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New Ways to get PLATINIUM!!!!!


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39 minutes ago, iEIectrical said:

Like I said I started this game 2 weeks ago so I have no idea what items are worth well others are not.....and ok fine then,Developers,just expand our trade options pls.....Why is it that we can only sell prime parts and not the normal usual kind of blueprints u know.....


Some can be, like Nezha.

Otherwise, they tend to be so easy to obtain there is no point in even offerring them for trade. They would just be a shortcut for starting players playing with friends (who would realistically help them farm the Warframe anyways) instead of being anything worth a trade.

59 minutes ago, iEIectrical said:

Ok fine you let us start off with 50 Platinium but after that we basically stop getting them unless we buy them which by the way there aren't a lot of fortunate people that can afford them.....I mean seriously 4.99USD just for 70 Plats????Make it so that we obtain Platinium through Daily Rewards man or through missions! If not fine...but at least increase the drop rate of Prime parts then.....so we can sell them for Platinium......I'm not hating on this game,I love this game but seriously developers u gotta put urself in our shoes as well man! I'm definitely gonna comtinue playing this game but it will be more awesome if y'all introduce better and more easier ways to earn platinium.....im sure plenty of players agree with me as well,I've only started the game 2 weeks ago so I'm sure a lot of the seasoned players will be like "Oh,u can just paly harder missions on the void to get better parts to sell for more platinium.....".I'm only rank 3 and have only Volt ok! Pls put my plead into consideration pls,thank you for taking your time to read something u probably will not put into the game tho....but other ways thank you :]


Increasing the drop rate of Prime parts makes them worth less Platinum. In a free Market, more stock leads to lower prices. 
Putting more Platinum into the game to be obtained for free just doesn't help any. The dev team loses out on revenue, causing an increase in Market prices to combat. It's simple inflation.
Prime parts are not the only thing you can sell for Platinum. You can also sell mods, Kubrow Imprints, Keys, some key parts, and some special weapons. Starting out, I'd recommend looking at what players are "WTB"ing in the trade chat and trading subforum, and then using the Wikia to figue out where those items drop from. Those easy Void missions also drop some Prime parts that you can sell for 1-2 Platinum to players looking for parts to use as Ducat fodder.

Outside of this, it's a F2P game. This model of paying for premium currency is how the game survives and evolves.

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http://wftrading.net/ here is one of the handful of fan sites out there that gives you an idea of what things are worth what, it might be a lil outdated at times but it gives you a general idea of pricing


look at the prices of stuff there then look at the warframe wikia to know where to farm said items then go and run those kind of missions for awhile till you have stuff to sell


doing this process is how I get about 200 plat weekly from trade

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Yeah uh getting to know trade is the first thing on the to-do list when earning plat from other players, but I wouldn't use a fan website for pricing schemes. For one thing it pisses off potential sellers if you tell them how wrong their price is because 'someone' told you they were wrong (derp). Had one person telling me Vengeful Revenant was only worth 30p when in trade it was easily going in the hundreds of plat. If you were selling Vengeful Revenant and still referencing the same pricing scheme you potentially missed out on a huge jackpot.

But as for how I made my fortune, I sold syndicate mods/weapons. It requires some rare materials and a few mastery ranks but it's a consistent source of demand. I usually sell prime sets as well, though parts seem to be a profitable venture as well, sometimes selling half as much as a set would.


And if you say f*** it and just buy plat, best deal is prime access on consoles, 75% off coupon/sale on PC. 

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That moment when I realise I have made at least about 18000 platinum from trading. I am yet to spend a penny on this game(because I am one of those unfortunate persons for whom 1$ is a lot) and I buy each and every premium skin bundle and most syandanas that DE release. It's just my way of supporting DE.

You might think I am boasting, but actually I am trying to point towards the fact that making platinum from trading is that much easy.

Look, harshly put, no one is going to give you anything for free in life. DE is actually one of the very very few companies that made a game that is 99.99% free. The other 0.01% being the slots which can be easily bought by trading. Rare mods sell for 10-20p easily. Then, you need patience. When there is an event, sell the event mod set after the event ends. They will easily sell for a lot of platinum, mostly about 150-200p a set. Hell, even the primed mods sell for like 50-80p.

Bottomline is, don't expect an entirely free game. It's not a charity.

Either work in real life and pay for platinum, or like me, work in-game enough to acquire platinum. It's just a matter of knowing what to sell and when. And you are just MR3, there is a whole world of Tenno in front of you. Most players play this game for at least 500+ hours, some 3000+ hours. You can not hope to get everything when you just barely played approx. 50 hours.

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2 hours ago, iEIectrical said:

but at least increase the drop rate of Prime parts then.....so we can sell them for Platinium......I'm not hating on this game,I love this game but seriously developers u gotta put urself in our shoes as well man! I'm definitely gonna comtinue playing this game but it will be more awesome if y'all introduce better and more easier ways to earn platinium.....im sure plenty of players agree with me as well,I've only started the game 2 weeks ago so I'm sure a lot of the seasoned players will be like "Oh,u can just paly harder missions on the void to get better parts to sell for more platinium.....".I'm only rank 3 and have only Volt ok!

Plently of low tier void missions drop prime parts worth 50+ plat.

Sorties drop legendary cores which are worth 400+ plat.

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Just now, deltaheavy said:

Plently of low tier void missions drop prime parts worth 50+ plat.

Sorties drop legendary cores which are worth 400+ plat.

He can not do sortie as of now,sigh. He is MR3 and has a volt. You need MR4 for sorties. Perhaps actually read the thing you quoted?

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Just now, NN13 said:

He can not do sortie as of now,sigh. He is MR3 and has a volt. You need MR4 for sorties. Perhaps actually read the thing you quoted?

I did read it (it was a really whiny topic). getting from mastery 3 to 4 is not difficult.

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The easiest way for someone playing only 2 weeks is to get void keys and run void missions. Potentially any items you get in the void at the end of missions is worth at the very least 1 plat. Do low level excavation missions to farm quicker keys. Every excavator potentially could be a key.

By selling cores people are referring to yellow cores with all 5 dots filled in. These are called R5 cores and are the highest rated core you can get outside of legendary. These typically sell for 1 plat each, but in endgame missions you get packs of 5 of them at a time (5p per pack then). These can be gotten fairly quickly in missions like Pluto - Hieracon, Neptune - Triton or Phobos - Zeugma. The problem is the missions i listed off are all high end enemy missions that ramp up in difficulty very quickly. If you only played for 2 weeks you probably wont have the weaponry to go too far in that mission. If you have excaliber you can build him for some high melee damage and do somewhat good in the missions.

Good luck!

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5 minutes ago, deltaheavy said:

I did read it (it was a really whiny topic). getting from mastery 3 to 4 is not difficult.

It is if he/she does not have extra slots and does not sell the weapons/warframes he/she has.

Also, should you not give ideas that would help OP as of now? I mean, you are not wrong about what you said, but just that it might not help OP.

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Just now, NN13 said:

It is if he/she does not have extra slots and does not sell the weapons/warframes he/she has.

Also, should you not give ideas that would help OP as of now? I mean, you are not wrong about what you said, but just that it might not help OP.

I did give help when I said that plenty of low tier void missions give good prime parts.

I just wasn't nice about it.

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Final statement from me : 
Less spending time in forums. Same as region, it is pretty fast way to get rabies (muahahahah).
Best course of action is to work with what you have now, stockpile and most important - do not be alone. Find a party, a clan or just an circle of idiots to play with you. It speeds up the game, ups the enjoyment factor and you will get to help each other. My first primies came, from doing towers with an friend for weeks. When both of us popped up with the desired first sets... Well it was awesome. 
You do not need to buy slots right off the bat - you can get to MR 8 with relative ease if you follow the weapon charts - the Bolto family (example) has couple of weapons that craft into other weapons, this way you get up gradable weapons without loosing slots. Tripedo also has extended crafting circle. 

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All they really need to do is add a useful trade UI so we can just post stuff and have people buy it without having to go through all the obnoxious steps. Something similar to the GW2 trading post. Even if you use warframe.market it's just an inconvenient outdated trade system. It's like we're all playing D2 15+ years ago. I refused to bother with trade then, I see no reason to be forced into the exact same archaic system 15 years later. People can go on about how easy trade is all they want, but this games trade system is garbage. It's outdated and needs serious improvements. 

I know some people think if trade was more convenient prices would all crash into nothingness due to the increase in sellers, but that belief is essentially saying "we think trade is OK, but only if a minority of players get to take advantage of it," which is a gigantic pile of BS. If trading for easy plat is OK for some players it should be OK for everyone. Any argument anyone has ever made on these forums against a more convenient trade system is essentially an argument against trade itself, yet they have no problem with the current system, which is irrational. 

They can easily maintain the value of even common items by expanding on the ducat and maybe the transmutation systems. The new system to convert mods into fusion cores will give even common mods some minor indirect trading value. Give people more crap to buy with ducats, all prime parts maintain some value. It's not that hard to force even common items/resources to maintain some minor value even if there was a massive surge in trade participation.

It's also incredibly hypocritical for people to constantly tell new players "oh, just go trade, it's so easy" while simultaneously opposing a more convenient trading system. Not that anyone in this specific thread has done that, but I've seen it happen in these forums before.

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The game is already easy enough. I started about 4 months ago, and I have 2k plat now, without spending much. Platinum is very easy to get, as long as you're willing to spend time on the game. You have to take into consideration that everyone was in your spot at one point, and we all had to get up to where we are today.

Edited by Noreus
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Also, joining a clan can be beneficial as the community is pretty helpful and newbie-friendly in game. (maybe not so much on the forums lol) clanmates will be willing to help you farm for loot or hook you up with some gear.

Welcome to warframe

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10 hours ago, Ellthan said:

You don't get it, if DE didn't milk people for money by forcing them to pay platinum to proggress then they'd go broke.

It doesen't mater that cosmetics, weapons, warframes, secondaries, primaries, melees and cosmetics for all 3 plus prime acceses and vault unshealings are making insane ammounts of money with the game being on steam, china + 2 consoles.


DE just needs to milk you for money, don't you see it? They just need to.

I hope you're not serious about saying DE are milking players out of their money.

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10 hours ago, Ellthan said:

You don't get it, if DE didn't milk people for money by forcing them to pay platinum to proggress then they'd go broke.

It doesen't mater that cosmetics, weapons, warframes, secondaries, primaries, melees and cosmetics for all 3 plus prime acceses and vault unshealings are making insane ammounts of money with the game being on steam, china + 2 consoles.


DE just needs to milk you for money, don't you see it? They just need to.


You mean like literally every other company does? 

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On 3/7/2016 at 9:42 PM, iEIectrical said:

Ok fine you let us start off with 50 Platinium but after that we basically stop getting them unless we buy them which by the way there aren't a lot of fortunate people that can afford them.....I mean seriously 4.99USD just for 70 Plats????Make it so that we obtain Platinium through Daily Rewards man or through missions! If not fine...but at least increase the drop rate of Prime parts then.....so we can sell them for Platinium......I'm not hating on this game,I love this game but seriously developers u gotta put urself in our shoes as well man! I'm definitely gonna comtinue playing this game but it will be more awesome if y'all introduce better and more easier ways to earn platinium.....im sure plenty of players agree with me as well,I've only started the game 2 weeks ago so I'm sure a lot of the seasoned players will be like "Oh,u can just paly harder missions on the void to get better parts to sell for more platinium.....".I'm only rank 3 and have only Volt ok! Pls put my plead into consideration pls,thank you for taking your time to read something u probably will not put into the game tho....but other ways thank you :]

Several things of note:

  1. DE is not a charity. All the platinum in circulation (i.e. excluding the 50 starting platinum) need to ultimately trace back to a player buying it with real life money to keep this game afloat.
  2. Prime part prices on Trading is largely a matter of supply and demand. Increasing drop rate of any given prime part will only bomb the price of that part down to oblivion, making them utterly pointless as anything but Ducat fodder.
  3. Similarly, artificial injection of platinum conjured out of thin air into circulation will inflate the market, rendering the injection pointless and everyone losers.
  4. I haven't even played for a full month yet and I already have a somewhat reliable source of platinum in game. Spend your time grinding stuff that people want instead of wasting your time on the forum asking for a handout.
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