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Corpus sorties and getting one shot


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Ok so this is becoming a completely irritating...this is not difficulty this is just plain irritating.

So whats happening?

Get tankish frame, get one shot.
Get support frame, get one shot more often.

Get QT, get one shot.
Try to revive squad mate, get one shot.
Enter an empty room, get one shot.
Cast spell, get one shot.
Get air support, get one shot

I mean is there anything I can do without getting one shot? This makes me not want to revive my squad mates because I will get one shot and then they will revive, try to revive me and get one shot. Corpus survival sorties just make me run and hide, which isn't fun at all.
Seriously not Rhino, Valkyr or Frost could help....I just played 2 survival sorties which both failed because everybody was getting one shot.

Not to mention when leeches get in game and don't play or kill anyone, so everything is on you.


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I can sympathise. In today's Survival I had a player join and AFK at spawn, die, then lost one of the other two squad members to aborting, then the guy got up, fought a little bit, died, and remained dead for the entire rest of the run. The other squadmember left as a result of this.

That all happened within the first 6 minutes. I had to then keep going for the remaining 9 on my own with much strain and stress, just me and the original AFK (still dead), trying desperately to squeeze out every little bit of life support from boxes and snag a capsule without getting murdered. I even managed it!

Then once I'd done all the work and just barely succeeded the mission (with 2% LS to spare), having to play outrageously evasive to avoid those oneshots all the damn time.. the player revived and claimed his free rewards. Yeah.

I'd say I deserve a Legendary Core for that performance, but that would've meant the freeloader would have gotten one too. I'm glad it wasn't anything special, just another Nezha piece.


If I hadn't been playing Ivara and spending most of the time Prowling around and stealing the odd extra Personal Life Support (when I wasn't being exposed by 300 nullifiers and 20 Comba/Scrambus) I would've had no chance.

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CC is your friend. CC will make you live.

people do not really want to organize though for having someone to focus on nullifiers and or sapping osprey doomfields. :P i like to have a fast FR weapon to take care of nully fields.

keeping high movement and cover is a great routine to get into for high levels. Sure does not work on sapping doomfields but those are just bastards.

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Experiment with different tactics, it isn't that hard, Spectres with Soma Primes are brilliant for removing nullifier shields for example. Use CC abilities, use the terrain, don't just try and tank everything, Scrambus can null you, nullifier's can cause problems and the Corpus Techs will drop you if you allow them to shoot at you. Move around, use bullet time, keep an eye out for sapping orbs etc, it can be done easily with practice.

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if you want an easy way to resist/evade "one shots" in sorties, take mesa and try his third ability (shatter shield), you can even go afk for the entire duration of the skill

(equip intensify at least)

Edited by nellone
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3 minutes ago, nellone said:

if you want an easy way to resist/evade "one shots" in sorties, take mesa and try his third ability (shatter shield), you can even go afk for the entire duration of the skill

I remember, that first sorite been a Eximus Stronghold (erryone is Nullies) and Survival. So, every resist/invulnerable/damage reduction abilities will be divine by NULL. What can we do against this then?

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6 minutes ago, nellone said:

if you want an easy way to resist/evade "one shots" in sorties, take mesa and try his third ability (shatter shield), you can even go afk for the entire duration of the skill

(equip intensify at least)

Mesa is SHE. and Mesa sure is more worse than ivara. Belive me. used her in sortie grineer, 4 man army fighting, now this guy here is one man army versus hardest enemy in game, coprus.

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43 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

I remember, that first sorite been a Eximus Stronghold (erryone is Nullies) and Survival. So, every resist/invulnerable/damage reduction abilities will be divine by NULL. What can we do against this then?

When your team is going to be overwhelmed, usually is because your damage output is quite low for the current enemies, so they live too much time....
My hints for a good team is to bring a reviver:

  • Mesa -> spam 2 and 3
  • Valkyr -> 4
  • Limbo -> 2

Then some DPS frame:

  • Ash -> 4
  • Banshee -> spam 2 and 3
  • Mag -> spam 1 and 2 (for corpus missions)
  • obviously formed Syndicate weapons makes the difference (Sancti Tigris, Synoid Simulor)

and finally if you like a bit of support bring Trinity (for power sustain), Nyx (for some CC), Volt (for speedruns) , Nezha (as hybrid tanky DPS CC)

Anyway all those tactics will become inconsistent if you have farmed enough ... one day you will eat Sorties like pieces of cake ;)

Edited by nellone
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7 hours ago, nellone said:

When your team is going to be overwhelmed, usually is because your damage output is quite low for the current enemies, so they live too much time....
My hints for a good team is to bring a reviver:

  • Mesa -> spam 2 and 3
  • Valkyr -> 4
  • Limbo -> 2

Then some DPS frame:

  • Ash -> 4
  • Banshee -> spam 2 and 3
  • Mag -> spam 1 and 2 (for corpus missions)
  • obviously formed Syndicate weapons makes the difference (Sancti Tigris, Synoid Simulor)

and finally if you like a bit of support bring Trinity (for power sustain), Nyx (for some CC), Volt (for speedruns) , Nezha (as hybrid tanky DPS CC)

Anyway all those tactics will become inconsistent if you have farmed enough ... one day you will eat Sorties like pieces of cake ;)

Mesa - Nulls Gallery.

Valkyr - Nulleria.

Limbo - Null Walk.

Ash - Constantly cannot stay alive after ultimate, that's why embrace the Null storm.

Banshee - Get Nulled.

Mag - Pull is a Null, Shield Polarize is a Null Terrorize.

There is only way is to use Shotguns and high fire rate weapons for destroy Nullifiers family...




And after here it is-

the COMBA,


and BURSA.


I am done.


Edited by KorpusKrewman
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Though the missions arent hard, they are a bit annoying and force me to play looking all my steps, but well that has been the main point of the corpus for a long while already, no issues there, You have to play really careful on that survival, specially if you solo because you have have bad conection :c

I dont really have problems with the survivals, but the bursas...., they take forever to die, i have to speed run the exterminate and then at the end had to fight 2 or 1 if i was fast enough. And really they take a while  to die.

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corpus is definitely the hardest faction at super high levels... other factions don't have any power nullification.

honestly, the only real counterplay to x10 nullies is naramon, damage reduction, shields(volt,frost),or aggro sources(nyx/radiation)

bursa frontal invulnerability is obnoxious AF though... that is even on top of their damage resists..

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Well CC ain't working on nulls which I suspect I get one shot by...also those drone bombs make t even worse.

Thing is I know it should be hard, I die and sometimes get one shot on grineer and infested sorties but that is SOMETIMES.
The other problem is I would like to have help from squad mates, hence I need to revive them when they are down, which is impossible to do on corpus missions.

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