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My biggest issue is my post history. I had like 1800+ posts. (Yes i do care about my post history. Took me awhile to get 1800+ replies) Now they are all gone & I can't view them. Also my reputation is completely erased. Also I keep having to sign in the forums every time I click to view something. (On mobile) so when I do sign in. The page refreshes as if I signed in but its still displays "sign in to reply" msg. 

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3 minutes ago, (XB1) Cash201293 said:

My biggest issue is my post history. I had like 1800+ posts. (Yes i do care about my post history. Took me awhile to get 1800+ replies) Now they are all gone & I can't view them. Also my reputation is completely erased. Also I keep having to sign in the forums every time I click to view something. (On mobile) so when I do sign in. The page refreshes as if I signed in but its still displays "sign in to reply" msg. 

They're working on fixing this. For console players, your accounts were essentially re-created, but they are working on merging them over times once the forums have re-stabilized, same with profile pictures and descriptions.

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4 minutes ago, LunarTemplar said:

apart from the missing avatars, not logging in properly is a common issue for me.


IE. I'm logged into the main site and when I come to the forums it tells me to log in.

That is weird, but i do believe that the sessions are still persisting, for me at least. If i log in on the main site, i just have to click login here to log in, and i'm logged in. I don't have to re-authenticate.

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Just now, Rambit23Z said:

I But I still have to click sign in if I close and re-open, unlike before where I'd sign in once and that was it.

Like i said, you're still logged in, it just doesn't show your user bar atm. you don't have to re-authenticate, do you?

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Just now, Tobiah said:

Like i said, you're still logged in, it just doesn't show your user bar atm. you don't have to re-authenticate, do you?

Yes but I still have to click the log in button for it to display my profile, notifications and even the dark theme. No I don't need to Re-authenticate.

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Just now, YasaiTsume said:

Doesn't show me Avatar : Thought was new feature and can change own Profile picture > Can't edit profile.

Am very the upsets.  

This is a common problem across everyone right now. The new accounts are essentially "new" with a limited amount of the old history.

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1 minute ago, Rambit23Z said:

Yes but I still have to click the log in button for it to display my profile, notifications and even the dark theme. No I don't need to Re-authenticate.

Right... so one extra click until they fix it... guess it is annoying...

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1 minute ago, Tobiah said:

This is a common problem across everyone right now. The new accounts are essentially "new" with a limited amount of the old history.

Yea... upsets me greatly my beautifully layed out "About Me" History was wiped and can't be replaced.


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Just now, YasaiTsume said:

Yea... upsets me greatly my beautifully layed out "About Me" History was wiped and can't be replaced.


They're working on bringing back that kind of thing. It's all going to be worked on once the forums are stable.

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Just want to say that I really will miss the 'Recently Created Topics' on the right side of the main page. It was a great way to keep a pulse on the forums as a whole, and led me to areas that I don't normally check often. I really hope that it's restored.

Additionally, I also enjoyed the recent staff replies being on the right side of the main page as well. Perhaps the expanded system will permit users to follow dev activity more closely, but it barely even seems to function for me.



As you can see, Adam's recent hotfix thread doesn't even show up for me. Neither does Rebecca's post in this thread or hardly any of the others.

EDIT: Ugh, can't even get the image to work.

Edited by AM-Bunny
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Just now, Rambit23Z said:

I don't close them for performance reasons, I just like having some tabs there all the time and other only when I use them, Warframe Forums is one of them. Because until then, I can just keep the tab open.

Just trying to give you an option. Can't stop you from doing what works best XD

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heh, still forced to use a WYSIWYG Editor. a different one doesn't change that they're quite limiting. all that's ever been asked for is to be able to actually switch to the backup plain text, as that's 100% reliable.

and i'm sure this place will be a mess for a few weeks or more... oh well.

- not to mention several more hours of adjusting CSS modules to make things be not eyesearing for no good reason. searing white backgrounds are not particularly conducive to long term readability in a digital medium unless it's presented like a book - impressive contrast can be created from darker backgrounds and lighter foregrounds - which as always, most importantly follows the natural way your brain processes vision where bright things call attention to the eyes while dark things do not.
which only serves to reinforce that searing white as a background is never a good choice. drawing eye attention to the entire page causes eye fatigue, and distracts from the primary content, which is definitely not the background.
i cannot understand websites that diverge from these Web Design 101 principles.

- on a slightly different hand, the 'dark' theme still uses significant amounts of Transparency on top of a background which has a wide range of colors - which is another readability nono as it also draws attention away from the main content of the page.


- Sidebar modules on the homepage of the Forum can't be minimized... interesting. i guess i'll just Block that Module so Screen Real Estate isn't just being wasted. screen space is the most valuable resource in Web Design... shouldn't be used willy nilly. those modules could be much less intruding while still providing the same connections.
- timeouts on the menus at the top are too short - if you take your cursor off of any of the menus, they instantly close.
- Login seems to be shown in a strange location while you're logged in, shouldn't be displayed at all...
- i don't appreciate Line Breaks creating a new paragraph each time. i should be able to just add a Line Break, to keep formatting organized without looking like an idiot and spamming the page with empty space. basic Word Processing functionality, being able to insert a Line Break - and create a new Paragraph by double breaking to create a gap. maybe i'll see about blocking this Editor too since i doubt anything will happen.
having an alternate Line Break to not put a double break is very strange - open up a Word Processing application, write a few sentences, and then hit Return to add a Line Break - now tell me what did it do? yeah, that's a Word Processing standard for a reason. it would be wise to keep to those standards, they're set that way for very good reasons. and they aren't changing any time soon because they exist for maximum readability in minimum typing time. (as someone certified in this, it's really annoying to see more people ignoring these standards.)

- one massive oversight here - having modules that were previously displayed by default being on another page - is counter-intuitive for Web Design. requiring users to load new pages for anything causes unnecessary traffic, as websites are getting fatter, not slimmer. while not a big problem for the end user, there's no real reason to be subjugating server end to that many extra requests. the idea is always to reduce requests, not increase...
which on that regard, Threads cannot be previewed anymore. this also drastically increases requests, as to look at any Thread, a user must request an entire new page instead of just a small block of text to get a glimpse of what a Thread is about.
(Edit2: this includes Dev Tracker, Recent Threads/Topics and perhaps a few other things.)

on the other hand though, changing Pages in a Thread is inline rather than a new entire page - good!


i'm sure i'll find more... issues, old and new.



oh joy, some BBCode can't be used. *slowclap*. not the first Forum i've seen do that, with the excuse usually being 'oh but BBCode is too hard for people to use'. which is crap because if it's too hard for people to use they can simply not try to type it and use the buttons.
not supporting BBCode is stupid.

Edited by taiiat
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