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The most satisfying frame to use


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Decoy139 said:

I get what you mean with chroma but you have to messs around with him and his skills and different guns to have fun for example a 5 forma opticor with chroma vex armor doing 400k hits just makes me smiless

That's one of the best things! I need to forma my Opticor though.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Decoy139 said:

I get what you mean with chroma but you have to messs around with him and his skills and different guns to have fun for example a 5 forma opticor with chroma vex armor doing 400k hits just makes me smiless

But you need Formas!

Soo Rare!




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All frames how I feel about them:

-Ash , press 4 to win boring, or go boring invisible which makes you almost immortal

-Atlas, just for several uses of 1 its fun :D, but other abilities are naah

-Banshee, is fine to use, but for me its not any fun, she need rework

-Chroma, it could be satysfying frame, but 4 cost too much energy, 1 is useless 2 and 3 are those only buff so its boring to just run a buff all the time yourself

-ember press 4 and just 2 to stun enemies and deal more damage.

-Equinox, just go Day form and press 4, stunning enemies and just press again 4 to release damage. Just boring

-Excalibur press 4 and just run pressing E all the time and make slide attacks to blind enemeis so they take 4x more damage and they are blinded, can't do anything to you, OP and boring warframe :/.

-Frost, my favourite frame because Ice and Defensive warframe. Sometimes use 1 on heavy unit, use 3 to defend pods, your friends and push back enemies, press 4 to freeze all enemies in range. Just in my opinion its a good frame but not perfect, his second ability is realy weak.  3/4 abilities are usefull.

-Hydroid, need rework, he is too weak, but you can have some fun with him.

-Inaros, boring as hell, only his first ability is good. For others I see no use, because we have life strike in melee.

-Ivara, good frame, her abilities are great, but invisible as always OP, it is boring to be invisible all the time.

-Limbo, is medium fun frame. stay in your 2 all the time, and use 1 on every enemy, use finisher or just shot him. Buff damage with 3, press 4 to put group of enemies in his world.

-Loki OP boring, invisible all the time. Press 4 to delete weapons in enemies, so they will go melee then press 1 to get the group of enemies in one place, and just one shot them with tonkor.

-Mag, OP on corpus with her 2, 1 to pull everything. Just wait for rework, she is boring right now.

-Mesa, only her third ability is usefull, damage reduction, 2 to stun enemeis for seconds, 1 and 4 is useless, wait for her 4 buff.

-Mirage, overextended build and 100%+ duration build. blind them with 4 per several seconds. Just boring

-Nekros, satysfying frame. His first ability is useleess, 2 to scare some enemies, 3 to desecrate  get energy, health and more loot, press 4 to have armies of dead souls, hard to build frame. 3/4 abilities are good.

-Nezha, I don't like her : P.  2 to have small armor, and 4 to stop enemies moving. only 2/4 abilities are usefull

-Nova, I hate her from the beggining. Just build for duration and efficiency use 4 and thats it. Slowing enemies, double damage, enemies explode dealing more more and more damage because of chaining and thats all in huge AoE, SUPER OP. You can use 3 to quickly get out of bad situations.  2/4 abilities are usefull.

-Nyx, overextended build and efficiency, press 4, again 4 to take down enemies, now you can safelly cast 3 to make death match. OP, and boring.

-Oberon, his second ability do nothing good. first ability good, third ability to gain health, but if you play melee you can forget about it and use life strike. 4 Is realy usefull. 3/4 abilities are usefull, he need buff to his second and third ability. Just fine frame to play.

-Rhino. Master piece, I'm not a fan of Rhino, but he have ALL ABILITIES USEFULL! 1 to quick dodge, 2 to get armor, 3 to gain damage buff for alies too, 4 to stop everything for several seconds.

-Saryn, 1 is masterpiece, 2 with regenerating molt is good, 3 is useless, only good if you want to go with melee only. 4 to make some damage and stun for 3 seconds enemies. 3/4 abilities are fine. I like to use her.

-Trinity super OP almost immortal qith quick thinking and primed flow. 1 is useless, 2 to have infinity energy. 3 to have damage reduction and you know where are 3 near enemies, 4 to heal and gain more damage reduction. 3/4 abilities are usefull. Little boring to play, and you get paranoid of instantly using 2, everyone want energy. Please stop! I liekd to play her but now I hate.

-Valkyr, please don't be a noob, press 4 to make huge melee damage and be IMMORTAL?! YES, IMMORTAL! SUPER BORING.

-Vauban, somehow fun to play, but his 2 is useless, until you spam a lot of it around.

-Volt, waiting for rework. his first, second and third ability are great, but 4 is useless.

-Wukong, 1 is useless, 2 to be almost immortal with duration build, 3 to run from enemies or make spy missions : P, 4 to have more melee damage and range. Good frame to use good, but his little OP immortality makes him little boring in the same time.

-Zephyr, press 3 to be almost immortal, another boring frame. 4 can be. 2 in air to take down and 1 in air to quick dash to avoid enemies. Just good frame but boring because of her 3.

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Nezha.  lulzy speed and innate maglev makes for just good times, and his kit's fun and diverse.  I've literally got a loadout of him, carrier, Rakta Cernos, Aksomati, and Nikana Prime called "Remember Fun".  He makes for a great break from the meta, and isn't so strong that you can just win in the arsenal.

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20 minutes ago, IfritKajiTora said:

All frames how I feel about them:

-Ash , press 4 to win boring, or go boring invisible which makes you almost immortal

-Atlas, just for several uses of 1 its fun :D, but other abilities are naah

-Banshee, is fine to use, but for me its not any fun, she need rework

-Chroma, it could be satysfying frame, but 4 cost too much energy, 1 is useless 2 and 3 are those only buff so its boring to just run a buff all the time yourself

-ember press 4 and just 2 to stun enemies and deal more damage.

-Equinox, just go Day form and press 4, stunning enemies and just press again 4 to release damage. Just boring

-Excalibur press 4 and just run pressing E all the time and make slide attacks to blind enemeis so they take 4x more damage and they are blinded, can't do anything to you, OP and boring warframe :/.

-Frost, my favourite frame because Ice and Defensive warframe. Sometimes use 1 on heavy unit, use 3 to defend pods, your friends and push back enemies, press 4 to freeze all enemies in range. Just in my opinion its a good frame but not perfect, his second ability is realy weak.  3/4 abilities are usefull.

-Hydroid, need rework, he is too weak, but you can have some fun with him.

-Inaros, boring as hell, only his first ability is good. For others I see no use, because we have life strike in melee.

-Ivara, good frame, her abilities are great, but invisible as always OP, it is boring to be invisible all the time.

-Limbo, is medium fun frame. stay in your 2 all the time, and use 1 on every enemy, use finisher or just shot him. Buff damage with 3, press 4 to put group of enemies in his world.

-Loki OP boring, invisible all the time. Press 4 to delete weapons in enemies, so they will go melee then press 1 to get the group of enemies in one place, and just one shot them with tonkor.

-Mag, OP on corpus with her 2, 1 to pull everything. Just wait for rework, she is boring right now.

-Mesa, only her third ability is usefull, damage reduction, 2 to stun enemeis for seconds, 1 and 4 is useless, wait for her 4 buff.

-Mirage, overextended build and 100%+ duration build. blind them with 4 per several seconds. Just boring

-Nekros, satysfying frame. His first ability is useleess, 2 to scare some enemies, 3 to desecrate  get energy, health and more loot, press 4 to have armies of dead souls, hard to build frame. 3/4 abilities are good.

-Nezha, I don't like her : P.  2 to have small armor, and 4 to stop enemies moving. only 2/4 abilities are usefull

-Nova, I hate her from the beggining. Just build for duration and efficiency use 4 and thats it. Slowing enemies, double damage, enemies explode dealing more more and more damage because of chaining and thats all in huge AoE, SUPER OP. You can use 3 to quickly get out of bad situations.  2/4 abilities are usefull.

-Nyx, overextended build and efficiency, press 4, again 4 to take down enemies, now you can safelly cast 3 to make death match. OP, and boring.

-Oberon, his second ability do nothing good. first ability good, third ability to gain health, but if you play melee you can forget about it and use life strike. 4 Is realy usefull. 3/4 abilities are usefull, he need buff to his second and third ability. Just fine frame to play.

-Rhino. Master piece, I'm not a fan of Rhino, but he have ALL ABILITIES USEFULL! 1 to quick dodge, 2 to get armor, 3 to gain damage buff for alies too, 4 to stop everything for several seconds.

-Saryn, 1 is masterpiece, 2 with regenerating molt is good, 3 is useless, only good if you want to go with melee only. 4 to make some damage and stun for 3 seconds enemies. 3/4 abilities are fine. I like to use her.

-Trinity super OP almost immortal qith quick thinking and primed flow. 1 is useless, 2 to have infinity energy. 3 to have damage reduction and you know where are 3 near enemies, 4 to heal and gain more damage reduction. 3/4 abilities are usefull. Little boring to play, and you get paranoid of instantly using 2, everyone want energy. Please stop! I liekd to play her but now I hate.

-Valkyr, please don't be a noob, press 4 to make huge melee damage and be IMMORTAL?! YES, IMMORTAL! SUPER BORING.

-Vauban, somehow fun to play, but his 2 is useless, until you spam a lot of it around.

-Volt, waiting for rework. his first, second and third ability are great, but 4 is useless.

-Wukong, 1 is useless, 2 to be almost immortal with duration build, 3 to run from enemies or make spy missions : P, 4 to have more melee damage and range. Good frame to use good, but his little OP immortality makes him little boring in the same time.

-Zephyr, press 3 to be almost immortal, another boring frame. 4 can be. 2 in air to take down and 1 in air to quick dash to avoid enemies. Just good frame but boring because of her 3.

Nezha is male :/ A dudebromanguy

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i love her one hit kill first ability :P

cloud walking (my planet needs me moment right there xD)

defy for overall survivability and allows me to use sniper while ignoring those counter snipers ^^

then there is the huge D :'D

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55 minutes ago, IfritKajiTora said:

-Valkyr, please don't be a noob, press 4 to make huge melee damage and be IMMORTAL?! YES, IMMORTAL! SUPER BORING.

Try building valkyr towards warcry then equid a jat kittag, it's very entertaining compared to a hysteria build 

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Ash is fun when you need to blitz through a few waves of defense or something really fast and dont want to wait. Get one or two of em next to enemy entrances and 4 your way to the next wave. Atlas is mike tyson, can only be made better if enemies who are not killed by punch get cartoon stars/birds above their heads. Nezha is basically a tesla next to the ferarri that is volt: not as fast but still pretty dam fast. Ivara is pickpocket extraordinaire as well as "we done goofed" fixer. Nekros is ok, really wish desecrate would actually give me loot rather than health and energy spam. Basically all of my other frames are in storage.

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I've enjoyed every Frame I've played, yet if I had to be honest ...

Flipping off every enemy near me and then some with Nukeron is satisfying as all hell, especially when they get spammed with with his Ult.

Same goes for Chroma after his Effigy flings a horde of enemies away. It's quite funny, haha.

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Trinity... It feels good to go through the entire game without anyone in your squad using an energy/health/shield restore or getting downed

Nyx... I enjoy using her abilities a lot (except 2). If only enemies could damage each other a little faster.

Saryn... As people mentioned above, it's really satisfying to watch spores spread to the entire map and see the numbers fly everywhere

Zephyr... The tonkor build gimmick is perfect for me since it helps me overcome my terrible aiming with tonkor.

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Wukong. When built right, his staff will smack the ever living sh*t out of any level 100 Grineer, and with the Defy + Rage + Vitality + Life Strike + Decaying Dragon Key combo, his survivability skyrockets. Plus, playing pool with Ospreys, Orokin Drones and all those hard-to-hit enemies is one the most satisfying things ever to me (It's the best form of telling them "f*ck you!").

53 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:


i love her one hit kill first ability :P

I've seen a lot of people mistaking Nezha for a female but Wukong?!

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4 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

All frames how I feel about them:

-Ash , press 4 to win boring, or go boring invisible which makes you almost immortal

-Atlas, just for several uses of 1 its fun :D, but other abilities are naah

-Banshee, is fine to use, but for me its not any fun, she need rework

-Chroma, it could be satysfying frame, but 4 cost too much energy, 1 is useless 2 and 3 are those only buff so its boring to just run a buff all the time yourself

-ember press 4 and just 2 to stun enemies and deal more damage.

-Equinox, just go Day form and press 4, stunning enemies and just press again 4 to release damage. Just boring

-Excalibur press 4 and just run pressing E all the time and make slide attacks to blind enemeis so they take 4x more damage and they are blinded, can't do anything to you, OP and boring warframe :/.

-Frost, my favourite frame because Ice and Defensive warframe. Sometimes use 1 on heavy unit, use 3 to defend pods, your friends and push back enemies, press 4 to freeze all enemies in range. Just in my opinion its a good frame but not perfect, his second ability is realy weak.  3/4 abilities are usefull.

-Hydroid, need rework, he is too weak, but you can have some fun with him.

-Inaros, boring as hell, only his first ability is good. For others I see no use, because we have life strike in melee.

-Ivara, good frame, her abilities are great, but invisible as always OP, it is boring to be invisible all the time.

-Limbo, is medium fun frame. stay in your 2 all the time, and use 1 on every enemy, use finisher or just shot him. Buff damage with 3, press 4 to put group of enemies in his world.

-Loki OP boring, invisible all the time. Press 4 to delete weapons in enemies, so they will go melee then press 1 to get the group of enemies in one place, and just one shot them with tonkor.

-Mag, OP on corpus with her 2, 1 to pull everything. Just wait for rework, she is boring right now.

-Mesa, only her third ability is usefull, damage reduction, 2 to stun enemeis for seconds, 1 and 4 is useless, wait for her 4 buff.

-Mirage, overextended build and 100%+ duration build. blind them with 4 per several seconds. Just boring

-Nekros, satysfying frame. His first ability is useleess, 2 to scare some enemies, 3 to desecrate  get energy, health and more loot, press 4 to have armies of dead souls, hard to build frame. 3/4 abilities are good.

-Nezha, I don't like her : P.  2 to have small armor, and 4 to stop enemies moving. only 2/4 abilities are usefull

-Nova, I hate her from the beggining. Just build for duration and efficiency use 4 and thats it. Slowing enemies, double damage, enemies explode dealing more more and more damage because of chaining and thats all in huge AoE, SUPER OP. You can use 3 to quickly get out of bad situations.  2/4 abilities are usefull.

-Nyx, overextended build and efficiency, press 4, again 4 to take down enemies, now you can safelly cast 3 to make death match. OP, and boring.

-Oberon, his second ability do nothing good. first ability good, third ability to gain health, but if you play melee you can forget about it and use life strike. 4 Is realy usefull. 3/4 abilities are usefull, he need buff to his second and third ability. Just fine frame to play.

-Rhino. Master piece, I'm not a fan of Rhino, but he have ALL ABILITIES USEFULL! 1 to quick dodge, 2 to get armor, 3 to gain damage buff for alies too, 4 to stop everything for several seconds.

-Saryn, 1 is masterpiece, 2 with regenerating molt is good, 3 is useless, only good if you want to go with melee only. 4 to make some damage and stun for 3 seconds enemies. 3/4 abilities are fine. I like to use her.

-Trinity super OP almost immortal qith quick thinking and primed flow. 1 is useless, 2 to have infinity energy. 3 to have damage reduction and you know where are 3 near enemies, 4 to heal and gain more damage reduction. 3/4 abilities are usefull. Little boring to play, and you get paranoid of instantly using 2, everyone want energy. Please stop! I liekd to play her but now I hate.

-Valkyr, please don't be a noob, press 4 to make huge melee damage and be IMMORTAL?! YES, IMMORTAL! SUPER BORING.

-Vauban, somehow fun to play, but his 2 is useless, until you spam a lot of it around.

-Volt, waiting for rework. his first, second and third ability are great, but 4 is useless.

-Wukong, 1 is useless, 2 to be almost immortal with duration build, 3 to run from enemies or make spy missions : P, 4 to have more melee damage and range. Good frame to use good, but his little OP immortality makes him little boring in the same time.

-Zephyr, press 3 to be almost immortal, another boring frame. 4 can be. 2 in air to take down and 1 in air to quick dash to avoid enemies. Just good frame but boring because of her 3.

Dude you basically dont like any frames just dont play warframe or just play the ones you like people like most of thoose frames and feel like they work just fine ymif you think they are op go play dark souls. Not trying to be mean i just think you want to much challenge in a more F*** around kill enemies game

Edited by (PS4)Decoy139
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4 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

All frames how I feel about them:

-Ash , press 4 to win boring, or go boring invisible which makes you almost immortal

-Atlas, just for several uses of 1 its fun :D, but other abilities are naah

-Banshee, is fine to use, but for me its not any fun, she need rework

-Chroma, it could be satysfying frame, but 4 cost too much energy, 1 is useless 2 and 3 are those only buff so its boring to just run a buff all the time yourself

-ember press 4 and just 2 to stun enemies and deal more damage.

-Equinox, just go Day form and press 4, stunning enemies and just press again 4 to release damage. Just boring

-Excalibur press 4 and just run pressing E all the time and make slide attacks to blind enemeis so they take 4x more damage and they are blinded, can't do anything to you, OP and boring warframe :/.

-Frost, my favourite frame because Ice and Defensive warframe. Sometimes use 1 on heavy unit, use 3 to defend pods, your friends and push back enemies, press 4 to freeze all enemies in range. Just in my opinion its a good frame but not perfect, his second ability is realy weak.  3/4 abilities are usefull.

-Hydroid, need rework, he is too weak, but you can have some fun with him.

-Inaros, boring as hell, only his first ability is good. For others I see no use, because we have life strike in melee.

-Ivara, good frame, her abilities are great, but invisible as always OP, it is boring to be invisible all the time.

-Limbo, is medium fun frame. stay in your 2 all the time, and use 1 on every enemy, use finisher or just shot him. Buff damage with 3, press 4 to put group of enemies in his world.

-Loki OP boring, invisible all the time. Press 4 to delete weapons in enemies, so they will go melee then press 1 to get the group of enemies in one place, and just one shot them with tonkor.

-Mag, OP on corpus with her 2, 1 to pull everything. Just wait for rework, she is boring right now.

-Mesa, only her third ability is usefull, damage reduction, 2 to stun enemeis for seconds, 1 and 4 is useless, wait for her 4 buff.

-Mirage, overextended build and 100%+ duration build. blind them with 4 per several seconds. Just boring

-Nekros, satysfying frame. His first ability is useleess, 2 to scare some enemies, 3 to desecrate  get energy, health and more loot, press 4 to have armies of dead souls, hard to build frame. 3/4 abilities are good.

-Nezha, I don't like her : P.  2 to have small armor, and 4 to stop enemies moving. only 2/4 abilities are usefull

-Nova, I hate her from the beggining. Just build for duration and efficiency use 4 and thats it. Slowing enemies, double damage, enemies explode dealing more more and more damage because of chaining and thats all in huge AoE, SUPER OP. You can use 3 to quickly get out of bad situations.  2/4 abilities are usefull.

-Nyx, overextended build and efficiency, press 4, again 4 to take down enemies, now you can safelly cast 3 to make death match. OP, and boring.

-Oberon, his second ability do nothing good. first ability good, third ability to gain health, but if you play melee you can forget about it and use life strike. 4 Is realy usefull. 3/4 abilities are usefull, he need buff to his second and third ability. Just fine frame to play.

-Rhino. Master piece, I'm not a fan of Rhino, but he have ALL ABILITIES USEFULL! 1 to quick dodge, 2 to get armor, 3 to gain damage buff for alies too, 4 to stop everything for several seconds.

-Saryn, 1 is masterpiece, 2 with regenerating molt is good, 3 is useless, only good if you want to go with melee only. 4 to make some damage and stun for 3 seconds enemies. 3/4 abilities are fine. I like to use her.

-Trinity super OP almost immortal qith quick thinking and primed flow. 1 is useless, 2 to have infinity energy. 3 to have damage reduction and you know where are 3 near enemies, 4 to heal and gain more damage reduction. 3/4 abilities are usefull. Little boring to play, and you get paranoid of instantly using 2, everyone want energy. Please stop! I liekd to play her but now I hate.

-Valkyr, please don't be a noob, press 4 to make huge melee damage and be IMMORTAL?! YES, IMMORTAL! SUPER BORING.

-Vauban, somehow fun to play, but his 2 is useless, until you spam a lot of it around.

-Volt, waiting for rework. his first, second and third ability are great, but 4 is useless.

-Wukong, 1 is useless, 2 to be almost immortal with duration build, 3 to run from enemies or make spy missions : P, 4 to have more melee damage and range. Good frame to use good, but his little OP immortality makes him little boring in the same time.

-Zephyr, press 3 to be almost immortal, another boring frame. 4 can be. 2 in air to take down and 1 in air to quick dash to avoid enemies. Just good frame but boring because of her 3.


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Top of the list is Ivara.

I've been playing the heck out of her ever since I got her. Hitting arrows mid bullet-jump air roll aim glide feels super badass, and her play pattern of vanishing then reappearing to unleash a storm of bullets before disappearing again is great. Plus massive Glaivesplosions are awesome. 

Rhino is a guilty pleasure of mine. Charging everything and going to town with my ROCKET HAMMER  is amazing. Plus curbstomps. 


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