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Best solo frame for mid-game


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10 hours ago, dodorichard said:

Ok, I must admit I am not as good (I suck) as I should be for my master rank. Parkour skills need practice and my aim is all over the place, sometime painting the roof with my bullets rather than my enemies.

So here is my question. Doing many missions solo is probably better until my skill catch up or I have a frame that nullifies my weaknesses. That being said, what frames (beside the obvious Loki and Trinity) would you guys recommend to solo missions runs during the mid game (level 25~30)? Not talking end game frames yet, that is another question.


Broooo Nezha. Super fun to play, awesome damage shield. Also Excalibur. You can do literally any missions solo with excal

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@to most of above: You mention playstyle? OP has problems to shoot straight, he doesn't have his playstyle yet...

Look, if you want to divide the game into early, mid and late stages there are a few things that you want to care about in each stage:

- early game - you choose your warframe - you generally want to look at something tough and with a good AoE skill that swipes entire screen - my suggestion would be Rhino as he is tough, has a good ult and he is easy to get, excalibur is also a good choice but he dies much more easily than rhino - when you get a good warframe you can rush through entire early game even without any weapons equipped

- mid game - when your warframe isn't enough anymore - you search for a weapon with good clear, if your warframe has problems with taking out single tough enemies you should aim for a gun that you will have nice headshots with, if not, you'll want to take a spray and pray weapon - my suggestion for single target would be latron (prime if possible) more money and higher mastery rank = soma (prime if rich), ideal weapon for taking out tons of enemies in spite of recent patches is Ignis [dojo weapon, you need to be in a clan] (when you mod it, you won mid game and I still use this weapon most of the time it's great, for single enemies I equip a secondary weapon with good dmg like marelok or sth)

- late game - the point where you actually develop your playstyle, you've been through mid game, you know a lot, you know warframes, weapons, your movement is perfect and your all shots are headshots - you start to mod weapons and warframes depending on fighting conditions - by the time you get there you won't need my advice anymore.

If you want an easy game follow my advice: Rhino is OP early (mod him for high shields and power strength), Latron for single target (put in Serration, a lot of crit and as many elemental mods as you can fit after crits) your next weapon should be Ignis (serration, elemental mods, some ammo recovery, no crits here)

Generally some things in game work better in each phase than others, in early game warframe HP and skills make the biggest difference, later it's your weapon, when you gain access to better mods (higher lvl mobs), and better weapons (due to mastery rank). In late game it's pure damage and crowd control because no matter what warframe you pick, everything 1 shots you. Right now you should think about your weapon as it will give you bigger change.

TLDR: It's not the warframe, it's the weapon that you're missing right now (mid game wise).

Edited by Szkielo
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Saryn or Inaros. They have great survivability and interactive skills.

Frost and Rhino are even better survivors, but have less interactive skills.

If you go Saryn, you can practice your aim by trying to hit spores on enemies.(or use a beam weapon, it helps)

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As someone floating comfortably at mid-game, myself, I find that Inaros is actually really good with minimal modding. Lots of self-healing. Same with Valkyr, but she's actually kind of no-fun when she's invincible. Good for clearing bosses and farming, but she'll be more fun when she can actually die at one point during a mission. I'd also have to suggest Nova/Prime. She's easily one of my favorites because she's just fun to use, but she can also decimate. As others have said, Saryn, Frost, Excal, all good. Oberon also served me well, plus he's got useful abilities. 

For weapons I'd recommend the Tigris. It fooled me when I first used it and was quite frustrating before I figured out what "Duplex-auto" meant. The Akmagnus are my favorite pistols, though they kind of fall off after a while they're great for around 35-40, and Impact damage destroys Corpus. Kind of expensive to make, though. Lesion is a great weapon, with amazing status (I have it sitting at like 87% or something for Radiation and bonus Toxin) with great slash damage. I took it into an hour-long T3 survival and it stayed useful with its innate toxin awesomeness when it procs. Also expensive to make. If you've got the weapons from the anniversary, the Dex Sybaris is great, and so is the Dex Dakra. Not much love for the Dex Furis, though. Just my personal opinion.

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It really depends. Without mods Rhino is better than both Loki or Excal for example. Which is why it's a really good frame for newer players to do the start chart with. Loki needs a lot of mods to be good so it's not really a good choice for a newer player.

Frost is a pretty good choice as well and does not require a lot of mods to be useful.

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my advice,since you have trouble with aiming,frame is not the problem. but frame that can survive while you are learning to aim and jump around are loki (stealth),rhino with iron skin, nezha with his protecting ring,wukong (deffy) and inaros cuz that guy simply can't die plus have blind so enemies will be sitting ducks.

you should focus on weapon like other players said. Try dex sybaris since u got it for free. try reducing sensitivity on your mouse too and if you are still having problem use tigris or shotgun wit lower spread since its easier to hit target with it but you still need to aim.

Hope this helps and good luck ;)

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Rhino. If you are getting shot up all the time and your aim is off, go with a Rhino. Build it for survivability, all the armour and health and shield mods you have. Maybe some duration or stretch for the stomp. Use your stomp to aim better, and save the iron skin for until your shields get a big whack. I think it scales off of incoming damage now too. I see a lot off hate for Rhino being a try hard frame. But, Rhino is a good for what you are looking for and is fun play with. 

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Any warframe you like with semi auto guns/sidearms even a bow.  Mid game, frames aren't that important.  Just what feels right.  The semi auto or bow option just gives you the option of a quick fire rate but can punish you for spray and pray.  

A good way to practice is with Equinox and her augment that slows enemies as they damage you.  The new Dex Sybaris or a rakta cernos would compliment this well.  

Several people ahead of me have given good suggestions as well.  Try them all out if you can.  Just avoid working on a crutch for too long with one frame that might give you an advantage in some situations but leave you in trouble in others.   

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Wukong, so that you are able to deal with huge crowds and practise your aim without worring about constantly being downed. Even in Sorties he'll have no problem staying alive, so long as you have duration and efficiency mods and the Rage mod installed.

Edited by p_ar7hur
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Take Ivara or Nezha. Ivara is the best stealth frame, and Nezha is just a superior Rhino.

Or Equinox, she's basically the best jack of all trades, and I don't mean that as an insult:


A Jack of all trades is master of none,

though oftentimes better than a master of one.

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Loki, his build is really simply u dont need expensive strength mods like transient fortitude, blind rage. All u need is range, efficiency and duration, these are pretty easy to get. You can disarm everyone leaving them helpless and exposed. No guns for enemy = easier time for you, feel like runnig away from a fight, just become invisible and run away. His decoy is really good in infested missions, switch teleport is good in sortie defense, you can switch teleport the person to a safe location. Loki is still good in end game, if you are really into him, recommend you picking up his disarm augment mods to make your life easier, with that disarm augment mod and a tonkor you will not only be invisible you will be INVINCIBLE!!!

Edited by LemonEnterprise
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Ash - All you need is maxed Intensify + Efficiency mods. Aim and press 4 every time you see an enemy.

Rhino - Aim and shoot

Ember - If you have Transient Fortitude + Intensify + Continuity + Stretch + Maxed Efficiency. Press 4 and run around

And Loki - you can solo everything! including defense and Interception (tested). You will be needing a weapon same as Rhino.

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On 26/03/2016 at 5:58 AM, dodorichard said:

Ok, I must admit I am not as good (I suck) as I should be for my master rank. Parkour skills need practice and my aim is all over the place, sometime painting the roof with my bullets rather than my enemies.

So here is my question. Doing many missions solo is probably better until my skill catch up or I have a frame that nullifies my weaknesses. That being said, what frames (beside the obvious Loki and Trinity) would you guys recommend to solo missions runs during the mid game (level 25~30)? Not talking end game frames yet, that is another question.


  • First: Mastery Rank doesn't matter


  • Second: Play whatever you like, any frame is good from start, mid and end game content, surely you can take advantage of some in specific missions (Excalibur RJ build for Draco) but you should play what you feel best for you.

    A important aspect you should understand is that the frames can be divided by 3 categories: Melee, Ranged and Caster oriented. 

    Excalibur and Wukong a clear examples of melee oriented warframes while Ivara and Mesa are clear Ranged oriented, casters are pretty much the ones you already mentioned (Loki and Trinity). 

    All you have to do now is to find the one that makes you feel best while playing it and focus in taking maximum advantage of their abilities.
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Wukong and Ivara..? I think some players have completely forgotten the grind and luck you need for some frames. If this person is anywhere near being a beginner, that's a tall order to set for them. If resources are a concern, then definitely do not go for Wukong, you'll have a ton of other things you'd want to build before him.

Rhino is by far one of the easiest, comfortable and reliable frames to use and has a set of abilities that are always useful.

The first reason I recommend Rhino is mainly because of iron skin, with which you can take your time to line up shots and not have to worry about dodging meanwhile. It'll ease you into getting used to aiming. The second reason is his damage buff, which will make it faster and easier to level weapons meanwhile. The third is his stomp for crowd control.

I'm nearing the end of my frame collection, but Rhino is my go-to frame for any non-specific mission. In the beginning I thought he was uninspired and boring to play, now I'm very thankful for the elegant simplicity of his build that let's me focus on each weapon I max out.


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Not many mentions for it, but Limbo is definitely up there for being one of the best solo warframes. Being able to isolate individual enemies means that no matter how crowded or difficult the mission gets, you'll always be able to manage it.

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Valk is the best tank in the game, but gets boring quickly and wont teach you anything.

Chroma is the second best tank but you need arcanes and thats expensive or in raids.

Inaros comes in third but wont teach you as much about gunplay since you have to rely on lifestealing over armor and that means being in melee range mostly.

Rhino will probably be the best choice for you imho due him having the most rounded powers of all the tanks, but hes also one of the weakest tanks insofar as mitigation.

Id go with loki/ivara because stealth will allow you more time to practice your aim.

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I'm going to go counter to a lot of stock answers here and dare you to go with Ember if you want a mid game frame that is a virtual SHIVA when it comes to destroying enemies.

Make sure to feed her to keep her 2,3,4 going and try adding a primary Syndicate terror weapon with it's cc aura to complement her powers.  Don't neglect her passive, either!

You don't need tremendous skill and she is a blast to play.

Im sure others will agree ???????




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