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Why is Valkyr Hated?


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21 hours ago, yeoc said:

because its a cheese frame.

"ohh but she can only melee"

^ ^^^^ absolute bs excuse

melee is like 1000% extra dmg
you are invincible so you have all the time in the world to chase ppl down

"ohhh but shes useless without energy"

Energy pads = cheap + plentiful
energy passives

I win again
valkyr fanbois rekt

I see your so called rekt and raise you a mob of infested backed by one or two disruptor ancients, or a few drainer eximus backed by some heavy units on knockdown spam, or even almost any other setup that prevents her from getting energy or using hysteria to keep up that invincibility. Energy passives don't prevent the first or second situation, and with good ol' Corpus and their units that only have to be within aura range to knock you our of Hysteria..... yeah unless you packed weapons to knock off helmets, you are gonna feel pain.

Second, of course Trinity would be able to supply energy to all frames.... oh wait, if somebody is using Hysteria while Trinity is popping EV, they don't get energy back. Not from energy pads, Energy siphon or other ways except through orbs. Yes the person can turn off Hysteria briefly, but depending on the mission (and level of mobs): if said Trinity didn't pop a high damage reduction blessing, Valkyr didn't dash off and do a quick on /off switch (while Trinity was spamming EV within range), or if another frame didn't drop a CC to hold back waves of mobs... Valkyr is gonna get wrecked like the others.

Oh and as for her 1000% extra damage, that is only on charged attacks and ground finishers. Yes that can mean she can wade into a group of foes and drop them one by one, but only if they don't have certain units among them. Try doing all of that when surrounded by fast Infested with a disruptor or two around the corner or on the other side of a wall, you will get drained and wrecked faster than a level 0 Loki being spotted by a level 100 Ballistia.

We get it. Valkyr is a cheese frame like all the other ones. They are here so folks who want an easier time or the fun of being a one space ninja wrecking crew can do such. Asking for those frames to be stripped of certain things that makes them what they are does not make them balanced, it makes them useless. Once a weapon or frame is turned useless, it gets converted into mastery fodder, folks stop caring about it, and the few who enjoyed it back when they had their fun or put all that effort into it either move onto the "next best thing" or stop spending money on the game and move on.

So in the words of others who keep saying it, "If you don't like it, then do not use it." If you don't want to deal with pugs showing up with that frame, then stop playing pugs.

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16 hours ago, yeoc said:

that's not even a cheese omfg xD holy crap the standards have fallen so bad

still all of this hatred to valkyr is ridicoulus. I really cant grasp why people whine so much about her, is she such a problem? i play public only missions (well i do occasionally solo some missions but still), how often do you actually see a valkyr? how often do they spam 4 and wreck everything 24/7? i know there is 4th spammers but from my experience they are quite few, atleast amongst valkyr players. i cant tell how sorties look since i dont bother doing them.

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11 hours ago, makaloff95 said:

still all of this hatred to valkyr is ridicoulus. I really cant grasp why people whine so much about her, is she such a problem? i play public only missions (well i do occasionally solo some missions but still), how often do you actually see a valkyr? how often do they spam 4 and wreck everything 24/7? i know there is 4th spammers but from my experience they are quite few, atleast amongst valkyr players. i cant tell how sorties look since i dont bother doing them.

Sorties are a pain. Specially If you solo (Valkyr or not) IF you do end up in a group chances are It will be Nova,Ember and Frost in some way.

From person pain. Valkyr can't spam her 4 24/7 on those and I have had more luck playing Nyx on those soley on the fact I do not have to actually fight.


Also, soloing Suviral is easier said then done. As Valkyr I have never had to do so much moving and bobing around in my life. You have to pay notice to everything coming evrywhere unless you fight the Grienner and even then walk thou a random door without checking It and your dead due to energy lose. Gotta kill the right Cropous to keep going gotta not get ganked by about 5 brands of energy thief on infested. She my have invurb but It is limited to your energy. So,really you use it to clear out mooks when they do not have the anti engery club with them and at the rate you are killing (Which speed is needed in survivals) they will come. Valkyr needs you to move fast.


And the  Op statement goes right out the door when the infested got about 5 brands of energy and tell me about cheese. Hell, I would debate Frost is more broken since his Aoe is not limited and he can freeze people on the fly or slow them.   

On 4/21/2016 at 2:48 AM, yeoc said:

because its a cheese frame.

"ohh but she can only melee"

^ ^^^^ absolute bs excuse

melee is like 1000% extra dmg
you are invincible so you have all the time in the world to chase ppl down

"ohhh but shes useless without energy"

Energy pads = cheap + plentiful
energy passives

I win again
valkyr fanbois rekt

I do not know why But you smell of troll. 


On 4/18/2016 at 4:24 PM, FELONY657 said:

Personally, I don't get it. I may be a bit biased here because Valkyr is my #1 frame at the moment and recently I have fallen in love with Eternal War (Eternal War + Tonbo = Weedwacker, great in high end stuff), and I somewhat get where some would be angry about a frame that can go invincible while theirs are at the mercy of their enemies, but personally, I never understood the "press key to win" argument because literally every single frame can do just that if modded right, barring Oberon since he would have to be mobile in order to use any of his abilities and maybe Trinity since its more "press 3 keys to win".

Though, the notion of her being useless to a team I have to disagree. Valkyrs can be used for a wide variety of things and can help out the team in a variety of ways. In Survival missions, I find myself being the one who has to charge through 50+ enemies to grab the life support when it falls too low. In interceptions, I know my team can put faith in me since I am capable of defending a point by myself. In honesty, you don't even need an ability to beat a Capture, but ripline is amazing at closing those wide distances. In Spy missions especially, Valkyr's can pull out the clutch when the alarms go off being able to hack the console without taking damage which can be crucial during Sorties and her ripline can lead to some James Bond-esque spying. Even in Defenses, I manage to soak up a lot of bullets meant for the objective. All of these things in addition to basically being field medic for everyone who goes down in the event a Nekros or Trinity isn't nearby. All of these things and the fact that Valkyr is good at close quarters allowing teammates to sit back for a moment and refill their energy while Valkyr charges ahead (Unless you bring a Trinity).

Also on the notion of her being OP, I also have to disagree to some extent on the count of the argument that she brings little to a team. It is actually true, when you have an Ember or Nova that can nuke everything in a room without even being there, your Valkyr's close quarter's nature isn't going to help much. Why would I, as a player, care about someone who can't die on a team when you have that one guy nuking everything on a map so no one has to die? In a Sortie 3 mission, I even saw a Mag nuke everything on a Corpus interception, even managed to kill the nullifiers. I'm just saying, there are frames that can literally sit in a corner and do nothing while their ability does the work. With Valkyr, sitting still just means you can't die, you have to go out and get the kills yourself if you want to contribute anything.

I wouldn't mind her invulnerability being replaced by a major armor buff because either way I'm still going to complete my mission and support my team like I always have and I've sort of gravitated towards Eternal War build than Hysteria so the entire thing is sort of moot IMHO. Just thought I'd contribute some thoughts.

You pretty much summed up my problem I have with these arguments. We have frame who really don't have to do anything and walk thou a level blindly and no one bats a eye,but one frames gets energy based invur and everyone loses It. 


On 4/18/2016 at 0:06 AM, Radjehuty said:

I'm not even sure why this would be a mystery to you. When you have a warframe that can solo every Sortie mission simply because of her 4, yes she will get some hate. There's no argument whatsoever that can refute the idea that she's OP. She is OP and everyone knows that. Whether people find that a problem or not is the debate.


First off, Please don't accuse someone of trolling if you don't actually see trolling. I can understand if you don't know the definition but I can feel confident that you do.

Your arguments are honestly really grasping at straws. Something that is defined as "OP" doesn't always mean they can do everything in the game the best. The term "OP" is strongly used in this game to refer to frames that have insane survivability or simply cannot die. There are very, VERY few situations that she cannot solo a sortie mission. The flying boss is at best annoying, but not impossible; which is fine because she cannot die. Defense missions are not a problem as the first 5 waves are a complete joke and the artifact can take far more punishment than what is dealt in the first 5 waves. Extractor missions are the only ones that she may have some difficulty in open areas, but not impossible for just one extractor required to complete the level, and even then you can avoid these missions to unlock every planet for the most part.

Finally, there is no such thing as a "Solo" frame. This game is exclusively played online and designed for co-op with the OPTION to play solo if desired. She does, however lack good team abilities that would make her shine in a squad the way, say Banshee does.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, any game designed similarly to Warframe that's an action third-person rpg/shooter should not introduce the player to the ability to be completely invincible for entire missions without any challenge at all. I also place Inaros and Ivara in these categories to a lesser or greater extent. We should never feel invincible...Powerful maybe, but never invincible.

You don't play Valkyr. I know you don't. Or you never actually, tried a Sortie Survial with her. I can tell.



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When it comes to playing Valkyr on a Sortie it's going to depend on the mission but if you look at each one:

Interception - Can't solo, but does okay holding a single point. Mirage is my go to frame regardless of faction or condition, because blind spam might as well be auto win.

Mobile Defense - Pretty much pointless here since she can't protect the consoles, so she's basically just a kill bot. I consider Frost or Mirage to be top picks here.

Defense - In the Sortie edition you're protecting an operative that wanders so she's okay for reviving. I actually prefer Limbo here because I can just banish the operative and not have to worry about it. I don't like Frost as much because the operative has no sense of self preservation and wanders out of the bubble.

Exterminate/Survival - Valkyr's two best mission types normally, and I still typically choose her if it's not Eximus Stronghold. If it is, there's a good chance the sheer number of Energy Leeches will shut me down. Today had Survival with Energy Reduction and I played her to good effect(I switch out Eternal War for Flow in this case). I didn't have to drop Hysteria once.

Assassination - Depends on the boss but Valkyr is usually not a terrible pick unless it's Vay Hek. Not grand at killing bosses with specific weak spots you have to target(which is most of them) but she can get the job done. The rest of the bosses that are basically just glorified trash mobs die hilariously easy.

Rescue - Not bad at blitzing through the prison since the alarms auto trigger when you enter it anyway, but can't protect the operative from constantly dying. Again, I like Limbo here to banish the operative once rescued. Limbo can also blitz through the prison and get into the cells through the side door while riftwalking and also immune to damage.

Spy - Same as any normal spy, she's not bad but not as good as Loki. Even Limbo can do better on Corpus maps since Riftwalking ignores laser grids. Rip Line + Hysteria has some situational use in blitzing certain spy rooms.

Excavation - Yeah... excavators still don't scale in HP here so Valkyr is pretty much laughable as anything but a delivery girl for power cells. Same as the normal version, Frost is king here. I'll sometimes pick Valkyr if somebody else is playing Frost just so I can play power cell delivery system while everybody else sits in the bubble.

Hijack - Valkyr can't defend the objective here and can't power it in Hysteria because it has a nullifier bubble around it in Sorties. Once again, Mirage is my top pick here regardless of faction for blind spam.

Overall Valkyr doesn't see as much use from me for Sorties despite her being one of my favourite frames. She's basically a decent secondary pick for when you already have somebody else playing the frame that's going to handle the objective but as far as soloing the Sorties? Valkyr usually is not a good pick for that.

If the condition is any of the "X Weapon only" that's not melee, her Hysteria damage becomes gimped due to a lack of melee mods. Eximus Stronghold on any missions can become very uncomfortable thanks to an increase in Energy Leech/Parasitic spawns.

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On 4/23/2016 at 10:40 PM, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

Sorties are a pain. Specially If you solo (Valkyr or not) IF you do end up in a group chances are It will be Nova,Ember and Frost in some way.

From person pain. Valkyr can't spam her 4 24/7 on those and I have had more luck playing Nyx on those soley on the fact I do not have to actually fight.


Also, soloing Suviral is easier said then done. As Valkyr I have never had to do so much moving and bobing around in my life. You have to pay notice to everything coming evrywhere unless you fight the Grienner and even then walk thou a random door without checking It and your dead due to energy lose. Gotta kill the right Cropous to keep going gotta not get ganked by about 5 brands of energy thief on infested. She my have invurb but It is limited to your energy. So,really you use it to clear out mooks when they do not have the anti engery club with them and at the rate you are killing (Which speed is needed in survivals) they will come. Valkyr needs you to move fast.


And the  Op statement goes right out the door when the infested got about 5 brands of energy and tell me about cheese. Hell, I would debate Frost is more broken since his Aoe is not limited and he can freeze people on the fly or slow them.   

I do not know why But you smell of troll. 


You pretty much summed up my problem I have with these arguments. We have frame who really don't have to do anything and walk thou a level blindly and no one bats a eye,but one frames gets energy based invur and everyone loses It. 


You don't play Valkyr. I know you don't. Or you never actually, tried a Sortie Survial with her. I can tell.



Your senses must be off, because you're incorrect about your judgement of myself. Perhaps you also vastly over-estimate what it requires to "Master" this frame. She is a press 4 to win frame and that's how she's been designed. I would love to play her more if she had any more depth to her.

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I have an Eternal War build on Valkyr, and I use a Gram. Come at me, bruh.

Seriously, though. If you really want to nerf Hysteria, make it drain energy faster. That way, it'll force players to conserve it for emergencies. Chances are, you probably will survive much longer with Life Strike and a solid Eternal War build anyway.

Edited by EndlessHallucinogen
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its because she wastes a slot on the team, in that she contributes nothing to a team

but they shouldnt change her people need a frame like valkyr, she is the training wheels / noobtube of warframe, half the playerbase probably wouldnt know how to play anymore if valkyr and tonkor got nerfed


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1 hour ago, Radjehuty said:

She is a press 4 to win frame and that's how she's been designed.

Interesting opinion but if that was true than my none hysteria reliant build would fail in high level which so far has not. So invalid point there.

48 minutes ago, HAYABU5A said:

its because she wastes a slot on the team, in that she contributes nothing to a team

but they shouldnt change her people need a frame like valkyr, she is the training wheels / noobtube of warframe, half the playerbase probably wouldnt know how to play anymore if valkyr and tonkor got nerfed


Waste of a slot?  No frame is ever a "waste of a slot" unless you bring something that does either a damage time that is inherently bad to faction.  And assuming you're not soloing good setup (not the meta I want everything to afkable with 4 people pushing one button each) you got a support/dps/cc/defender if defending something or more damage or cc if not.  You seem a tad bit sour about the whole valkyr (and apparently tonkor even if tonkor isn't even all that) let me ask you something how is a warcry valkyr such as myself a "training wheels warframe" when compared to say Blind mirage?  Oh well mirage can be killed if she doesn't keep up blind or can't blind.

      Well so can my warcry valkyr if I don't pay attention to my health bar/my energy bar/enemy locations and distances/the state of the objective(this is more for not losing match)/melee combo multiplier(most important on high level enemies)/warcry buff duration I can die (and yes I do actively look at all those things so much so at this point it has become a second nature thing to me).

Edited by evilfluffy
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25 minutes ago, evilfluffy said:

Interesting opinion but if that was true than my none hysteria reliant build would fail in high level which so far has not. So invalid point there.

Waste of a slot?  No frame is ever a "waste of a slot" unless you bring something that does either a damage time that is inherently bad to faction.  And assuming you're not soloing good setup (not the meta I want everything to afkable with 4 people pushing one button each) you got a support/dps/cc/defender if defending something or more damage or cc if not.  You seem a tad bit sour about the whole valkyr (and apparently tonkor even if tonkor isn't even all that) let me ask you something how is a warcry valkyr such as myself a "training wheels warframe" when compared to say Blind mirage?  Oh well mirage can be killed if she doesn't keep up blind or can't blind.

      Well so can my warcry valkyr if I don't pay attention to my health bar/my energy bar/enemy locations and distances/the state of the objective(this is more for not losing match)/melee combo multiplier(most important on high level enemies)/warcry buff duration I can die (and yes I do actively look at all those things so much so at this point it has become a second nature thing to me).

Just because you're ABLE to play her without her 4 running doesn't make my point invalid. Every warframe has 4 abilities, some more useful than others. Valkyr was given the option to go completely invulnerable to damage and gain a melee ability that can scale extremely high if modded correctly. Yes you can mod for any of the other 3 abilities if you so choose, but you will be 1 in thousands of people that play this game that would actually choose that over a completely broken ability. Invulnerability is never a good thing in excess. Valkyr, Ivara and Ash all have these problems to differing degrees. Valkyr is the most dramatic of these examples "in my opinion" because it is an overt invulnerability mechanic.

The facts are the facts. Just choosing a build that doesn't focus on her 4 should tell you that Valkyr deserves a rework that would encourage what you're doing rather than making you an exception. I personally think her 4 is a cool IDEA, but it needs to be reworked to give depth. Why should something that grants invulnerability also grant life strike? Remove the invulnerability so that Life strike actually has a purpose, maybe make it a life drain in addition to energy drain so that the life strike is actually important and not just a bonus. Berserking is supposed to be a reckless display of fury, not a godmode tank.

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Well,Valkyr has become associated with rhino as a noob frame,because she and rhino are easily farmed and both have abilities that give them invincibillity.

Some people want the game to be balanced,some people dislike the playstyle it encourages and some people just dislike it due to how easy it is.

Also evilfluffy,i feel that even though you dont use her 4 exclusively,at least 100 more people use valkyr and depend on their 4 to carry them.That should be changed as it is pretty cheap to go completely invincible.

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19 minutes ago, Radjehuty said:

Just because you're ABLE to play her without her 4 running doesn't make my point invalid. Every warframe has 4 abilities, some more useful than others. Valkyr was given the option to go completely invulnerable to damage and gain a melee ability that can scale extremely high if modded correctly. Yes you can mod for any of the other 3 abilities if you so choose, but you will be 1 in thousands of people that play this game that would actually choose that over a completely broken ability. Invulnerability is never a good thing in excess. Valkyr, Ivara and Ash all have these problems to differing degrees. Valkyr is the most dramatic of these examples "in my opinion" because it is an overt invulnerability mechanic.

The facts are the facts. Just choosing a build that doesn't focus on her 4 should tell you that Valkyr deserves a rework that would encourage what you're doing rather than making you an exception. I personally think her 4 is a cool IDEA, but it needs to be reworked to give depth. Why should something that grants invulnerability also grant life strike? Remove the invulnerability so that Life strike actually has a purpose, maybe make it a life drain in addition to energy drain so that the life strike is actually important and not just a bonus. Berserking is supposed to be a reckless display of fury, not a godmode tank.

Your point is invalid as you said she was designed to press for and win clearly since I can press 2 and win up past level 100 while leaving hysteria valky'rs in the dust clearly makes that point invalid.

She doesn't not need invincibility removed just needs something that forces you to be active in order to be invincible.  Consider invincibility the high reward just need to have valkyr's take a high risk to get it.  Berserkers tend to be this high risk/high reward style or as you put it a reckless display of fury.  I may be a rare breed of Valkyr, but I have proven myself many a time to be the better breed.

16 minutes ago, DefekteDelfin said:

Also evilfluffy,i feel that even though you dont use her 4 exclusively,at least 100 more people use valkyr and depend on their 4 to carry them.That should be changed as it is pretty cheap to go completely invincible.

So us warcry valkyr's who only rely on hysteria in dire situations should be punished for it.....wait I think you may be on to something the high risk.  What if you can only reach full invincibility after activating it when below a certain health threshold.  And in order to maintain it you must actively be in combat hmmmm this may bear fruit if done right.

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1 minute ago, evilfluffy said:

Your point is invalid as you said she was designed to press for and win clearly since I can press 2 and win up past level 100 while leaving hysteria valky'rs in the dust clearly makes that point invalid.

She doesn't not need invincibility removed just needs something that forces you to be active in order to be invincible.  Consider invincibility the high reward just need to have valkyr's take a high risk to get it.  Berserkers tend to be this high risk/high reward style or as you put it a reckless display of fury.  I may be a rare breed of Valkyr, but I have proven myself many a time to be the better breed.

So us warcry valkyr's who only rely on hysteria in dire situations should be punished for it.....wait I think you may be on to something the high risk.  What if you can only reach full invincibility after activating it when below a certain health threshold.  And in order to maintain it you must actively be in combat hmmmm this may bear fruit if done right.

The reason my point is not invalid is because of the clear superiority of the option that will always be there that I don't think DE actually intended. DE clearly tried to implement some semblance of risk/reward by saving up damage you take and applying it to you on hysteria's expiration with the idea that maybe you'd be sort of careful because you might pay for it later. The reality of this in-game is just not there. There's absolutely no risk in using Hysteria at all. You've completely invented any risk you feel using Valkyr because you're one of very few that see any use to Valkyr besides being a godly tank. That's awesome for YOU, but again the reality is that if you give the public something to exploit, they will do it. No frame should be able to solo T4 survivals for hours without any risk at all. Nullifiers are not a hazard to anyone that hasn't fallen asleep from boredom. Same problem with the other frames I mentioned being able to do the same thing and even worse...Naramon focus.

I honestly do commend you for using her without constant godmode, but you have to admit the mechanics of Hysteria were never intended to be a permanent godmode and should be tweaked so that it can't be exploited that way.

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Just now, Deshiel said:

Never noticed any hate against Valkyr. But I can tell you this. I personaly hate Loki in PVP. Some guy kept massacring me with a doppelganger T_T

Same here, I never saw any hate towards Valkyr in game, but out in the forum..... its a different story. Apparently every troller wants in and its the same thing being repeated over and over again after there points where countered.

so A) read the previous 3 page post before posting :) I know there are frames with a hole build, but i didn't mind it till it prevented me from killing the target.

NOW.... there are reasons to hate Valkyr: example you get a guy who uses his first move to get somewhere really high and hide leaching xp from everyone else.... wait.... there are other frames that have the same move right? 

but yeah thats the only time i ever hated valkyr.. and every other frame that does that. :) but its nice when used properly.

Edited by Kalel_087
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43 minutes ago, Radjehuty said:

Yes you can mod for any of the other 3 abilities if you so choose, but you will be 1 in thousands of people that play this game that would actually choose that over a completely broken ability. Invulnerability is never a good thing in excess. Valkyr, Ivara and Ash all have these problems to differing degrees. Valkyr is the most dramatic of these examples "in my opinion" because it is an overt invulnerability mechanic.

The facts are the facts. Just choosing a build that doesn't focus on her 4 should tell you that Valkyr deserves a rework that would encourage what you're doing rather than making you an exception. I personally think her 4 is a cool IDEA, but it needs to be reworked to give depth. Why should something that grants invulnerability also grant life strike?

There are two important clues that should tell the player Valkyr isn't meant to be played in Hysteria mode all the time. The first is that she has the highest base Armor of any Warframe. The second, as you point out, is that she gains lifesteal while in Hysteria. If Valkyr were built around keeping your energy up to stay invincible, these two key features of the frame wouldn't be there. But they are. Valkyr is meant to tank damage and then absorb health, to get broken down while she rages and then rage harder in retaliation. The clever Valkyr player will use Hysteria, but as an integrated part of her kit and not as a crutch.

Can you build Valkyr to do a whole mission while invulnerable? Absolutely. And this will give you some success through vast portions of low-level gameplay. But once you get into higher-up stuff, where the enemies evolve their strategies beyond "hit them!" into the denial of Warframe resources and abilities, the Hysteria-all-the-time strategy falls off completely. To play her at these levels, one must build her as she's meant to be: a berserker, high-damage but high risk, based on swapping blows with waves of enemies until on the brink of death, then popping into feral kitty mode and healing it all back. (This is a little like melee Chroma, but her times spent in the fray are usually longer.) Couple this with a wicked buff, an AoE Stun and some mobility that makes her exceptional for Intercept and Capture, among other things.

In essence, Hysteria is one of those pieces of a game that allows high power output for low skill input, which is ideal for welcoming new players to a game with a high skill ceiling. Having something like Hysteria (or like Cali's ult or Rhino's or invincibility or Frost's press-3-win-Defense Ice Dome) allows new and unskilled players to continue to play the game, exploring more of the content and ideally improving as a player. It may seem "broken", but stuff like perma-Hysteria is nowhere near the most powerful or useful stuff you can pull off. It gets the job done for those who aren't skilled enough to pull off the big plays, and for whoever may want to just show up to a mission ad still be useful without taking it seriously. I say again, not even close to the most powerful stuff, and so not game-breaking. How often to you see high-level squads recruiting Exhalted Blade Cali or Iron Skin Rhino? As of U18.9, it's incredibly rare. (Frost still seems staple, but lately I've seen Defense squads do without one to make things more interesting.)

While players can become dependent on these easy-mode elements, the hope is that when these things fall off in higher difficulties the player is invested enough in the game by then to try new things and improve. If these kinds of things weren't present, there would be many, many players who would try the game, find it frustrating and just quit, and when you're designing a game you want to appeal to players at various levels of skill. If you personally found your fit in Warframe without these elements that make for an easier time, if you clawed your way to the high levels on pure skill, that must mean you're a skilled player of video games with good reflexes and a strong sense of problem solving, above average. So gold stars to you. But why care how others enjoy the game? It's their experience too; don't impose yours.

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10 hours ago, Radjehuty said:

Your senses must be off, because you're incorrect about your judgement of myself. Perhaps you also vastly over-estimate what it requires to "Master" this frame. She is a press 4 to win frame and that's how she's been designed. I would love to play her more if she had any more depth to her.


You clearly overestimate the 4. I would not be even talking about this If I didn't know for the fact the 4 needs to be used sparingly.Invis mode or not.


7 hours ago, Radjehuty said:

The reason my point is not invalid is because of the clear superiority of the option that will always be there that I don't think DE actually intended. DE clearly tried to implement some semblance of risk/reward by saving up damage you take and applying it to you on hysteria's expiration with the idea that maybe you'd be sort of careful because you might pay for it later. The reality of this in-game is just not there. There's absolutely no risk in using Hysteria at all. You've completely invented any risk you feel using Valkyr because you're one of very few that see any use to Valkyr besides being a godly tank. That's awesome for YOU, but again the reality is that if you give the public something to exploit, they will do it. No frame should be able to solo T4 survivals for hours without any risk at all. Nullifiers are not a hazard to anyone that hasn't fallen asleep from boredom. Same problem with the other frames I mentioned being able to do the same thing and even worse...Naramon focus.

I honestly do commend you for using her without constant godmode, but you have to admit the mechanics of Hysteria were never intended to be a permanent godmode and should be tweaked so that it can't be exploited that way.

I starting to get that "4 is bad because I am a pro" feel out of you.





"The reason my point is not invalid is because of the clear superiority of the option that will always be there that I don't think DE actually intended." 


"honestly do commend you for using her without constant godmode"


I know their are more broken frames in this game. If you consider invisibility broken.You have yet to see broken,

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I has an solution.

how does a berserker die? 

Once it loses its high like a Viking(who did ahrooms to be berserkers) the realize all the damage they took and they die.

why not make valkyr invincible for the duration of hysteria and make her take 1/3 of the damage that she took in hysteria over time or ammediatly after she exits hysteria?

there logic....yusssss.

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