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Sick of Nitain?


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It is a terrible idea.

if you're going to do nitain + argon for every new build, then let me sell my other resources for credits since they are slowly becoming useless outside of repeat-build gear items.

i remember how hard it was to get resources when I first started playing....now I can't imagine how hard it'll be for newer players to keep up with the resource creep.

sure, I have ~1000 orokin cells. The Nikana prime needs 15 to craft? I would have turned the game off in my early days. Old resources, if they ARE used - require more than ever before....on top of these newer resources that are becoming time-walled. They are balancing the cost of resources around veteran players with massive stockpiles. It makes no sense

Edited by (PS4) SupeBoss
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12 hours ago, (PS4) Elvenbane said:

Luck? What a bunch of nonsense. Nitain alerts are better than farming for argon crystals.

What tripe, I can always make progress toward geting Argon crystals, either gaining more keys or, gaining syndicate rep to get key and then running those mission. There is always something useful I can do to get Argon.

Nitain? If there is no Alert, then "Oh dear, sucks to be you" that is it, end of discussion.

If DE wanted to ensure non-repeatable, time-limited aquisition of Nitain thay could have made it 1x24 hour alert per day. Then everyone can be sure that they don't miss at least one. I is still really punishing those who can only spend one day a week playing (even if they play mopre that someone who plays every day) even better would be 1x1Week Nitain alert every 24 hours, then the poor sods who only get to play once a week could have the same chance as the unemployed and students-with-minimal-classes to get the limited number of nitain per week.

The fact is it's a bad mechanism that punishes players who just so happen to not be able to drop everything and play the game, and that is dumb, it serves no purpouse other than being exclusionary. The same root idea of making "no more than X per time Y" of a resource could be done im much better ways, easily

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Nitain overall was poorly implemented!

they need to scrap the 4 times a day thing for 1-2 hours.. all nitain should span the duration within that day

start at lets say 2PM GMT 

and the alerts last for 2-3 hours or so and then immediately after another alert is planned 5-10 mins in advanced so they can continue with the next alert.. instead of it starting at random times within the day!

Edited by DiBBz
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I can stay all day on WF, very easy to get nitain -> investing time.

You don't have time but have money -> market (to buy the item). beside someone may got 75% discount like me.

you don't have time AND don't want to open your wallet -> then wait. eventually you will finish it in one week with one log-in per day. 

You can't ask for sth going your way because you want everything so easy to get (nitain is already ez to get, and not require repeat farming like "pain in the apple" argon if you forget about it) for you w/o investment time or money or both into the game. DE can't drink water all day and i am hungry right now.

P/s: saryn helm or system cost 3 nitain to make, cheap as orange. but i think some new weapons cost 8-10 nitain to make, that's the pain.

try google with "Warframe tracker" keyword. no more needed to login to see what coming.

Edited by Specific.Zod
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20 hours ago, RagingPanda17 said:

I am an MR 20 with every frame, got my Saryn pieces, saw that it took nitain, decided to stop playing the game. I've purchased prime access more than once, bought plat on several occasions, but I can't continue to play the game casually when all the new weapons and frames require a resource which is not available when I have time, but only obtainable on THEIR schedule. Basically, a huge middle finger to anybody who plays the game casually.

I disagree, I play this game casually, and still get nitian time to time.

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Well,  for me,  after farming to get Saryn Prime,  it was frustrating for me to realize that now I have to farm nitain, and that means,  it will take me at least a week or two to get the necessary nitain, and then it's further wait time to build the pieces.   Could be a month before I get Saryn Prime up and running (could cut that time by a couple days if I was willing to burn plat to rush pieces...which I'm not).  Best case scenario,  without rushing stuff,  will take a week and a half. 


Just makes me not care.  Argon, while true that it decays,  at least I can go run Void missions and collect it fairly quickly that way. 

Edited by (PS4) resnor
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Nitain is really annoying.

If I play once a day for 2 hours I have an 8% chance of getting 1 Nitain a day or 56% chance of getting 1 Nitain over the period of a week. But, who has time to play every day. There are plenty of easy fixes to this stupid system.

-Make Nitain available in all alerts 

-Make Nitain alerts grant more than 1 Nitain

-Make it a 24 hour alert

-Make it a mission type that can only be done a certain amount of times per day (EX: crytotic extract but you only get 2 and it can only be done 1 time per day)

-Remove Nitain (probably my favorite idea because the only thing this recourse added for me was another wall)

-Make it a craftable item, like a mutagen mass or detonite injector

So many ways to fix it even beyond these but nope. 


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On 2/22/2016 at 5:29 PM, SilentMobius said:

I'll say again what I said elsewhere:

Nitain is not a "Grind" issue, it is a game/life balance issue, also a fairness issue.

  1.  A person who can play for a few hours a day can consistently fail to get Nitain.
  2.  A person who can put their life on hold and allocate 4 x 15 mins a day to warframe when Warframe tells them they can can get up to 4 Nitain per day.

If there was 1 * 24 hr Nitain alert per day that would be better. Even better would be a rolling cap of ~7 Nitain per week with a random mission type.

I mean is it really reasonable for:

  • A person who can play Warframe at any time when Warframe says so can get 28 Nitain a week for 28 * ~15 mins playtime
  • A person who can only play once a day at roughly the same time can only get ~14 Nitain a week for the same amount of playtime
  • A person who can only play once a week at roughly the same time can only get ~3 Nitain a week for the same amount of playtime

That to me looks like a bad mechanic when players investing the same time can get 1/9th of the rewards because they aren't putting their life on hold to play the gain right nao!

You have it right on the money.

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On 2/23/2016 at 1:52 PM, Specific.Zod said:

I can stay all day on WF, very easy to get nitain -> investing time.

You don't have time but have money -> market (to buy the item). beside someone may got 75% discount like me.

you don't have time AND don't want to open your wallet -> then wait. eventually you will finish it in one week with one log-in per day. 

You can't ask for sth going your way because you want everything so easy to get (nitain is already ez to get, and not require repeat farming like "pain in the apple" argon if you forget about it) for you w/o investment time or money or both into the game. DE can't drink water all day and i am hungry right now.

P/s: saryn helm or system cost 3 nitain to make, cheap as orange. but i think some new weapons cost 8-10 nitain to make, that's the pain.

try google with "Warframe tracker" keyword. no more needed to login to see what coming.

Some people cannot spare money to buy overpriced in game shiny pixels. Some of us have to buy gas, food, pay bills, pay taxes, ect. 

I have approx 5 hours per day to get ONE nitain. If one does not show up within those 5 hours (which they don't) then I am S.O.O.L.

Making excuses saying "oh it doesn't need to change because of x,y,z, arbitrary reasons" is poor logic and is just self serving garbage. 

YOU may not have problems with it but a ton of others do.

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8 minutes ago, Contiguous said:

To be fair, people also said this when tellurium was around for a while. At some point you wont be needing anymore, then you won't complain anymore either. I think Alertium is fine, it would be nice if it was obtainable in bulk like 2 or 3 at once.

^ I believe they should just revert it back to what it was for old school clan tech resources

let us farm the resources to make it, but only allow us to build one every 12 hours

at least I would feel better knowing that I can get 1 each day as opposed to hoping and praying to Flying Spaghetti Monster to just get one alert

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I have no problem with it overall...well, I have no problem with Nitain alerts...or items needing Nitain to make. My problem is that things like researching Wukong take forever...

Luckily my clan is a ghost clan, so it was very easy to make Wukong, but that doesn't mean that I don't understand...

4 alerts everyday is pretty cool though and with the power to kick non-active users it shouldn't be to hard....

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33 minutes ago, (XB1)freakytiki3 said:

I guess no one here has been in a Moon Clan and had to do the research funding by yourself,

I say bring on the Nitain Alerts

I feel your pain, I basically run a one man shadow clan.  Though it is pretty irritating as I have not been able to get online for over a week now in time to catch a nitain alert. 

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On February 24, 2016 at 2:59 PM, Contiguous said:

To be fair, people also said this when tellurium was around for a while. At some point you wont be needing anymore, then you won't complain anymore either. I think Alertium is fine, it would be nice if it was obtainable in bulk like 2 or 3 at once.

That's kind of the problem. The less vocal people are, the more resource creep we get.

i honestly have no resource issues - even nitain. But I wholeheartedly find it to be a terrible introduction to the game

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Since Nitain came out I have seen exactly one(!) alert for it after I made a topic about when the alerts happen and someone pointed out that an alert just started.

It definitely slows the progress for me, a casual player, because I am only able to play on weekends and don't even have 15 minutes for it under the week.

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Simple solution: make nitain buyable on market. It's will solve all your salty tears.

Seem like you guys complain because you guys did not know about nitain is required in building her, but no one complain about wukong or ivara nitain requirement, cause we already knew. So yes, make it buyable will solve all your hatred and salt. And after that, if you still feel salt, eat pepper. And there is nothing silly in add new resources into the game. It will gradually make a standbase for further items building and resources trading.

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