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Give old players an unique reward/item they deserve.


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Been playing for 3 years long , snipetron vandal is my most used weapon , i really like to show it and use it. But now , DE has the great idea to release an old veteran "exclusive" weapon , just because they can't make a new weapon for sortie reward. Now what , release primed chamber and Braton vandal from some sh.. event/reward? At least i got my ancient core and primed chamber.

They should at least compensate veteran players with a sigil or skin, But no , they dont give a ... about old players. ( mastery rank doesn't count , you can reach MR21 within 2 months *dracoborn*cough cough*)

Edited by Mrniko95
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Heaton vandal, lato vandal we're all free... Founders was back there. The only reward you had for being an old member is exclusivitivity for awhile. Now that reward has ended. DE said that they would give everyone a chance to get these weapons. You had your time of being exclusive, now it's other people's turn.

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Are you serious? Another entitlement thread... sigh.

DE always had the intention of rereleasing event weapons/mods in events after their original ones- this INCLUDES primed chamber, which I figured I'd mention since you made a comment about it. DE has said in regards to braton/lato vandal that they are exceptions and will most likely never be re-released.

You've apparently been playing for a very long time- and observed MANY event weapons returning again, and yet you SERIOUSLY couldn't figure out this was coming? Really?

Move on, let it go. It's just a shiny gun. You had it first- you had it when a ton of other people didn't. You were special, you had your time- now it's over. The only reward you DESERVE for being an old player is the experience of being with the game as it evolves, and the fun you've had with it. This is a free to play game, they went with that model out of the good of their hearts (unlike most which do it to abuse and make a ton of money)- you are entitled to NOTHING. You are PRIVILEGED to being able to play this game. Just like everyone else.

Edited by Stratego89
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6 minutes ago, BaneOfOrion said:

I'm just mad that i never got that boost to days played that they promised when they first brought up the concept on one of the devstreams. I should have almost a dozen Azima by now, but i don't play as much as i used to, so no dice. 

DE said your daily rewards would be boosted (in rarity, is how it turned out) based on your "experience" in the game- which they decided to evaluate with mastery (terrible choice but w/e). DE SPECIFICALLY stated that they would NOT count the days you had already played retroactively.

Edited by Stratego89
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Oh Please. Yes Ok you have been playing warframe for a while. Who cares man? You had your exclusive weapons and junk now let other people enjoy some things. Its bad enough that PC players are still running around with excal primes and skana primes, and that alone makes exal lovers cry, now you want more? Put a sock in it dude, quit demanding some kind of recognition for something so simple. Do you think you are entitled to some kind of grand prize because you heard of the game before others? This is a free to play game, DE doesn't owe you the stale gum under their shoe. Get off your high horse, enjoy the game, and stop being selfish.

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I think exclusives should be limited to skins, I would not mind if the founder items would be released if the founders would get some unique cosmetics, but the stuff we have is mastery, and mastery affects the game, which makes it a problem, now people hate on everything exclusive and don't want it to be strong and brought up to date with the recent game changes. Nobody wins. I mean I got an exclusive t-shirt as founder and a bandana, that's REAL LIFE exclusives.


Same goes for all event guns.

Edited by Genoscythe
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Why there is always someone that thinks he deserves more than others? Ok, you are a "veteran", but why you should have something others don't? Having the chance to enjoy the weapon way before the others should be enough.

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Just because you are an old player it doesn't mean you are entiteled to any special rewards. And your statement about DE not caring about older players is just a baseless accusation. 

This is a pointless therad and it should be locked.

Edited by Genitive
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almost3 years of exclusive bragging rights for owning snipetron vandal wasn't good enough for you?

please just D** there is nothing bad to be timely exclusive owner of something

not like the chinese hate us for getting wepons they had timedly exclusive for them

wukong, the new crossbow ect ect UMBRA

but if exclusivity should remain that means they need to remove all items from public server that china had first INCLUDING umbras

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34 minutes ago, Mrniko95 said:

Been playing for 3 years long , snipetron vandal is my most used weapon , i really like to show it and use it. But now , DE has the great idea to release an old veteran "exclusive" weapon , just because they can't make a new weapon for sortie reward. Now what , release primed chamber and Braton vandal from some sh.. event/reward? At least i got my ancient core and primed chamber.

They should at least compensate veteran players with a sigil or skin, But no , they dont give a ... about old players. ( mastery rank doesn't count , you can reach MR21 within 2 months *dracoborn*cough cough*)

Buddy, you're really not painting the veterans in a positive light, and I don't appreciate that. Unlike some games, we're not a community focused around exclusivity and greed, but around compassion, honor, and the will to help other players.

Please reflect on these core values before whinging about some pixels on a screen.

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6 minutes ago, Vattira said:

Buddy, you're really not painting the veterans in a positive light, and I don't appreciate that. Unlike some games, we're not a community focused around exclusivity and greed, but around compassion, honor, and the will to help other players.

Please reflect on these core values before whinging about some pixels on a screen.

Brilliantly said.

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