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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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1 hour ago, Unus said:

OH and, uh, even if there's no commentary needed for my current piece, the question at the very bottom remains important. It used to be so rare for me to get so "backed-up" with ideas like this, don't know how I feel about it.

I like the "Wire-beast" thing, but I'm intrigued by what you could mean by the robot thing...

Also I love how alien the Psikata is here. With such large numbers of the Tenno/Orokin arsenal being guns, bows, and moderately recognizable melee weapons, it's fun to see something that feels this unique. Also the details of how people used it in the lab are pretty funny - they remind me of some of the engineering shenanigans in Prey 2, like creating a snowman out of GLOO. 


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I like the "Wire-beast" thing, but I'm intrigued by what you could mean by the robot thing...

Also I love how alien the Psikata is here. With such large numbers of the Tenno/Orokin arsenal being guns, bows, and moderately recognizable melee weapons, it's fun to see something that feels this unique. Also the details of how people used it in the lab are pretty funny - they remind me of some of the engineering shenanigans in Prey 2, like creating a snowman out of GLOO. 


Hm, the Daemon, eh? Hard for me to resist, having spent some time on it's grotesque nature. Nasty mechanics applied to it of course. Beastie can manipulate security networks, infect machines, network Infested forces togethor and do something rather special, hehe.

As for the Orts-Gremlin, it was our conversation over in Mr. Crow's section involving spare parts from the Grins, made me think of what they may do in "birthing interims" when they may have plenty of parts lieing around, but, not enough bodies to slap them on. An Orts-Gremlin would be an assemblage of prosthetics rigged to a pess-poor A.I., not very fast or intelligent, but, no vitals and an unintentional sturdyness makes it work. 

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                                         Post 494

( Conceived circa 12/13/2018 between 1:52 and 1:56.)

THIS "little" horror was a fun little romp through what-if land I must say! You can thank our boys and girls at Digital for their own (likely unknowing) contribution in the form of Fortuna and it's citizens. Hehe, lovely fodde. . . I mean, fellows! Moving things along!


Designation: Daemon.

Unit Designation: Infested

"Pale death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings."                      

                   Poet Horace of Rome.


Health Type: Infested and Alloy (Typical mutated tissue, but held togethor beneath with cybernetic struts and wiring, copied off the original host.).

Health Statistics: (To.Be.Determined.By.Men.Of.Game Balance.Greater.Then.I.)

Manufacturer: The Phoroid Gestalt, in reaction to a new host organism that it has started to encounter in increaseing numbers.

"Equipment" and "Aesthetics":

Spinal cables, subdermal metallic plateing.


Disturbingly, the Daemon retains much of it's original shape, a nude potbellied human form, tinged a suffocated blue-purple, though covered in the typical nano-cyst colonies and with the skin resembleing melted candle wax. The arms and legs are unnaturally long and gangly, with sharp bits of broken metal forming crude parodies of fingers and toes adorning the tips. The limbs, body, and head are painfully distended to the human eye, as if though something has been pushed beneath the skin and occupies that space now. This gives the creature a rather gangly gait, stumbling towards and stiffly charging foes in a disturbing mix of two-legged and all fours running, making them quite evasive without actually trying to be. The head has been rendered down to a simplified skull shape (or, perhaps was remade from the body's "memories" of a head.) lacking a nose or outer ears, though the eyes remain sunken into the sockets, milky blue pinpricks of light that emit a faint orange glow in two parallel lines in the dark.

Beneath the surface of the skin in the "forehead" area, a grotesque facsimile of a circuit board resides in an organic wraparound manner, faint energy lines showing signs of processing activity despite the clear lack of any real connections or mechanisms a board requires. The top jaw sits in it's typical place, bared for all the world to see it's rough teeth, but nothing exists in the space behind it and the bottom jaw is broken downwards, split in two and merged with the neck, where a slitlike mouth orifice vertically sits, the broken jaw rubbing and twitching like insect mandibles. Similar growths line all the way down to between where the nipples once were and the slit ends, each one looking less and less like the crudely split jaw and far more like a pair of mandibles, culminating in a clearly articulated and well developed set at the bottom. Their vocalizations are largely a mix of the old Infested' (from back before the update) and various raspy howls and airy wails. The identifying Trait that truly makes it stand out on the battlefield is the multiple open ports in the spinal region, each one filled with writhing cables in a nasty medusa's hair style. Each one is tipped with a strange barb, covered in "circuitry" and resembleing a USB-drive, but, with the metal edges serrated and sharpened. These multipurpose tools erupt from the ports either singly or in a still-tangled fury (causing the pot-gut to distend slightly less when they emerge fully) to do their dark work, still allowing the creature to function as a combat unit.


Uncommon as they may be, these chittering killers don't shy away away from close combat so long as they have the backing of an infested group behind them. If they do not, the creatures will actively attempt to "recruit" or "make" more by driving their cables into enemy machines and hijacking them after a short period of connection. If the hacked unit stays alive long enough, it will promptly "explode" in an volatile-like cloud of meat and metal, revealing a brand new Infested m.o.a. or Osprey in it's place. If there are no allies on the present battlefield, the daemon will simply plug into the nearest m.o.a. cabinet or console and bring forth more, though it will be limited to moving and attacking in a very short radius while plugged in. In large groups engaging foes at close range, daemons will center themselves in the middle of the pack and expel a significant amount of tendrils, causing those allies connected to flinch for a moment as though influenced by the impact effect before resuming normal functioning, though they are now limited to remaining in the range of the cable unless the daemon releases them by retracting the cable.

In this state, any status effects inflicted upon one of them will have a high chance it's effect will be "flipped" and will slowly spread among those connected if left alone for to long. In all cases, individuals with keen eyes and steady aims (or simply devestateing area effects) can sever the cables and interrupt the creature's various schemes, though these can rile the daemon and send them into a fast-swinging fury before calming down.

"Flipped" Bonus Effects List=

Impact= Stagger-Resist.

Puncture= Damage-Boost.

Slash= Regeneration.

Fire= Regeneration.

Electric= Stun-Resist.

Toxic= Regeneration.

Frost= Movement Speed+.

Radiation= Inflict Rad on Attack.

Corrosive= Armoring.

Magnetic= Shielding.

Viral= Health+.

Explosive= Knockdown Resist.


"Basic" Description:

As the Corpus in the Anyo-Tech branch of Conglomerate society slowly began to use their vassal state of Fortuna more and more as even cheaper and even more disposable labor then the carefully bred citizen-soldiers under their control, it was well and truly inevitable that some of these unfortunate wage-slaves would meet their ends at the myriad gripping appendages of the Phoroid Gestalt. Their uniquely augmented nature appears to have triggered an exotic response in the hive mind's processing of their bodies, as analysis of residue left behind from the resulting creatures has revealed traces of both the original strain and the mutualist strain cohabitating in equal measure, a strange co-operative measure for the normally single-minded hive-mind. Uncommonly encountered, these so-called "daemons", are absolutely terrifying for shipbound crews, as their unique mutations allow them to interface with ship controls and wreck havoc among crews as they instinctively disrupt life support systems, corrupt security systems, and isolate crew members for easy pickings. Just cornering the creature isn't enough to stop the chaos, as they are more then well-prepared to defend themselves from interference, sometimes summoning the very ship's own defenses to defend itself behind closed doors.


I was originally gonna make this beast a bit more small, scrappy and evasive, inhabiting the bodies of Infested silently in the midst of the swarm doing roughly the same things, but, I feel that that may not have been very entertaining or contributive to "OH SHET" moments. Had to upgrade it a bit with a bit more gravitas. Also had to make it a bit less "wirey octopus" and a bit more humanoid when I thought about animations for it.

Hope this scruff continues to have SOME kind of quality to it! Onwards to the next foe!


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Just dropping in with a quick bombing run of "HAPPY NEW YEARRSSSSSS FOLKS!"

Against all odds and with no seemingly logical reason behind it, here I am still, somehow even richer then I was before in the form of three new compatriots to support me and for me to support.

Frankly, i'm completely and utterly shell-shocked that, even after 2-going-on-three years and several increasingly more talented individuals cropping up, folks continue to come around my chixulub-sized crater with it's esoterically illegible scribbleings, and yet, that "view-ticker" continues to jump up by double digits every time I have something to publish.

I'm almost tempted to ask what folks actually see in my work, or, if its just the fact I occasionally have something new to post and I've accidentally been harnessing the power of exploiting peoples curiosity (I. . . .could that second one be true? I. . . uh. . . .oh dear. . . I. . . I may need to lie down. . .), but, as my previous revelation attests, that may be a blackhole that would be dangerous to explore.

End result of this cavalcade of consciousness I suppose? My eternal gratitude for your viewership remains for you all, commentators and associates and silent observers alike (And maybe victims? Oh lord this is gonna haunt me. . . . .) and I hope folks new and old enjoy what is to come and what I have made in the past.

(Oh, and, one little detail that I don't think I've ever clarified. When I make a design, I don't do it because i'm "farming for likes", I do it to discuss it with others here and hear how I can improve them. Likes are only for those points where I make something that is truly noteworthy, something I should keep in mind for the future constructionwise.)

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

I'm almost tempted to ask what folks actually see in my work, or, if its just the fact I occasionally have something new to post and I've accidentally been harnessing the power of exploiting peoples curiosity (I. . . .could that second one be true? I. . . uh. . . .oh dear. . . I. . . I may need to lie down. . .), but, as my previous revelation attests, that may be a blackhole that would be dangerous to explore.

You have a great amount of vision and imagination, and it's very captivating.

There, I gave you an answer. 😛

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                                    Post 497

(Conceived circa 12/23/2018, time unknown (unfortunately).).

GODDEM folks! Ever since I discovered this note-taker function on me phone, a hellmouth has opened and a steady stream of men, monsters and munitions have come vomiting out of it. Try as I might to keep up, I'm about 5 concepts behind now at least! Thank goodness I did some consolidation beforehand. May need more communal votes now though, due to the sheer number of branches sprouting from my mind-tree. Anywhooooo. . . 


Designation: Orts Gremlin (A Steel Meridian Designation, G.E. forces call them "Gear Walkers" due to largely being made of field equipment.)

Unit Designation: Grineer

"As we begin to internalize the technological kingdoms we have built, as we become more superhuman, what will differentiate us from machinery?

- Natasha Tsakos, Conceptual Director.


Health Type: Alloy and Robotic.

Health Statistics: Very High, potentially surpassing even the bombard's generous amount.

Manufacturer: N/A (While there are no manuals and no mandated regular practices when it comes to constructing Orts-Gremlins, the Grineer's careful mental programming of it's care-taker class means that it resolves the issue by accident. Similar minds running into a similar issue reaching similar conclusions, self-regulated across generations.)

Equipment and Aesthetics:

1 Grakata or Hind, A Tough Punch-Through-Proof Armored Shell, A Lack of Concentrated Vital Points, Monomaniacal Programming.

Despite it's ramshackle design and simplistic form, the Orts-Gremlin is significantly more durable then it appears. A set of gunner leg prosthetics hold up what amounts to it's "main body", a pair of "armor-upped" rollers one on top of the other and joined in the middle by a bent "double-funnel" flexible rubbery structure filled with snarls of wording and metal reinforcement that allows it to hold itself up and turn its torso to properly aim and fire at foes in an "organic" fashion. Two neural sensors have been installed into both rollers, orientated in a manner to suggest being eye-equivilants and with the bottom set being flipped upside down. The top set focuses on enemies and objects of interest, while the bottom set monitors oncoming terrain and the unit's footing, never straying from it's assigned task. The arms are skeletal, tactile yet stiff due to the lack of a plastic or skin coating.

In these hands is either a grakata or a hind, dynamically switching between holding with both hands when backing up or standing still and holding the weapon single-handed when advanceing, still capable of landing lethal shots thanks to a lack of bodily movement disrupting aim. In some areas of the arm, lancer plateing or pieces thereof have been wedged wherever they will fit or welded on in order to afford the machine at least some further semblance of protection. The shoulder points are protected by soldered-on strips of shieldsman shield sticking up well past their protective areas and achieving a notable silhouette at a distance. They move slowly with stiff tottering steps, but will slowly speed up the longer they move in a straight line, their momentum carrying them forward. Colorwise, everything has retained it's innate material color, making the Orts-Gremlin an eyesore of patchwork blotches of various materials, from marine camouflage and shield brown to white steel and sensor yellow.



Simple in the extreme, Orts-Gremlins tend to keep to predetermined patrol routes in their assigned areas and continually walk them for as long as there isn't an alert state. Even being seen by one isn't a guarantee of failure, as they have a very simple "out of sight, out of mind" I.F.F. I.D. system, meaning a few seconds out of view will make them reset to their predetermined programming. Once the alarms go off though? The great and bulky junk-bots will promptly organize into fireteams and neatly go spot by spot searching any nook and cranny they can find. Unfortunately, they still remain marred by their "see and shoot" programming. In combat, Orts-Gremlins are direct and to-the-point, ignoring their surroundings and all damage inflicted on them or others and favoring the "relentless advance" as their combat "tactic" of choice. Unnaturally hardy due to the sheer undifferentiated nature of parts in it's form, there is no real way to land either a critical hit or a "headshot" on one. On the brighter side, because so much of their processing power (almost all of it being located in the bottom roller's systems) is dedicated to walking properly, disrupting an Orts-Gremlin off it's footing is extremely effective for the first three times before very basic machine learning kicks in. Be warned though, even on the floor, they can still shoot quite well, though the need to reboot the second computer at the time means that their detection range is reduced, making it an excellant time to slip by unnoticed. When slain while on their feet, the bot will enter a "t-pose" state and convulse while emitting a series of sparks and scrambled computer static before entering the rag-doll state and falling as it will.

"Basic" Description:

Inevitably, in the vast wars of grinic expansionism that cover the empire's length and breadth, there are points where their soldier's numbers wear thin. Between birthing intervals where the womb vats make ready for disgorgeing a new horde, the facilities are quite vulnerable, still garrisoned heavily, yet only by typical workers-turned-militia units. Not wanting to lose valuable infrastructural assets to enemy forces (especially in the aftermath of the Tubeman Massacre.) some of the cannier militia teams decided that, if they were unable to accelerate the birth-rate to even greater speeds or have the capacity to have even greater combat ability designed  in them from-birth, they must instead fill the gap with soldiers they made themselves. While it is unclear which crèche holds the honor of the first Orts-Gremlin coming online (Or if it may have even occurred in parallel on the same front somewhere out in the war-torn territories , what IS clear is that preliminary first strikes against birthing vats have become exceedingly harder to carry out, as the "first-contact" teams of Steel Meridian can attest. Despite being made from whatever junk happens to be on hand at the time and despite it's less then optimal processing power (the roller double-core design DEFINITLY won't be passing many Turing Tests), the "Orts-Gremlin" benefits considerably from the natural hardiness of Grineer equipment, dieing hard and dieing cheap, it's parts inevitably recycled into the next unit, or finally destined for the troops it was made for. Indeed, for, once birthing is complete and the new marching generation is born, the Orts-Gremlin is meticulously disassembled and it's parts returned to the arm forces in one way or another, as the machines are only a temporary measure.


And there we have it folks, my new inspired piece for the Grineer, partially to show how far they've come technologically speaking, and partially as another nasty cog in the Empire's war machine. Through marking them, I kinda ended up envisioning them as spy mission enemies with a bit more flavor to em. Yes, yes, I know I've essentially crafted them with bullet-spongeing aspects, but, it was a part of the mental imagery that I was handed, weirdly inseperable, despite some actual attempts.


Anywho, where to next folks? 

Will it be the compact multi-loader machine gun?

What about the old grinic anti-tank rifle?

How about the  Buzzer throwing knives?

The "Infesto-Collection" of Corpus security equipment "gone native"?

The "defensively pacifist" shielding shields?

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?

Up to you folks, I'm still giddy I have a "busy list" myself, was always afraid I'd have to give the place up to soon.


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On 2019-01-01 at 1:32 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

You have a great amount of vision and imagination, and it's very captivating.

There, I gave you an answer. 😛

And now, with my latest piece complete, I can finally answer with:

Oh. . . uh. . . really? I uh. . . I hear people compliment sometimes on the imagination bit, that makes a bit of sense, but, captivating vision? That's. . . wow, uh. . . huh. I. . . I don't really know what to say. . . uh. . . thank you?

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Alright folks, I've been mulling this over for several hours now and, after some frustrateing mental knot untieing, I think I found a way viewers can help me out without having to commit themselves to regular visitations.


At the bottom of the Orts-Gremlin posting up above, within it's own seperate text box, I have listed all my currently-in-production new items for the Pit.

(Addendum = You know. . . maybe I should transplant the list here. . . oof.)

Will it be the compact multi-loader machine gun?

What about the old grinic anti-tank rifle?

How about the  Buzzer throwing knives?

The "Infesto-Collection" of Corpus security equipment "gone native"?

The "defensively pacifist" shielding shields?

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?


If you could take but a moment of your collective times arrangeing these items in order from most desired to least, I can ensure a steady production schedule without bothering you folks with endless questions of what to do next.


You can quote each sentence, you can post what number it comes up in the list as, you can even type in the "T.I.P." name, it's all up to you there, all I ask is for it to be arranged vertically.


With your help, we can ensure that I only post posts of actual quality and cut down on needless "spam posting", thus allowing others to properly sit on the front page without rude introduction.


(If you got this far, thank you for at least taking the time to read my message. If you skipped down here. . . uh. . . happy post New Years?.)

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(Edited the post up above to actually include the list, as opposed to making folks jump through the hoop of actually getting to the bottom of my Orts-Gremlin unit page.

Ugh. . . this is exactly what I'm holding to prevent.)

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On 2018-12-29 at 10:14 PM, Unus said:

Designation: Daemon.

I actually twitched with disgust when reading that description, holy moly man. This is the good stuff (in a very ugly way, but that's the point).

Also a very cool unit idea, too. I like the status reversal.

21 hours ago, Unus said:

Designation: Orts Gremlin (A Steel Meridian Designation, G.E. forces call them "Gear Walkers" due to largely being made of field equipment.)

Ayy, that's a solid idea. I like more Grineer robots anytime. If they can make those giant data-vaults in spy missions, they can make okay-ish AI, is my opinion. Also, makes for a cooler sentry than the over reused balloons.

4 hours ago, Unus said:

Pizza..., I mean, Vote time!

Let my Gavel ring justice off your thin, tin skull!

Which would be this: 

14 hours ago, Unus said:

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?


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4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

I actually twitched with disgust when reading that description, holy moly man. This is the good stuff (in a very ugly way, but that's the point).

Also a very cool unit idea, too. I like the status reversal.

Ayy, that's a solid idea. I like more Grineer robots anytime. If they can make those giant data-vaults in spy missions, they can make okay-ish AI, is my opinion. Also, makes for a cooler sentry than the over reused balloons.

Let my Gavel ring justice off your thin, tin skull!

Which would be this: 


Heh, it seems I have a gift for "horrors from beyond", though, strangely, I don't plan them as much as I describe them from mental visualization, they seem to "make themselves" as it were. . . oh my.

Thanks! I figured that while both the Sentients and the Infested have adaptations in their natures, they go about it in different ways. Whereas Sentients learn to resist negative influences, the Infested take the negative and bend it into a positive.

Cold machines kill them? Make the machine's theirs. Skin boils from toxins? Send enough bodies until one mutates to feed off it, that sorta deal.


Yeahhhh, I figured they'd at least be worth placement in the Sea Labs as vault guards, simple as they may be. Could even be a unique randomized encounter system, where you "catch them with their pants down" and it's mostly machine forces guarding with some scattered drudges, waiting for the new batch to come through.


Huh, you know, I'd actually forgotten old Rukky Boy's quote for a bit. Go figure!

Did the other weapons not really make the list and only the g.g. stood out, or. . .?


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9 hours ago, Unus said:

Did the other weapons not really make the list and only the g.g. stood out, or. . .?

Oh I was supposed to order them all up? My bad.

Let's go with this then:

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?

The "Infesto-Collection" of Corpus security equipment "gone native"?

The "defensively pacifist" shielding shields?

How about the  Buzzer throwing knives?

Will it be the compact multi-loader machine gun?

What about the old grinic anti-tank rifle?

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7 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Oh I was supposed to order them all up? My bad.

Let's go with this then:

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?

The "Infesto-Collection" of Corpus security equipment "gone native"?

The "defensively pacifist" shielding shields?

How about the  Buzzer throwing knives?

Will it be the compact multi-loader machine gun?

What about the old grinic anti-tank rifle?

AH! My path is a bit clearer now! Thank you! If I could just get a few others to show me similar lists so I can adjust accordingly. . .


7 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Also, it's New Tyl Regor's quote, not Ruk's.

AH, dem it, forgive me, his was "You ever get hammered in that suit?", right? 

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9 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

I'm so sorry, but that one is Lech Kril's...

Dem it! I really need to go on a stalker murder-b induceing boss rush in the future and reacquaint myself with the cast! I might have spent way to much time fishing and kitgun tweaking.

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On 2018-12-31 at 10:55 PM, Unus said:

I'm almost tempted to ask what folks actually see in my work, or, if its just the fact I occasionally have something new to post and I've accidentally been harnessing the power of exploiting peoples curiosity (I. . . .could that second one be true? I. . . uh. . . .oh dear. . . I. . . I may need to lie down. . .), but, as my previous revelation attests, that may be a blackhole that would be dangerous to explore.

I can't speak for others, but the main reason I constantly keep checking in on this is just the sheer scope of your creations, and the stories behind them. Everything you've made has a story, it has a purpose. It feels Alive! You pour your heart into everything, and it shows! 

P. S. For you consideration, The personal preference of your current suggestion list.

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?

The "Infesto-Collection" of Corpus security equipment "gone native"?

What about the old grinic anti-tank rifle?

Will it be the compact multi-loader machine gun?

How about the  Buzzer throwing knives?

The "defensively pacifist" shielding shields?


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15 minutes ago, KiTeer said:

I can't speak for others, but the main reason I constantly keep checking in on this is just the sheer scope of your creations, and the stories behind them. Everything you've made has a story, it has a purpose. It feels Alive! You pour your heart into everything, and it shows! 


Aaaamen to that brotha.

I stand by what I said. It's not just stats, it's a story.

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                                      Post 510

(Conceived circa 1/2/2019 between the 15:33-15:34 transitional period.)

Huh, a throwback weapon. You know you've really made a massive amount of material when you start digging back into it and start finding new ideas hideing in the old. That, and, reading an old book brought back memories of a few oddball weapons. Lets see if this dredging resulted in something worthy, eh?


Designation: Lucair.

Weapon Designation: Melee, Gunblade Type.


Manufacturer: The Comissionary Order of Judati, a "behind curtains" handler organization of the Judati sleeper guard. Willing baseline human volunteers (they "take" to the program much easier that way) carefully programmed with Orokin law enforcement principles and seeded among the populace, remembering and "reactivateing" only when a special broadcast is sent out. Unlike it's cousin, the Aquitas, the Lucair is strictly Orokin forged for the "legitimate public face" of the hidden force, the Piti Officers.

Components: Lucair Handle, Lucair Head, Lucair Mechanism.

Statistical Breakdown:

Normal Damage= 63 Puncture, 27 Impact on melee strike. 9 Puncture and 1 Impact on shot. +20 Puncture and + 40 Slash per morphic crystal in target on being struck with this weapon.

Slide Damage= 200.

Attack Speed= 0.95.

Critical Chance= 20%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

Status Chance= 10%.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 8.

Polarity= Madurai

Stance= Vazarin

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):

Punitive Resonance =

If target is impaled by morphic crystals, then guarantee a critical damage attack. Double critical damage per crystal embedded. Crystals fall out of target every 5 seconds.

Even as a weapon of last resort, the Lucair is precisely engineered to ensure that a fatality will occur exactly on the wielder's terms, and not by the random hand of fate. The unstable morphic crystals the weapon projects will only detonate on contact with it's projecting weapon, meaning that the burden of the most gruesome fatalities lies squarely on the head of the wielder.


Like the Aquitas, the Lucair retains an "Orokin but intimidating" design to it's form. The front of the  "bronze" head consists entirely of a kubrow's head, mouth furiously agape and tongue pointed outwards sharply to form the proper blade of the hammer. This tongue is hollow, with a frosted glass top which reveals the chromatically shining steel blue (color dependent, but the chromatic effect remains) "flowing solid" form of the morphic "reservoir" inside. With proper use and care, the reservoir could last decades before running out, ending in a time-consuming process of refilling it via the hand-deconstruction of the weapon, a recurring test of commitment despite initially being a defect in the design. Recessed into the top of the head from front to back between the kubrow's ears, is a set of four "barrels" sitting side by side.

By depressing a thick trigger located where the head meets the grip on the weapon, the weapon will take a few moments to "shock shape" a sampling of morphic material for each barrel at once before firing it off with a deep vibrating "WHUM" and a visible distortion around the "barrels". Behind the head, the shaped contours of the kubrow's neck-scruff form the face of the hammer, the blunt end meant for "merciful" bludgeoning on the slight chance that an offender may be of more value to the Empire alive rather then dead (or, alternatively, to trigger an inevitably fatal "resonance spike"). The grip is made up of alternating bands of Orokin gold  and dark sandy tan, a not so subtle sign that this weapon originated from Orokin hands. 

"Basic" Description:

  A rare relic of the Orokin's opulent age, the Lucair was the symbolic weapon of choice for the Orokin's elite police force, the Piti Officers. Shaped and molded from prime "stock" (commonly a member of a community who's heroism or commitment to a cause was noteworthy), the Piti were seen as living, breathing heroes of legend, dedicated to the rule of law and the will of their glorious masters. Unsupriseingly, the viewpoint outside of directly Orokin-controlled areas was much more. . . nuanced. Strikebreakers, riot suppressors, in-field disciplinarians, the Piti were regarded as little more then machines, hollowed out of all personality and humanity to act as a vessel for Orokin justice. The reality is likely a mixture of both. 


The Lucair reflects this in many aspects. Part blunt "baton", part brutal battle pick, and part painful projectile weapon, the Lucair could easily swap between the roles of suspect neutralizer and brutal killing machine in seconds dependent on the situation at hand. Sadly, this flexibility meant little in the face of the Sentient onslaught, where Piti died by the hundreds like dogs buying time for  citizens and their masters alike to flee from cities on Earth and Mercury. Their wholesale loss and their replacement with the much more bodyguard-centric "Low Guardians" may very well have been a contributing factor to the Orokin's destruction, an early warning system and public-relations boon, lost to the fire and tumult of the Sentient War, unable to hide their master's truly aloof and cold natures from beyond the grave.


In the modern day, finding an intact Lucair is as likely as finding a living Piti Officer. The weapons required devoted maintainence on the wielder's behalf, meaning that centuries of neglect inevitably lead to scattered broken parts, fit only to be made into gaudy decorations for the rich and powerful. It is likely only the Void and it's hidden foundries house what remains of the weapons, stillborn stockpiles for future generations that were never to be. Impossible to retrieve, one might say. . . at least, impossible for all but a Tenno, masters of the impossible.


Frustrateing that I got sick while working on this piece, but, I think I managed to put it all together. Naturally, there's a ell of a lot more information then what I have typed up there, but, I tried to rein it in a bit and keep it weapon-centric. Happens a lot when I make these and the story knits itself together.

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 1/9/2018 at 9:21.
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On 2019-01-07 at 3:31 PM, KiTeer said:

I can't speak for others, but the main reason I constantly keep checking in on this is just the sheer scope of your creations, and the stories behind them. Everything you've made has a story, it has a purpose. It feels Alive! You pour your heart into everything, and it shows! 

P. S. For you consideration, The personal preference of your current suggestion list.

Or maybe the "gun-gavel"?

The "Infesto-Collection" of Corpus security equipment "gone native"?

What about the old grinic anti-tank rifle?

Will it be the compact multi-loader machine gun?

How about the  Buzzer throwing knives?

The "defensively pacifist" shielding shields?


Well shet Mr. KiTeer, thank you for being a returning viewer. I actually remember seeing you "sign on" to this place as it were, one of the veterans of my endless tirades, hehe.


Thanks for the extra data point in addition to an unexpected answer from out-of-the-blue! I always enjoy better understanding who reads my work, for, there are times I wonder why anyone does considering the quality that pops up out here in Fan Concepts at times. Mr. Daemonstar's or Liger's for instance.

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                                        Post 513

(Conceived circa December 28th and 29th 2018 at 2:00 and 16:05 respectively and January 9th 2019 at 11:05.)

As I said in the previous one, it's always fun to go back and find your designs have additional layers! Big difference here is that it all came from the Daemon as it was being made, so, it was more of a parallel evolution. Evolutionary dead-end or a fun adaptation? Lets finds outs!


Designation: Mutualist Roller, Mutualist Turret, Mutualist Camera.

Unit Designation: Infested (Collectively).


Health Type= Fossilized, Infested Flesh, and Infested Flesh.

Health Statistics= (T. b.d.b.m.o.g.b.g.t.I.)

Manufacturer: The Phoroid Gestalt, usually through the influence of a daemon.

"Equipment" and "Aesthetics":

Projecting blades, caustic fluid glands/ Hyperterritorial behavior, climbing claws, automatic plasma rifle/ Extremely well-developed optics, strong gripping claws, vocalization mechanism.



The bulbous grotesqueness of a roller, now with a lovely cephalopodal flavor and theme. In place of it's inline tire, a never-ending purple-red snail foot rotates at high speed, making a "delightful" meaty slapping sound as it drives along, alongside a "comforting" high-speed oinking (0:24, on repeat in the manner of a car engine) To either side of the new "wheel", a dark cyan conchlike shell sits in place, studded with patches of metal and the occasional orange eyestalk tryptophobically peeping out from a random smattering of holes at slow speeds. In the middle of each shell is a hollow opening where, when idle, a "cute" fleshy mass slides out and rubs itself against the floor in a few swirls before rapidly recedeing inside. In combat, a spike juts out of the hollow opening to side-shred foes as it drives by, grunting and squealing angrily before retreating a short distance away and letting another "herd member" do it's driveby. Following them is exceedingly difficult, as they leave a nasty corrosive ooze trail after every "victory run" as they dispose of muscle acid and waste like pigeons attempting to fly.



Blind and rather dumb, what they lack they make up for in sheer firepower, as something in the Mutualist mixture appears to have made their internal power supplies even more potent. Four long insectile legs ending in a set of doglike toes that face each cardinal direction struggle to hold up a much-to-big ceratopsian style head frill with a pulseing bulge in the center of either side as they slowly walk through the environment. At the slightest sound being made in a room,  the jagged-toothed midsection of the frill will slide open (with a bit of lubricateing fluid stringing between the opening at times before dividing off), protrude the rather untouched gun barrel, and open-fire at the source with a rapid fire volley double that of their original gun's, complete with a deafening vulture screech (starting sound, but it only gets higher the longer it fires) and with more then enough rounds put into the general vicinity to render said source quite dead. They resume their unsteady random travel after doing so, though they can vaguely track noises that travel with their fire for a time. They live in symbiosis with Mutualist Cameras, eating their highly refined excrement for nutrition by walking upon it and absorbing it by suction when unable to access the technocytic creep.



Disturbing twin-legged horrors that bound across rooms and congregate like rats in dead ends and far off corners of rooms, cameras are maliciously deadly creatures despite their seemingly innocuous form. Two rabbitlike legs with froglike toes, bound togethor with flesh, allow the heavy creature to clumsily lope around rooms, making a light but quite distinct "shlick-CLUNK" sound as they go in addition to the constant sound of a camera lens clicking at a rapid pace. A hard insectile carapace, colored in the manner of the original camera box, largely replace's the camera's composite one, making it lighter, but, with limited improvement. Despite their weight, they are fully capable of ascending up hallway ceilings in a singular leap, albeit, less then gracefully. They commonly clump togethor with their optics off to hibernate when prey is scarce on ceilings, though, it is rare to find them this way. On having light passed over them, their eye color changes to a dark red that brightens and a pair of black sacks emerge from slots on either side of their carapace as they give forth an ear-splitting owllike scream (need I show any more?) and either bound for cover or hurl themselves at a foe before tucking themselves into their hard shells, giving them a significant damage reduction as they continue to scream. As Cameras commonly congregate near turret colonies, the end result commonly involves the room lighting up with a blaze of bright plasma fire and complimentary screams, ending with cameras bouncing up and down on the remains of a carcass, taking cookie-cutter chunks out of it with their toothy bottom-mounted mouth anuses. The effluent scat they leave behind is godly nectar to the wandering turrets, thus ensuring the population goes wherever the cameras go and giving the Phoroid at least some control over where it deploys some heavy-but-sedentary firepower


You know, I wasn't originally going to go to deeply filthy when it came to the designs, but, as always seems to happen, my creations seem take on a mind of their own and spread their own horrendous roots. Hope folks don't mind the "in-depth anatomy-and-ecology" I ended up injecting in here! Hehe.


Edited by Unus
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It's like an ecology of its own. A horrifying, Soma-esque (the game, not the LMG) ecology. This would totally work for a survival horror setting, and it adds a more unsettling element that...

Look, the Grineer are capable of scaring me because they're unstoppable juggernauts, the Corpus can scare me because of how hopeless life under them is (And the devs trying new things like with fortuna) but after the umphundred-and-ten-thousand-and-fifty-seventh time in the same Infested tilesets killing the same few enemies, the horror starts to run a bit dry. This would make me scared and unsettled again!

Also, oh God. Infested rollers. With corrosive ooze. Surrounded by Infested. That's awful, that sounds horrible to fight... which is why I love it!

Would the cameras and turrets be in revamped Infested Spy or Rescue missions?

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12 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

A super-combining hammer, huh.

Super-combining? Uh. . . . . what do. . . .  .OH, OH SHET, the NEEDLER! Goddem it, I completely forgot about Halo's blamite-projector! DEM IT, sorry about that, I look like a total copycat with my "drive in the killer nails with the vibrating death-hammer" thing, don't I . . .. agh, I really need to refresh myself on old series again soon.


15 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

It's like an ecology of its own. A horrifying, Soma-esque (the game, not the LMG) ecology. This would totally work for a survival horror setting, and it adds a more unsettling element that...

Look, the Grineer are capable of scaring me because they're unstoppable juggernauts, the Corpus can scare me because of how hopeless life under them is (And the devs trying new things like with fortuna) but after the umphundred-and-ten-thousand-and-fifty-seventh time in the same Infested tilesets killing the same few enemies, the horror starts to run a bit dry. This would make me scared and unsettled again!

Also, oh God. Infested rollers. With corrosive ooze. Surrounded by Infested. That's awful, that sounds horrible to fight... which is why I love it!

Would the cameras and turrets be in revamped Infested Spy or Rescue missions?

I have embarked on an unceasing quest to improve the Infested in as many ways as possible, dating alllll the way back to the broadside and the Infested strains. Sure, they may fall upon deaf ears, but, they exist! Bit of a mix of "How to stop them from being meat-fodder at higher levels." and "how to add even the tiniest bit of nuance to them in any real way, shape, or form.".

Heh, half the "fun" would be keeping the daemons from getting their chords on the normal rollers and making them into Mutualist rollers. Mechanized attacks by enemies suddenly become nothing more then "feeding the enemy numbers". Heh, if I could juuuusssttt mix daemon spawning with my Vector strain. . . .. . whooo boy. Real horror there. 

Oh, for sure. If theres ever a daemon out and about, expect doors getting slammed in your face, lights exploding where you walk, infected machinery coming out of every broken wall and meat-sphincter, and a turbo-fun game of "WHERE THE $&@# IS IT?!" going on as much with you as you are with it. Would love to do some "before and after" tilesets where, on one, you have to actively chase one down through a freshly attacked ship to either stop it from getting to a main command console or simply to "assassinate it", while, in the other, its a weeks-to-months-long-infested hellhouse of dim and broken lights, machinery actively stopping your approach, and, of course, the horrific interplay between the turrets, the cameras, and the bog-standard possible infested that may get drawn into the mix.


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7 hours ago, Unus said:

"how to add even the tiniest bit of nuance to them in any real way, shape, or form

Much as we might complain (before Fortuna anyway) about the Corpus getting less focus, they got NOTHING on the Infested.

7 hours ago, Unus said:

Heh, if I could juuuusssttt mix daemon spawning with my Vector strain. . . .. . whooo boy. Real horror there. 

Why not try it anyway? 😛

7 hours ago, Unus said:

the horrific interplay between the turrets, the cameras, and the bog-standard possible infested that may get drawn into the mix.

I dig it!

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