with any frame in Spy, Exterminate, Sabotage...


The problem is you have to have something that oneshots or kills very fast, because if not the guy you shot will start shooting/yelling which will alert the rest of the bunch. Maybe that is what's happening? Or maybe some janky sh*t with the Tiberon? Cause it works fine with Vulkar (Wraith), Tonkor, bows, Marelok etc. 


Maybe you oneshot one enemy and accidentally hit and wounded another enemy ? It is a 3-shot burst after all. I think I still have a Tiberon... Gotta test that.



And I gotta say the Redeemer is the best stealth weapon ever...almost too easy with that thing X)


EDIT : Didn't have a Tiberon so i took my Sybaris instead. Played an exterminate a spy and a sabotage; got through with 0 alarms. I was detected twice, because the vision range of the drones is so incredibly wonky sometimes, but i easily cleared out the room before the alarms could be triggered, and thanks to my Sybaris being silenced it didn't alert any enemies in adjacent rooms. So i really have no clue what caused your issue except a) You injuring a guy with one of the bullets from the burst, b) you weren't spotted because of the shot but because an enemy saw you (maybe wonky drone range), c) you did not actually equip Hush/it bugged out, or d) there is some strange bug making the Tiberon unsilencable.


I figure that is probably what it is.  3 shot burst with a Multishot on, I fire like 12 shots per burst and I just guess some of the bullets hit the wall or something. 

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While I think it's neat that these guys are now in the regular game as well, I have to kinda agree. They're choke full with mechanics geared against different types of Warframes and hard to kill on top.


I've faced several of them so far and I usually didn't have too much trouble dealing with them when I brought my decent gear. But right now I'm levelling a new Warframe with a new set of weapons, and I had to abort a mission because two of them spawned, the second while I was dealing with the first one, and the first one because I couldn't deactivate the alarms in time as I was threatened by a Tech, Sapping Ospreys and a Scrambus.


What should've been a manageable - and interesting - Spy run on Oceanum quickly turned into a major annoyance.


It's not really the fault of the Bursas, I guess we have the power creep to thank for that. But what am I really supposed to do now? Should I only do these runs with my cheese invisible Loki, some other pimped out Warframe or by bringing at least one of my top guns? Or go straight to Draco instead? Because that would certainly be faster to collect the affinity I'm after.



What I think should be done about it is this: At least when playing solo and facing a Bursa make sure only one can spawn at a time. Maybe cause a lockdown as well, so I actually have to only face the Bursa instead of a constant stream of new enemies on top.

Edited by Kontrollo
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They are freaking fine! Most of the time their to stupid to even attack. If anything if you want to nerf them make their AI not complete crap.



P.S I brought one of my friends who meleeed only on a galatine unmodded he was MR 3 to Triton with level 40 Bursas. HE DID FINE! He didn't get a lot of kills but he only got downed once. 


They aren't that bad, they just make combat harder which is a good thing. Their basically bombards but small.



IF ANYTHING I would decrease spawnrate in normal nonendless missions. Though only in them.

Edited by Feallike
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Well, I tried again and failed again. With this loadout I can't deal with the first one fast enough to prevent a second one from spawning.


Then went with the same loadout to Ceres: Lex and completed it without any problems. As my primary, I've used a level 26 Phage with a r9 Primed Point Blank and a r5 Contagious Spread, by the way.


Take from that what you will.

Edited by Kontrollo
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The community have given some great advice on dealing with bursas, but reading this topic I can't help but to agree that they need to lower the spawning rate, limit them to higher ranked planets/sectors maybe, or just nerf them.

Turning every vanilla corpus mission into a tough boss fight limits your options as a player, I can't level up gear or experiment on corpus missions anymore, if I do those missions I have to take my most modded and ranked up gear, and even then, as a novice filthy causal, fighting bursas doesn't feel fun for me.

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Bursa's need some tweaks. First, I don't think constantly popping in while the alarm is active is how they're supposed to work in normal missions. That sounds like event coding bleeding into the normal game. I imagine DE intended for the Bursas to show up only once, maybe twice per mission like Manics or the Juggernaut.

Second, they need only two nerfs:

One, they need to take extra damage from the back. They're super tanky even when attacked from their rear flank. Newbies are gonna get wrecked even when the planets align.

Second: every Bursa either needs to -

>Turn much more slowly

>Or deploy and undeploy their shields more slowly (and turn or move slowly while deployed).

>Or spend more time dedicated to their attacks.

The drover Bursa already has #3 covered for one attack, as its mortar barrage locks it into an animation and facing that gives a player ample time to maneuver around it. The other(s?) is/are busy dropping flashbangs, grappling hooks, and ground slams while leaving little room for flanking behind them, and they turn instantaneously even while deployed. Any frame should be able to combat them, frames with the proper CC just having an advantage. One shouldn't be required to drop a radial blind just to give themselves time to hit a Bursa on its flank.

Right now, the Bursa is running circles around every other Moa and taking more damage than Heavy Grineer 15-20 levels above it. It's a fun enemy that comes across as poorly designed because counter-play isn't rewarded. A majority of my Bursa kills come from shooting it from behind while its pathing is all wonky.


As is, when I know there's going to be few it's fine, but it quickly becomes tiresome dealing with a bunch of them.

At the end of their last (2nd) event appearance I was Nekros soloing, and I could get by maybe 50% of the time (probably less) dragon-kicking to land directly behind them and fire before they could spin around.

"Mini-bosses" are fun and require a little tactics but the way they're designing alot of these enemies & attacks.. there's insufficient telegraphing & counter opportunities, extended knockdown duration, grapples, speed, tankiness, damage. Then there's the tile & spawn system with a flow of other enemies - in other games you might kite it out and pick-off priority targets first, not so much here.

Edited by Frosty_2.0
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I don't know what all these people saying "they're easy" are doing. I've just played an interception mission to farm Oxium, and I seriously couldn't get past the second wave solo PURELY because of the Bursas. Failed three times in a row when I tried to stay past the first wave, both solo and with other players.


I can generally stun them properly and get behind them about half the time, so I don't think this is a question of "skill". Now, I have a Tonkor build that has been able to one-shot pretty much anything I've come across up to around level 60 bar bosses, Juggernauts and Hyenas. It takes about 6-10 of these shots to down a single level 35 Bursa. That alone is ridiculous given the relative rarity of Sniper Ammo drops.


It's simple when it's just you vs Bursa, but when it's you against 3-8 Bursas, plus a swarm of mine + sapping Ospreys and assorted Corpus soldiers, at least two of which being nullifiers (which quickly build up when you're focussed on/being slapped around by the Bursas), what the hell am I supposed to do?


I don't really have a problem with their mechanics or even their spawn ratio, but their pure tankiness combined with their gimmicks is usually an insta-lose for me if there's more than one or two. "Use a different frame" is not a solution. "Use different weapons" is not a solution. If I'm able to slap everything else around quite happily up to level 60 but not 2 or 3+ level 35 Bursas, there's something broken.

Edited by Rhiza
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.. I would still prefer 2 Bursas in one mission. At the most..




Oh and another thing, this might be obvious but, Mirage really helps with those annoying cameras and the hackin' terminals :>


And maybe Limbo? Does his rift plane stop enemies from touching the terminal? :/

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During False Profit, Bursa were an interesting, if occasionally difficult, challenge.


They were large, they were slow-moving, but they were powerful and required thought. I enjoyed them, and looked forward to dealing with the occasional bursa in the future. 


The following things have changed:

They are now about the same size as a Shockwave Moa, shorter than a warframe while deployed.

They are now universally faster. Faster animations, faster movement, possibly faster attacks.

They are immune to the one glaring weakness they had in False Profit: Being kicked in the head.

They spawn insanely often for a super-heavy unit

They, at least in my experience, do not register damage immediately upon being hit.


Each bursa is equipped with some of the most obnoxious, controller-breaking, mouse-throwing, screen-punching avantages in the game. While not every bursa has every advantage, they carry at least two of the following:


Mass explosions


Prolonged Knockdown

Grappling Hook


Damage Immunity (Directional)

Extreme DR

Infinitely Scaling Armor


They also appear to exist outside of the standard spawn pool/enemy count. On interception, Bursa are not counted in the "destroy all enemies" portion.

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I've been thinking about it over the weekend and there's actually a more-or-less simple solution to this problem. On one hand, people want them to be a challenge, on the other hand they're very hard if not impossible to take down without appropriate gear (if the spawn mechanics are left as they're now, they spawn faster than they can be dealt with).


Solution: Have them scale with the best player's gear, like bosses already do.

Refinement suggestions, possibly at a later point:

  • The Conclave gear rating is outdated. It should be replaced with a new system that better reflects the power level of our gear.
  • Bursas only have a 50% to spawn in a mission, and this is determined before the mission starts. If Bursas can appear in a given mission for a squad, players with high-level gear are unable to join said squad if it is composed of mostly newbies, and vice versa.
    This is to prevent a high level player from rushing through a mission and leaving the newbies behind to deal with Bursas spawning at an inappropriate power level.
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On 16/02/2016 at 1:48 PM, ShikiRen said:

EDIT : Didn't have a Tiberon so i took my Sybaris instead. Played an exterminate a spy and a sabotage; got through with 0 alarms. I was detected twice, because the vision range of the drones is so incredibly wonky sometimes, but i easily cleared out the room before the alarms could be triggered, and thanks to my Sybaris being silenced it didn't alert any enemies in adjacent rooms. So i really have no clue what caused your issue except a) You injuring a guy with one of the bullets from the burst, b) you weren't spotted because of the shot but because an enemy saw you (maybe wonky drone range), c) you did not actually equip Hush/it bugged out, or d) there is some strange bug making the Tiberon unsilencable.

I think you missed this, but: Enemies from adjacent rooms are not alerted by gunfire from the room you are in, if you shot from one room to another however...

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