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Tell me why Kavat (grineer) deal more damage than kubrow (grineer)?



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They are completely unbalanced compared to kubrows. On day one they would do so much dmg you it will strip through your shield and health and complete ignore QT energy bank Instan killed every time. While you're on the subject  the flamers have a $&*&*#(%& amount of range. They have been nerfed dmg wise but to FEEL THE  BURN through walls and not even in line of sight is pretty broken.

Edited by xxcib21xx
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Hyekkas* and Drahks*, they have their own name. Drahks are a completely different species to Kubrows, though the Grineer have tried to mingle their DNA together to create even more effective War Dogs.

Hyekka damage will likely be looked at before 18.5 reaches console, though from what I've heard, the damage is intended so that they are considered a greater threat than Drahk, who are just another squishy cannon fodder melee unit. 

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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I know we're referring to them as "cats" and people typically think of house cats as timid small creatures. 

But speaking as a cat own[er/ed], cats are psycho.  You get one mad, cornered, or otherwise in attack mode and they're like tiny fuzzy demons.  Then you scale it up to a medium sized wild cat, and you understand why you might not want to let one swat you. 

There's also the question as to why the crazy cat ladies are so much more dangerous.  But that might be an intentional adjustment, making the cat and cat person more of a DPS and area-denial beast and the dogs and dog people more tanky and control oriented.  Though it could just be a mob power creep. 

I am curious about the Tenno Kavats though.  Aren't they supposed to be more utility and less combat oriented? 

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3 minutes ago, CriticalFumble said:

What we're talking about is roughly the size of a large bobcat.  Its much closer to a tiger than a domesticated cat. 

ok, I can show you something more like kubrow too! 


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39 minutes ago, yual said:

I just dont want see my kubrow be a lowtier like wyrm , this is stupide. like valkyrs power 4

I hope for that as well.
If kavats are going to be stronger at dps (more agile + claws), I hope that at least they will be more squishy, and not as tanky as the kubrows.

People compare them to tigers and so on, but looking at their anatomy so far, I would say it is more like a cheetah or a serval. They are not massive, they are rather skinny. Good for a quick, deadly attack, but not for a long lasting fight.

Besides technically speaking, kubrows are not wolves as well, since omega kubrows are height of the Tenno, so way bigger than an average wolf, that means they should be way stronger too.

Although we do not know what shapes and sizes will Tenno Kavats have, since Tenno Kubrows also look way different than their wild cousins.

Edited by Sangoma
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wow, a science fiction thread, im scratching my head about all this opinions here, from where do they come from ?

i cant see any difference according to kubrows and it would be good if DE dont "programm" or "develop" unbalanced and in the wrong direction ^^)

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Honestly, big cats are just more lethal. A Tiger or a Lion is a better killer than a Wolf. Wolves can be deadly no doubt, but it's not on the same level as the big cats are. That said, I don't mind Hyekkas doing more damage than a Drahk, but if that's the way they are doing things then the health needs to be adjusted. Drahks need their health doubled (they are seriously squishy) and Hyekkas need theirs cut by 1/3. Right now they are just as tanky if not tankier than a Drahk, and that is no good.

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1 minute ago, Weidro said:

cuz cats are better than dogs :P

no. very not

Just now, Mastikator2 said:

Cats and tigers are felines. Wolves and dogs are canines.

wow! I didnt know that! thank you!

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Just now, Silvus-Sol said:

Honestly, big cats are just more lethal. A Tiger or a Lion is a better killer than a Wolf. Wolves can be deadly no doubt, but it's not on the same level as the big cats are. That said, I don't mind Hyekkas doing more damage than a Drahk, but if that's the way they are doing things then the health needs to be adjusted. Drahks need their health doubled (they are seriously squishy) and Hyekkas need theirs cut by 1/3. Right now they are just as tanky if not tankier than a Drahk, and that is no good.


I'm afraid this isn't actually remotely true. The African Wild Dog is widely considered to be the most efficient vertebrate predator in the world, with around 80% of their hunts resulting in a kill. Sure, one on one they aren't a match for a Lion, but they don't need to be because they're vastly more intelligent than Lions and are much more social and so will quite happily use the size of their packs to drive lion prides off of kills.

Not that any of this need be relevant to Warframe, although Kavats really don't have the build of a Lion or Tiger, they look more like Lynxes. Compared to Kubrow I would expect them to be more damaging but more fragile, and less focussed on utility.

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