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Why is Valkyr Hated?


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Meh, I welcome whoever to play whatever.

In Valkyr's case, I her more beneficial than a detriment in a team, although both sides of it are very minor.

Her lovely high armor pool is more than enough when I'm doing Sorties is in my squad, and those hard Eximus Survivals with endless fire rings or slow auras, at least if the entire team happens to get wiped that there is a likely chance the Valkyr will be still alive thanks to her ability to revive us.

Beyond those scenarios, which are really minor points honestly, at worst, she's harmless.
I don't recall any players running her in my squad to be a problem, or a liability. With that being said, I can't speak for anyone else but my experiences with her since her touch-up, but if 3 other players want to use her, then there's nothing wrong with that. Be it, especially if you're aiming for Duration/Strength, they'll still need to be basically hugging enemies to attack (since in Hysteria, you can't use guns, or her AOE abilities will be significantly smaller), but it doesn't hinder my, or anyone else in my squads, experiences overall. With the exception of accidentally being tagged with her 1st ability which slides me around for a few meters lol.

To be honest now I think about it, I don't personally see that many players "hating" on her, or at least not to the extent the original post here implies. Especially since quite a bit of people using her much more often now since she's much more usable in normal play now. I guess at worst, I don't personally see that many caring as much outside the occasional Topic on the forums about her such as this one.

So that's my look on it basically lol.

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6 minutes ago, SirWolfen said:

Her fourth has no cons 

I believe you forgot that Valkyr can't use her guns in Hysteria. So yes, that is in fact the trade off for her invulnerability.

How it weighs out if the payoff is too much (or not enough) for what your giving up is pretty subjective and up to debate really lol.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Wasn't aware that anyone disliked her.  

Considering the number of times I end up reviving my fellow travelers when the difficulty even gets moderately heavy going, I'd think everyone would be glad to have her around. Otherwise, those four peronsal revives wouldn't last you too long.

I mostly use her when the mission objectives are elimination of enemies without any defensive requirements. This is where she shines. Since you can't rely on anyone in a PuG to do what needs to be done, it's just easier to run with a self-sufficient 'frame.

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i don't know in what affect to you valkyrs, play and let plays, everyone its free to choose a warframe if you dont like, well play in solo or with friends or maybe look for some other team it's easily, I know if she became nerfed many here miss valky

PS: I don't use valkyr I prefer my slova or nyx, I use it when I do solo survival to get 60+ min 'n' in the game its literally a war so everything its valid not your rules

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I think people forget that aside from being able to revive teammates or grab life support with Hysteria, she also has Warcry, a buff that when combined with Eternal War can sustain an almost infinite melee attack speed+armor buff for the squad. Pair that up with Volt's speed buff and melee speed increasing mods and you can become the ultimate blender.

I'm not against any changes DE decides on her, but this is just for players that say she doesn't bring anything to a team. Maybe not as much as some, but certainly not nothing.

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23 minutes ago, Viran said:

I'm not against any changes DE decides on her, but this is just for players that say she doesn't bring anything to a team. Maybe not as much as some, but certainly not nothing.

Honestly, does every Warframe under the sun need to have something "for the team"? Of course not. There's already a handful who's purpose isn't focused on team dynamics (quite the contrary of a statement I made there regarding "diversity" haha), and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Though to clarify with your post, you are absolutely right regarding the topic of Valkyr, she definitely has some benefits for other teammates regarding her abilities and such. Are they significant and game-changing? Of course not, and that's perfectly ok too! At least in her case, the few perks she does have are still beneficial where it counts, and since there hasn't been any other tweaks since her touch-up, I don't believe anything will be changing anytime soon.

Whether someone agrees with where DE has her currently (or not) is always up in the air for discussion, so once those few (no one in this thread in particular, just generally speaking here) who do have some extreme opinion of her (positive or negative) and just takes it at face value without question, and understands a bit more clearly on where she excels at and where her downfalls are (which is completely ok to have as well, every Warframe does to some capacity or another), then everything's cool c:

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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As a Mesa player, I don't hate Valkyr, I'm just jealous that she has been allowed to exist in this current state for so long.

My one gripe is that Valkyr is very easy for new players to obtain, and the "press 4 for invulnerability" could teach them some very bad habits. Same thing with Rhino and his Iron Skin when he was the popular second frame for a lot of new players.

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Same reason people complain about wukong, shes a "Greedy" frame, one that focuses on herself Vs the team. (Unless you are running eternal war, and even then only if your team mates are into melee.) Sure she can survive, but how can SHE help the team? I mean ya, a good valk player can, but the number of good players vs the number of bad players is pretty high due to her "easy to use" nature.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)vamp6x6x6x said:

Valkyr is one of those frames that the community will always be divided on. You have Rhino and Nezha that can have more or less timed invincibility, but as far as I know Valkyr is the only frame that can stay invincible for as long as you have energy. Energy could be a semi-problem since when you are in her 4 you can't get energy from Energy Siphon or Trinity EV, but you can just go out of 4 kill a few things then go back into your 4. See, in addition to not being able to be killed in her 4 she has life steal. Farther more, at level 30 she has a base armor of 600.

Her downsides however are; she is melee only while she is in her 4, and next to no team skills.

Also, the more people get their favorite warframes reworked, the more people get upset that Valkyr stays the same.

...I'll admit, I use Valkyr more then any other frame. She was the first frame I ever actually started playing the game with.

fully half of her powers effect allies. I'd say that is fairly good in the "team skills" department. Warcry buffs speed, and armor and slows enemies. She can turn fair grade melee weapon frames into DPS machines. Paralysis can be an effective CC tool especially if you use the prolonged paralysis augment. I have to say it's pretty fun to bullet jump into a big mob, hit 3 and see them all get sucked into a pile on the floor and allow you to finish them all in one finisher move.

Edited by Andaius
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10 hours ago, Nitresco said:

I can't speak for the community as a whole, but I can explain why I personally dislike Valkyr players.

It's because almost every single time I get in a mission with a Valkyr player, they end up overextending farther and farther until eventually they are miles away from the objective. Wanna know how it happens? They see one flank being covered by the people with ranged weapons and suddenly they fly off to kill whatever those other people are shooting at. Then they follow the chain of enemies pouring in towards the objective, cutting off affinity gains for the ranged weapon users left looking at the doorway. What happens when those people start protecting the other flank? Back comes the infinite Hysteria Valkyr, ready to do the exact same thing on the other side. This cycle repeats infinitely, because the Valkyr never considered just standing to the side of one unoccupied doorway so everyone can get the affinity/loot from the enemies without running down multiple kilometers of Valkyr-induced death.

I don't hate the frame. I hate the type of gameplay it encourages.

True of other frames as well - I see a lot of ember's doing this.

Thx for pointing out the consequence of this mode of play. Did'nt even consider that.

For the record, I do'nt play Valkyr much anymore. Used to, but had my fill of hysteria. Had some fun with zipline tho.

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Reasons people hate Valkyr (may have already been mentioned):

  1. She's not dying unless she has no energy in Hysteria unless a Nullifier waltzes inside.
  2. Hysteria tends to bring in the lazy &#! players who instant cast then stay in it till its time to extract.
  3. People hate her invincibility, but don't want to learn how to mod for Warcry and Life Strike so they get similar results, just no claws.
  4. People not understanding that 80-95% of a one shot is still a one shot and defeats the purpose of "crazy b*** who's ignoring pain until she comes back to her senses".
  5. People not understanding that "melee only" is a big deal vs explosive weapons and that not everyone has Primed Reach which makes it an invalid point to bring up yet they still do.
  6. People don't like being revived by someone who's disregarding everything in her surroundings unless its a nullifier or a blitz eximus knocking her into a pit.
  7. People not understanding that most Valkyr players have Rage installed and would literally give her truly unlimited energy because she's taking health damage if invincibility becomes damage reduction.
  8. People just hating because its the thing to do. Like when people hated auto-bot Mesa before she became manual aiming turret.
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7 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

I believe you forgot that Valkyr can't use her guns in Hysteria. So yes, that is in fact the trade off for her invulnerability.

How it weighs out if the payoff is too much (or not enough) for what your giving up is pretty subjective and up to debate really lol.

I want to believe you're being sarcastic but this is the warframe forums and some people are very serious with their replies.

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52 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

Reasons people hate Valkyr (may have already been mentioned):

  1. She's not dying unless she has no energy in Hysteria unless a Nullifier waltzes inside.

Again, Valkyr is not even dying in the bubble. She is best equiped of all frames to survive without any abilities at all.

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20 minutes ago, -skimmer- said:

Again, Valkyr is not even dying in the bubble. She is best equiped of all frames to survive without any abilities at all.

Well it depends on how much fire she's under when you hit the bubble. I've had times when hysteria dropped, or I misclicked (finger went between 3 and 4 and turned off hysteria instead of doing paralysis.) and pretty much just died right away even with 1600 or so armor and 600 or so HP.

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I've got no salt against Valkyr she's a great frame. The community is tired of horrible Valkyr players, no doubt about that. There are of course great players that just lynch pin the squad but they are few and far between.

Here is a list of those horrible Valkyr players...

  1. the Valkyr that does no damage, yet can't revive anyone
  2. the Valkyr that does no damage, yet runs in front of you blocking your head shots with their uselessness
  3. the Valkyr that runs out of energy and you have to pick up the entire mission

so sorry OP your baby is mained by many horrible payers, you must change the perception, the future is in your hands


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10 hours ago, SirWolfen said:

LMFAO You should do stand up.

Her 4 is a cast and forget power which de has been trying to remove from the game IE peacemaker requiring aim [which was fine imo but she needs to be given mobility like ivara and energy per shot it's just stupid right now] and Saryn's "rework" really only tweaked her first 3 and her 4 well we don't talk about that garbage.

Her fourth has no cons other than energy leeches which can easily be killed and magnetic doors which can again easily be dealt with unless you're blind. She can life steal but why is that there when in reality her four makes her take no damage at all and you'll only take damage if there are enemies near you when you uncast which can also be prevented by adding narrowminded.

You do realize Valkyr can just walk through Magnetic doors unharmed while in Hysteria, right?

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