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Warframe Grinding is not that bad


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2 hours ago, (PS4) Magician_NG said:

Grinding does not create better players, challenge and competition do.

Creating Grind is easy, creating a challenge that can be overcome and making the player feel rewarded for overcoming it is a challenge in unto itself.

To date Warframe has yet to create a challenge worth overcoming.

One might say that the over-casualisation of video games in an attempt to reach broader audience has created a scenario where games with any form of challenge have become niche. Ultimately creating a new breed of players in which they will instead cry for nerfs upon encountering anything that even remotely poses a challenge, rather than making any effort to overcome the challenge. A recent example of this was a few days ago there was an eximus stronghold sortie that players claiming it was creating "artificial difficulty." Completely ignoring the fact that you can remove buffs from enemies. It reminded me of Hotline Miami 2 in where players were rage quitting because of in-game windows. It's really pathetic when you approach a reality in which players feel entitled to beat the game for simply installing the game.

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I don't think anyone is saying that there are not games that have worse problems with grinding, but it doesn't change the generally poor loot table of Warframe. As others have said before, it's not the grinding, it's the sheer repetition behind the grind.

I'm sorry, but no one should have to play the same exact unchanging mission 40+ times just for one part of a weapon or frame. It's absurd, and as someone who attends a university, I don't have nearly as much time to repeat these missions (which prevents me from burning out).

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The grind is far from bad, (maybe a little less on a surten 3%) compared to most games
put in or around the same catagory as WarFrame.
With friends, or a fun squad
I, personally, don't feel the grind, nor the time invested (every / all activities take time, be it ingame or inlife).

As for those talking about 'paywalls' or 'P2W',
if you're hungry but don't want to make a sandwich (or whatever pleases you),
you'll have to pay up, beg up or eventually starve.
Maybe the Chinese version is more your piece of pie.


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On 2/23/2016 at 9:26 PM, Luther848 said:

Warframe just isn't fun because there's actual objective. Grinding for something does not mean you will eventually get it which is why no one likes it. You could use a hundred void keys and end up with nothing that you want and there's not much you can do about it unless you resort to trading. Although trading does make the grind a bit more bearable. Your example had a guaranteed reward for doing a certain amount of work but warframe is just mindless grinding for the chance at something good no guarantees.

scarcity creates value.  I've played more games than I care to count with 100 bullS#&$ currencies.  No thanks.

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On 2/23/2016 at 2:32 AM, SYL3NZR said:

missions are only played for the rewards but not the gameplay

Went looking for this one.

This really depends on what kind of player you are. As online gamers, we are incredibly good at taking the fun out of a game when efficiency is involved. But you have to realize that in a game with no conceivable end (do this --> get better stuff --> do this again but higher level --> get even better stuff), having a good time is just a little bit the player's responsibility. There's a huge mentality in gaming around "what does this get me?", which tends to trump "will I win this game?" and even "should I play this game?". If you're not having fun with a game, or even just an aspect of a game, don't play it, or don't do that aspect of the game. If you want the Soma Prime that badly, you put in the work to get it, and a fancy new gun is your reward. Or you can give Platinum to someone who put in the work so you don't have to. But if grinding missions in the Void isn't your cup of tea, nobody says you have to do it.

This often-estranged concept of fun is why I picked up Zephyr. I haven't maxed her rank, I don't take her on serious missions, I'm not concerned with how Zephyr will help me get the best stuff. I take Zephyr to Earth or Phobos and whizz through the air (bombing Grineer with a rocket launcher sometimes) because it's bloody amusing. I'll hop into an open squad and play a couple rounds of Interception, which gets me Fusion Cores, but I don't do it for the cores; I do the mission because I enjoy playing the game, I like the structure of that mission and I dig a team-oriented co-op effort. This means I don't get to Rank 21 and become a Magical Top-Tier God of Warfame super-fast, but I'm playing the game for fun, not to beat it. You can't really beat a game that has no end. If you've really stopped enjoying play, maybe you should change the way you play. Or take a break. Or make some friends or some biz.

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Blerg, yet again we argue in circles because non of us agree of a definition for "Grind" hence the discussion goes nowhere.

IMHO the term "Grind" is problematic. Many people simply use it to refer to "I have to complete more content than I think is reasonable for the reward" which doesn't help anyone because having that argument with DE isn't going to get you anywhere as they have a solid idea of how much they want a player to have to do before they get a reward.

Personally I define "Grindy" gameplay as

  • "Repeating content with little or no progress toward the players stated goal..." 
  • "Where skill or ability does not have any effect of the volume or likelihood of rewards, only repeated completion does"

Which describes 99% of Warframe, because the reward amounts are not granular enough. IMHO every completed mission should reward the player with something that assists in their stated goal, sometimes it could be a large progression, sometimes smaller but IMHO the player should never complete content and feel they have gained nothing.

Now DE don't want players to be able to stockpile resources that instantly bypass the need to complete content for new rewards, so a global token system is out, however a per-reward-entity token system does not have that issue.

Edited by SilentMobius
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