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If DE Made A Frame Obtainable Through PvP. Would That Stir A Problem?


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So much balancing happens for pvp, yet how much balance have we had towards PvE recently?

In update 18.5 there were FIFTY-SIX balance changes for conclave, and zero balance changes for PvE. Since 18.5 there has been maybe 3 PvE warframe balance changes, and 10 or so enemy balance changes. In that same span of time there have another 50+ PvP changes.

PvP is a waste of time and resources. Imagine if that time was spent balancing frames like Loki, or energy, or focus schools, or damage, or anything.

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3 hours ago, Grimlock84 said:

Recruiting chat.

H PvP Daily missions. need someone who helps me do mine and ill help them do theirs.

You'll just end up with people sucking any and all life out of your gamemode because you forced them into there. Also alot of balance changes based around people who suck at pvp :v

I agree. Right now PVP is mostly populated by people who want to play PVP, because there's only a couple of PVP-exclusive items that can be brought to the cooperative side of the game, and none of them are weapons or warframes.  Every player "must" get weapons and warframes because they represent new stats, new gameplay, and if nothing else, mastery points. I hate PVP, but a PVP-exclusive warframe will force me into there. I will hate it. Actual PVP players will hate it, when half their team in every game only wants to max their daily reputation as fast as possible and will cooperatively subvert the game to make that happen. And DE will hate it because they can't put whatever it is in the market or else they would face large scale rebellion and accusations of dishonesty, so they aren't making money on it.

It's...just bad for everybody.


3 hours ago, Judgebanks said:

PvP is a waste of time and resources. Imagine if that time was spent balancing frames like Loki, or energy, or focus schools, or damage, or anything.

To be fair, there is a team of Extremists working solely on PVP balance and their adjustments are mostly small ones. When a frame's mechanics conflict horribly with the intentions, balance and fairness of PVP, they have the freedom to completely change it without affecting the behavior of that warframe in PVE mode, where the enemies are of a vastly different nature.

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1 hour ago, Momaw said:

To be fair, there is a team of Extremists working solely on PVP balance and their adjustments are mostly small ones. When a frame's mechanics conflict horribly with the intentions, balance and fairness of PVP, they have the freedom to completely change it without affecting the behavior of that warframe in PVE mode, where the enemies are of a vastly different nature.

Can I just say, while I will never touch PVP, I cant help but be impressed by the fact that they actually set-up a system where PVE and PVP were treated separately, so as to not throw off PVE with the constant changes and tweaks made to PVP. One of the things I couldnt stand when I played Destiny was that they focused so much on PVP, and that their changes to weapons were focused on their usage in PVP, making a number of weapons more or less useless in PVE. 

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I think yes because a lot of players avoid Conclave like it's a plague of some sort and forcing you to play the very thing you want to avoid just to get that exclusive Warframe will surely spark a lot of hate.

Oh and one final thing, it just promotes boosting that, in my opinion, degrades Conclave.

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I think it would be a concern for me, but just in the beginning.

After that, it would become just a matter of finding the time to become good enough to snag it.

I have done my part when Ivara came out. I can afford being patient again.

Most people would avoid it because they hate Conclave. But, as a person that hated the idea of PvP before actually playing it (having tried both 1.0 and 2.0), all I can say now is that the problem is in their mindset.

Edited by -Vin-
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yes it would definetly cause a outcry and general irritation among people due the fact that those who wants the new character have to do pvp. For those who like pvp it isnt a problem, however most of us plays only PvE (i cant tell how the balance in pvp is due ive never tried it) and it would leave us with 2 options if we want the new character:

A:buy with plat (seriously how many actually buys a frame for plat these days?)

B:doing pvp and hate it all the way

this would create a feeling of either throwing up the money for the new frame (which i believe people would feel as ''P2W'') or feeling forced to do something they dont want to. I know that you arent forced to get a frame, however i believe this isnt the way to go.

A possible solution would be to create a quest for the new frame and at the same time throwing in the frames parts as a pvp reward. This would mean that people who doesnt like pvp can do the quest to get the frame while the pvp crowd can farm pvp in order to aquire the new frame. Aka a win-win situation for both sides.

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Hope not i feel content as in frames is already coming too slow (and i hate pvp ) kills fun for me in 90% of the game and i now need to grind it for that epic syndana same feeling like archwing -.- i being colector but hay mind is a curious thing 

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On 4/13/2016 at 5:07 AM, -Vin- said:

Most people would avoid it because they hate Conclave. But, as a person that hated the idea of PvP before actually playing it (having tried both 1.0 and 2.0), all I can say now is that the problem is in their mindset.

That really sounds like you're saying that people disliking PvP is something caused by a problematic mindset. Sure, this may be true for people who have never tried it. However, there are some pretty large and glaring issues with the PvP. In extension, it doesn't matter how much you perfect it, some people still won't play it simply because of its' nature. The fact that you made a snap judgment before trying something and then tried it and enjoyed it doesn't make other people's dislike of it baseless.

I, personally, will not play PvP no matter what they do with it. I just don't enjoy the mindset of fighting against people in a game that started with complete cooperation in mind. I feel as though Warframe's true face is in how much it depends on player cooperation and sharing knowledge. I play this game to share builds with friends and see who can break frames the most.

Now, before you make any assumptions, I have tried PvP. It was interesting and I didn't find it boring. However, I feel as though PvP and the focus put on it is simply wasteful. There are simply not enough people interested in fighting their fellow tenno. 

Don't knock other people's tastes simply because of your own experience.

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does anyone play pvp?    I have thought about trying for some of the mods but i usually give up looking for a match after a few minutes, I don't think it is even possible to get the current things offered unless you play at a very narrow time band when someone else might be actually trying to pvp.

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I´d like to refer to a reddit post which I cannot find on this computer saying how pvp is doomed because of casual players, yes.

We got many nice augments in PVP that´ll never go to PVE  because of you, the 'nay sayer', the casual in the aforementioned paragraph.

When I first got the game Defense consisted of defending an object, objects can't be dumb, I like when things, living or non-living, aren't dumb. Now I have to protect a dumb operator.

When I first played the game there weren´t many things that now exist, and that's a poor exscuse to invalidate such modes as eligible for nice rewards.

There was no Archwing, not only there is now as I also NEED it to get the best arcanes and to get through uranus (heh).

It´s cool that in warframe being a Darwin-Award-Nominee (Prize to reward the less apt to adapt people, for the strongest heads out there) grants you a safe-heaven, a coccon of protection real life doesn't give you, but if you unbiasedly think for a second, conclave players and, hell, even pve exclusive players, also go through a lot of stuff they don't like to get something they do like.

There should be a PvP themed frame, there shouid be the possibility to use those nice warframe and weapon augments outside of conclave.

Currently I have to pay for JV Raid arcanes, since I don´t like it, will you see me complaining on forums? No. You'll either see me working in real life or in game to trade for plat or straight out buy it and buy the arcane i need.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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