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Sortie Missions Locked


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For the past week or so,When I go to play a sortie the second and the third sorties have been "Locked",This is on planets that I have had unlocked for quite a while.Its never the first sortie only the second and third.I have had a ticket in since it started.I have a new computer now with Windows 10 Pro and nothing has changed,same story different day.Anybody else having this problem?

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Same thing is happening to me, hell i farm cores on triton, 3rd sortie is on triton (neptune) but sortie does not show up on planet, and going to sortie through nav screen tells me i have to unlock triton...which is stupid as hell.    I guess sorties are dead.

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I played through a sortie fine a few days back....  ran the sortie today, and experienced the problem mentioned in this forum as well.  Reldresal locked supposedly.  I re-ran Reldresal just to make sure, and still get the same error.  I also suddenly didn't get rewards for running two tower 4 exterminates back to back, which I have a ticket in for...    seems a buncha bugs have suddenly cropped up.

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Same thing happened to me today. Ran Sortie 1, game died at extraction as Ordis left without me! Used Alt-F4 since nothing else worked, relloged, Login Failed, restart game, Login Succesfull but all Sorties are now Locked even tough i have unlocked all the nodes i need. :(

Edit: I fixed it. It appears as the first Sortie did not appear as COMPLETED, because it failed at the end and that is the reason all other Sorties missions gave the Planet Locked status. Redone Sortie 1 again and all is good. :D 

Edited by Garakadan
i've indentified and solved the problem
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On 2016-03-11 at 7:15 PM, rca626 said:

I've had the same problem, on the third sortie. Today's the first time I've sen this. Screenshot

Just to make sure, I re-ran the Triton mission and it still said it wasn't unlocked.

In this particular screenshot Mission 3 remains locked until Mission 2 is completed. To complete a Sortie you have to do them in order. You can see the green 'completed' in Mission 1 here. Once your Mission 2 is completed it will receive the same completed, and you'll be able to play Mission 3.

Edit: NOTE: this thread has exposed a messaging bug in the 'popup' for missions attempted to be played out of sequence. We are working on fixing the messaging there to be less confusing and wrong.

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I don't think this is an error with the popup for missions attempted to be played out of sequence. I got the same error trying to do the third sortie mission after completing both the first and second ones (maybe an hour ago). It might be a problem with the game not registering that the mission was done, and then that message being confusing or wrong. Repeating the second mission (even though I had done it before) fixed the problem for me.

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Not the case with me either,I can play the first sortie,and then the second one is still saying "locked".But, if I go out of the sortie,I can play the node that says  "locked" ,with no problem .Only in the sorties ,the last two are always locked.


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