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Looking for a DEV to comment about racism.


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I was playing a match today with a friend and someone joined our lobby named: -snip-, that's their gamer tag on Xbox one as well. I noticed that they had named their pet a racist name. The pets name is: -snip-.

Some may find this funny. I do not. I do find it interesting that the person is such a coward that he hides his racism in a way where he feels he can't get in trouble for.

I would like someone in the DEV team to please look into this matter. Posting pictures as well


Edited by Letter13
Removed name & shame, images
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I don't know what you expect a dev to say to this, anyway.

"Wow. They shouldn't have done that."

You're clearly coming here with a preconceived notion that this is bad and understood to be bad and you're expecting them to say that it's bad and then do something about it. At no point is this something that should be in the feedback forum and at no point could it possibly be feedback. This is something you submit to the support staff and have them deal with.

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Don't shame players, please.
Yes, this lacks taste, but unless you want to invoke "mob justice", just don't do it.
PS: It may not be the player's fault. I know that some players have friends/sibling that troll hard. I also had Kubrow, called Fatso - do I get lynched as well?

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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I also had Kubrow, called Fatso

After the Lotus adopted it and made it run, the name was changed to Slimo.


I don't realy see a problem here. If you think the name is offensive, contact support.

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If you're looking to report a player, this is absolutely not the right way to go about it.

You're posting this in the General Feedback section, and it isn't feedback. You're publicly airing this person's online identity, which DE expressly asks us not to do. You're addressing your concerns specifically to "the DEV team," who don't even handle this sort of thing as part of their normal responsibilities.

22 minutes ago, Genitive said:

I don't realy see a problem here. If you think the name is offensive, contact support.

This is what you should have done. Contact support and give them all the information you believe is relevant, but don't ever air these grievances on the forums. It does not help solve the problem, whatever you may believe it to be.


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As much as this player's naming choices make them look like widdle biddy chiddren, the Devs really have to be careful about how they approach this kind of situation.  The Devs are in Canada, but here in 'Merka if you're Caucasian, you can't say (or write) the "N" word without automatically offending someone. If you're black, then it's a different story, and that's the heart of the problem.  What's obviously offensive to one person may not be offensive at all to another, and it's very difficult for the Devs to step in and try to be fair to all parties concerned.

Me personally, I think that's an incredibly racist term, and I strongly believe the player chose it because they need to be noticed, and crave attention; otherwise, it's a silly thing to call a catdog.  But that's just MHO.

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Racism is not welcome in this community, no matter the shape or form it takes.


If you see a player using racist remarks either in their name, their Kubrow's name, or in their conversing with other players, please take a screenshot and submit a support ticket with said screenshot to report the user in question, and support staff will investigate.


In the future, if you wish to report a player, please do so with a support ticket. Naming and shaming is not a practice which we condone on these forums. If users violate the rules, it's DE's job to punish them--not ours. Rule violations and associated punishments are a private matter and should be left as such.

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