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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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Just reposting something I shared with Unus on Discord... it's just a quick sketch of a theoretical Zaw-style, Helminth Alchemy mod system that ties into hunting beasts in Unus' Restless Depths concept.


The idea is that players can use the drops from hunting spooky sea monsters to create one-of-a-kind mods that you can tailor to your own playstyle. On DE's end, it adds another interesting Trade Chat mechanic for that Plat flow.

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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Sincere apologies for the significant delay in updating folks. While I definitely want to get the beastiary underway (and it indeed was before my Internet went out and took the some content with it), I'm currently suffering from a bad case of "Warframe relapse" in my jonseing state of Fortunate hunger.


Rest assured, it WILL be done, just need a bit of content refresh to pep me up, show me where I could be heading next contentwise.

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And THERE we are folks, the first three creatures to be added to Restless Depths for you to hunt! They certainly won't be the last, but, these were the most fleshed out in my collection. Have a look, maybe a worthy set of challenges for the unconventional hunter-fisher in all of us? Hehe.

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Alright, no more wandering around, here's the upcoming schedule I'm carving out of existence as we speak. I know it's been a while, but, I think I shattered the "hesitation glass" surrounding my hunger to build.


1. First off, a special gauntlet-bow that's been sitting around in my head for little over a month now.


2. Beastiary expansion as new terrors emerge from the deep for an even more interesting "fishing" experience.


3/4. A little bit of time spent enjoying updated Fortuna, allowing my mind to be immersed in the world once more to sniff out new leads.


4/3. Careful tweaking, pokeing, and fiddling with several important ""End Game"" aspects of Restless Depths which I should finally complete. Specifically, Samodeous' Sanctum after a bit of discourse with Mr. Jado and Mr. Crow, and "The Dome", though I feel that The Dome may need some significant adjustments due to it's assumption of "Raidish" mechanics in regards to "The Old Light". 


Thats my progress report for ya folks, now excuse me while I finally. . . FINALLY. . . make good on it!

Edited by Unus
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Micro Report.
Just stepping in to let folks know one simple thing. After a recent data-loss, i'm finally back to the point I was on Wednesday. Once again, back on schedule, and, potential gaffes avoided, the project part 1 will be complete within two to three days time.

In addition, I've been trying to think of a way to improve page navigation to the things that actually matter, but, I can't seem to think of anything else that may help folks get around from page to page any better then what I already have.
Any folks out there have any ideas? Am I just overthinking things and the front page is the best it'll ever be?

End of report, see ya folks real soon I hope!

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Alright folks, after a "break", of sorts, where I've gone through and done even more grammar-sweeping, I think I can promise you that, THIS WEEK, i'll FINALLY be done with my mind-cracking bout of boyerdom and actually manage to move on to the OTHER weapons that are beginning to build-up in the pipeline behind it!

Wish me luck folks, I may very well need it at the snail's pace i've been stumbling at.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

HaHA! As of 2 minutes ago, I was born on this day in history! My my do the feckin years go by.


1 minute ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:




1 minute ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Happy birthday, R-man!

*throws confetti*

Happy Birthday!

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:



Starting to look like that'll be "240 dollars in steam cards", but, thanks! Plans in the future will likely unfold.

8 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Happy birthday, R-man!

Heh, everybody knows about the G-Men,but, no one has ever heard of. . . . .THE R MAN!


8 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:



*throws confetti*

Happy Birthday!

Danka kindly suh! With any luck, my first gift will be FINISHING THESE GODDEM TIME-SUCKING CROSSBOWS.

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                                      Post 481

(Conceived circa October - November throughout. Lost, then "replaced to paper" circa November 18, 2018 at 00:32. Completed circa December 10th, 2018 at 01:42.)

After a few days of bubbling dissapointment with the loss of data, I think I'll try to get it down once again.


Designation: Variable (The designations are largely dependent on what model it is, each one pulled from the native tongue of the people it came from.)

Weapon Designation: Secondary.


Manufacturer: N/A, this is the standardized version of a weapon created by four seperate survivalist tribes in the Sol-Origin system. Rather then have to deal with four convergent designs, enterprising gunsmiths simply convert all acquired models into a modular system that can become any of the others with time and a few part-swaps. The conversion system is a patchwork of notes from multiple successes and failures with no one author taking precedence over the others, making it more of an accidental crowdsource project.

Statistical Breakdown:

(Models are Divided up into the Anniyan, the Etranje, the Allodapos, and the Phirach.)

Trigger Type: Semi Auto (All).

Damage: Variable (An= 15 Puncture and 15 Impact for Quickshots while 15 Puncture, 15 Impact, and 35 Electric for Staggered-shots. E=65 Impact and 200 Explosive, Al= 175 Puncture, 25 Slash, and 75 Impact , P=0 Damage on target hit, 4.7 Slash and 1.3 Puncture every 1.1 seconds for 15 seconds.).

Critical Chance: Variable (An= 5% on Quickshots and Staggered-shots ,E=7% ,Al=17% ,P=9% .).

Critical Damage: Variable (An= 2.0X on Quickshots and Staggered-shots E=2.0X ,Al=2.0X ,P=2.0X .).

Status Chance: Variable (An= 5% on Quickshots and 35% on Staggered-shots ,E=22% ,Al=5% ,P=19% .).

Projectile: Projectile (An= Bolt ,E= Bomb, Al= Bolt ,P= "Trap" .).

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire: Variable (An= 8.00 ,E=5.5 ,Al=1.5,P= 6.5.).

Magazine Size: Variable (An= 8 Charge-Dart conveyer belt ,E=1 Makeshift Grenade in the "chamber", one in a side carrying pouch, Al= 3 "Killing Spike" levi-conveyer (Sniper Ammo),P= 5 "Trap" conveyer belt .).

Reload Speed:  Variable (An= 1.0 (hold arm aloft, fabricator spits out new darts onto conveyer in shower of energy-colored sparks, assume firing stance),E=1.3 (Pull back wire, place bomb into slot, place spare bomb into side bag, assume firing stance. Reload Speed reduced to 0.7 if bomb is already loaded into side-bag.),Al=1.2 ( Place killing spike into range of weapon's primary magnetic field, place other killing spikes into "holding field", assume firing stance. Cut 0.4 off reload time for each spike already in the holding field.) P=1.1 (Shake "breeder bag" until a "Trap" falls out. Pinch Trap carefully between the prongs of the ammo belt. Repeat process till belt is full. Place last trap in gripping vise and pull back "living wire". Assume firing stance. Decrease reload time by 0.22 for each Trap already in place.).

Mastery Rank Requisite: 10.

Riven Disposition: ?????.

Polarity: Vazarin.

Special Trait(s):



With only a minor time investment, one can take a model of any type and reconfigure it into any other variant. With every Anniyan constructed, the blueprints are specifically encoded to spew out a set of conversion parts in addition to the finished product itself, the one caveat that the tribes placed in the design, much to many entrepreneur's chagrin.


If wait 7 seconds between shots, then electrical + large Status Chance increase.

Looking for a hands-mostly-free weapon for use on their long caravan journeys and in their raiding parties, the wandering Venusian tribesmen of the Unegui co-opted parts from slain machines into an arm-mounted apparatus. Like the tribe it comes from, the Anniyan advocates a policy of patience. Though it can fire rapidly to deal with sudden situations, the real power of the weapon comes into play when the onboard battery is allowed to fully charge the bolt. After 7 seconds, the bolt "goes live" with a direct electrical charge powerful enough to fry most forms of machinery in addition to bringing down a human being. With enough coordination, a small group of raiders can easily bring down a patrol group without a single distress signal being sent, an important skill, given the vulnerability of the tribe's own "Achaa" caravans.


Percent chance to rag-doll target struck by it = half of Status Chance.

Hailing from the thick jungles and meandering plains of Earth within the cobbled arsenal of the bitter Denye tribe, the Etranje embodies a unique niche that is little seen elsewhere within the demographics of the Sol-Origin system. In Denye "hunting parties", the role of the Etranje wielder is to distract enemy forces through loud noises and wild displays, all while surviving as long as possible for the other members to get their job done. The Etranje is excellant as a "first-strike" surprise in this capacity, given that the payload fired from it's sling essentially amounts to a mortar shell warhead wrapped in concrete. Not only does this grant it considerable kinetic force (enough to at least send a man-sized target bowling head-over-heels), but, it also immediately applies explosive force to a single target, sending them spiraling away, if not outright killing them. Thus begins a lethal dance between the distractor and the enemy, picking new spots from which to launch strikes drawing foes away till it is time to fade back into the foliage, leaving nothing but the smell of thermite and a group of battered and bewildered foes.


Increased Zoom.

A marvel of technological ingenuity rarely seen beyond the hands of the Orokin, the Allodapus was born from the need to solve an unsolvable dilemma of the wandering Stochastis tribe of the asteroid belt. Composed of selectively bred researchers used by the Orokin to pursue research avenues that the higher-ups neglected whenever a new topic caught their eye, the Stochastis were common targets of slavers in the early days after the war for the seemingly boundless wells of information their minds held. To counteract this problem, they were forced to go against the most basic tenants of their "education", to actually implement the knowledge that they gained in a practical way. Beneath the sophistication in it's design, the Allodapus has one purpose, to kill.

Model: Phirach=

Projectiles fired from the weapon remain in the environment after striking it for 30 seconds. Projectiles will attack enemies that come into range.

A peculiar design originateing from the isolationist and shipbound gene-sculptors of the  Kheruxyati tribe, the Phirach is a micro biosphere packed into an arm-mounted combat device. Not Infested, but, legitimate living breathing organisms make up each individual part of the weapon, from the extending worms acting as a bow-string, right down to the unconventional ammunition. Each individual shot consists of a small lozenge-shaped blob with coal-black, moist, and rubbery skin, dappled with blue (energy-colored) speckleing. When sufficient force is applied to the opposite end of the blob (say, through the impact of a bowstring), the front end "unseathes" with a cacophony of bear roars and crocodile growls revealing 3 sets of wicked teeth. Needless to to say, anything on the receiving in is due a truly gruesome experience if it makes contact. Even if they miss, the creatures are capable of surviving terrain impact and then several moments before their out-of-control metabolisms eat themselves from the inside out, using their highly muscled bodies to leap onto prey that stumbles into their range.



Clearly scrounged together from several sources, the Anniyan is still very professional in it's design. The two arms of the crossbow are made from the left and righ halves of a bursa's shield, and are meant to fold snugly together when not in use to protect the weapon's vulnerable internals. In the center of the weapon is a small raised block with a space in the middle that the weapon's darts fit in snugly.Three High-tensile wires are positioned behind the block, one on top of the other, each held back by a mechanical "finger" of sorts that pulls it back to full draw. The wire's origin-points are situated in two seperate ovals on the back of the block.

When the first wire is released, the wire-points go around the two ovals and back to the bottom, allowing the already-prepared next string to shift right into place and maintaining a high rate of overall fire for the weapon. The darts themselves consist of a tinted purple (energy-colored) glass cathode-ray tube body with a titanium-blue/grey screw-cap in the back and a quad-bladed tip in the front, rather like a four-pronged plug with knife-sharp prongs. As the dart sits in it's holding slot, a purple electrical energy charge slowly begins to build up in the dart's chamber, a slight flicker that gradually builds up more and more until it is constantly visible. Leading up to the top of the "loading slot" in the center and wrapping around the arm is a mechanical conveyer system that gradually feeds darts into the top slot every time a shot is made. When the "belt" is depleted, the grey block of a fabricator sitting as the source of the belt on the left side of the arm right next to the crossbow itself kicks into overdrive, spitting out a full conveyer of darts in "reload mode" before winding down into dormancy once again.

The overall color of the weapon is a dark anodized blue, with dark orange "bolts" on either bow-arm, darker cyan accents on the more plastic-polymer internals, and the wires are a dark greenish brown color.


Constructed uncountable years ago and held together from whatever scraps were available since, the Etranje offers a glimpse of what was in the days when Earth was a pearl in the Orokin crown. Orokin gilding and ivory clashes with dull yellow paint and dull white staining in certain areas where metal has supplanted the role of fiberglass. At one point, it would have been a cutting-edge design, with a duel-flywheel arm set and a sleek form. This cutting-edge has clearly dulled with age, with it's firing string being little more then a length of steel cable, still frayed at it's mounting points after being cut from a fence or bridge somewhere. The entire personage of the weapon itself has faired the ages little better, with numerous chips, dents, and holes across it filled in with everything from bolted sheet-metal, to natural resin, to stolen epoxy.

The weapon's inner space has been widened for use with it's much easier to acquire new ammunition, stones, though the ones made for warfare are actually cleverly-disguised lumps of fine-grained concrete with a salvaged Grineer mortar shell core. The inability to tell at a distance which ammunition has been loaded is the bane of every Grineer patrol's planned attacks. A handy side pouch made of woven material is attached to the side of the arm, allowing a shooter to quickly access a second shot in case the first is insufficient for the task at hand.



Streamlined, smooth, and efficient, the Allodapos has very little decorum in it's design, suggesting that much of the work is done behind the smooth surfaces it's made up of. The central raised platform of the weapon gradually descends down internally until it reaches a perfectly cut blackish yellow gemstone at the center. To the right side juts an accompanying platform with a smooth stonelike polished surface studded with two other yellow black chocobans made of the same crystalline material as the central one, equidistant to each other and the central piece. Towards the front of the weapon, rather then two arms as would be seen on a true crossbow, two metal "plates" of sorts sit on their own special circular pads, each one houseing it's own well-faceted gemstone as it's centerpiece, piercing right through the middle of the plate. Whenever the bow is activated, the plates will lift up into the air straight up, the one on the left gently spinning clockwise as the one on the right spins counterclockwise.

These act as guide-points to the shooter, allowing one to aim the weapon using it's ammunition as a midpoint. The ammunition itself is as exotic as the weapon itself, a thick rebar-like metal piece that ransotions into a thin metal rod sticking out of it. Flanking this rod on either side are artificially grown and hand-chiseled prisma crystals. Each one starts from where the thick portion ends and goes just beyond the tip of the rod, arcing slightly outwards in their middles before almost meeting at the tip. On the outward-facing areas, lethal serrations have been carefully carved in minute detail, meaning that entry wounds from the weapon are inevitably messy and lethal.

The ammunition is not physically placed on the weapon itself. Instead, it is suspended several centimeters above the crystals with precise attractive and repulsive fields, before it is properly pulled out of the crossbow at projectile velocity. After a shot is made, the next round in line shifts into the firing position, again by precisely-controlled magnetic fields.


Truly a bizarre weapon, even in the  Infested chaos of the Tenno's mad arsenal, the Phirach arm weapon is essentially a custom-tailored weaponized micro-ecosystem, unrelated to the Infested in any way beyond representing yet another extreme of bioengineering.. Each creature that makes up the weapon is purpose-built to act upon another creature in a manner roughly corresponding to the mechanisms of an arm-mounted crossbow. The Phirach's body is a herbaceous organism, defensively rooted to the arm noninvasively by intertangleing it's rootlike appendages togethor. The "wood" of the weapon is a healthy greenish brown, with a slightly knobby texture to it like that of new growth. It shifts slightly when not in use occasionally, like a living thing that's been sitting still for to long.

   Strung between two branchlike appendages on either side is clearly a vibrant white-pink (energy colored) wormlike organism of sorts, lightly swaying to and fro on either side and very much alive. The creature's body is horrendously elastic, and neither side changes it's demeanor even when pulled to clearly limit-straining lengths. The worm is pulled back into an orange arthropdic beak that juts out of the plant organism towards the back, a symbiotic creature who's nervous system is all wired to a lump on the left side that dangles into the wielder's hand. When depressed, the jaw-creature goes slackjawed, releasing the worm. When the worm-string smacks into the ammunition on rebounding, the animal's skin emits a sharp puff of charged mist from pores on it's contact-making side.

While the physical motion of the worm strikeing the ammo is the propulsive force, it is this stimulant cocktail that renders the ammunition lethal by awakening, irritating, and famishing it all at once. Off to the right of the bow, a strange crustacean assembly sits, with a tough and slightly damp-looking leather bag hanging freely. From this bag, the ammunition is gently picked up and placed into each of the crablike gripping-claws of the clearly organic hopper, another part of the worm-holding symbiote. Every time the nerve-lump is squeezed, the claws all shift around and the one closest to the bow reflexively opens and drops the ammo into it's firing groove. The living ammunition, laconically known as a "Trap" in it's native culture,is a roughly eggplant shaped nightshade-purple blob with speckled, rubbery, vaguely moist skin and a tapered front and back, whose basic slight upward and downward pulsateions are the only confirmation it is in fact living.

On being hit with both the most and propulsive force however, the front tears the skin, revealing a wide maw of quadruple-set teeth, and grumbling roar of both urusine and crocodilian origins. At this point, the animal's body is on a time-budget, meaning that when it strikes a target, it begins immediately wedgeing itself into chinks in the armor and devouring whatever soft parts it can in a desperate bid to fill it's empty gut. Even if a shooter misses, the Trap will still be able to lurk in place where it falls, using it's nearly boneless muscular body to throw itself at the next living thing to step into range. No matter what, the tiny creatures will inevitably die in minutes, their entire bodies dissolving into noxious ooze as a "pre-programmed" flaw causes their stomach lining's mucus to become inert, letting acid melt them inside and out.

"Basic" Description: 

(See Traits)


And so, at long last, my massive project is completed. BROTHERS! I have gnawed through my self-clapped chains at last! Glorious day, calu-kalay!

Edited by Unus
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So, on completeing what I can only describe as a "creative pregnancy", I've come upon my backlog list, and, I've gotta say. . . could you folks tell me which design I should start on next?

I'm stuck at a bit of a crossroads as to where I should go.


Will it be the old anti-armor rifle of grinic origins?

The multi-short-mag high-damage machine gun of Corpus origins?

The Sentient Storm Cannon?

Or the mystifying psigun?

Up to you folks! I'll be happy with whatever comes up on top, so long as I don't have to go back to those arm bows any time soon and I can get back to work!

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59 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

That sounds interesting.

Heh, that was the one that I wanted to hand to Mr. Jado at some point. Being busy as he is, suppose I can get a head start and build the thing from the ground up, complete with some suitably ambiguous story behind it that could easily bend in the direction of both our. . . "canons", I think that's the term.

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On 2018-12-10 at 5:24 PM, Unus said:

The Sentient Storm Cannon?

 Or the mystifying psigun?


Either of these two. I personally make a lot of machineguns, and I was considering making another Soma-inspired one...

But I've decided on something else for the moment. Gotta shake things up for me and the readers. Anyway, onto the meat of this updort:

On 2018-12-10 at 1:42 AM, Unus said:

                                      Post 481

(Conceived circa October - November throughout. Lost, then "replaced to paper" circa November 18, 2018 at 00:32. Completed circa December 10th, 2018 at 01:42.)

After a few days of bubbling dissapointment with the loss of data, I think I'll try to get it down once again.


Designation: Variable (The designations are largely dependent on what model it is, each one pulled from the native tongue of the people it came from.)

Weapon Designation: Secondary.

  Hide contents

Manufacturer: N/A, this the standardized version of a weapon created by four seperate survivalist tribes in the Sol-Origin system. Rather then have to deal with four convergent designs, enterprising gunsmiths simply convert all acquired models into a modular system that can become any of the others with time and a few part-swaps. The conversion system is a patchwork of notes from multiple successes and failures with no one author taking precedence over the others, making it more of an accidental crowdsource project.

Statistical Breakdown:

(Models are Divided up into the Anniyan, the Etranje, the Allodapos, and the Phirach.)

Trigger Type: Semi Auto (All).

Damage: Variable (An= 15 Puncture and 15 Impact for Quickshots while 15 Puncture, 15 Impact, and 35 Electric for Staggered-shots. E=65 Impact and 200 Explosive, Al= 175 Puncture, 25 Slash, and 75 Impact , P=0 Damage on target hit, 4.7 Slash and 1.3 Puncture every 1.1 seconds for 15 seconds.).

Critical Chance: Variable (An= 5% on Quickshots and Staggered-shots ,E=7% ,Al=17% ,P=9% .).

Critical Damage: Variable (An= 2.0X on Quickshots and Staggered-shots E=2.0X ,Al=2.0X ,P=2.0X .).

Status Chance: Variable (An= 5% on Quickshots and 35% on Staggered-shots ,E=22% ,Al=5% ,P=19% .).

Projectile: Projectile (An= Bolt ,E= Bomb, Al= Bolt ,P= "Trap" .).

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire: Variable (An= 8.00 ,E=5.5 ,Al=1.5,P= 6.5.).

Magazine Size: Variable (An= 8 Charge-Dart conveyer belt ,E=1 Makeshift Grenade in the "chamber", one in a side carrying pouch, Al= 3 "Killing Spike" levi-conveyer (Sniper Ammo),P= 5 "Trap" conveyer belt .).

Reload Speed:  Variable (An= 1.0 (hold arm aloft, fabricator spits out new darts onto conveyer in shower of energy-colored sparks, assume firing stance),E=1.3 (Pull back wire, place bomb into slot, place spare bomb into side bag, assume firing stance. Reload Speed reduced to 0.7 if bomb is already loaded into side-bag.),Al=1.2 ( Place killing spike into range of weapon's primary magnetic field, place other killing spikes into "holding field", assume firing stance. Cut 0.4 off reload time for each spike already in the holding field.) P=1.1 (Shake "breeder bag" until a "Trap" falls out. Pinch Trap carefully between the prongs of the ammo belt. Repeat process till belt is full. Place last trap in gripping vise and pull back "living wire". Assume firing stance. Decrease reload time by 0.22 for each Trap already in place.).

Mastery Rank Requisite: 10.

Riven Disposition: ?????.

Polarity: Vazarin.

Special Trait(s):



With only a minor time investment, one can take a model of any type and reconfigure it into any other variant. With every Anniyan constructed, the blueprints are specifically encoded to spew out a set of conversion parts in addition to the finished product itself, the one caveat that the tribes placed in the design, much to many entrepreneur's chagrin.


If wait 7 seconds between shots, then electrical + large Status Chance increase.

Looking for a hands-mostly-free weapon for use on their long caravan journeys and in their raiding parties, the wandering Venusian tribesmen of the Unegui co-opted parts from slain machines into an arm-mounted apparatus. Like the tribe it comes from, the Anniyan advocates a policy of patience. Though it can fire rapidly to deal with sudden situations, the real power of the weapon comes into play when the onboard battery is allowed to fully charge the bolt. After 7 seconds, the bolt "goes live" with a direct electrical charge powerful enough to fry most forms of machinery in addition to bringing down a human being. With enough coordination, a small group of raiders can easily bring down a patrol group without a single distress signal being sent, an important skill, given the vulnerability of the tribe's own "Achaa" caravans.


Percent chance to rag-doll target struck by it = half of Status Chance.

Hailing from the thick jungles and meandering plains of Earth within the cobbled arsenal of the bitter Denye tribe, the Etranje embodies a unique niche that is little seen elsewhere within the demographics of the Sol-Origin system. In Denye "hunting parties", the role of the Etranje wielder is to distract enemy forces through loud noises and wild displays, all while surviving as long as possible for the other members to get their job done. The Etranje is excellant as a "first-strike" surprise in this capacity, given that the payload fired from it's sling essentially amounts to a mortar shell warhead wrapped in concrete. Not only does this grant it considerable kinetic force (enough to at least send a man-sized target bowling head-over-heels), but, it also immediately applies explosive force to a single target, sending them spiraling away, if not outright killing them. Thus begins a lethal dance between the distractor and the enemy, picking new spots from which to launch strikes drawing foes away till it is time to fade back into the foliage, leaving nothing but the smell of thermite and a group of battered and bewildered foes.


Increased Zoom.

A marvel of technological ingenuity rarely seen beyond the hands of the Orokin, the Allodapus was born from the need to solve an unsolvable dilemma of the wandering Stochastis tribe of the asteroid belt. Composed of selectively bred researchers used by the Orokin to pursue research avenues that the higher-ups neglected whenever a new topic caught their eye, the Stochastis were common targets of slavers in the early days after the r for the seemingly boundless wells of information their minds held. To counteract this problem, they were forced to go against the most basic tenants of their "education", to actually implement the knowledge that they gained in a practical way. Beneath the sophistication in it's design, the Allodapus has one purpose, to kill.

Model: Phirach=

Projectiles fired from the weapon remain in the environment after striking it for 30 seconds. Projectiles will attack enemies that come into range.

A peculiar design originateing from the isolationist and shipbound gene-sculptors of the  Kheruxyati tribe, the Phirach is a micro biosphere packed into an arm-mounted combat device. Not Infested, but, legitimate living breathing organisms make up each individual part of the weapon, from the extending worms acting as a bow-string, right down to the unconventional ammunition. Each individual shot consists of a small lozenge-shaped blob with coal-black, moist, and rubbery skin, dappled with blue (energy-colored) speckleing. When sufficient force is applied to the opposite end of the blob (say, through the impact of a bowstring), the front end "unseathes" with a cacophony of bear roars and crocodile growls revealing 3 sets of wicked teeth. Needless to to say, anything on the receiving in is due a truly gruesome experience if it makes contact. Even if they miss, the creatures are capable of surviving terrain impact and then several moments before their out-of-control metabolisms eat themselves from the inside out, using their highly muscled bodies to leap onto prey that stumbles into their range.



Clearly scrounged together from several sources, the Anniyan is still very professional in it's design. The two arms of the crossbow are made from the left and righ halves of a bursa's shield, and are meant to fold snugly together when not in use to protect the weapon's vulnerable internals. In the center of the weapon is a small raised block with a space in the middle that the weapon's darts fit in snugly.Three High-tensile wires are positioned behind the block, one on top of the other, each held back by a mechanical "finger" of sorts that pulls it back to full draw. The wire's origin-points are situated in two seperate ovals on the back of the block.

When the first wire is released, the wire-points go around the two ovals and back to the bottom, allowing the already-prepared next string to shift right into place and maintaining a high rate of overall fire for the weapon. The darts themselves consist of a tinted purple (energy-colored) glass cathode-ray tube body with a titanium-blue/grey screw-cap in the back and a quad-bladed tip in the front, rather like a four-pronged plug with knife-sharp prongs. As the dart sits in it's holding slot, a purple electrical energy charge slowly begins to build up in the dart's chamber, a slight flicker that gradually builds up more and more until it is constantly visible. Leading up to the top of the "loading slot" in the center and wrapping around the arm is a mechanical conveyer system that gradually feeds darts into the top slot every time a shot is made. When the "belt" is depleted, the grey block of a fabricator sitting as the source of the belt on the left side of the arm right next to the crossbow itself kicks into overdrive, spitting out a full conveyer of darts in "reload mode" before winding down into dormancy once again.

The overall color of the weapon is a dark anodized blue, with dark orange "bolts" on either bow-arm, darker cyan accents on the more plastic-polymer internals, and the wires are a dark greenish brown color.


Constructed uncountable years ago and held together from whatever scraps were available since, the Etranje offers a glimpse of what was in the days when Earth was a pearl in the Orokin crown. Orokin gilding and ivory clashes with dull yellow paint and dull white staining in certain areas where metal has supplanted the role of fiberglass. At one point, it would have been a cutting-edge design, with a duel-flywheel arm set and a sleek form. This cutting-edge has clearly dulled with age, with it's firing string being little more then a length of steel cable, still frayed at it's mounting points after being cut from a fence or bridge somewhere. The entire personage of the weapon itself has faired the ages little better, with numerous chips, dents, and holes across it filled in with everything from bolted sheet-metal, to natural resin, to stolen epoxy.

The weapon's inner space has been widened for use with it's much easier to acquire new ammunition, stones, though the ones made for warfare are actually cleverly-disguised lumps of fine-grained concrete with a salvaged Grineer mortar shell core. The inability to tell at a distance which ammunition has been loaded is the bane of every Grineer patrol's planned attacks. A handy side pouch made of woven material is attached to the side of the arm, allowing a shooter to quickly access a second shot in case the first is insufficient for the task at hand.



Streamlined, smooth, and efficient, the Allodapos has very little decorum in it's design, suggesting that much of the work is done behind the smooth surfaces it's made up of. The central raised platform of the weapon gradually descends down internally until it reaches a perfectly cut blackish yellow gemstone at the center. To the right side juts an accompanying platform with a smooth stonelike polished surface studded with two other yellow black chocobans made of the same crystalline material as the central one, equidistant to each other and the central piece. Towards the front of the weapon, rather then two arms as would be seen on a true crossbow, two metal "plates" of sorts sit on their own special circular pads, each one houseing it's own well-faceted gemstone as it's centerpiece, piercing right through the middle of the plate. Whenever the bow is activated, the plates will lift up into the air straight up, the one on the left gently spinning clockwise as the one on the right spins counterclockwise.

These act as guide-points to the shooter, allowing one to aim the weapon using it's ammunition as a midpoint. The ammunition itself is as exotic as the weapon itself, a thick rebar-like metal piece that ransotions into a thin metal rod sticking out of it. Flanking this rod on either side are artificially grown and hand-chiseled prisma crystals. Each one starts from where the thick portion ends and goes just beyond the tip of the rod, arcing slightly outwards in their middles before almost meeting at the tip. On the outward-facing areas, lethal serrations have been carefully carved in minute detail, meaning that entry wounds from the weapon are inevitably messy and lethal.

The ammunition is not physically placed on the weapon itself. Instead, it is suspended several centimeters above the crystals with precise attractive and repulsive fields, before it is properly pulled out of the crossbow at projectile velocity. After a shot is made, the next round in line shifts into the firing position, again by precisely-controlled magnetic fields.


Truly a bizarre weapon, even in the  Infested chaos of the Tenno's mad arsenal, the Phirach arm weapon is essentially a custom-tailored weaponized micro-ecosystem, unrelated to the Infested in any way beyond representing yet another extreme of bioengineering.. Each creature that makes up the weapon is purpose-built to act upon another creature in a manner roughly corresponding to the mechanisms of an arm-mounted crossbow. The Phirach's body is a herbaceous organism, defensively rooted to the arm noninvasively by intertangleing it's rootlike appendages togethor. The "wood" of the weapon is a healthy greenish brown, with a slightly knobby texture to it like that of new growth. It shifts slightly when not in use occasionally, like a living thing that's been sitting still for to long.

   Strung between two branchlike appendages on either side is clearly a vibrant white-pink (energy colored) wormlike organism of sorts, lightly swaying to and fro on either side and very much alive. The creature's body is horrendously elastic, and neither side changes it's demeanor even when pulled to clearly limit-straining lengths. The worm is pulled back into an orange arthropdic beak that juts out of the plant organism towards the back, a symbiotic creature who's nervous system is all wired to a lump on the left side that dangles into the wielder's hand. When depressed, the jaw-creature goes slackjawed, releasing the worm. When the worm-string smacks into the ammunition on rebounding, the animal's skin emits a sharp puff of charged mist from pores on it's contact-making side.

While the physical motion of the worm strikeing the ammo is the propulsive force, it is this stimulant cocktail that renders the ammunition lethal by awakening, irritating, and famishing it all at once. Off to the right of the bow, a strange crustacean assembly sits, with a tough and slightly damp-looking leather bag hanging freely. From this bag, the ammunition is gently picked up and placed into each of the crablike gripping-claws of the clearly organic hopper, another part of the worm-holding symbiote. Every time the nerve-lump is squeezed, the claws all shift around and the one closest to the bow reflexively opens and drops the ammo into it's firing groove. The living ammunition, laconically known as a "Trap" in it's native culture,is a roughly eggplant shaped nightshade-purple blob with speckled, rubbery, vaguely moist skin and a tapered front and back, whose basic slight upward and downward pulsateions are the only confirmation it is in fact living.

On being hit with both the most and propulsive force however, the front tears the skin, revealing a wide maw of quadruple-set teeth, and grumbling roar of both urusine and crocodilian origins. At this point, the animal's body is on a time-budget, meaning that when it strikes a target, it begins immediately wedgeing itself into chinks in the armor and devouring whatever soft parts it can in a desperate bid to fill it's empty gut. Even if a shooter misses, the Trap will still be able to lurk in place where it falls, using it's nearly boneless muscular body to throw itself at the next living thing to step into range. No matter what, the tiny creatures will inevitably die in minutes, their entire bodies dissolving into noxious ooze as a "pre-programmed" flaw causes their stomach lining's mucus to become inert, letting acid melt them inside and out.

"Basic" Description: 

(See Traits)

  Reveal hidden contents

And so, at long last, my massive project is completed. BROTHERS! I have gnawed through my self-clapped chains at last! Glorious day, calu-kalay!

As usual, the level of thought that you've put into this is astounding. The amount of artwork for all of this would easily equal one of my Art Dumps. This has a level of complexity rivaling the average zaw system, and you know I'm a sucker for more cultures in the Origin System. 

I'm intrigued by the way you were willing to play with stats here. I'm reminded of how I just decided to give the Bruin a "first shot" bonus.

Anniyan: ...Waiting 7 seconds between shots seems like... well, a lot. I am still intrigued, I'm just worried about how unresponsive that might feel. 

Etranje: Ooh. This sounds fun. It's like a jungle staticor!

Allodapus: ...Selectively bred researchers? Well, why not. Wouldn't be unlike the Orokin to do that. Not sure increased zoom stands out compared to them, unless it's an extra zoom mode like on the Veldt, but do more with this tribe. I insist.

Kheryxuati: The tribe looks awesome. I really dig. This crossbow's effect sounds hella dope. I used to play a lot of Enter The Gungeon (not as much anymore) and one of my favorite things to do was getting a gun with overpenetration and remote bullets, and just creating a storm of projectiles that circle around enemies. I made some REALLY silly things in that game.

Will probably get to more sooner, but for now I'm low on time. 

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                                      Post 486

(Conceived Circa November 30th, 2018, somewhere between 12:00 and 12:59. Completed circa December 16th, 2018, at 15:52.)

Such excitement to be finally progressing a piece at last  after that great arm-bow debacle. As much as I love most of my creations, there are times where putting them to paper becomes long and arduous. Guess it's what you call a "labor of love". Anywho, enough of my prattle! Forward. . .MARCH!


Designation: Chichikchun.

Weapon Designation: Launcher.


Manufacturer: Sentient, Originateing from an unknown Sentient type.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Damage= 75 Electric Initial, 75 Electric in the a.o.e at second intervals. Impact Damage in proportion to speed and force of impact for ragdolling foes.

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 1.5X (Weather isn't exactly known for being precise.).

Status Chance= 15%

Projectile= Projectile (Atmo-sphere).

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 1.11.

Magazine Size= 1 contained  atmo-sphere.

Reload Speed= 2.7 (Hold weapon point up, first ring reenergizes, energy line on "runway" moves to next ring, ring renergizes, repeat for next ring,energy line reaches back platform, back platform charges up before smoky pink sphere shoots up out of platform in puff of fog and begins levitateing perfectly in place, assume firing stance.)

Polarity= Madurai.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 11.

Special Trait(s):

Wraith of Tlaloc=


Inititial Damage + Residual Electric a.o.e. Accuracy Reduction and Slow Down on enemies within the sphere. If target = Armored, Resist Slow Down. If target = pure health only, then state of being = Ragdoll in A.O.E.

Through a self-contained gravitic bubble of atmosphere interlaced with energy circuitry, the Chichikchun condenses an entire Cat-5 E.F. 4 Cyclone Storm into a 6 meter by 6 meter sphere. Between the driving rain, the gale-force winds, the obscuring fog, and the lethal lightning discharges, chances of survival are slim, much less escaping unscathed.


Fitting with the Sentient aesthetic, the Chichikchun's main platform resembles a strip of bacon in several aspects, well marbled with "fatty white" and "meaty red""skin" in long flowing lines along it's top surface. A long "veinlike" object runs the length of the weapon from front to back, dominateing the middle and glowing with whiteish pink (energy colored) mist that flows ever backwards towards the rear, terminating in the middle of the back platform. Erupting from the "tissue" at three equidistant points on the platform are three blackish red arches that have a beetle-like/crystalline appearence to them. Each of the arches connect to the central "vein" through a thin strip of it's component material that runs up their base before disappearing beneath the arches' own. Between the arches flows a portal-like nexus of Sentient energy ebbing and flowing and rippleing like mercury and smoke mixed together.

The bottom of the weapon is all "fatty white" cubes, with red "skin" on the sides that don't quite mesh together with the others. Several portions in the front and back have broken-off attachment points that still occasionally leak ethereal material, as though it has been freshly ripped from it's mounting this several moments ago. A "shoulder spot" has been forced into the weapon towards the back, revealing a muscley material that acts as comfortable padding. The rear platform has been built differently compared to the rest of the weapon, an ornate area made of several concentric circles separated by light indents that lead all the way down to an open space that constantly emits white-pink mist. It is here that the weapon's ammunition comes from and floats solidly in place over, a pink-outlined sphere filled with roiling nimbus of mist and fog.

When idleing, the sphere is continuously "fed" by a tendril of energy that comes up from the hole, and is cut off when the weapon is aimed. When the Chichikchun is fired, the vein surges with power and the sphere trembles in place before shooting down the platform (tightly following a parallel energy surge running through the "vein") through all three arches, growing larger and ever more violent with each arch passed. By the time the sphere leaves the "barrel" the sphere has grown from about the size of a guinea pig to a roiling beachball of furious energies struggleing against what binds them. When it impacts the environment or a foe, the sphere expands and conforms to an area of 6 meters by 6 meters. On reaching full size, the storm begins, a full-blown tropical typhoon filled with extreme (and rather loud) localized weather phenomena. When it's time is done, the distinct outline of the sphere suddenly disappears, causing the clouds, wind, rain and fog to linger for a few moments before quickly evaporateing themselves.

"Basic" Description:

Ripped from an undersea battlefield somewhere in the oceans of Miranda, the Chichikchun (as it identifies itself when interfaced with a machine) appears to be a converted terraforming device ripped from an invasion vessel by some (there appear to have been several) enterprising Tenno of yesteryear for use as an anti-personnel weapon. Projecting artificial atmospheric bubbles containing catastrophic weather phenomena with but a fraction of the energy reserves it had while mounted, it is frightful to consider what a "true blast" would have looked like during the Old War.


An aside folks, as of yesterday, I am a full-blown graduate!

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A launcher that shoots weather?!

...Ten outta ten for concept alone. This takes me back to Borderlands 2 when all I wanted was that shotgun that shot tornadoes. Or alternatively one of the modded versions that EFooly made that combined it with the Conference Call or shot four at once. Fun stuff.

18 hours ago, Unus said:

Fitting with the Sentient aesthetic, the Chichikchun's main platform resembles a strip of bacon in several aspects, well marbled with "fatty white" and "meaty red""skin" in long flowing lines along it's top surface.

"Bacon makes you better at everything, just life in real life."
--Monday Night Combat devs.

So, it's a weather cannon that looks like bacon. This is an absolute winner.

And hey, congratulations on graduating!

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On 2018-12-13 at 5:45 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Either of these two. I personally make a lot of machineguns, and I was considering making another Soma-inspired one...

But I've decided on something else for the moment. Gotta shake things up for me and the readers. Anyway, onto the meat of this updort:

As usual, the level of thought that you've put into this is astounding. The amount of artwork for all of this would easily equal one of my Art Dumps. This has a level of complexity rivaling the average zaw system, and you know I'm a sucker for more cultures in the Origin System. 

I'm intrigued by the way you were willing to play with stats here. I'm reminded of how I just decided to give the Bruin a "first shot" bonus.

Anniyan: ...Waiting 7 seconds between shots seems like... well, a lot. I am still intrigued, I'm just worried about how unresponsive that might feel. 

Etranje: Ooh. This sounds fun. It's like a jungle staticor!

Allodapus: ...Selectively bred researchers? Well, why not. Wouldn't be unlike the Orokin to do that. Not sure increased zoom stands out compared to them, unless it's an extra zoom mode like on the Veldt, but do more with this tribe. I insist.

Kheryxuati: The tribe looks awesome. I really dig. This crossbow's effect sounds hella dope. I used to play a lot of Enter The Gungeon (not as much anymore) and one of my favorite things to do was getting a gun with overpenetration and remote bullets, and just creating a storm of projectiles that circle around enemies. I made some REALLY silly things in that game.

Will probably get to more sooner, but for now I'm low on time. 

Heh, one of my biggest thought sessions since I made the Free M.O.A. front and all it's wares. Need to get back to their vendors at some point for quote management. Shucks is all I can say about your compliments, heh, it's just a natural part of me to be a man of excruciating detail.


"Play with stats"? Sorry, my brain is going a bit fuzzy on what you could mean here.


Ah, that's just to get the bonus bit of oomph. You can still semi-auto ""spam-fire"" it if the need arises and something needs to die quick. Still, Mr. Crow brought up the possibility that fire-rate upgrades could potentially decrease wait time. Given your equal responses, I may very well nip-tuck it in there.


Heh, closest equivilants always popping up.


That's fair. In truth, I was more thinking of the seer's natural mega-zoom effect, though, could always try a "viewfinder link" approach to it.

As for the tribe itself? Been mulling over a few possibilities lately, think I might dabble in the possibility of a "dual shield" with a linking damage reduction effect. Came to me before my graduation day, at church, when I was watching the priest walk across to the podium.

Heh, thanks, they have a much longer and detailed story in my "Bible" as it were, but, figured the gun needed only the essential background deets. They all do. I'd actually been looking at this one recently and then, it hit me, do you remember Oddworld:Stranger's Wraith?

And take your time. Got plenty of it on my end.

On 2018-12-17 at 10:42 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

A launcher that shoots weather?!

...Ten outta ten for concept alone. This takes me back to Borderlands 2 when all I wanted was that shotgun that shot tornadoes. Or alternatively one of the modded versions that EFooly made that combined it with the Conference Call or shot four at once. Fun stuff.

"Bacon makes you better at everything, just life in real life."
--Monday Night Combat devs.

So, it's a weather cannon that looks like bacon. This is an absolute winner.

And hey, congratulations on graduating!

Heh, just the thought of this thing being fired at a world, no matter what kind, and, for a few moments, to have its surface completely doused in a monsoon, a hurricane, tornados, the works. I can almost see it as a reason why very few "Dust-Space" Orokin cities made it out into the modern day intact.


Heh, I think I remember testing that game out at one point. Clones fighting in an entertainment debt arena with a less-then-scrupulous announcer who had to pay massive alamony payments off doing the job, right?

I simply had no other way to describe my mental imagery beyond reducing it to such basic terms. It frustrates me, but, if it helps others see the schtuff I see in my mind, I figure implementation of it stings much less then confused stares or skipped entries.


Thanks! I've actually been a graduate for the past several months, but, they had to calculate a certain grade I had down to a percentile point to see if I passed or failed, found out the day before proper graduation started. They woulda let me do it then, but, my record-hungry family woulda lynched me for skipping em over.


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Just dropping in to wish all my readers a very happy holidays and to give you folks an assurance that, no, I've not given up on the Pit. The Psikata has been progressing along quite well recently, its just that I recently acquired a very large pile of new things, games being a large highlight among them, so I've been kinda. . .sorta. . . waylaid?
Rest assured, i'll be back on schedule before ya know it!

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                                      Post 490

(Conceived circa December 8th, 2018, somewhere between the hours of 12:00 and 15:00.)

This one was a truly inspired piece, in part thanks to Nyx's minor update re-reving my urge to collect information and causing me to drink deep from the well of the pseudo-science of Psychic abilities! Can't wait to show you folks.


Designation= Psikata

Weapon Designation= Secondary.

Manufacturer: Orokin, limited production run out of a lab on Eris prior to the sudden death of all involved in it roughly around the same time. Finished models and the means of production were seized by Tower-affiliated forces in the decades following the "sudden depopulation", the Infested's claiming of the surface erasing all else that remained behind.

Statistical Breakdown:

Components= Psikata Core, Psikata Bracer, Psikata Field Manipulator.

Trigger= "Auto".

Damage= "Unarmed Tenno" Damage (How much we deal during an Alad V escape naturally.) Enhanced By One-Handed Weapon Values.

Critical Chance= "Unarmed Tenno". (E.B.O.H.W.V.).

Critical Chance= "Unarmed Tenno".(E.B.O.H.W.V.).

Status Chance= "Unarmed Tenno". (E.B.O.H.W.V.).

Projectile= "Hitscan".

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= "Unarmed Tenno". (E.B.O.H.W.V.) ((Done as a one-handed punch with each swing in it's basic form.))

Magazine Size= 9 swings till particle release (magazine decreased by one every time a digit is added to it's Damage Distribution ("10 + 90 = 100, therefore, minus 1.").

Reload Speed= 1.0 (Grasp crystal nodule in center and pull outwards with index and middle finger until crystal's full length is revealed, grasp crystal and twist left and then right, crystal will then spin for a few moments before letting out a blast of particles (energy colored) from hidden pores located in the mind-computer's sulci, particles then float quickly through the air and enter the reservoir at the top of the bracer, crystal stops spinning and sinks back into core, assume firing stance.) 

Polarity= Naramon.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 7.

Special Trait(s):

Telekinetic Propulsion= 

When in air, if an attack is aimed and fired at the ground before landing, then continue previous jump. If user has fallen 30 meters < N meters, then deal Impact damage to user equal to excess meters to health.

Overriding the safety limiters on the Psikata was considered a fun pastime by bored workers at the facility back in the experimental stage of production. Without realizeing it, they became subjects of secretive yet intense study due to their unorthodox uses of the device. The research promptly dried up when many of said interns became dead or crippled by the reason why the limiters existed, the gauntlet's response to overt stress being to constrict at a p.s.i. equal to whatever the device struck as the wielder's moved at speed. Daredevil leaps from tall objects being restricted soon became a part of the lab's charter.

Remote Melee Combat= 

If the user is wielding a one-handed melee weapon alongside the Psikata, then integrate it's statistics over the standard version. Subtract 1 "round" from the magazine for each extra digit added to it's statistics.

 The absolute last innovative breakthrough the lab prior to the Tenno's blind fury rendering any new developments nonexistent was in "weapon visualization". By allowing the hand-held computer to tap further into the nervous system beyond the body itself into what the body is interacting with, the quantum particle field linked to the gauntlet can roughly mimic the  general shape, size, and damage profile of a held melee implement. Further expansion was planned for increases in everything from distance, to complexity, to even the potential for constructs that could mimic firearms. All of these potentials are lost to the world now, in blood to the Tenno, in data to the Sentry, and in memory to the Infested.


The weapon comes in two seperate parts that work together in concert. Without one, the other is functionally a worthless bauble. The first and most valuable portion is the Psikata Core, a jade-green technological item in the shape of a human brain with a red gemstone embedded towards the top of the prefrontal cortex, where the forehead would be. 3 smaller gems dot the very front of the device, ascending up towards the main one. These gems are the aestheticly pleasing components of the regulatory computer needed to generate quantum-entangled particles. The main gem can extend a fair distance out of the socket, acting as the activation knob for the necessary coolant release that keeps the weapon's internal breeder reactor from melting down fully. The actual coolant in question(liquified gas carbon dioxide) is stored in tiny pores that honeycomb between the "brain's" folds, just out of view. When they open up, vented steam is blasted through the pores, causeing a wafting vapor cloud of spent coolant and steam to mushroom forth from all sides. After this process is completed, the entangled particles move through these same pores and float into the reservoir at the top of the bracer, before sealing once more and refilling the pores from internal reserves. Holstering the weapon simply involves putting the core in/on a holster point, as the bracer does not come off without significant effort the heat of battle doesn't allow for.

The bracer in question is simple in design, but not in material. A length of swordflesh (fed twice a week via nutrient injection), stretches along the arm from itje shoulder, where the flesh is tightly wrapped around it, conforming organically to any user it is attached to. The flesh leaves wide gaps between anchor points (particularly around the joints), showing the user's skin below. The skin is white and supple like leather at the joints, but is calloused and golden at the long ropey sections, reflecting a familiar color scheme. The skin culminates at a mass of tryptophobia-induceing skin, above the knuckles. It is here where the white-green (energy colored) particles enter, causing veins of energy to surge through the sword-skin before quieting. In battle, when swings are made with the arm houseing the bracer, the arm surges in a similar fashion timed with the swing, all while a faded energy-colored phantom image made up of the same particles appears a distance away and perfectly mimics every motion  before quickly fadeing away. One-handed weapons wielded with the bracer and core togethor appear in the same vague and distorted manner.

"Basic" Description:

   "A spin-off project, created from information gained studying Nyx-class Warframes in the field, this entanglement generator and arm-brace together allow a user to manipulate the world from a distance."

It was INCREDIBLY frustrating that I've been unable to find the unarmed combat stats I need to truly bring the weapon into the fold, but, it didn't stop my hunger for shareing, heh.


What'll it be next folks?

The small multi-mag machine gun?

The buzzer throwing knives?

Could it be my slow-brewed wire-beast Infested (name pending)?

What about a pair of shields (or, rather, a shield and a shield with a hand handle on it.

Or, perhaps it'll be my substitute-for-actual-manpower Grineer robot, brought forth courtesy of a toss-away bit of conversation from Mr. Wolf?

ALL up to you folks!

(And a happy holidays to all!)

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 12/26/2018 at 3:10.
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OH and, uh, even if there's no commentary needed for my current piece, the question at the very bottom remains important. It used to be so rare for me to get so "backed-up" with ideas like this, don't know how I feel about it.

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