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Why I think Dargyn's are a bad idea.


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As the title days I think Shield Dargyns are a bad idea. (in case you forget what they are, think of the floating grineer scooter/gun platforms in archwind missions. that's them)



with other enemy's that have shields such as the nullifier you can remove the shields off one by shooting it enough. with the dargyn though you can pummel it with your entire clip and it will still remain up.

unless you have a explosive weapon like the Grattler. then your good to go.

but if you don't feel like carying one, or only have imperators like I do you are far more screwed over.



to kill the buggers you have to: either get behind them, use an archwing power on them or melee them.




from what I found melee works the best. but its also the most likely way to die.

a level 12 shield dargyn could take 500 shields off me when I tried to melee it. that was all of my shields and i was level 11 at the time. the recommended level for that mission.

another time I went from full health to instantly being dead after I touched the dargyn's shields. I'm pretty sure this was a bug, but if its intended I think its a terrible design discussion. 


shield dargyn's are an enemy that does not promote skill like the stalker or gustrag 3 do, while at the the same time they use utterly no skill at all to kill you.

they just blindly charge at you like the rest of the grineer do. and instead of getting killed like the rest do for being so stupid they get to kill you instead.



and this was only a level 12 dargyn I am talking about. I have seen 4 level 30 dargyn's lay waste to an entire squad me included.

and all of this is why I think they need to be redesigned.

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Eh, not gonna lie. Didn't play much AW beforehand (it's just a drag), and with the changes to Shield Dargyns and ESPECIALLY Hellion Shield Dargyns I play it even less.

I never thought that flying and shooting up stuff in space can be so damn boring. Well, it used to be boring, now it's boring and irritating with dem industructible shields.

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The damage isn't from the Dargyn itself when you melee - Contact with its shield has a chance of inflicting an Electric proc that deals 300 damage, seemingly unaffected by the Dargyn's level in my experience. Bouncing against them for a few melee strikes can get you multiple such hits in a short time, which is probably where your 500 shields went (2 procs).


Why that was added along with making the Shield impervious from the front to all Archguns except the Fluctus (rather than the damage reduction it was originally if memory serves), I don't know.

Your options are to use the Fluctus or die meleeing them, because you can be damn sure they turn faster than you can jet around them to hit them in the vulnerable bits. Ugh.

Strange how in space the roles are reversed and it's the Grineer bringing all the denial mechanics that make you want to avoid the faction entirely, like the Corpus do on foot..

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On 2/28/2016 at 8:54 AM, EDYinnit said:

The damage isn't from the Dargyn itself when you melee - Contact with its shield has a chance of inflicting an Electric proc that deals 300 damage, seemingly unaffected by the Dargyn's level in my experience. Bouncing against them for a few melee strikes can get you multiple such hits in a short time, which is probably where your 500 shields went (2 procs).



so that's how they were removing my shields. not the damage of their shields themselves but the proc caused by them.


300 damage in one proc is still insane though. especially in low level missions.

also the proc was happening so much I thought it was the dargyns shields.



form what I experienced its about a %60 chance. that is way way to high.

maybe just maybe I could see this being ok in a higher level mission on a planet like sedna, but not on earth.  

that place is supposed to be for beginners.

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ANY/ALL enemies that are completely invul to dmg from any angle/vector are bad

there should only be things like +95% dmg reduc, but never these stupid completely invul thing, its just dumb and makes the game feel sloppy and hamfisted =/

certainly things like the ramparts and shield grineer and the shield dargyns should take LESS dmg, but NOT ZERO dmg

FFS we already have the deployable cover for grineer ingame that work like a good/well-designed dmg sponge to protect them, ie the inflatable cover is not invul to dmg, but collapses after enough dmg has been done

of course this is also similar to the stupid nully bubbles, their dmg gating mechanic that requires X # of shot regardless of the amount of dmg done is also pretty bad =[

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Again an example of lazy game design.

Also makes no sense that dargins are so damn nimble considering that they are cobbled together space scooters with a blast shield bolted on.

it's annoying how much DE developers are resorting to cheapshot mechanics like directional invulnerability, CC resistances and warframe powers negation lately.

I came to warframe for the powers and the fact that a single frame can solo a horde of enemies with style - now' now frames tend to look like buffons when engaging anything with broken mechanics in this game - and such units are plentiful...

Spawns of 4-5 bursa at the same time, 12 nullifiers together covering the entire tile, dargins and hellion dargins outrunning any archwing?? this is the tip of the iceberg of trash that warframe is becoming (and don't get me started on sentients and valkyr)

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On 3/6/2016 at 5:32 AM, NezuHimeSama said:

Shield Dargyns used to mitigate damage from the front like Ramparts did when they were first implemented. Going back to that would be fine. It was a far better implementation, both for dargyns and ramparts.

Ramparts can block all damage? daaam that's some strong glass!

im suprised the grineer havn't made their normal armor out of that stuff then. 

still your completely right. just about anything except  stuff like the lato should be able to pierce through a single rampart window.


ok, maybe even the lato could.

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12 minutes ago, Agentcheese said:

Ramparts can block all damage? daaam that's some strong glass!

im suprised the grineer havn't made their normal armor out of that stuff then. 

still your completely right. just about anything except  stuff like the lato should be able to pierce through a single rampart window.


ok, maybe even the lato could.

Ramparts block all damage from the front end.  They count as a wall though, so punch through works just fine on them. 

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Just now, Agentcheese said:

That makes me really glad that im building the daikyu now.

I love that bow.  I hope Banshee Prime ships with a primed one.  A bit of a pain to use since you can't release the arrow before full charge or it doesn't shoot, but hits like a truck when you get the rhythm down

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